Paul Ryan: 'If we had a Clinton presidency, we would've fixed this mess by now'

Paul Oneil was a repulblican appointed to be head if treasury by Bush.

He refused to go along with the deficits dont matter meme of Cheneys.

they trashed him and called him a "disgruntled empolyee".

then proceded to kill our economy with debt
Clinton, for all his faults, was a president. obama doesn't see himself as a president, but a king.
The tactic of attacking the Democrat in power by pretending to praise the Democrat out of power is a well worn ruse perpetrated by the rightwing propaganda machine.

Amazing isn't it?

It took Clinton 8 years to clean up Reagan's mess. And that's after George HW Bush had to spend his administration getting the fiscal house into shape. So..12 years of cleaning.

And what did Republicans do?

Impeach Clinton.

They are just pissed that Obama basically colors within the lines in terms of his personal life.
Now the left is in love with Paul.

I think what Paul is saying that ANYONE other then an inexperienced Obama could have done better.

Clinton road the Reagan created economic expansion. Which he turned into the disaster we are seeing today with his "free" trade agreements. What is happening now was predicted then. Clinton was the worse president for this country in my life time, Paul maybe right if Clinton had the same Republican congress but as for presidents, Clinton way overrated.


You're funny.
When Klinton was prez and had a dem house and senate even his budget was voted down by his own party
When newt and the boys came to town things got done.

Good lord you people are so shamelessly ignorant:

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (or OBRA-93[1]) was a federal law that was enacted by the 103rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It has also been referred to, unofficially, as the Deficit Reduction Act of 1993. Part XIII, which dealt with taxes and is also called the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993.

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And didn't some little angry attack muffin by the name of Newt claim that it would be economic ruin if the bill was passed?

Newt all but guaranteed it would cause a recession.
Then Bush spent it away in a few months

No dumbass.

Congress controls the pursestrings. Not the Prez. Jeeze your such a biased Bush hating Moron.
So what you're saying is that the RW meme of "Obama the big spender" is a fat, juicy LIE?

No What I'm saying is that Congress, not he Prez, holds the pursestrings.

Truthsplatters talks about Bush's lack of veto on spending yet just like you she totally ignores Barry's lack of veto on spending.

Obama and Bush were both big spenders via the lack of that veto pen.
Still a bit far from 2016 to endorse but okay. Thanks, Paul, I'm sure Hillary will appreciate your vote.

This comment will haunt her forever, but the freeloaders will still cast their vote for her. The Clinton machine will see to that.

What difference, at this point, does it make?"
No dumbass.

Congress controls the pursestrings. Not the Prez. Jeeze your such a biased Bush hating Moron.
So what you're saying is that the RW meme of "Obama the big spender" is a fat, juicy LIE?

No What I'm saying is that Congress, not he Prez, holds the pursestrings.

Truthsplatters talks about Bush's lack of veto on spending yet just like you she totally ignores Barry's lack of veto on spending.

Obama and Bush were both big spenders via the lack of that veto pen.


Obama isn't a "big" spender.

Not historically by most any measure.
Still a bit far from 2016 to endorse but okay. Thanks, Paul, I'm sure Hillary will appreciate your vote.

This comment will haunt her forever, but the freeloaders will still cast their vote for her. The Clinton machine will see to that.

What difference, at this point, does it make?"

It won't "haunt" her at all.

The only people that view it as a negative, are people that would never vote for her under any circumstances.
Fantastic meme for the Republicans.

While it is conjecture, the point is that it forces the question to be answered:

Has the decision by the radical Leftists in Congress to destroy the budget process really hurt America, and is there really perhaps a better way?'

It kicks Owebama's agenda ass.
What he was saying was what everyone was saying during the campaign. "Anybody but Obama".
Paul Ryan and the Tea Party Republicans ... are the problem.

If you mean they are the obstruction to the next nation to succumb to progressive totalitarianism, I would agree!

When Klinton was prez and had a dem house and senate even his budget was voted down by his own party
When newt and the boys came to town things got done.

Good lord you people are so shamelessly ignorant:

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (or OBRA-93[1]) was a federal law that was enacted by the 103rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It has also been referred to, unofficially, as the Deficit Reduction Act of 1993. Part XIII, which dealt with taxes and is also called the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993.

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And didn't some little angry attack muffin by the name of Newt claim that it would be economic ruin if the bill was passed?

Not that one.

The one's he vetoed later, but which Gingrich shoved right back up his ass - forcing some fiscal responsibility into government.

Remember, the Republicans took Congress for the first time in 40 years thanks to Clinton freaking America out with his big spending, budget busting nonsense such as 'Hillarycare.'

But now that your ridiculous false meme has been trounced, Kerry on.

bill clinton himself said in his nomination of obama in charlotte last year that not he, or any other president could have fixed the hole the economy was in in one term. if you think bill was just blowing smoke, you don't know bill clinton (clearly). the man's legacy, his reputation and his place in history means more to him than probably anything else. if you think he'd diminish his own prowess for anything that he didn't believe, you're a fucking idiot.

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