Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

By posting those quotes, I was trying to show you how his opinion on "race" evolved to the point where he had no problem with interracial marriage, if I recall correctly, he described it as "two human beings loving one another". That's hardly the talk of a segregationist.

But it was. At the end of his life, cut short as it was, he was still admonishing "sincere white people"* (he had come at least that far) to work among their own kind while blacks worked among their respective 'kind.' That IS the talk of a segregationist.

* Haley, Alex, The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Those excerpts (like the one with his approval of interracial marriage) I posted where from some of his last interviews. I've read his autobiography plenty of times, but the information regarding him doesn't stop there,. Were those interviews I posted in that autobiography?

The comments and the attitude were referenced. None of those quotes negate what I pointed out, which was also from the very last days. As I've said before, I think that had he lived he would have come around, but in the end he was still a segregationist, if a less hateful one.
I'm so tired of this bullshit.

And now my grand kid is asking me if I will hate her because I am white.

Are you really letting your grand daughter read this? If you are doing this then you are a fool and have no one to blame other than yourself. Kids are incapable of understanding nuances. Keep them away from the news and other peoples opinions.
I'm so tired of this bullshit.

And now my grand kid is asking me if I will hate her because I am white.

Are you really letting your grand daughter read this? If you are doing this then you are a fool and have no one to blame other than yourself. Kids are incapable of understanding nuances. Keep them away from the news and other peoples opinions.

She is a grandmother.

Not a mother.

She does not have a power to keep her out of anything.

Doubt they even live in the same house.
I'm so tired of this bullshit.

And now my grand kid is asking me if I will hate her because I am white.

Are you really letting your grand daughter read this? If you are doing this then you are a fool and have no one to blame other than yourself. Kids are incapable of understanding nuances. Keep them away from the news and other peoples opinions.

She is a grandmother.

Not a mother.

She does not have a power to keep her out of anything.

Doubt they even live in the same house.

Are you sure? Why does she have Daisy Duke as her avatar? Seems like something a man would do. From the post I assumed she was letting her granddaughter read this stuff. If I am wrong I apologize Tiny Dancer.
Blacks on the average are a overwhelming violent species of humans, they will attack their own race and other races with much indiscretion. This is due to their high testosterone and low IQ.
what difference does it make? (c)


Is any of this UNTRUE?

I don't care.


we are not talking about gays. And how nice of you to compare MURDER with graffiti drawings. Everything to defend black-on-white murders :lol:
Not even ONE example of severe bodily injures or murder in you r list. NOT EVEN ONE!

You OBVIOUSLY didn't read it thoroughly;there were plenty of violent incidences of white on black crime. Arson and assaults are violent crimes. Only an ignorant asshole would conjure up that bullshit about me defending any _______-on_________ murders, I don't condone them. You can't find one post of mine doing such a thing, if you have any honor you should be embarrassed for making such an asinine assertion. Thanks for the laugh though! :lol:
I totally agree with most of what you said however you totally disregarded the fact that one of the kids was white and another half white. I'm really curious as to how you guys seem to totally miss the fact that the NAACP addresses legal injustices. Did you even read what they do before posting?


All three were black.


The one on the left is who the party press declared "white."

Stay away from StormFront. The one not even pictured was white and the one on the left is half white. Try again clown.

The first reports out were of "three black males" - no one incorrectly reported, like NBC did in the Zimmerman ordeal, on purpose... But to say that one was "half white" means what? Obama is "half white" raised most of his life by an entirely white family. We can presume the dude in the pic hanging with his black brotha' was raised around his black counter-parts no? But I digress, the racist screed was on the FB and Twitter accounts by the "full blood black" James Edwards". So what about that?

Our youth are a reflection of our no bars hold amoral/immoral society. A society that rewards bad behavior by making excuses for it. Pays people to sit ion their asses. Pays women to have children out of wedlock. Legalizes killing babies in the womb. Legalizes drugs. Glorifies sex; even perverted sex. Then we send them to schools of indoctrination aka public schools, where they are filled with anti American progressive BS-

Yet kids are supposed to be respectful hard working individuals who are grateful for the sacrifices made for them by these self indulgent hedonistic adults who influence their world view. A world view that has dumb downed critical thinking to catchy one liners and leftist talking points.

The black youth have the additional burden of being told they can blame "whitey" for all of their own poor choices. They are given permission by the black community to hate whitey. They are aided and abetted in this by the ruling political class who have everything to gain by keeping the black man poor and hateful.
Blacks on the average are a overwhelming violent species of humans, they will attack their own race and other races with much indiscretion. This is due to their high testosterone and low IQ.

