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Patti Davis: My father, Ronald Reagan, would never have stood for this

Reagan was a devotee of politics. From the time he started at the Screen Actor's Guild to his time as governor and then president, he was a student of politics. He was not a blatant amateur like Trump. Unlike Trump, Reagan truly did hire some of the best people in the business. Reagan knew how to deal with the press. He did not have thin skin and dealt with them deftly. Who could forget his bantering with Helen Thomas.

Reagan had defined values and kept to those values. I may not have agreed with all of them, but he was consistent.

If Reagan were around today he would be considered a RINO or worse in their eyes. That is how far Republicanism has deviated from its modern foundations.
Revisionist history is such fun no?

Today's politics are nothing like Reagan's years and neither is the press.

Here is my answer to your post that was worthy of your GED: DUH!

Listen genius my point was that the party of Reagan is dead and gone. Which apparently you agree with me on when you write that politics are "nothing like Reagan's years". You are all Trumplicans now.
Well said Patti ... well said :eusa_clap:


The verbal sparring between my father and Sam Donaldson of ABC, or Helen Thomas of UPI, is well documented. But there was never vitriol, there was never name-calling, and if anyone had attacked a journalist, my father would have been the first to stand in the way.

I've tried to imagine what my father would have done if people attending a political speech of his had turned to the press and raised their middle fingers, hurled obscenities or physically menaced the reporters there doing their jobs. I found it difficult to conjure the image, and then I realized why. It simply wouldn't have happened. The person on the podium, the person everyone has gathered to see, sets the tone.

President Donald Trump has quite successfully set today’s tone. He expertly stirred up the anger that was already simmering in the people who support him, and then he lit a match to it. He gave them an enemy — always a useful tactic. And naming the press as the enemy has precedents: Many tyrants have employed it to their advantage. Trump may not read much, but I’ll bet he knows that.

Those of us who are horrified by the vilification of the news media, those of us who cringe at the sight of angry mobs jeering at the cordoned-off journalists at Trump rallies, far outnumber those who are swept up by this ugly passion. We are still in the majority. But if we are silent, if we don't speak up, if we don't raise our voices and say, "This is not America," it won't matter that we are in the majority.

Silence didn't create this country; brazen, unwavering commitment did. And one of those commitments was to a free press - one not controlled or hampered by a demagogue who has a good day only when he's being flattered.​

Patti Davis: My father, Ronald Reagan, would never have stood for this
Dear Patti,
You're an idiot.

Sounds very Trumpesque. Reagan was a far better public speaker but the message is the same.
Thankfully the party is dying a slow death before our eyes.

Yep.......that's what I've been hearing.......for the last 30 years or so.

Well then you've been hearing wrong. The death is being hastened .. every day in every way.
My suggestion would be to embrace your White Nationalist nature and come up with a new party.
Leave true conservatives and what is left of the R Party the hell alone.

Well if this is death of a party, long live death, because we took over the Congress, took over the Senate, took over the White House, and captured 2/3 of the Governorships across the country.

Enjoy that for another 2.5 months :)

Well if it makes you happy. But you know, I have no faith in polls or experts. Much of the time they are wrong just like last election. They are designed to shape opinion instead of reporting opinion. There is an old saying we used years ago "If it's not broke, don't fix it' so I can't imagine anybody who would want to change what we have going on today.

But then again there are people that have always voted for failure in the past. If people want to do that again, then we haven't learned anything as a nation yet.
Here is an idea.

How about the media stops namecalling Trump and while they're at it, conservatives too.

It starts with them.
While her father was unfairly attacked it was nothing like the press has done to Trump, the administration and even the citizen voters.

The press is the enemy. Not principally of Trump either. The press is the enemy of whoever doesn't agree with the press.

so the Senate resolution means nothing to you

How can a senate resolution change peoples minds when they have seen the bias with their own eyes?
Reagan was a devotee of politics. From the time he started at the Screen Actor's Guild to his time as governor and then president, he was a student of politics. He was not a blatant amateur like Trump. Unlike Trump, Reagan truly did hire some of the best people in the business. Reagan knew how to deal with the press. He did not have thin skin and dealt with them deftly. Who could forget his bantering with Helen Thomas.

Reagan had defined values and kept to those values. I may not have agreed with all of them, but he was consistent.

If Reagan were around today he would be considered a RINO or worse in their eyes. That is how far Republicanism has deviated from its modern foundations.
Revisionist history is such fun no?

