Paul Manafort indicted in New York moments after second sentencing – Whee!

It is purely political as it currently stands by NYS law Manafort can NOT be charged but leave it to DeathRATS to now pass a law to put double jeapordy in the trashcan...

New York lawmakers may soon vote to ensure that anyone pardoned by President Donald Trump may still face charges in state court.

The change, proposed by Democratic state Attorney General Tish James, aims to fix an unintended loophole in the state's double jeopardy law. Prosecutors have warned the loophole could allow defendants with a presidential pardon to argue they can't be charged with similar state crimes.

The push took on new significance Wednesday when New York City prosecutors announced state charges against ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who has already been convicted of federal crimes. Trump critics say the state's case is needed in case Trump pardons Manafort.

While no vote has been scheduled, James says she expects the Democrat-led Senate and Assembly to approve the change in coming weeks

New Manafort charges could spur double jeopardy fix in New York

Would not be surprised if they DATE the legislation to anything 7 years ago as this crime was done over 4 years ago!

Oh, BTW the black DeathRAT activist NYS AG has been anti-Trump since the election and now investigating him with NO CRIME but a fishing expedition....purely political!

N.Y.'s New Attorney General Is Targeting Trump. Will Judges See a 'Political Vendetta?'
The New York Times

Dec 31, 2018 · Letitia James has been unusually forthright in her desire to use her office to pursue President Trump and his family
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So where is all of the evidence of the Trump/Russia collusion Manafort was supposed to provide Mueller?

Oh, wait....there wasn't any, was there?

Back to the drawing board. :laughing0301:
There wasn't any evidence of squirrels either.
So you believe what the Constitution actually says isn't a good argument?
I believe wasn't clear on overlapping charges between levels of government. So the supreme Court clarified it . Twice.
Sure it is. I doesn't give a flying fuck about overlapping levels of government. it doesn't even mention government. It says you can't be tried twice for the same offense, period.

You are too funny. Please keep going.

I love it when Numb Nuts continually embarasses himself. And he thinks his posts make him look smart.....

Dunning-kruger effect, it's the god damned funniest thing.
So you believe what the Constitution actually says isn't a good argument?
I believe wasn't clear on overlapping charges between levels of government. So the supreme Court clarified it . Twice.
Sure it is. I doesn't give a flying fuck about overlapping levels of government. it doesn't even mention government. It says you can't be tried twice for the same offense, period.

if they are separate statutes, is it the same offense?

Mortgage Fraud IS NOT a Federal Offense.there cannot be Double Jeopardy in that case....
So you believe what the Constitution actually says isn't a good argument?
I believe wasn't clear on overlapping charges between levels of government. So the supreme Court clarified it . Twice.
Sure it is. I doesn't give a flying fuck about overlapping levels of government. it doesn't even mention government. It says you can't be tried twice for the same offense, period.

if they are separate statutes, is it the same offense?

Mortgage Fraud IS NOT a Federal Offense.there cannot be Double Jeopardy in that case....
Unfortunately he was already ordered to pay back that fraud as part of his sentencing deal.... a clear double jeapordy situation....but I imagine he will have to bring THAT to court.
Manafort gets 7 1/2 years for all his crimes. And others who do less get decades in jail. FFS!
White Collar crimes seem to pay well.

"BREAKING: Judge sentences former Trump campaign chairman Manafort to 60 months on first count, 30 months to run concurrent with Virginia case; judge imposes sentence of 13 months on Manafort for second count, to be served consecutively"
It pays to be white and rich. "Justice is for the rich and the law is for the poor".
It’s funny how none of this has anything to do with President Trump, yet it’s all about President Trump.
How do you know? The part about Manafort giving polling data to Kilimnick during the campaign with Gates, in Trump's cigar room, that wasn't part of this case, has everything to do with Trump. That part is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign adversary. An attack on the U.S. with willing U.S. participants. The Manfort sentencing wasn't part of the Russian conspiracy case.
NY indicts Manafort minutes after he’s sentenced to prison

A Manhattan grand jury has indicted President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort on charges of residential mortgage fraud and other state crimes, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office said Wednesday.