Actually whites are the most violent race this planet has ever seen. They have invaded and ravished the natural resources of numerous continents all in the name of God of course. This is due to their inferiority complex regarding their lack of melanin and inability to satisfy their women.

You see how I can get ignorant?
But it was. At the end of his life, cut short as it was, he was still admonishing "sincere white people"* (he had come at least that far) to work among their own kind while blacks worked among their respective 'kind.' That IS the talk of a segregationist.

* Haley, Alex, The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Those excerpts (like the one with his approval of interracial marriage) I posted where from some of his last interviews. I've read his autobiography plenty of times, but the information regarding him doesn't stop there,. Were those interviews I posted in that autobiography?

The comments and the attitude were referenced. None of those quotes negate what I pointed out, which was also from the very last days. As I've said before, I think that had he lived he would have come around, but in the end he was still a segregationist, if a less hateful one.

How does a "segregationist" approve of inter-racial marriage? Are there any particular references you have from El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz that supports your assertion? The quotes I provided were from his last interviews with various people.
Blacks on the average are a overwhelming violent species of humans, they will attack their own race and other races with much indiscretion. This is due to their high testosterone and low IQ.

Actually whites are the most violent race this planet has ever seen. They have invaded and ravished the natural resources of numerous continents all in the name of God of course. This is due to their inferiority complex regarding their lack of melanin and inability to satisfy their women.

You see how I can get ignorant?
Yes I can.
Yet kids are supposed to be respectful hard working individuals who are grateful for the sacrifices made for them by these self indulgent hedonistic adults who influence their world view. A world view that has dumb downed critical thinking to catchy one liners and leftist talking points.

The black youth have the additional burden of being told they can blame "whitey" for all of their own poor choices. They are given permission by the black community to hate whitey. They are aided and abetted in this by the ruling political class who have everything to gain by keeping the black man poor and hateful.

Yes kids nowadays have it hard due to lax parental supervision and instruction. That is a reflection of society at large and not confined to the Black community. Its a microwave society where children are not taught how to sow, tend, and then harvest. They are taught that everything should be a button push away. They are not taught to take responsibility for their failures. In fact they are criticized for failing and taught to avoid failure. The additional burden on Black youth are the attitudes of people that like to contribute the actions of some to the entire black race. That is a racist attitude. Just calling it like I see it.
Is any of this UNTRUE?

I don't care.


we are not talking about gays. And how nice of you to compare MURDER with graffiti drawings. Everything to defend black-on-white murders :lol:
Not even ONE example of severe bodily injures or murder in you r list. NOT EVEN ONE!

You OBVIOUSLY didn't read it thoroughly;there were plenty of violent incidences of white on black crime. Arson and assaults are violent crimes. Only an ignorant asshole would conjure up that bullshit about me defending any _______-on_________ murders, I don't condone them. You can't find one post of mine doing such a thing, if you have any honor you should be embarrassed for making such an asinine assertion. Thanks for the laugh though! :lol:

The same thing was done to me. I cant help but think they are outraged that anyone would disagree with their views. Therefore we have to by logical deduction condone murder.
Asclepias, if you really see blacks as a equal, don't blame others for their failures.

If you think blacks are doing poorly in America, it's even worse around the rest of the world.
When did I state the highlighted part of your post? He thought white people were inherently evil/racist until he met one or more that changed his thought process. .

Are you for real or are you just trying to string me along? You are still going around in circles. He "met" some when his thought process changed. He had met a great many non-evil white people in his life before he chose to accept that they existed. Since he seems to have had a personality such that he was easily manipulated by his environment and/or charismatic figures, being forced into contact with some white people who shared the faith that he had finally started to practice in reality coordinated this great epiphany of the obvious.

Despite a change in tone and a mellowing of attitude, he didn't "evolve" all that much in that he still believed - in different form but not principle - in the segregation that was first washed into his brain by the little fraud he had glammed onto while in prison. An evolution in thinking would have been to realize that segregation is inherently enervating, isolating, and counter-productive for a minority demographic within a larger population. It might further entail the understanding that integration need not involve the loss of culture, identity, or collective and cautionary memory of past wrongs and in fact allows for access to the tools to succeed within a given society.

OK. Now we are getting somewhere. What makes you think he changed his mind prior to meeting these people? What caused the shift in his thought process if it were not the people he met that showed they were not evil? ?

'Round and 'round he goes! :rolleyes: One more time: He had met many other 'whites' who had shown they were not evil and yet he persisted in his hatred. What was different was that he was facing ambiguity in a circumstance with which he was not familiar, being abroad, in non-English speaking environments, and trying to adapt to the actual version of the faith he thought he had been following for years. The insecurity caused by these circumstances, and what seems to have been a pattern of malleability made him available to realize what any rational adult would know without being told.
Asclepias, if you really see blacks as a equal, don't blame others for their failures.

