Paul Ryan: 'If we had a Clinton presidency, we would've fixed this mess by now'

No he's saying Clinton is smart enough to at least have tried working with the other side. Unlike Obama who doesn't even work with his own side. He just passes shit off to the biggest partisans in congress and washes his hands of all responsibility.

Clinton saw the results of her husband working WITH the opposition rather than ignoring them.

That's funny - considering all the NaziCon witch hunts, impeachment and trying to burn both Clintons at the stake. Anyone remember Ken Starr...?

'Clinton Vs. Starr': A 'Definitive' Account : NPR

Regardless of your little fantasy world Clinton AND congress got shit done.

It's amazing that the Clinton era was the last time this country saw compromises between the GOP & Dems when there was no crises to speak of. Following 9/11 we saw quite a bit of working compromise in Washington. But after the realization the Iraq had never been a threat to the US, compromise disappeared and is now a fond memory.
Compromise got things done in Washington. What we have seen the last 8-9 years is partisanship and a dysfunctional government where nothing gets done and the will of the people is overshadowed "party first" mentality by both parties. No wonder Congress gets such low approval.
It's a fucking disgrace and is anti-American. Someone is winning and it's not the citizens of the US.
Well the Clinton days were some of the best this country has ever seen.

When Klinton was prez and had a dem house and senate even his budget was voted down by his own party
When newt and the boys came to town things got done.

Good lord you people are so shamelessly ignorant:

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (or OBRA-93[1]) was a federal law that was enacted by the 103rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It has also been referred to, unofficially, as the Deficit Reduction Act of 1993. Part XIII, which dealt with taxes and is also called the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993.

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bill and Hilary are smart enough to know which battles to fight.
Obama is in over his head.He love the trappings of the office.
All the perks and the power.

He just isn't smart enough to know how to work with people.

Do you think this will.hurt his re election prospects? :tongue:
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Is he saying the NaziCons would not have OBSTRUCTED Hillary like they have done Obama?

No he's saying Clinton is smart enough to at least have tried working with the other side. Unlike Obama who doesn't even work with his own side. He just passes shit off to the biggest partisans in congress and washes his hands of all responsibility.

Clinton saw the results of her husband working WITH the opposition rather than ignoring them.

Oh, sure. And you are really falling for that?? The jealous, ignorant Republican leadership treated Bill Clinton like dirt. And he was a good president and a brilliant man. They couldn't pick on that so they went after his sex life.

Who does Ryan think he's kidding?? The little twerp!!!
Is he saying the NaziCons would not have OBSTRUCTED Hillary like they have done Obama?

No he's saying Clinton is smart enough to at least have tried working with the other side. Unlike Obama who doesn't even work with his own side. He just passes shit off to the biggest partisans in congress and washes his hands of all responsibility.

Clinton saw the results of her husband working WITH the opposition rather than ignoring them.

Oh, sure. And you are really falling for that?? The jealous, ignorant Republican leadership treated Bill Clinton like dirt. And he was a good president and a brilliant man. They couldn't pick on that so they went after his sex life.

Who does Ryan think he's kidding?? The little twerp!!!

Yep, they did. And they worked with him at the same time. I believe Ryan is correct.

The first two years after the crash obama focused on healthcare rather than the economy and jobs. And now in his 5th year he plans to work on gay issues and climate change. His JOBS counsel hasnt met in around a year. Its like he doesn't give a fuck about the economy or jobs. In his inaguration speech he went on and on about social issues and never mentioned the economy or jobs.

The more time goes by the less respect I have for the man

Another great example of deflection. Instead of addressing the comment and explaining why you do or don't agree that Hillary Clinton might have done a better job than Obama, just find a way to use it to bash Republicans. Do you care what they think? I doubt it.

Do you have the courage to post your opinion on whether things would be different or not with Hillary at the wheel?

This is how so many things are handled here. Throw it out there in hopes of taking a shot at the other party, but don't articulate what you think.

I would guess that Hillary would have been better than Obama because I believe she truly cares about the country. I don't agree with her politics, but don't see her as being as far left as Obama is, so there likely would have been some improvement over what we have now.
Is he saying the NaziCons would not have OBSTRUCTED Hillary like they have done Obama?

No he's saying Clinton is smart enough to at least have tried working with the other side. Unlike Obama who doesn't even work with his own side. He just passes shit off to the biggest partisans in congress and washes his hands of all responsibility.

