Parkland was over 6 months ago

There is a doc on UK TV right now and its quite harrowing to watch. Not just the events themselves but the aftermath and the horrific way these children were treated.

It seems like a long time ago and ,of course,there have been other mass shootings since then, There seems to be a school shooting every week.

Following the shooting Pres Trump said this:
Statement by President Trump on the Shooting in Parkland, Florida | The White House

I want to speak now directly to America’s children, especially those who feel lost, alone, confused or even scared: I want you to know that you are never alone and you never will be. You have people who care about you, who love you, and who will do anything at all to protect you. If you need help, turn to a teacher, a family member, a local police officer, or a faith leader. Answer hate with love; answer cruelty with kindness.

We must also work together to create a culture in our country that embraces the dignity of life, that creates deep and meaningful human connections, and that turns classmates and colleagues into friends and neighbors.

Our administration is working closely with local authorities to investigate the shooting and learn everything we can. We are committed to working with state and local leaders to help secure our schools, and tackle the difficult issue of mental health.

Later this month, I will be meeting with the nation’s governors and attorney generals, where making our schools and our children safer will be our top priority. It is not enough to simply take actions that make us feel like we are making a difference. We must actually make that difference.

I just wonder what measures have been put in place to prevent another Parkland ?
Aren’t you people busy banning kitchen knives and screw drivers because your gun control laws have worked so well?

Actually, their criminals are shooting each other in the ass......that is what has been going on in Britain...more guns, more shooting in the lower legs and ass...
Parkland had armed security, how they workout?
They hid. Worked out great for you.
Yes armed security hides or gets shot.
Exactly. Armed security will do nothing against a shooter with half a brain.

Obviously, if there is a security guard and someone wants to shoot up the school...who will they shoot first? They will hide the rifle out of sight, walk up to the guard, pull out a hand gun and blow his/her head off. Problem solved - he now has the run of the place.

And leaving the security 'plain-clothed' won't work. The students will quickly figure out what he is since he is not a teacher and he is not cleaning/doing paperwork.

The ONLY way security would work would be to have a minimum of two guards in every, single school. And with about 130,000 public/private elementary schools in America - that equals (if the guards get about $50K a year) $6.5 billion dollars JUST for armed guards in schools.

Fast Facts

And even then, 2 guards would not have stopped Columbine (where there were two shooters). Then you would need three guards to guard against two shooters.

Security guards are NOT the answer...something else needs to be done.

Well the flip side is you idiot loons want to arm school children with cans of corn and teachers with mini baseball bats fucking stupid is that?
It’s interesting that no other country I know of has regular school shootings. Wonder why? What do they have that we don’t?

They have armed guards in their schools. We keep law abiding gun owners off of school properties.
Aren’t you people busy banning kitchen knives and screw drivers because your gun control laws have worked so well?

You mean the gun control laws blocked by the GOP?

What gun control laws? Nothing proposed by you, hogg and the other gun grabbers would have stopped any of the mass public shootings. Do you realize that?
It seems obvious to me that gun free zones dont work unless there is a big wall around them and locked gates to keep out the nutters. If a gun free zone is surrounded by gun friendly areas then a sign on the wall wont make much difference.

But from over here it doesnt seem that there is the political will to do something. Trump talked big but it looks like he lost interest. Surely sending kids to school in the morning and welcoming them home at night should be a priority ?

They showed clips that the killer made and he looks so ordinary. But I suspect that a psychiatrist would have uncovered a mass of stuff wrong with him. Would better screening of gun buyers have made a difference ?

Gun free zones only allow bad people to bring guns to schools. What we need to do is allow parents and teachers to carry their legal guns onto school grounds, that would end school shootings. We know this because mass shooters tell us this when they are captured or when they find their notes.
Parkland had armed security, how they workout?
They hid. Worked out great for you.
Yes armed security hides or gets shot.
Exactly. Armed security will do nothing against a shooter with half a brain.

