Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

There's a pretty good book, also made into a movie. "Black like me" by a white journalist that hit the road in the southern states in the 1950's as a black man. He had taken some drugs and skin treatment to make himself black. It's a pretty good insight of how it is to be black in America. Some things have changed for the better since then, but reading some of these posts I see some things never change.
Those excerpts (like the one with his approval of interracial marriage) I posted where from some of his last interviews. I've read his autobiography plenty of times, but the information regarding him doesn't stop there,. Were those interviews I posted in that autobiography?

The comments and the attitude were referenced. None of those quotes negate what I pointed out, which was also from the very last days. As I've said before, I think that had he lived he would have come around, but in the end he was still a segregationist, if a less hateful one.

How does a "segregationist" approve of inter-racial marriage?

Easily. Being a segregationist does not require one to insist the rest of the world must also be segregationist. Even the crazy, stupid, cowardly 'white nationalists' that sometimes pollute this site rarely insist that everyone will act the same way they do.
Blacks on the average are a overwhelming violent species of humans, they will attack their own race and other races with much indiscretion. This is due to their high testosterone and low IQ.

Actually whites are the most violent race this planet has ever seen. They have invaded and ravished the natural resources of numerous continents all in the name of God of course. This is due to their inferiority complex regarding their lack of melanin and inability to satisfy their women.

You see how I can get ignorant?

You are as per usual WRONG. YOUR ignorance, beaten only by your racism, proves you SHOULD be listening to others- not bemoaning that fact that someones skin color should preclude their voicing good ideas.

Note that none of the wars mentioned had anything to do with religion- most were not even white or all white...but indeed Chinese; African; Malaysian; American; European etc.

One thing that the human kind was doing from the beginning of time is fighting with each other. Many times the fighting got out of hand and consumed the innocent people. Here is a list we compiled of the ten deadliest wars ever. These figures of one million or more deaths include the deaths of civilians from diseases, famine, etc., as well as deaths of soldiers in battle and possible massacres and genocide.

10 Second Congo War
Location: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Year: 1998-2003
Highest Estimate (Deaths): 3,800,000
Lowest Estimate (Deaths): 5,400,000
Percent Of The World: 0.06%–0.09%

9 Russian Civil War
Location: Russia
Year: 1917-1921
Highest Estimate (Deaths): 9,000,000
Lowest Estimate (Deaths): 5,000,000
Percent Of The World: 0.28%–0.5%

8 Dungan Revolt
Location: China
Year: 1862-1877
Highest Estimate (Deaths): 12,000,000
Lowest Estimate (Deaths): 8,000,000
Percent Of The World: 0.6%–0.9%

7Conquests of Timur
Location: Middle East, India, Central Asia, Russia
Year: 1369-1405
Highest Estimate (Deaths): 20,000,000
Lowest Estimate (Deaths): 15,000,000
Percent Of The World: 3.4%–4.5%

6 World War I
Location: Worldwide
Year: 1914-1918
Highest Estimate (Deaths): 65,000,000
Lowest Estimate (Deaths): 15,000,000
Percent Of The World: 0.8%–3.6%

5 Taiping Rebellion
Location: China
Year: 1851-1864
Highest Estimate (Deaths): 30,000,000+
Lowest Estimate (Deaths): 20,000,000
Percent Of The World: 1.6%–2.1%

4 Qing Dynasty conquest of the Ming Dynasty
Location: China
Year: 1616-1662
Highest Estimate (Deaths): 25,000,000
Lowest Estimate (Deaths): 25,000,000
Percent Of The World: 4.8%

3 Mongol Conquests
Location: Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East
Year: 1207-1472
Highest Estimate (Deaths): 60,000,000
Lowest Estimate (Deaths): 30,000,000
Percent Of The World: 7.5%–17.1%

2 An Lushan Rebellion
Location: China
Year: 755-763
Highest Estimate (Deaths): 36,000,000
Lowest Estimate (Deaths): 33,000,000
Percent Of The World: 14.0%–15.3%

1 World War II
Location: Worldwide
Year: 1939-1945
Highest Estimate (Deaths):72,000,000
Lowest Estimate (Deaths):40,000,000
Percent Of The World: 1.7%–3.1%

Top 10 Deadliest Wars In Human History
There's a pretty good book, also made into a movie. "Black like me" by a white journalist that hit the road in the southern states in the 1950's as a black man. He had taken some drugs and skin treatment to make himself black. It's a pretty good insight of how it is to be black in America. Some things have changed for the better since then, but reading some of these posts I see some things never change.