“No one is beyond the law in New York,” said DA Cy Vance Jr in a statement. “Following an investigation commenced by our Office in March 2017, a Manhattan grand jury has charged Mr. Manafort with state criminal violations which strike at the heart of New York’s sovereign interests, including the integrity of our residential mortgage market.”

The district attorney’s office determined some time ago that it would seek charges whether or not the president pardoned Mr. Manafort.

In the 16-count indictment, Manafort faces raps for residential mortgage fraud, attempted residential mortgage fraud, conspiracy, falsifying business records and scheme to defraud....

View attachment 250059

:happy-1:Here come the state charges. So pardons won't save his ass. Thanks, NY!
And Thank you American Hero Muller.

I wonder at what point, the Russians put him and the family down? It's cheaper.

btw: I wonder when state tax fraud indictments come? And other types as well.

Residential mortgage fraud?

Wow, Mueller and company finally proved Russian collusion


LMAO I agree. Residential mortgage fraud? Who knew?? Oh and how long ago did he commit this heinous crime?? Ten years or so??

Notice the only people who care about Manafort are the lefty loons on this board.

Personally I couldn't give shit one about Manafort.
We know. Especially when it comes to the rule of law, the Constitution, and this country. Who could have guessed that a Trump toad wouldn't care that a thug was ripping the tax payer off? This is dumb down in over drive right here folks. You think maybe this goober would care, if there were millions of Manaforts doing this, while ripping off the legal tax payers? Lol! What an idiot.
Manafort gets 7 1/2 years for all his crimes. And others who do less get decades in jail. FFS!
White Collar crimes seem to pay well.

"BREAKING: Judge sentences former Trump campaign chairman Manafort to 60 months on first count, 30 months to run concurrent with Virginia case; judge imposes sentence of 13 months on Manafort for second count, to be served consecutively"

Manafort is a first time, non-violent offender. Do you really think a life sentence in solitary confinement is just?

Just because you hate Trump?
has nothing to do with trump. not one thread. the argument is truly hate filled because he knew trump. and that is all. these are evil people, I will never stop saying it either.
Ha dumb fuck, Manafort was Trump's campaign manager who gave polling data to the Russians to help get Trump elected, making this an illegal election. Manafort has everything to do with Trump.
Manafort gets 7 1/2 years for all his crimes. And others who do less get decades in jail. FFS!
White Collar crimes seem to pay well.

"BREAKING: Judge sentences former Trump campaign chairman Manafort to 60 months on first count, 30 months to run concurrent with Virginia case; judge imposes sentence of 13 months on Manafort for second count, to be served consecutively"

Manafort is a first time, non-violent offender. Do you really think a life sentence in solitary confinement is just?

Just because you hate Trump?
has nothing to do with trump. not one thread. the argument is truly hate filled because he knew trump. and that is all. these are evil people, I will never stop saying it either.
Ha dumb fuck, Manafort was Trump's campaign manager who gave polling data to the Russians to help get Trump elected, making this an illegal election. Manafort has everything to do with Trump.
so? What are his charges? anything related to his tasks as campaign manager? nope. so again, so?
NY indicts Manafort minutes after he’s sentenced to prison

A Manhattan grand jury has indicted President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort on charges of residential mortgage fraud and other state crimes, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office said Wednesday.

“No one is beyond the law in New York,” said DA Cy Vance Jr in a statement. “Following an investigation commenced by our Office in March 2017, a Manhattan grand jury has charged Mr. Manafort with state criminal violations which strike at the heart of New York’s sovereign interests, including the integrity of our residential mortgage market.”

The district attorney’s office determined some time ago that it would seek charges whether or not the president pardoned Mr. Manafort.

In the 16-count indictment, Manafort faces raps for residential mortgage fraud, attempted residential mortgage fraud, conspiracy, falsifying business records and scheme to defraud....

View attachment 250059

:happy-1:Here come the state charges. So pardons won't save his ass. Thanks, NY!
And Thank you American Hero Muller.

I wonder at what point, the Russians put him and the family down? It's cheaper.

btw: I wonder when state tax fraud indictments come? And other types as well.

Love it. Now Trump gets to talk to Sean Hannity to have his ego stroked because his hair Arden power has been made impotent.