Obviously, if there is a security guard and someone wants to shoot up the school...who will they shoot first? They will hide the rifle out of sight, walk up to the guard, pull out a hand gun and blow his/her head off. Problem solved - he now has the run of the place.

And leaving the security 'plain-clothed' won't work. The students will quickly figure out what he is since he is not a teacher and he is not cleaning/doing paperwork.

The ONLY way security would work would be to have a minimum of two guards in every, single school. And with about 130,000 public/private elementary schools in America - that equals (if the guards get about $50K a year) $6.5 billion dollars JUST for armed guards in schools.

Fast Facts

And even then, 2 guards would not have stopped Columbine (where there were two shooters). Then you would need three guards to guard against two shooters.

Security guards are NOT the answer...something else needs to be done.

Well the flip side is you idiot loons want to arm school children with cans of corn and teachers with mini baseball bats fucking stupid is that?
It’s interesting that no other country I know of has regular school shootings. Wonder why? What do they have that we don’t?

A second amendment that was clearly designed ONLY for the militia...but gun bunnies have deliberately misinterpreted it to mean every schmuck should be able to own a gun to make up for being poor and/or lonely and/or stupid and/or emotionally retarded.
I have never knowingly met a gun bunny who was not AT LEAST one of those four things.
It seems obvious to me that gun free zones dont work unless there is a big wall around them and locked gates to keep out the nutters. If a gun free zone is surrounded by gun friendly areas then a sign on the wall wont make much difference.

But from over here it doesnt seem that there is the political will to do something. Trump talked big but it looks like he lost interest. Surely sending kids to school in the morning and welcoming them home at night should be a priority ?

They showed clips that the killer made and he looks so ordinary. But I suspect that a psychiatrist would have uncovered a mass of stuff wrong with him. Would better screening of gun buyers have made a difference ?
Reducing the number and lethality of guns on the street would be a step in the right direction

And I'm NOT saying we should ban guns or "grab guns".

Ban future sales of assault weapons.

We had a ten year ban and the world didn't end.

It DID however cut the number of mass shootings dramatically

You don't know what an "Assault Rifle" is, for starters. The most common weapon for mass shootings is the handgun. We had a ten year ban and still had mass shootings. It didn't cut the number of mass shootings.....why did you just pull that out of your ass and post it?

Our primary problem is a justice system that lets violent repeat gun offenders out of jail over and over again, mass public shootings are a tiny problem......yet you guys focus on it because you want to ban guns.
They hid. Worked out great for you.
Yes armed security hides or gets shot.
Exactly. Armed security will do nothing against a shooter with half a brain.

Obviously, if there is a security guard and someone wants to shoot up the school...who will they shoot first? They will hide the rifle out of sight, walk up to the guard, pull out a hand gun and blow his/her head off. Problem solved - he now has the run of the place.

And leaving the security 'plain-clothed' won't work. The students will quickly figure out what he is since he is not a teacher and he is not cleaning/doing paperwork.

The ONLY way security would work would be to have a minimum of two guards in every, single school. And with about 130,000 public/private elementary schools in America - that equals (if the guards get about $50K a year) $6.5 billion dollars JUST for armed guards in schools.

Fast Facts

And even then, 2 guards would not have stopped Columbine (where there were two shooters). Then you would need three guards to guard against two shooters.

Security guards are NOT the answer...something else needs to be done.

Well the flip side is you idiot loons want to arm school children with cans of corn and teachers with mini baseball bats fucking stupid is that?
It’s interesting that no other country I know of has regular school shootings. Wonder why? What do they have that we don’t?

A second amendment that was clearly designed ONLY for the militia...but gun bunnies have deliberately misinterpreted it to mean every schmuck should be able to own a gun to make up for being poor and/or lonely and/or stupid and/or mentally retarded.
I have never knowingly met a gun bunny who was not one of those four things.

Not this crap again......
They hid. Worked out great for you.
Yes armed security hides or gets shot.
Exactly. Armed security will do nothing against a shooter with half a brain.