Goddamn you're a retarded person....

You don't give two shits that blacks kill twice as many whites(10 times per capita).
You don't give a damn that blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country and 90% against other blacks.:eek:

You don't or can't connect the dots that many people don't want to be around such crap.

This isn't the fucking 50's...Whites are being slaughtered for just walking down the goddamn street.
Yet kids are supposed to be respectful hard working individuals who are grateful for the sacrifices made for them by these self indulgent hedonistic adults who influence their world view. A world view that has dumb downed critical thinking to catchy one liners and leftist talking points.

The black youth have the additional burden of being told they can blame "whitey" for all of their own poor choices. They are given permission by the black community to hate whitey. They are aided and abetted in this by the ruling political class who have everything to gain by keeping the black man poor and hateful.

Yes kids nowadays have it hard due to lax parental supervision and instruction. That is a reflection of society at large and not confined to the Black community. Its a microwave society where children are not taught how to sow, tend, and then harvest. They are taught that everything should be a button push away. They are not taught to take responsibility for their failures. In fact they are criticized for failing and taught to avoid failure. The additional burden on Black youth are the attitudes of people that like to contribute the actions of some to the entire black race. That is a racist attitude. Just calling it like I see it.

No, you, are calling it like you you insist it is. My comment is hardly mainstream and PC! My comment is not the is your response to it that is. Your constant use of the term "whitey"; your insistence that because a person is white he does not get a place at the table to instruct or advise on solutions is part of the problem- NOT the solution. YOU are THE racist-
Blacks on the average are a overwhelming violent species of humans, they will attack their own race and other races with much indiscretion. This is due to their high testosterone and low IQ.

Actually whites are the most violent race this planet has ever seen. They have invaded and ravished the natural resources of numerous continents all in the name of God of course. This is due to their inferiority complex regarding their lack of melanin and inability to satisfy their women.

You see how I can get ignorant?

You are as per usual WRONG. YOUR ignorance, beaten only by your racism, proves you SHOULD be listening to others- not bemoaning that fact that someones skin color should preclude their voicing good ideas.

Note that none of the wars mentioned had anything to do with religion- most were not even white or all white...but indeed Chinese; African; Malaysian; American; European etc.

In your haste to rush to your fellow racists assistance you clearly missed that I was just giving him a little of his own medicine. I also noted that you said nothing in regard to his racist comment proving you are in fact a racist as well. i will spare you the humiliation of tearing your post apart but instead I will just refer you to colonialism and its effects on the world in general and how religion played a integral part in it.

This thread is about blacks KILLING whites at ten times per capita. Yet we're talking about shit that happened 60-70 years ago.

I guess a white person isn't worth anything to you blacks. Just a piece of skin to kill for the hell of it.
Yet kids are supposed to be respectful hard working individuals who are grateful for the sacrifices made for them by these self indulgent hedonistic adults who influence their world view. A world view that has dumb downed critical thinking to catchy one liners and leftist talking points.

The black youth have the additional burden of being told they can blame "whitey" for all of their own poor choices. They are given permission by the black community to hate whitey. They are aided and abetted in this by the ruling political class who have everything to gain by keeping the black man poor and hateful.

Yes kids nowadays have it hard due to lax parental supervision and instruction. That is a reflection of society at large and not confined to the Black community. Its a microwave society where children are not taught how to sow, tend, and then harvest. They are taught that everything should be a button push away. They are not taught to take responsibility for their failures. In fact they are criticized for failing and taught to avoid failure. The additional burden on Black youth are the attitudes of people that like to contribute the actions of some to the entire black race. That is a racist attitude. Just calling it like I see it.

No, you, are calling it like you you insist it is. My comment is hardly mainstream and PC! My comment is not the is your response to it that is. Your constant use of the term "whitey"; your insistence that because a person is white he does not get a place at the table to instruct or advise on solutions is part of the problem- NOT the solution. YOU are THE racist-

:lol: I think you are missing the point. The fact that your comments/advice are not PC is the main problem. You fail to grasp 1 simple aspect of human nature. No one wants to be criticized. This goes double when the person doing the criticizing is from a group that appears to be an obstacle to progress.

I think you have accused me of using the term "whitey" now twice. That is not a term I use. You get some good reps if you can link to where I used it even if its just once.

The problem is that you seem to be enraged that no one is consulting white people on how to fix a problem they have no frame of reference for and have actually assisted in its development. I am absolutely astounded by the audacity of your stance and utter inability to grasp that basic truth.
Actually whites are the most violent race this planet has ever seen. They have invaded and ravished the natural resources of numerous continents all in the name of God of course. This is due to their inferiority complex regarding their lack of melanin and inability to satisfy their women.

