Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

Of course Buchanan is right. How right will be proved by the ferocity of attack leveled against him.

get real. Most whites are killed by other whites and most blacks are killed by other blacks because 80% of victims of violence (Murder, Rape, Assault) are attacked by people they know.

The hysterics about a few cases of black on white crime are because White people are kind of embarrassed by the travesty that was the Zimmerman case.

So they rant about Lane, even though in Lane's case, the system worked. People were arrested, prosecuted and jailed (or will be.)

it's more than just a few whites killed by blacks.

Why don't you tell that to the families of the deceased you sick coward?


those stats existed long before 2012

Trayvon is not dead, you pukes resurrect him when convenient
Of course Buchanan is right. How right will be proved by the ferocity of attack leveled against him.

get real. Most whites are killed by other whites and most blacks are killed by other blacks because 80% of victims of violence (Murder, Rape, Assault) are attacked by people they know.

The hysterics about a few cases of black on white crime are because White people are kind of embarrassed by the travesty that was the Zimmerman case.

So they rant about Lane, even though in Lane's case, the system worked. People were arrested, prosecuted and jailed (or will be.)

it's more than just a few whites killed by blacks.

Why don't you tell that to the families of the deceased you sick coward?


those stats existed long before 2012

Trayvon is not dead, you pukes resurrect him when convenient

Why don't you tell some of things you say about Travyon to his family.

If you're feeling froggy, jump right in.

This is hopeless, gang.

Both ends of this argument refuse to clean their own homes, despite the fact that both are filthy.

Pointing the finger is much easier, and there are no "leaders" brave enough to do anything about it.


That's just simply not true.

We Republicans have NOTHING to be ashamed of. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

We fought and died generations ago to free Black people from dimocrap scum and what do Blacks do a hundred years later....?

They sell their souls to dimocrap scum for a few lousy stinking bucks.

The same mentality present in third-world Countries.... Me first in the right here and the right now and fuck the Country.

They don't believe in Country, they don't believe in sacrifice for their children, they only believe in the right here and the right now....

They only know the hustle, the quick, easy buck. The right here and the right now and what's free and easy.

DO NOT EVER cede our, mine, your improper guilt to dimocrap scum to try and establish common ground on which to work together. ("Okay, honey. Maybe I was a little short with you") It doesn't work. You're not talking to reasonable people. If logic and reason worked on them, they wouldn't be dimocraps.

They have no interest in working with you, with me, with anybody.

They are undependable, dishonest, lying, back-stabbing scumbags.
Is any of this UNTRUE?

I don't care.


we are not talking about gays. And how nice of you to compare MURDER with graffiti drawings. Everything to defend black-on-white murders :lol:
Not even ONE example of severe bodily injures or murder in you r list. NOT EVEN ONE!

You OBVIOUSLY didn't read it thoroughly;there were plenty of violent incidences of white on black crime. Arson and assaults are violent crimes. Only an ignorant asshole would conjure up that bullshit about me defending any _______-on_________ murders, I don't condone them. You can't find one post of mine doing such a thing, if you have any honor you should be embarrassed for making such an asinine assertion. Thanks for the laugh though! :lol:

Repeating - which one of those is MURDER?

paint spraying of swastika?

I understand how you want to twist and bend the cases that DO NOT support your premise, but the truth remains the same - after a YEAR of race violence instigation from this administration and MSM we have a spike in a black-on-white violence.The only contradiction to this might be not crimes of graffiti on the walls of the sinagogue, but the list of the same black-on-white crimes for 2 previous years. If that is about the same - then the instigation to race war on the part of obama and his minions did not have effect.
Until you produce such a list - my statement stays.
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I couldn't find the thread regarding this to put this in. Oh well, I can't find my shoes half the time either.... It's a 'guy' thing. Married women can explain it to you :dunno:

But here's the other side, the correct side, the honest side, to that story of a bunch of Blacks being tossed out of a Restaurant.

