Paul Ryan calls for FBI to be "cleansed"


this needs to happen

will be interesting to see how many democrats wind up doing the right thing
Mueller is gonna "cleanse" that Putin Puppet with an obstruction of justice charge.

Creepy Munster Kid all Growed Up is complicit as hell.

without outing myself I'll tell you straight up 75%of you know about 1/10 as much about the FBI as you think you do, and the other 25% of you are just fucking crazy partisan bitches.
Paul Ryan calls to 'cleanse' the FBI, backs surveillance memo release

"Let it all out, get it all out there. Cleanse the organization. I think we should disclose all this stuff. It’s the best disinfectant. Accountability, transparency -- for the sake of the reputation of our institutions.”'
- House Speaker Paul Ryan

'He said problems at the FBI and the Justice Department should be cleaned out, while “covering up mischief would be worse.”

The President now has 5 days to decide to release it or not. You can bet top Democrats will be calling him, pleading with him not to release it, offering deals if he does not.

Meanwhile Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe is under DOJ Investigation...

We'll have to wait and see who is next.

Paul Ryan calls to 'cleanse' the FBI, backs surveillance memo release

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