Sitar’s is going to become unhinged over the next week because of this.
what does that have to do with trump? explain! no fair to post and run.
Makes the great Douche pardon useless.
what pardon? when did he pardon anyone? you guys watch too much TDS programming.
He pardoned the criminal Joe Arpaio.
Heard today, another attorney state Manafort’s attorney was really negligent in allowing him to plead guilty, without the guilt representing all the charges that were the same, just in a couple of different jurisdictions, which were listed under the same indictment.
Manafort pleaded guilty to bank fraud. They seem to get to use that against him..LOL!
Manafort gets 7 1/2 years for all his crimes. And others who do less get decades in jail. FFS!
White Collar crimes seem to pay well.

"BREAKING: Judge sentences former Trump campaign chairman Manafort to 60 months on first count, 30 months to run concurrent with Virginia case; judge imposes sentence of 13 months on Manafort for second count, to be served consecutively"

Manafort is a first time, non-violent offender. Do you really think a life sentence in solitary confinement is just?

Just because you hate Trump?
has nothing to do with trump. not one thread. the argument is truly hate filled because he knew trump. and that is all. these are evil people, I will never stop saying it either.
Ha dumb fuck, Manafort was Trump's campaign manager who gave polling data to the Russians to help get Trump elected, making this an illegal election. Manafort has everything to do with Trump.

Those allegations were never found to be true by any court, BWK.

No collusion at all was proven
NY indicts Manafort minutes after he’s sentenced to prison

A Manhattan grand jury has indicted President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort on charges of residential mortgage fraud and other state crimes, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office said Wednesday.

“No one is beyond the law in New York,” said DA Cy Vance Jr in a statement. “Following an investigation commenced by our Office in March 2017, a Manhattan grand jury has charged Mr. Manafort with state criminal violations which strike at the heart of New York’s sovereign interests, including the integrity of our residential mortgage market.”

The district attorney’s office determined some time ago that it would seek charges whether or not the president pardoned Mr. Manafort.

In the 16-count indictment, Manafort faces raps for residential mortgage fraud, attempted residential mortgage fraud, conspiracy, falsifying business records and scheme to defraud....

View attachment 250059

:happy-1:Here come the state charges. So pardons won't save his ass. Thanks, NY!
And Thank you American Hero Muller.

I wonder at what point, the Russians put him and the family down? It's cheaper.

btw: I wonder when state tax fraud indictments come? And other types as well.

Love it. Now Trump gets to talk to Sean Hannity to have his ego stroked because his hair Arden power has been made impotent.

Sitar’s is going to become unhinged over the next week because of this.
what does that have to do with trump? explain! no fair to post and run.
Makes the great Douche pardon useless.
what pardon? when did he pardon anyone? you guys watch too much TDS programming.
He pardoned the criminal Joe Arpaio.
is that illegal? still not following where you're going pal
NY indicts Manafort minutes after he’s sentenced to prison

A Manhattan grand jury has indicted President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort on charges of residential mortgage fraud and other state crimes, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office said Wednesday.

“No one is beyond the law in New York,” said DA Cy Vance Jr in a statement. “Following an investigation commenced by our Office in March 2017, a Manhattan grand jury has charged Mr. Manafort with state criminal violations which strike at the heart of New York’s sovereign interests, including the integrity of our residential mortgage market.”

The district attorney’s office determined some time ago that it would seek charges whether or not the president pardoned Mr. Manafort.

In the 16-count indictment, Manafort faces raps for residential mortgage fraud, attempted residential mortgage fraud, conspiracy, falsifying business records and scheme to defraud....

View attachment 250059

:happy-1:Here come the state charges. So pardons won't save his ass. Thanks, NY!
And Thank you American Hero Muller.

I wonder at what point, the Russians put him and the family down? It's cheaper.

btw: I wonder when state tax fraud indictments come? And other types as well.

Love it. Now Trump gets to talk to Sean Hannity to have his ego stroked because his hair Arden power has been made impotent.

Sitar’s is going to become unhinged over the next week because of this.
what does that have to do with trump? explain! no fair to post and run.
Makes the great Douche pardon useless.
what pardon? when did he pardon anyone? you guys watch too much TDS programming.
He pardoned the criminal Joe Arpaio.