You see how I can get ignorant?

You are as per usual WRONG. YOUR ignorance, beaten only by your racism, proves you SHOULD be listening to others- not bemoaning that fact that someones skin color should preclude their voicing good ideas.

Note that none of the wars mentioned had anything to do with religion- most were not even white or all white...but indeed Chinese; African; Malaysian; American; European etc.

In your haste to rush to your fellow racists assistance you clearly missed that I was just giving him a little of his own medicine. I also noted that you said nothing in regard to his racist comment proving you are in fact a racist as well. i will spare you the humiliation of tearing your post apart but instead I will just refer you to colonialism and its effects on the world in general and how religion played a integral part in it.

Your use of the term "whitey" and your constant harangue that persons skin color should dictate their influence on solutions is PROOF of your racist make-up- not mine.

Your post that insinuated white people for religious reasosn are proof that "whitey" (your racist term) deserved to be addressed because not only its racist connotations, but because of its absolute ignorance of the facts.

No one can deny that there have been religious wars. BUT, they pale in comparison to wars fought over greed and power- as the list of the worst wars highlights

In addition- no one can deny the arrogance of colonialism- but it also had positive effects- Indeed colonists brought education and wealth to nations who were still eating one another FCOL!

Then there is the FACT that wars and brutality pre-dated colonialism. Remember it was African chieftains from the Ekba of Calaba and the Aro who sold their own enslaved blacks, from their own tribal conquests, to the colonial slave traders...slavery did not just happen in a vacuum.
You are as per usual WRONG. YOUR ignorance, beaten only by your racism, proves you SHOULD be listening to others- not bemoaning that fact that someones skin color should preclude their voicing good ideas.

Note that none of the wars mentioned had anything to do with religion- most were not even white or all white...but indeed Chinese; African; Malaysian; American; European etc.

In your haste to rush to your fellow racists assistance you clearly missed that I was just giving him a little of his own medicine. I also noted that you said nothing in regard to his racist comment proving you are in fact a racist as well. i will spare you the humiliation of tearing your post apart but instead I will just refer you to colonialism and its effects on the world in general and how religion played a integral part in it.

Your use of the term "whitey" and your constant harangue that persons skin color should dictate their influence on solutions is PROOF of your racist make-up- not mine.

Your post that insinuated white people for religious reasosn are proof that "whitey" (your racist term) deserved to be addressed because not only its racist connotations, but because of its absolute ignorance of the facts.

No one can deny that there have been religious wars. BUT, they pale in comparison to wars fought over greed and power- as the list of the worst wars highlights

In addition- no one can deny the arrogance of colonialism- but it also had positive effects- Indeed colonists brought education and wealth to nations who were still eating one another FCOL!

Then there is the FACT that wars and brutality pre-dated colonialism. Remember it was African chieftains from the Ekba of Calaba and the Aro who sold their own enslaved blacks, from their own tribal conquests, to the colonial slave traders...slavery did not just happen in a vacuum.

Dont take this the wrong way but are you drunk? A lot of your post is not making sense including your continued claim that I used the term "whitey". Its pretty simple to prove. Just link to the post I used it in again even if it was just once. Whats really amusing is that you are saying its a problem with the black community yet you believe its "our" solution. That would imply that you as a white person knows whats best. News flash. You don't. You cant even admit your attitude is a large part of the problem so how in the hell are you going to assist in finding a solution?
There's a pretty good book, also made into a movie. "Black like me" by a white journalist that hit the road in the southern states in the 1950's as a black man. He had taken some drugs and skin treatment to make himself black. It's a pretty good insight of how it is to be black in America. Some things have changed for the better since then, but reading some of these posts I see some things never change.

taking drugs was a good cover
In your haste to rush to your fellow racists assistance you clearly missed that I was just giving him a little of his own medicine. I also noted that you said nothing in regard to his racist comment proving you are in fact a racist as well. i will spare you the humiliation of tearing your post apart but instead I will just refer you to colonialism and its effects on the world in general and how religion played a integral part in it.

Your use of the term "whitey" and your constant harangue that persons skin color should dictate their influence on solutions is PROOF of your racist make-up- not mine.

Your post that insinuated white people for religious reasosn are proof that "whitey" (your racist term) deserved to be addressed because not only its racist connotations, but because of its absolute ignorance of the facts.