Woman from Wild Wings Contacts Radio Facts, States Black Patrons Asked to Leave for Several Reasons

A woman contacted Radio Facts who works at the Wild Wings restaurant that asked the black patrons to leave. and asked that we allow her to be anonymous. She states there are several reasons the group was asked to leave (below),

You’re only getting one side of story here. I work at the restaurant and your representation of the events is way off base. The group was being loud and obnoxious to both customers and staffers. They kept complaining about their long wait and were talking about how “whitey” was able to get seated, but they were not. The problem was that they had a large group and insisted on sitting next to each other. We only had one area that could accommodate their large group and the patrons in that area were not done. So yes, some “whities” were able to be seated before them, but only because they were going to a different area. We also seated non-whites in other areas too…They made this a racial issue before anything. One of the guests also insulted a deaf white girl because she didn’t respond to one of them telling her to move (she was deaf and didn’t hear them) They were also all standing in the middle of the walk way, making it difficult for customers to leave. We asked them if they could move over, but they said they can stand wherever they want, and if we wanted them out of the way then we should seat them. The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word “n*gger” When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against one of my co-workers.

Tell me, anybody, tell me you can't envision this

dimocraps lie. It's what they do
Are you really letting your grand daughter read this? If you are doing this then you are a fool and have no one to blame other than yourself. Kids are incapable of understanding nuances. Keep them away from the news and other peoples opinions.

She is a grandmother.

Not a mother.

She does not have a power to keep her out of anything.

Doubt they even live in the same house.

Are you sure? Why does she have Daisy Duke as her avatar? Seems like something a man would do. From the post I assumed she was letting her granddaughter read this stuff. If I am wrong I apologize Tiny Dancer.

sure of WHAT? your assumption is wrong. she never stated her granddaughter reads "this staff", even if she does, she might do it in her own home, with grandma not having any means to influence her.
she stated herself that she is a grandma.

last time I've checked, grandparents usually do not live with their grandkids and their parents in one house.

I do not see avatars.
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She is a grandmother.

Not a mother.

She does not have a power to keep her out of anything.

Doubt they even live in the same house.

Are you sure? Why does she have Daisy Duke as her avatar? Seems like something a man would do. From the post I assumed she was letting her granddaughter read this stuff. If I am wrong I apologize Tiny Dancer.

sure of WHAT? your assumption is wrong. she never stated her granddaughter reads "this staff", even if she does, she might do it in her own home, with grandma not having any means to influence her.
she stated herself that she is a grandma.

last time I've checked, grandparents usually do not live with their grandkids and their parents in one house.

I do not see avatars.

Uh.... dewd....?? :dunno:
Are you sure? Why does she have Daisy Duke as her avatar? Seems like something a man would do. From the post I assumed she was letting her granddaughter read this stuff. If I am wrong I apologize Tiny Dancer.

sure of WHAT? your assumption is wrong. she never stated her granddaughter reads "this staff", even if she does, she might do it in her own home, with grandma not having any means to influence her.
she stated herself that she is a grandma.

last time I've checked, grandparents usually do not live with their grandkids and their parents in one house.

I do not see avatars.

Uh.... dewd....?? :dunno:

you have three generations in one house?

and you state that is a standard?
To clarify you are saying the reason he changed his mind is because he was frightened of his surroundings and unsure of the validity of the faith as he was taught? You do realize that fear and insecurity actually work against arriving at new revelations?

I didn't use the term "frightened," you did. I said he was unsettled by the experience and rendered susceptible to suggestion. The shattering of the (ridiculous) views he had held so dear for so long leaving him available to reconsider all manner of long-held assumptions.

If you read or listen to his comments the reason he was unsettled is because he met whites during this visit. He had been led to believe they were incapable of being in Mecca because they would never accept Islam. The interaction with non racist peaceful whites were the reason he changed his mind not because he got on a plane to take a trip.