Today's politics are nothing like Reagan's years and neither is the press.

Here is my answer to your post that was worthy of your GED: DUH!

Listen genius my point was that the party of Reagan is dead and gone. Which apparently you agree with me on when you write that politics are "nothing like Reagan's years". You are all Trumplicans now.
I do in fact posess a GED. I also posess a college education. But more important than either of those is my ability to think critically without injecting my emotions into the thought process.

And FYI the last year of primary school I attended was the 9th grade.
The Press always attacks Republicans and they defend crooked Democrats.
Hillary and Obama are totally corrupt and yet the Press adores them.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the mainstream press is full of fake news, a sentiment that is held by a majority of voters across the ideological spectrum.

Poll: Majority says mainstream media publishes fake news

I would agree - The mainstream media (primarily Fox and Sinclair) publish fake news DAILY
gee why am i surprised you only think those 2 are fake....an indy...lol....
So what turned you on to Marxism between Reagan and now?

I'm not a Marxist - Any more questions or dumb assumptions Trumpling?

Gotcha. You're not an actual Marxist, you just play one on message boards

We should take a poll. How many USMB members who constantly spew leftist crap are not really Democrats. :21::21:
42% of American voters are Independents

Correct - And only 26% are Republicans. And Donald is rapidly killing what was left.

"There is no Republican Party - There is a Trump Party" -John Boehner

80% of Republicans approve of Trump. You're just venting more hate filled butt hurt
I'm not a Marxist - Any more questions or dumb assumptions Trumpling?

Gotcha. You're not an actual Marxist, you just play one on message boards

We should take a poll. How many USMB members who constantly spew leftist crap are not really Democrats. :21::21:
42% of American voters are Independents

You obviously pull the blue lever. You're making his point, not contradicting it

I wouldn't say that's obvious in the slightest. Offhand, don't think OL voted for Hillary but could be wrong.
She's very much a true moderate .. one of the smartest posters in USMB.

A leftist is calling a leftist a moderate. Of course you are
So what turned you on to Marxism between Reagan and now?

I'm not a Marxist - Any more questions or dumb assumptions Trumpling?

Gotcha. You're not an actual Marxist, you just play one on message boards

We should take a poll. How many USMB members who constantly spew leftist crap are not really Democrats. :21::21:
42% of American voters are Independents

And most of those 42% often take the liberal side of things.

Democrats just love saying, I'm not a Democrat, but wow, the Democrats are right on every issue ...
The so called press have attacked not Trump, but Americans who elected Trump in a free and fair election. They lost and have been trying to undermine the president we the people elected ever since. THAT'S what's been going on.
I'm not a Marxist - Any more questions or dumb assumptions Trumpling?

Gotcha. You're not an actual Marxist, you just play one on message boards

We should take a poll. How many USMB members who constantly spew leftist crap are not really Democrats. :21::21:
42% of American voters are Independents

And most of those 42% often take the liberal side of things.

No, very simply most of the Trump-voting independents are now HORRIFIED at what they got
Doesn't make them liberals.

You pulled that out of your ass. The polls say almost all Trump voters in 2016 will vote for him again in 2020.

I'm not a Marxist - Any more questions or dumb assumptions Trumpling?

Gotcha. You're not an actual Marxist, you just play one on message boards

We should take a poll. How many USMB members who constantly spew leftist crap are not really Democrats. :21::21:
42% of American voters are Independents

You obviously pull the blue lever. You're making his point, not contradicting it
You have no idea what I do in the privacy of the voting booth and I'm not fixin to tell you, either.

You shouldn't presume so much knowledge of what others think and do. You can make some pretty big mistakes that way in your calculations.

Please. You argue nothing but for the Democrats on the board. That's your choice, you're clear what your views are
I'm not a Marxist - Any more questions or dumb assumptions Trumpling?

Gotcha. You're not an actual Marxist, you just play one on message boards

We should take a poll. How many USMB members who constantly spew leftist crap are not really Democrats. :21::21:

Trumplings such as yourself are NOT "conservatives". Embrace it.

We're not? Then what are we? :21::21::21:

White Nationalists, Nazis, Klansmen, Alt-Righties, Protectionists, Baggers, Birthers, Blowhards and well ... Deplorables

And DrLove decides he's getting his ass handed to him and decides to throw dirt in the air and run away with a rendition of, but you're a racist ...
We actually had journalists back in Reagan's day. An editorial was clearly labeled as such, not worked into a news story. Objectivity was still a fairly common thing. To draw some sort of parallel from then to now is absurd. Since then we have had numerous anchors stripped of their positions with sexual misconduct charges and outright lying on camera.