Clinton saw the results of her husband working WITH the opposition rather than ignoring them.

All Obama did was try to work with the re-thugs during his first term and it failed from the GOP acting like a bunch of babies, refusing to compromise on anything. Now Obama is (finally) throwing them over his knee and giving them a spanking which is working to get things done.

No, what obama's doing is stepping all over the constitution having a temper tantrum to get his way, no matter what. The man has the emotional development of a toddler. While it's not a good thing that the pubs are not working with him, I can't say as I blame can treat people like shit for only so long before they start fighthing back. The pubs are fed up with obama's rhetoric and outright bullshit and they are fighting back by not being cooperative. If obama wants pubs to cooperate with him, then he needs to stop being such an asshole.....not to mention be an actual leader who is above the fray of all the nonsense that occurs in DC. obama simply is not capable of that, though.
No he's saying Clinton is smart enough to at least have tried working with the other side. Unlike Obama who doesn't even work with his own side. He just passes shit off to the biggest partisans in congress and washes his hands of all responsibility.

Clinton saw the results of her husband working WITH the opposition rather than ignoring them.

That's funny - considering all the NaziCon witch hunts, impeachment and trying to burn both Clintons at the stake. Anyone remember Ken Starr...?

'Clinton Vs. Starr': A 'Definitive' Account : NPR

Regardless of your little fantasy world Clinton AND congress got shit done.

Yes they did.

Clinton couldn't work with his own Dems. The told him to go along with anything they wanted. He would have no say. He pretty much told em to shove it.

He could and did work with the Gingrich and Reps and got loads done.

To bad that fuck in the WH right now hasn't got half the brains or ability that Clinton had. Hell, on his worst day Clinton was a hell of a better Prez than Barry Boy ever will be. Amen.
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Now the left is in love with Paul.

I think what Paul is saying that ANYONE other then an inexperienced Obama could have done better.

Clinton road the Reagan created economic expansion. Which he turned into the disaster we are seeing today with his "free" trade agreements. What is happening now was predicted then. Clinton was the worse president for this country in my life time, Paul maybe right if Clinton had the same Republican congress but as for presidents, Clinton way overrated.
Well the Clinton days were some of the best this country has ever seen.

When Klinton was prez and had a dem house and senate even his budget was voted down by his own party
When newt and the boys came to town things got done.

Good lord you people are so shamelessly ignorant:

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (or OBRA-93[1]) was a federal law that was enacted by the 103rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It has also been referred to, unofficially, as the Deficit Reduction Act of 1993. Part XIII, which dealt with taxes and is also called the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993.

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And didn't some little angry attack muffin by the name of Newt claim that it would be economic ruin if the bill was passed?
Yes he did

as a matter of fact the republican party all screamed it would kill the country.

NOT ONE R voted for it.

Gore came in and broke the tie in the senate.

Then it created a budget surplus and they sambled to claim the results
when it passed I looked at my hubby and said "watch them try to claim this" and sure enough the republicans did.

They tried to say somehting else caused the surplus even though the CBO told us where it came from.

the weasels just cant be honest
and has a veto pen and an agenda to promote with his fellow party members in the congress
That's funny - considering all the NaziCon witch hunts, impeachment and trying to burn both Clintons at the stake. Anyone remember Ken Starr...?

'Clinton Vs. Starr': A 'Definitive' Account : NPR

Regardless of your little fantasy world Clinton AND congress got shit done.

It's amazing that the Clinton era was the last time this country saw compromises between the GOP & Dems when there was no crises to speak of. Following 9/11 we saw quite a bit of working compromise in Washington. But after the realization the Iraq had never been a threat to the US, compromise disappeared and is now a fond memory.
Compromise got things done in Washington. What we have seen the last 8-9 years is partisanship and a dysfunctional government where nothing gets done and the will of the people is overshadowed "party first" mentality by both parties. No wonder Congress gets such low approval.
It's a fucking disgrace and is anti-American. Someone is winning and it's not the citizens of the US.

The election of the Gingrich Republicans in 1994 started the current partisan divide. Demonizing government, refusal to compromise and willingness to bring the country to its knees just to make a point
the 1993 budget act was fixing our debt.

Your assholes ended that right away and then sat back and twiddled their thumbs while terrorist stalked our country.

any terror expert who tried to warn them was treated like crap and when they left they were called "disgrintled employees".

Then two planes killed thousands

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