Obviously, if there is a security guard and someone wants to shoot up the school...who will they shoot first? They will hide the rifle out of sight, walk up to the guard, pull out a hand gun and blow his/her head off. Problem solved - he now has the run of the place.

And leaving the security 'plain-clothed' won't work. The students will quickly figure out what he is since he is not a teacher and he is not cleaning/doing paperwork.

The ONLY way security would work would be to have a minimum of two guards in every, single school. And with about 130,000 public/private elementary schools in America - that equals (if the guards get about $50K a year) $6.5 billion dollars JUST for armed guards in schools.

Fast Facts

And even then, 2 guards would not have stopped Columbine (where there were two shooters). Then you would need three guards to guard against two shooters.

Security guards are NOT the answer...something else needs to be done.

Well the flip side is you idiot loons want to arm school children with cans of corn and teachers with mini baseball bats fucking stupid is that?
It’s interesting that no other country I know of has regular school shootings. Wonder why? What do they have that we don’t?

A second amendment that was clearly designed ONLY for the militia...but gun bunnies have deliberately misinterpreted it to mean every schmuck should be able to own a gun to make up for being poor and/or lonely and/or stupid and/or emotionally retarded.
I have never knowingly met a gun bunny who was not one of those four things.
That's because the militia are the people troll.
It seems obvious to me that gun free zones dont work unless there is a big wall around them and locked gates to keep out the nutters. If a gun free zone is surrounded by gun friendly areas then a sign on the wall wont make much difference.

But from over here it doesnt seem that there is the political will to do something. Trump talked big but it looks like he lost interest. Surely sending kids to school in the morning and welcoming them home at night should be a priority ?

They showed clips that the killer made and he looks so ordinary. But I suspect that a psychiatrist would have uncovered a mass of stuff wrong with him. Would better screening of gun buyers have made a difference ?
Reducing the number and lethality of guns on the street would be a step in the right direction

And I'm NOT saying we should ban guns or "grab guns".

Ban future sales of assault weapons.

We had a ten year ban and the world didn't end.

It DID however cut the number of mass shootings dramatically
When did that 10 year ban happen ? Is it possible to produce figures that illustrate this ?
That must be a quick win.

Here....the list of mass public shootings from anti gun, left wing, Mother Jones...the ban started in 1994..there was no change in the number of mass public you can see...

What changed? Social media....24/7 news cycle which gave shooters the fame they craved.

Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0

They hid. Worked out great for you.
Yes armed security hides or gets shot.
Exactly. Armed security will do nothing against a shooter with half a brain.

Obviously, if there is a security guard and someone wants to shoot up the school...who will they shoot first? They will hide the rifle out of sight, walk up to the guard, pull out a hand gun and blow his/her head off. Problem solved - he now has the run of the place.

And leaving the security 'plain-clothed' won't work. The students will quickly figure out what he is since he is not a teacher and he is not cleaning/doing paperwork.

The ONLY way security would work would be to have a minimum of two guards in every, single school. And with about 130,000 public/private elementary schools in America - that equals (if the guards get about $50K a year) $6.5 billion dollars JUST for armed guards in schools.

Fast Facts

And even then, 2 guards would not have stopped Columbine (where there were two shooters). Then you would need three guards to guard against two shooters.

Security guards are NOT the answer...something else needs to be done.

Well the flip side is you idiot loons want to arm school children with cans of corn and teachers with mini baseball bats fucking stupid is that?
It’s interesting that no other country I know of has regular school shootings. Wonder why? What do they have that we don’t?

A second amendment that was clearly designed ONLY for the militia...but gun bunnies have deliberately misinterpreted it to mean every schmuck should be able to own a gun to make up for being poor and/or lonely and/or stupid and/or emotionally retarded.
I have never knowingly met a gun bunny who was not AT LEAST one of those four things.