No one can deny that there have been religious wars. BUT, they pale in comparison to wars fought over greed and power- as the list of the worst wars highlights

In addition- no one can deny the arrogance of colonialism- but it also had positive effects- Indeed colonists brought education and wealth to nations who were still eating one another FCOL!

Then there is the FACT that wars and brutality pre-dated colonialism. Remember it was African chieftains from the Ekba of Calaba and the Aro who sold their own enslaved blacks, from their own tribal conquests, to the colonial slave traders...slavery did not just happen in a vacuum.

Dont take this the wrong way but are you drunk? A lot of your post is not making sense including your continued claim that I used the term "whitey". Its pretty simple to prove. Just link to the post I used it in again even if it was just once. Whats really amusing is that you are saying its a problem with the black community yet you believe its "our" solution. That would imply that you as a white person knows whats best. News flash. You don't. You cant even admit your attitude is a large part of the problem so how in the hell are you going to assist in finding a solution?

News flash- you yourself stated the other night that we pretty much agree with what the problem is. YOUR problem is one of arrogant idiocy. Only an idiot would deny help in solving a problem just because someones skin color's different!...Well an idiot and a racist!

Grow the fuck up and get the chip off your shoulder. The criminal and violent African Americans are the product of a dumb downed welfare state. Drug addicted adults having drug addicted babies, while their gang banging men sit in prisons- The whole stinking mess is glorified in their violent pop culture - especially in music. The pattern repeats itself with each subsequent generation- getting worse not better. This despite the millions of dollars democrats insist on throwing at it. Why is that?

I say it has a lot to do with free money instead of hard earned money AND the race hawkers who encourage unrest and hatred towards the "white man". MY ancestors were indentured slaves as were the ancestors of whole groups and untold millions of conquered peoples through-out history...BUT only the African American slave have progeny still wanting to hold onto their chains generations later!!!!!!
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OK. Now we are getting somewhere. What makes you think he changed his mind prior to meeting these people? What caused the shift in his thought process if it were not the people he met that showed they were not evil? ?

'Round and 'round he goes! :rolleyes: One more time: He had met many other 'whites' who had shown they were not evil and yet he persisted in his hatred. What was different was that he was facing ambiguity in a circumstance with which he was not familiar, being abroad, in non-English speaking environments, and trying to adapt to the actual version of the faith he thought he had been following for years. The insecurity caused by these circumstances, and what seems to have been a pattern of malleability made him available to realize what any rational adult would know without being told.

You know when you try to belittle my posts all it really does is point out your insecurity in your thoughts. Try to refrain because its starting to make me think you unworthy of debate.

I'll tell you what, you feel free to think whatever you want and I'll continue to let you know when you are chasing your own rhetorical tail, ok? See, that's what you call 'tolerance.'
To clarify you are saying the reason he changed his mind is because he was frightened of his surroundings and unsure of the validity of the faith as he was taught? You do realize that fear and insecurity actually work against arriving at new revelations?

I didn't use the term "frightened," you did. I said he was unsettled by the experience and rendered susceptible to suggestion. The shattering of the (ridiculous) views he had held so dear for so long leaving him available to reconsider all manner of long-held assumptions.
There's a pretty good book, also made into a movie. "Black like me" by a white journalist that hit the road in the southern states in the 1950's as a black man. He had taken some drugs and skin treatment to make himself black. It's a pretty good insight of how it is to be black in America. Some things have changed for the better since then, but reading some of these posts I see some things never change.

I think that guy died of liver damage from the drugs he took to alter his skin pigmentation so he would 'look black.'
Your use of the term "whitey" and your constant harangue that persons skin color should dictate their influence on solutions is PROOF of your racist make-up- not mine.

Your post that insinuated white people for religious reasosn are proof that "whitey" (your racist term) deserved to be addressed because not only its racist connotations, but because of its absolute ignorance of the facts.

No one can deny that there have been religious wars. BUT, they pale in comparison to wars fought over greed and power- as the list of the worst wars highlights

In addition- no one can deny the arrogance of colonialism- but it also had positive effects- Indeed colonists brought education and wealth to nations who were still eating one another FCOL!

Then there is the FACT that wars and brutality pre-dated colonialism. Remember it was African chieftains from the Ekba of Calaba and the Aro who sold their own enslaved blacks, from their own tribal conquests, to the colonial slave traders...slavery did not just happen in a vacuum.