If you think blacks are doing poorly in America, it's even worse around the rest of the world.

Tank can you point to one post where I stated that whites are responsible for any failings on the part ot the Black race in the US or anywhere else? My position is that whites in general are a hinderance by placing road blocks in our path. I know some have let the road blocks stop or delay them. However, I also know the power and majesty of my people. We are the original man Tank.
Are you for real or are you just trying to string me along? You are still going around in circles. He "met" some when his thought process changed. He had met a great many non-evil white people in his life before he chose to accept that they existed. Since he seems to have had a personality such that he was easily manipulated by his environment and/or charismatic figures, being forced into contact with some white people who shared the faith that he had finally started to practice in reality coordinated this great epiphany of the obvious.

Despite a change in tone and a mellowing of attitude, he didn't "evolve" all that much in that he still believed - in different form but not principle - in the segregation that was first washed into his brain by the little fraud he had glammed onto while in prison. An evolution in thinking would have been to realize that segregation is inherently enervating, isolating, and counter-productive for a minority demographic within a larger population. It might further entail the understanding that integration need not involve the loss of culture, identity, or collective and cautionary memory of past wrongs and in fact allows for access to the tools to succeed within a given society.

OK. Now we are getting somewhere. What makes you think he changed his mind prior to meeting these people? What caused the shift in his thought process if it were not the people he met that showed they were not evil? ?

'Round and 'round he goes! :rolleyes: One more time: He had met many other 'whites' who had shown they were not evil and yet he persisted in his hatred. What was different was that he was facing ambiguity in a circumstance with which he was not familiar, being abroad, in non-English speaking environments, and trying to adapt to the actual version of the faith he thought he had been following for years. The insecurity caused by these circumstances, and what seems to have been a pattern of malleability made him available to realize what any rational adult would know without being told.

You know when you try to belittle my posts all it really does is point out your insecurity in your thoughts. Try to refrain because its starting to make me think you unworthy of debate. To clarify you are saying the reason he changed his mind is because he was frightened of his surroundings and unsure of the validity of the faith as he was taught? You do realize that fear and insecurity actually work against arriving at new revelations? Your brain actually shuts down all non essential functions specifically cognitive reasoning. You hit the freeze, fight, or flight mode which actually lowers the use of your brain. You revert to habit in other words. You also speak of malleability as if it was a bad thing. The essence of being learned and evolved is your ability to learn new things. Even things that are contrary to what you previously held to be true.
Asclepias, if you really see blacks as a equal, don't blame others for their failures.

If you think blacks are doing poorly in America, it's even worse around the rest of the world.

Tank can you point to one post where I stated that whites are responsible for any failings on the part ot the Black race in the US or anywhere else?
Yes I believe that your position is that whites in general are a hinderance by placing road blocks in your path.
My position is that whites in general are a hinderance by placing road blocks in our path. I know some have let the road blocks stop or delay them. However, I also know the power and majesty of my people. We are the original man Tank.
Yes you are the original man, but you have never evolved from that.
Asclepias, if you really see blacks as a equal, don't blame others for their failures.

If you think blacks are doing poorly in America, it's even worse around the rest of the world.

Tank can you point to one post where I stated that whites are responsible for any failings on the part ot the Black race in the US or anywhere else?
Yes I believe that your position is that whites in general are a hinderance by placing road blocks in your path.
My position is that whites in general are a hinderance by placing road blocks in our path. I know some have let the road blocks stop or delay them. However, I also know the power and majesty of my people. We are the original man Tank.
Yes you are the original man, but you have never evolved from that.

Do you understand the difference between failings and hinderance? A hinderance is an obstacle. Something you go through, over, or around. A failing is when you allow a hinderance to stop you momentarily. The operative words being "you allow". Therefore there is no way whites are responsible for any failings. As far as never evolving I guess i will let you figure that one out on your own if your mind can grasp how asinine you sound having this conversation with a person that should not be able to type.
As far as never evolving I guess i will let you figure that one out on your own if your mind can grasp how asinine you sound having this conversation with a person that should not be able to type.
Your ability to be able to type is solely due to another race of people who invented it.
As far as never evolving I guess i will let you figure that one out on your own if your mind can grasp how asinine you sound having this conversation with a person that should not be able to type.
Your ability to be able to type is solely due to another race of people who invented it.

So you evidently dont know what evolve means as well? Maybe you should back away slowly from the computer before you put your eye out son.

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