You don't know what you are talking about....... you have no clue.........
The Hodgkinson republican baseball team shooting was a little more than a yer ago. It seems that Stephen Paddock's motive (Vegas mass shooting) was about hatred toward a seemingly right wing cowboy concert but thanks to the mainstream media's sudden need to feign ignorance and forgetfulness, nobody is talking about either mass shooting. Why doesn't the U.K. want to talk about it?

The U.K. is sitting on dumb luck....they were averaging one mass public shooting every 10 years or so.....they have had almost 3 in the last few years, with dumb luck allowing them to stop the shooters before they acted....dumb luck does not show that gun control works.
They hid. Worked out great for you.
Yes armed security hides or gets shot.
Exactly. Armed security will do nothing against a shooter with half a brain.

Obviously, if there is a security guard and someone wants to shoot up the school...who will they shoot first? They will hide the rifle out of sight, walk up to the guard, pull out a hand gun and blow his/her head off. Problem solved - he now has the run of the place.

And leaving the security 'plain-clothed' won't work. The students will quickly figure out what he is since he is not a teacher and he is not cleaning/doing paperwork.

The ONLY way security would work would be to have a minimum of two guards in every, single school. And with about 130,000 public/private elementary schools in America - that equals (if the guards get about $50K a year) $6.5 billion dollars JUST for armed guards in schools.

Fast Facts

And even then, 2 guards would not have stopped Columbine (where there were two shooters). Then you would need three guards to guard against two shooters.

Security guards are NOT the answer...something else needs to be done.

Well the flip side is you idiot loons want to arm school children with cans of corn and teachers with mini baseball bats fucking stupid is that?
It’s interesting that no other country I know of has regular school shootings. Wonder why? What do they have that we don’t?

A second amendment that was clearly designed ONLY for the militia...but gun bunnies have deliberately misinterpreted it to mean every schmuck should be able to own a gun to make up for being poor and/or lonely and/or stupid and/or emotionally retarded.
I have never knowingly met a gun bunny who was not AT LEAST one of those four things.
How many have you unknowingly met, troll?
I just wonder what measures have been put in place to prevent another Parkland ?

Nothing that has gathered much media attention (which doesn't mean schools haven't done anything), as is usually the case when government is at a point that decisions and actions mean more than politics and division. It's all good when you have something fresh to fight about, but it was never really about anything other than using a tragedy to support political division.
It seems obvious to me that gun free zones dont work unless there is a big wall around them and locked gates to keep out the nutters. If a gun free zone is surrounded by gun friendly areas then a sign on the wall wont make much difference.

But from over here it doesnt seem that there is the political will to do something. Trump talked big but it looks like he lost interest. Surely sending kids to school in the morning and welcoming them home at night should be a priority ?

They showed clips that the killer made and he looks so ordinary. But I suspect that a psychiatrist would have uncovered a mass of stuff wrong with him. Would better screening of gun buyers have made a difference ?
It’s almost like our school admins are like your country’s government. Keep the guns away from the people inside but don’t do anything to protect them from the outside.
Our government , either party, is in line with public sentiment on this.Nobody wants more guns on the street.

Except you are wrong. You want more armed police to deal with more gun toting criminals....and as your crime rate continues to go up, especially violent crime, you will see public opinion on that change...
It seems obvious to me that gun free zones dont work unless there is a big wall around them and locked gates to keep out the nutters. If a gun free zone is surrounded by gun friendly areas then a sign on the wall wont make much difference.

But from over here it doesnt seem that there is the political will to do something. Trump talked big but it looks like he lost interest. Surely sending kids to school in the morning and welcoming them home at night should be a priority ?

They showed clips that the killer made and he looks so ordinary. But I suspect that a psychiatrist would have uncovered a mass of stuff wrong with him. Would better screening of gun buyers have made a difference ?
It’s almost like our school admins are like your country’s government. Keep the guns away from the people inside but don’t do anything to protect them from the outside.
Our government , either party, is in line with public sentiment on this.Nobody wants more guns on the street.
Because that’s working. And you should have less knives, screw drivers, lawn shears and sporks too. Because that gun ban cured the shit out of people being killed. Muslims don’t count though.
Cuts to the number of police has caused an upsurge.Its still better than a decade ago. We have lost 20,000 officers over the last few years along with youth and community services. There are consequences of these things happening.