You may be shocked by these words coming from me. But on this pilgrimage, what I have seen, and experienced, has forced me to re-arrange much of my thought-patterns previously held, and to toss aside some of my previous conclusions. This was not too difficult for me. Despite my firm convictions, I have always been a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new knowledge unfolds it. I have always kept an open mind, which is necessary to the flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of intelligent search for truth.

During the past eleven days here in the Muslim world, I have eaten from the same plate, drunk from the same glass, and slept in the same bed (or on the same rug)--while praying to the same God--with fellow Muslims, whose eyes were the bluest of blue, whose hair was the blondest of blond, and whose skin was the whitest of white. And in the words and in the actions in the deeds of the 'white' Muslims, I felt the same sincerity that I felt among the black African Muslims of Nigeria, Sudan, and Ghana.
We were truly all the same (brothers)--because their belief in one God had removed the white from their minds, the white from their behavior, and the white from their attitude.
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To clarify you are saying the reason he changed his mind is because he was frightened of his surroundings and unsure of the validity of the faith as he was taught? You do realize that fear and insecurity actually work against arriving at new revelations?

I didn't use the term "frightened," you did. I said he was unsettled by the experience and rendered susceptible to suggestion. The shattering of the (ridiculous) views he had held so dear for so long leaving him available to reconsider all manner of long-held assumptions.

If you read or listen to his comments the reason he was unsettled is because he met whites during this visit.

Ah, back on the carousel! 'Round and 'round he goes! He met whites in America too.
I didn't use the term "frightened," you did. I said he was unsettled by the experience and rendered susceptible to suggestion. The shattering of the (ridiculous) views he had held so dear for so long leaving him available to reconsider all manner of long-held assumptions.

If you read or listen to his comments the reason he was unsettled is because he met whites during this visit.

Ah, back on the carousel! 'Round and 'round he goes! He met whites in America too.

Ok guy. You completely ignored the mans own words. I know the ice is getting thin where you are standing so I will leave it alone. You evidently are correct and the man himself has no clue of why he changed his mind but you do.

You may want to consider this and think about if you are more interested in learning or maintaining your stance. What you are doing is called avoidance behavior.

When faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.
John Kenneth Galbraith
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Of course Buchanan is right. How right will be proved by the ferocity of attack leveled against him.

get real. Most whites are killed by other whites and most blacks are killed by other blacks because 80% of victims of violence (Murder, Rape, Assault) are attacked by people they know.

The hysterics about a few cases of black on white crime are because White people are kind of embarrassed by the travesty that was the Zimmerman case.

So they rant about Lane, even though in Lane's case, the system worked. People were arrested, prosecuted and jailed (or will be.)

And yet the actual FACTS say different.
Of course Buchanan is right. How right will be proved by the ferocity of attack leveled against him.

get real. Most whites are killed by other whites and most blacks are killed by other blacks because 80% of victims of violence (Murder, Rape, Assault) are attacked by people they know.

The hysterics about a few cases of black on white crime are because White people are kind of embarrassed by the travesty that was the Zimmerman case.

So they rant about Lane, even though in Lane's case, the system worked. People were arrested, prosecuted and jailed (or will be.)

And yet the actual FACTS say different.

Yeah, the system worked but Lane is still dead.

No matter how long those animals spend in Prison.... Probably an upward lifestyle move for them, Lane will still be dead.

And animals like these will still prowl our streets.

Uncle Of Accused Killer Of WWII Vet On Nephew’s Involvement: ‘It’s Summer And Ain’t Nothing To Do Here.’” -


James Edwards, Accused Killer Of Chris Lane, An Obama Fan

Shocking :lmao:

jamesakabug @JAMESAKABUG


jamesakabug @JAMESAKABUG

Good morning mad white ppl haha # take signs down before schools out. Seriously #orsomebodygettingfuckedup

Indiana: Teenager Who Could Look Like Obama’s Son Rapes 93-Year-Old White Woman…


I could go on with this for hours until I filled twenty pages, but what's the point?

Most dimocrap Black people don't care. They just are not interested.