Dont take this the wrong way but are you drunk? A lot of your post is not making sense including your continued claim that I used the term "whitey". Its pretty simple to prove. Just link to the post I used it in again even if it was just once. Whats really amusing is that you are saying its a problem with the black community yet you believe its "our" solution. That would imply that you as a white person knows whats best. News flash. You don't. You cant even admit your attitude is a large part of the problem so how in the hell are you going to assist in finding a solution?

News flash- you yourself stated the other night that we pretty much agree with what the problem is. YOUR problem is one of arrogant idiocy. Only an idiot would deny help in solving a problem just because someones skin color's different!...Well an idiot and a racist!

Grow the fuck up and get the chip off your shoulder. The criminal and violent African Americans are the product of a dumb downed welfare state. Drug addicted adults having drug addicted babies, while their gang banging men sit in prisons- The whole stinking mess is glorified in their violent pop culture - especially in music. The pattern repeats itself with each subsequent generation- getting worse not better. This despite the millions of dollars democrats insist on throwing at it. Why is that?

I say it has a lot to do with free money instead of hard earned money AND the race hawkers who encourage unrest and hatred towards the "white man". MY ancestors were indentured slaves as were the ancestors of whole groups and untold millions of conquered peoples through-out history...BUT only the African American slave have progeny still wanting to hold onto their chains generations later!!!!!!


Oh man.

Although one does have to admire how well you just completely ignore the poster's points, make up stuff and than continue on with a racist diatribe and regurgitated FOX talking points.

Bravo. :clap:
There's a pretty good book, also made into a movie. "Black like me" by a white journalist that hit the road in the southern states in the 1950's as a black man. He had taken some drugs and skin treatment to make himself black. It's a pretty good insight of how it is to be black in America. Some things have changed for the better since then, but reading some of these posts I see some things never change.

I think that guy died of liver damage from the drugs he took to alter his skin pigmentation so he would 'look black.'

Richards Wild Irish Rose
Your use of the term "whitey" and your constant harangue that persons skin color should dictate their influence on solutions is PROOF of your racist make-up- not mine.

Your post that insinuated white people for religious reasosn are proof that "whitey" (your racist term) deserved to be addressed because not only its racist connotations, but because of its absolute ignorance of the facts.

No one can deny that there have been religious wars. BUT, they pale in comparison to wars fought over greed and power- as the list of the worst wars highlights

In addition- no one can deny the arrogance of colonialism- but it also had positive effects- Indeed colonists brought education and wealth to nations who were still eating one another FCOL!

Then there is the FACT that wars and brutality pre-dated colonialism. Remember it was African chieftains from the Ekba of Calaba and the Aro who sold their own enslaved blacks, from their own tribal conquests, to the colonial slave traders...slavery did not just happen in a vacuum.

Dont take this the wrong way but are you drunk? A lot of your post is not making sense including your continued claim that I used the term "whitey". Its pretty simple to prove. Just link to the post I used it in again even if it was just once. Whats really amusing is that you are saying its a problem with the black community yet you believe its "our" solution. That would imply that you as a white person knows whats best. News flash. You don't. You cant even admit your attitude is a large part of the problem so how in the hell are you going to assist in finding a solution?

News flash- you yourself stated the other night that we pretty much agree with what the problem is. YOUR problem is one of arrogant idiocy. Only an idiot would deny help in solving a problem just because someones skin color's different!...Well an idiot and a racist!

Grow the fuck up and get the chip off your shoulder. The criminal and violent African Americans are the product of a dumb downed welfare state. Drug addicted adults having drug addicted babies, while their gang banging men sit in prisons- The whole stinking mess is glorified in their violent pop culture - especially in music. The pattern repeats itself with each subsequent generation- getting worse not better. This despite the millions of dollars democrats insist on throwing at it. Why is that?

I say it has a lot to do with free money instead of hard earned money AND the race hawkers who encourage unrest and hatred towards the "white man". MY ancestors were indentured slaves as were the ancestors of whole groups and untold millions of conquered peoples through-out history...BUT only the African American slave have progeny still wanting to hold onto their chains generations later!!!!!!

religious dissenters were sold to the Turks to be used as galley slaves,but it only matters if it happened to blacks
Of course Buchanan is right. How right will be proved by the ferocity of attack leveled against him.

get real. Most whites are killed by other whites and most blacks are killed by other blacks because 80% of victims of violence (Murder, Rape, Assault) are attacked by people they know.

The hysterics about a few cases of black on white crime are because White people are kind of embarrassed by the travesty that was the Zimmerman case.

So they rant about Lane, even though in Lane's case, the system worked. People were arrested, prosecuted and jailed (or will be.)

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