The media was overwhelmingly hard left then
We should take a poll. How many USMB members who constantly spew leftist crap are not really Democrats. :21::21:
42% of American voters are Independents

And most of those 42% often take the liberal side of things.

No, very simply most of the Trump-voting independents are now HORRIFIED at what they got
Doesn't make them liberals.

Why is that? How many of them do you know?

Catch up Gomer
Trump and Women, Independents: Worrisome Signs | RealClearPolitics

One way that leftist organizations like RealClearPolitics skew conclusions is that they constantly imply that anyone who disapproves of job performance is going to vote Democrat.

I'm a disapprover. I don't like the tariffs, his tax cut wasn't deep enough, he signed the massive 2017 budget and most of all, he hasn't built the wall.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I may or may not in 2020, but I sure the hell won't vote Democrat
The so called press have attacked not Trump, but Americans who elected Trump in a free and fair election. They lost and have been trying to undermine the president we the people elected ever since. THAT'S what's been going on.

That's the issue---- it WASN'T a free and fair election! The Democrats cheated even more than usual! And they have been trying to hide, cover up and deflect the issue ever since by manufactured scandals to keep Trump on the front page instead.

Hillary and the Left sucked Putin's schwartz deep throat so they claim a Trump/Russia connection.
Obama wire-tapped Trump tower so they claim Trump abuse of power.
Obama rigged the Intel to block Trump, so they claim Trump incompetent.
Hillary paid for the fake Steele Dossier, so they say Trump a puppet.
The Left's FBI threw the FISA court a red herring, so they say Trump illegal.
The DNC had Pakistani spies, so they force his people to leave the cabinet.
Hillary stole debate questions, so they say Trump lies and cheats.
Hillary and the DNC rigged Bernie to lose (election fraud), so they claim Trump/Putin fraud.
Hillary destroyed 30,000 government emails indicting herself and was STILL indicted.
The DNC continues to protect the foreign/illegal vote as untraceable.

Nothing about this election has been free or fair EXCEPT Trump. He may be a pistol, he may have an ego and a mouth, but at least he's
REAL, he's
STRAIGHT, and he's an
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Well said Patti ... well said :eusa_clap:


The verbal sparring between my father and Sam Donaldson of ABC, or Helen Thomas of UPI, is well documented. But there was never vitriol, there was never name-calling, and if anyone had attacked a journalist, my father would have been the first to stand in the way.

I've tried to imagine what my father would have done if people attending a political speech of his had turned to the press and raised their middle fingers, hurled obscenities or physically menaced the reporters there doing their jobs. I found it difficult to conjure the image, and then I realized why. It simply wouldn't have happened. The person on the podium, the person everyone has gathered to see, sets the tone.

President Donald Trump has quite successfully set today’s tone. He expertly stirred up the anger that was already simmering in the people who support him, and then he lit a match to it. He gave them an enemy — always a useful tactic. And naming the press as the enemy has precedents: Many tyrants have employed it to their advantage. Trump may not read much, but I’ll bet he knows that.

Those of us who are horrified by the vilification of the news media, those of us who cringe at the sight of angry mobs jeering at the cordoned-off journalists at Trump rallies, far outnumber those who are swept up by this ugly passion. We are still in the majority. But if we are silent, if we don't speak up, if we don't raise our voices and say, "This is not America," it won't matter that we are in the majority.

Silence didn't create this country; brazen, unwavering commitment did. And one of those commitments was to a free press - one not controlled or hampered by a demagogue who has a good day only when he's being flattered.​

Patti Davis: My father, Ronald Reagan, would never have stood for this
Correct, Patti.

Your father would not have stood for this.

Then again, your father would not have been subjected to this.

As off-beat as some of his ideas were, he never came under suspicion of treasonous collaboration with adversarial nations.

And, his love of Nancy was legendary... he was never taped joking about grabbing women by their genitals.

Nor would he have been stupid enough to engage in the wide-array of faux pas and terrible optics that we have seen recently.

Ronnie Raygun may have been a little scary himself at times, but he was a loyal American and a Class Act, in contrast with Cadet Bone Spurs.

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