Sheriff Arpaio was exonerated.
Manafort gets 7 1/2 years for all his crimes. And others who do less get decades in jail. FFS!
White Collar crimes seem to pay well.

"BREAKING: Judge sentences former Trump campaign chairman Manafort to 60 months on first count, 30 months to run concurrent with Virginia case; judge imposes sentence of 13 months on Manafort for second count, to be served consecutively"

Manafort is a first time, non-violent offender. Do you really think a life sentence in solitary confinement is just?

Just because you hate Trump?
In the second case, he was a convicted felon.
Manafort gets 7 1/2 years for all his crimes. And others who do less get decades in jail. FFS!
White Collar crimes seem to pay well.

"BREAKING: Judge sentences former Trump campaign chairman Manafort to 60 months on first count, 30 months to run concurrent with Virginia case; judge imposes sentence of 13 months on Manafort for second count, to be served consecutively"

Manafort is a first time, non-violent offender. Do you really think a life sentence in solitary confinement is just?

Just because you hate Trump?
has nothing to do with trump. not one thread. the argument is truly hate filled because he knew trump. and that is all. these are evil people, I will never stop saying it either.
Ha dumb fuck, Manafort was Trump's campaign manager who gave polling data to the Russians to help get Trump elected, making this an illegal election. Manafort has everything to do with Trump.[/WhQUOTE]
so? What are his charges? anything related to his tasks as campaign manager? nope. so again, so?
Charges? We have facts. The Mueller investigation hasn't come out yet dumb ass. Giving polling data to Russians was one of his tasks. It's already been proven.
Manafort gets 7 1/2 years for all his crimes. And others who do less get decades in jail. FFS!
White Collar crimes seem to pay well.

"BREAKING: Judge sentences former Trump campaign chairman Manafort to 60 months on first count, 30 months to run concurrent with Virginia case; judge imposes sentence of 13 months on Manafort for second count, to be served consecutively"

Manafort is a first time, non-violent offender. Do you really think a life sentence in solitary confinement is just?

Just because you hate Trump?
has nothing to do with trump. not one thread. the argument is truly hate filled because he knew trump. and that is all. these are evil people, I will never stop saying it either.
Ha dumb fuck, Manafort was Trump's campaign manager who gave polling data to the Russians to help get Trump elected, making this an illegal election. Manafort has everything to do with Trump.

Those allegations were never found to be true by any court, BWK.

No collusion at all was proven
in other words, no charges for it. so the puke BWK can list the charges and let himself bury his remarks.
Manafort gets 7 1/2 years for all his crimes. And others who do less get decades in jail. FFS!
White Collar crimes seem to pay well.

"BREAKING: Judge sentences former Trump campaign chairman Manafort to 60 months on first count, 30 months to run concurrent with Virginia case; judge imposes sentence of 13 months on Manafort for second count, to be served consecutively"

Manafort is a first time, non-violent offender. Do you really think a life sentence in solitary confinement is just?

Just because you hate Trump?
In the second case, he was a convicted felon.

So, in your view, if a young black kid gets pinched for a non-violent offense, he should get a life term too?
Manafort gets 7 1/2 years for all his crimes. And others who do less get decades in jail. FFS!
White Collar crimes seem to pay well.

"BREAKING: Judge sentences former Trump campaign chairman Manafort to 60 months on first count, 30 months to run concurrent with Virginia case; judge imposes sentence of 13 months on Manafort for second count, to be served consecutively"

Manafort is a first time, non-violent offender. Do you really think a life sentence in solitary confinement is just?

Just because you hate Trump?
has nothing to do with trump. not one thread. the argument is truly hate filled because he knew trump. and that is all. these are evil people, I will never stop saying it either.
Ha dumb fuck, Manafort was Trump's campaign manager who gave polling data to the Russians to help get Trump elected, making this an illegal election. Manafort has everything to do with Trump.[/WhQUOTE]
so? What are his charges? anything related to his tasks as campaign manager? nope. so again, so?
Charges? We have facts. The Mueller investigation hasn't come out yet dumb ass. Giving polling data to Russians was one of his tasks. It's already been proven.
charges, I didn't stutter. so post the charges on Manafort big mouth.

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