All they care about is... Whatever.

I'm past the point of caring anymore.

I wasn't a racist before the Stuttering Clusterfukk got elected. I'm not so sure anymore.

Time to get my Cowboy Hat
Asclepias says that since Buchanan is white and didn't grow up in the hood, he can't speak to the issues in the black community with any kind of authority. Perhaps a black man raised in the Detroit hood can. Ben Carson says many of the same things Buchanan does and since he is black, perhaps his words won't fall on deaf ears.

Ben Carson: MLK would be alarmed by black-on-black violence, lack of family values - Washington Times

"There are some areas, however, where I suspect he (MLK) might be less than thrilled. The epidemic of black-on-black violent crime indicates that there has been a significant deterioration of values in the black community. Not only are the lives of their fellow blacks and others being devalued by street thugs, but the lives of unborn babies are being destroyed in disproportionate numbers in the black community.

There was a time when blacks were justifiably angry that the larger community discounted their value, but now, ironically, many members of the black community themselves place little or no value on these precious lives that are snuffed out without thought. I think King would be waging a crusade against the marginalization of black lives in America.

Another area of great concern would be the fact that 73 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock. When this occurs, in most cases the educational pursuits of the mothers are terminated and the babies are condemned to a life of poverty and deprivation, which makes them more likely to end up in the penal system or the welfare system. This is a burden not only for the black community but for the nation at large.

Although I believe King would be very concerned for all parties in these tragedies, his energies would be primarily channeled into an attempt to give these young women the kind of self-esteem that would preclude their yielding to the charms of individuals who really don’t care about them and are only interested in their selfish pleasures.

King was a huge advocate of education and would be horrified by the high dropout rates in many inner-city high schools. He, like many others, was vilified, beaten and jailed for trying to open the doors of education to everyone, regardless of their race.

If he were alive today, he would have to witness people turning their backs on those open doors and choosing to pursue lives of crime or dependency. I do not believe he would simply complain about these things, however.

Rather, he would be raising funds to create programs that would show these young people that they do have real choices that can greatly enhance the quality of their lives.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment for King would be the wholesale adoption of a victim mentality that makes people feel that they are entitled to being cared for by others rather than working tirelessly to create wealth and opportunities for their progeny.

The amount of wealth that resides within the black community today is staggering. If the black community, like Jewish, Korean and other cultures in America, learned how to turn over dollars within their own community at least a couple of times before sending them out into the larger society, they would create wealth.

I believe King would advocate such economic policies and would encourage those who benefit from the wealth to reach back and pull others up by providing jobs and opportunities. I think he would stress the fact that this kind of philosophy will foster freedom and independence for the black community, regardless of whether anybody else helps or not."........
Dead Souls Of A Cultural Revolution

Last Friday, Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian here on a baseball scholarship, was shot and killed while jogging in Duncan, Okla., population 23,000. He died where he fell.

Police have three suspects, two black and one white. The former said they were bored and decided to shoot Lane for “the fun of it.”

As Lane was white and the shooter black, racism has surfaced as a motive. Thursday came reports that killing a white man may have been an initiation rite for the black teens in joining some offshoot of the Crips or Bloods.

What happened in Oklahoma and the reaction, or lack of reaction to it, tells us much about America in 2013, not much of it good.

Teenagers who can shoot and kill a man out of summertime boredom are moral barbarians, dead souls.

But who created these monsters? Where did they come from? Surely one explanation lies in the fact that the old conscience-forming and character-forming institutions – home, church, school and a moral and healthy culture fortifying basic truths – have collapsed. And the community hardest hit is Black America.

If we go back to the end of World War II, 90 percent of black families consisted of a mother and father and children raised and disciplined by their parents. The churches to which these families went on Sundays were stronger. Black schools may have been largely segregated, but they were also the transmission belts of patriotism and traditional values rooted in biblical truths and a Christian faith.

Though such schools graduated hardworking, law-abiding and productive citizens, today they would be closed as unconstitutional.