But still our kids go to school in the morning and come home at night.

So do our fact, as more Americans own and Carry guns our schools have become safer than they were in the 1990s....that is a fact. Fewer deaths in our schools.....if your terrorists realize how exposed your schools are...You are going to change your minds...
There is a doc on UK TV right now and its quite harrowing to watch. Not just the events themselves but the aftermath and the horrific way these children were treated.

It seems like a long time ago and ,of course,there have been other mass shootings since then, There seems to be a school shooting every week.

Following the shooting Pres Trump said this:
Statement by President Trump on the Shooting in Parkland, Florida | The White House

I want to speak now directly to America’s children, especially those who feel lost, alone, confused or even scared: I want you to know that you are never alone and you never will be. You have people who care about you, who love you, and who will do anything at all to protect you. If you need help, turn to a teacher, a family member, a local police officer, or a faith leader. Answer hate with love; answer cruelty with kindness.

We must also work together to create a culture in our country that embraces the dignity of life, that creates deep and meaningful human connections, and that turns classmates and colleagues into friends and neighbors.

Our administration is working closely with local authorities to investigate the shooting and learn everything we can. We are committed to working with state and local leaders to help secure our schools, and tackle the difficult issue of mental health.

Later this month, I will be meeting with the nation’s governors and attorney generals, where making our schools and our children safer will be our top priority. It is not enough to simply take actions that make us feel like we are making a difference. We must actually make that difference.

I just wonder what measures have been put in place to prevent another Parkland ?
Buy more guns and ammo...
I really doubt that the solution to gun violence is having even MORE guns on our streets

Actually, 25 years of actual experience says you are wrong...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
So what has been done ?
Texas has started placing armed employees in the schools, many of them teachers.

Our children's school had armed security and metal detectors before Parkland but it's my understanding two other schools in their conference have hired armed personnel. Our children's also expanded security for who is able to be on campus, parents now have school ID we show when we visit
Parkland had armed security, how that workout?

You are a moron.

The had one armed guard for over 3,000 students and teachers and at least 12 buildings on campus....and when the shooting started, he didn't engage the shooter but stayed outside the building.
So what has been done ?
Texas has started placing armed employees in the schools, many of them teachers.

Our children's school had armed security and metal detectors before Parkland but it's my understanding two other schools in their conference have hired armed personnel. Our children's also expanded security for who is able to be on campus, parents now have school ID we show when we visit
Parkland had armed security, how they workout?
They hid. Worked out great for you.
Yes armed security hides or gets shot.

And that is a lie as the school in the other state whose armed officer stopped the attacker showed......lying is not a good thing to do brain, you really need to stop.

I just wonder what measures have been put in place to prevent another Parkland ?

A lot of school districts have hired armed guards and installed metal detectors and other security measures. A lot of schools had such security provisions BEFORE Parkland, and the numbers are increasing exponentially.

I don't see what these basic measures can't be successful, and why they would be "controversial" in the least.

Already, America protects its federal office buildings with searches and wanting, body cavity searches, etc. Why are Government School Students less valuable to the powers that be than Bureaucrats in federal buildings, and Child Molesters in the can?
I just wonder what measures have been put in place to prevent another Parkland ?

A lot of school districts have hired armed guards and installed metal detectors and other security measures. A lot of schools had such security provisions BEFORE Parkland, and the numbers are increasing exponentially.

I don't see what these basic measures can't be successful, and why they would be "controversial" in the least.

Already, America protects its federal office buildings with searches and wanting, body cavity searches, etc. Why are Government School Students less valuable to the powers that be than Bureaucrats in federal buildings, and Child Molesters in the can?
Cannon fodder.

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