Indeed, all of those character- and conscience-forming institutions of yesterday are in an advanced state of decline today.

Seventy-three percent of black kids are born to single moms. Black kids who make it to 12th grade may often be found reading at seventh-, eighth- or ninth-grade levels. In some cities the black dropout rate can hit as high as 50 percent.

Drugs are readily available. And among black males ages 18 to 29, in urban areas, often a third are in prison or jail, or on probation or parole, or walking around with a criminal record.

Where do the kids get their ideas of right and wrong, good and evil? In homes where the father is absent and the TV is always on. From radios tuned in to rap and hip-hop. From films where Hollywood values prevail and the shooting never stops. From street gangs that sometimes form the only families these kids have ever known.

What kind of leadership do we see today in Black America?

What can be said for an NAACP that was lately demanding a Justice Department investigation of a rodeo clown running around a bull ring in rural Missouri in an Obama mask, but cannot find its voice to address a black-on-white atrocity in Middle America?...

Read more at Dead souls of a cultural revolution

BS. A racist charlatan and demagogue like Pat Buchanan needs to have a stadium of "seats". He should be rarely seen, and never heard. The truth of the matter is black folks aren't taking "it", anymore. Best you get some "kumbayah", because it's a new day, it's a new life for me.
get real. Most whites are killed by other whites and most blacks are killed by other blacks because 80% of victims of violence (Murder, Rape, Assault) are attacked by people they know.

The hysterics about a few cases of black on white crime are because White people are kind of embarrassed by the travesty that was the Zimmerman case.

So they rant about Lane, even though in Lane's case, the system worked. People were arrested, prosecuted and jailed (or will be.)

And yet the actual FACTS say different.

Yeah, the system worked but Lane is still dead.

No matter how long those animals spend in Prison.... Probably an upward lifestyle move for them, Lane will still be dead.

And animals like these will still prowl our streets.

Uncle Of Accused Killer Of WWII Vet On Nephew’s Involvement: ‘It’s Summer And Ain’t Nothing To Do Here.’” -


James Edwards, Accused Killer Of Chris Lane, An Obama Fan

Shocking :lmao:

jamesakabug @JAMESAKABUG


jamesakabug @JAMESAKABUG

Good morning mad white ppl haha # take signs down before schools out. Seriously #orsomebodygettingfuckedup

Indiana: Teenager Who Could Look Like Obama’s Son Rapes 93-Year-Old White Woman…


I could go on with this for hours until I filled twenty pages, but what's the point?

Most dimocrap Black people don't care. They just are not interested.

All they care about is... Whatever.

I'm past the point of caring anymore.

I wasn't a racist before the Stuttering Clusterfukk got elected. I'm not so sure anymore.

Time to get my Cowboy Hat

Tim Wise » Nazis Can?t Do Math: Reflections on Racism, Crime and the Illiteracy of Right-Wing Statistical Analysis
I couldn't find the thread regarding this to put this in. Oh well, I can't find my shoes half the time either.... It's a 'guy' thing. Married women can explain it to you :dunno:

But here's the other side, the correct side, the honest side, to that story of a bunch of Blacks being tossed out of a Restaurant.

Woman from Wild Wings Contacts Radio Facts, States Black Patrons Asked to Leave for Several Reasons

A woman contacted Radio Facts who works at the Wild Wings restaurant that asked the black patrons to leave. and asked that we allow her to be anonymous. She states there are several reasons the group was asked to leave (below),

You’re only getting one side of story here. I work at the restaurant and your representation of the events is way off base. The group was being loud and obnoxious to both customers and staffers. They kept complaining about their long wait and were talking about how “whitey” was able to get seated, but they were not. The problem was that they had a large group and insisted on sitting next to each other. We only had one area that could accommodate their large group and the patrons in that area were not done. So yes, some “whities” were able to be seated before them, but only because they were going to a different area. We also seated non-whites in other areas too…They made this a racial issue before anything. One of the guests also insulted a deaf white girl because she didn’t respond to one of them telling her to move (she was deaf and didn’t hear them) They were also all standing in the middle of the walk way, making it difficult for customers to leave. We asked them if they could move over, but they said they can stand wherever they want, and if we wanted them out of the way then we should seat them. The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word “n*gger” When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against one of my co-workers.

Tell me, anybody, tell me you can't envision this

dimocraps lie. It's what they do

Tim Wise » Nazis Can?t Do Math: Reflections on Racism, Crime and the Illiteracy of Right-Wing Statistical Analysis
Asclepias says that since Buchanan is white and didn't grow up in the hood, he can't speak to the issues in the black community with any kind of authority. Perhaps a black man raised in the Detroit hood can. Ben Carson says many of the same things Buchanan does and since he is black, perhaps his words won't fall on deaf ears.

Ben Carson: MLK would be alarmed by black-on-black violence, lack of family values - Washington Times

Now you seem to get it. Theres not too much I want to hear from a white person if its critical and condescending. Sounds to me more like a Black conservative point of view which is fine but no solutions were offered. I read the article and no where in there does he ID what has caused the breakdown. I respect Dr Carsons opinion and his accomplishments but it seems like he is out of touch with what is going on now in the hood and why. Since its been quite a while since he has lived in the hood I understand.
Asclepias says that since Buchanan is white and didn't grow up in the hood, he can't speak to the issues in the black community with any kind of authority. Perhaps a black man raised in the Detroit hood can. Ben Carson says many of the same things Buchanan does and since he is black, perhaps his words won't fall on deaf ears.

Ben Carson: MLK would be alarmed by black-on-black violence, lack of family values - Washington Times

"There are some areas, however, where I suspect he (MLK) might be less than thrilled. The epidemic of black-on-black violent crime indicates that there has been a significant deterioration of values in the black community. Not only are the lives of their fellow blacks and others being devalued by street thugs, but the lives of unborn babies are being destroyed in disproportionate numbers in the black community.

There was a time when blacks were justifiably angry that the larger community discounted their value, but now, ironically, many members of the black community themselves place little or no value on these precious lives that are snuffed out without thought. I think King would be waging a crusade against the marginalization of black lives in America.

Another area of great concern would be the fact that 73 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock. When this occurs, in most cases the educational pursuits of the mothers are terminated and the babies are condemned to a life of poverty and deprivation, which makes them more likely to end up in the penal system or the welfare system. This is a burden not only for the black community but for the nation at large.

Although I believe King would be very concerned for all parties in these tragedies, his energies would be primarily channeled into an attempt to give these young women the kind of self-esteem that would preclude their yielding to the charms of individuals who really don’t care about them and are only interested in their selfish pleasures.

King was a huge advocate of education and would be horrified by the high dropout rates in many inner-city high schools. He, like many others, was vilified, beaten and jailed for trying to open the doors of education to everyone, regardless of their race.

If he were alive today, he would have to witness people turning their backs on those open doors and choosing to pursue lives of crime or dependency. I do not believe he would simply complain about these things, however.

Rather, he would be raising funds to create programs that would show these young people that they do have real choices that can greatly enhance the quality of their lives.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment for King would be the wholesale adoption of a victim mentality that makes people feel that they are entitled to being cared for by others rather than working tirelessly to create wealth and opportunities for their progeny.

The amount of wealth that resides within the black community today is staggering. If the black community, like Jewish, Korean and other cultures in America, learned how to turn over dollars within their own community at least a couple of times before sending them out into the larger society, they would create wealth.

I believe King would advocate such economic policies and would encourage those who benefit from the wealth to reach back and pull others up by providing jobs and opportunities. I think he would stress the fact that this kind of philosophy will foster freedom and independence for the black community, regardless of whether anybody else helps or not."........

Sure would be a healthy change to have all the Ben Carson's being listened to. Every time a black man or woman gets up and speaks "personal responsibility" he gets ignored or shouted down...

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