Paul Ryan - Not even a good liar.

So justbecause a headline says something, you believe it? No wonder you are an Obama voter.
Let's look at even the first item:

RYAN: "And the biggest, coldest power play of all in Obamacare came at the expense of the elderly. ... So they just took it all away from Medicare. Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars, funneled out of Medicare by President Obama."

THE FACTS: Ryan's claim ignores the fact that Ryan himself incorporated the same cuts into budgets he steered through the House in the past two years as chairman of its Budget Committee, using the money for deficit reduction. And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

Note that "The Facts" do NOT refute Ryan's claim. They merely deflect to Ryan's own plan, which is not at issue here.
Your post is a fail.

And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

And when those cuts are implemented, the services to the medicare patients will those cuts will directly affect the users of medicare.

Dont you get it? Of course thats where the cuts are coming from. Where else would they come from? Thats what cuts are all about....they will be paying less for the services.

Jeez...see hoiw trhey spun their response? They are saying "those cuts are coming from what we pay for the services and that is not a bad thing"

And they have you typing it out on a it is something special.

They came back with a report, and Owebama did nothing.

No, they didn't. The committee voted down report - at Ryan's behest.

quit lying.

National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform

'A report was released on December 1, 2010'

National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are getting pummeled, tard.

You lie like other people breathe:

A report was released on December 1, 2010,[3] but failed a vote on December 3 with 11 of 18 votes in favor, with a supermajority of 14 votes needed to formally endorse the blueprint.
No, they didn't. The committee voted down report - at Ryan's behest.

quit lying.

National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform

'A report was released on December 1, 2010'

National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are getting pummeled, tard.


from your own link.

A report was released on December 1, 2010, but failed a vote on December 3 with 11 of 18 votes in favor, with a supermajority of 14 votes needed to formally endorse the blueprint.[3] Voting for the report were Bowles, Coburn, Conrad, Crapo, Cote, Durbin, Fudge, Gregg, Rivlin, Simpson, and Spratt. Voting against were Baucus, Becerra, Camp, Hensarling, Ryan, Schakowsky and Stern.

Jesus you guys are the new frothy LOLberals who will kiss the ass of their messiah, I see. Holy shit. It's like the fucking twilight zone in here.


You are about as dumb as those other Liberal retards, except you are Left of most of them, of course.

Ryan did not claim that Obama was given a supermajority recommendation.
So justbecause a headline says something, you believe it? No wonder you are an Obama voter.
Let's look at even the first item:

Note that "The Facts" do NOT refute Ryan's claim. They merely deflect to Ryan's own plan, which is not at issue here.
Your post is a fail.

And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

Does your back ever get tired moving the goalposts, or your hands from deflecting?

The point is that Obamacare takes that money from Medicare. Ryan was correct. All the spinning and deflecting does not change that.

The cuts did not come at the expense of elderly, as Ryan claimed.
Stop failing, narco-Libertarians and Libtards.

This was Ryan's statement, and he nailed it:

Exactly like Ryan said.

“He created a bipartisan debt commission. They came back with an urgent report. He thanked them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing.”

So justbecause a headline says something, you believe it? No wonder you are an Obama voter.
Let's look at even the first item:

RYAN: "And the biggest, coldest power play of all in Obamacare came at the expense of the elderly. ... So they just took it all away from Medicare. Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars, funneled out of Medicare by President Obama."

THE FACTS: Ryan's claim ignores the fact that Ryan himself incorporated the same cuts into budgets he steered through the House in the past two years as chairman of its Budget Committee, using the money for deficit reduction. And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

Note that "The Facts" do NOT refute Ryan's claim. They merely deflect to Ryan's own plan, which is not at issue here.
Your post is a fail.

And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

I am else would those cuts AFFECT the patients directly?

They fooled you and just about everyone else on the left....AGAIN
So justbecause a headline says something, you believe it? No wonder you are an Obama voter.
Let's look at even the first item:

Note that "The Facts" do NOT refute Ryan's claim. They merely deflect to Ryan's own plan, which is not at issue here.
Your post is a fail.

And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

And when those cuts are implemented, the services to the medicare patients will those cuts will directly affect the users of medicare.

What makes you think saving 719B from Medicare will make patient care services suffer?
And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

Does your back ever get tired moving the goalposts, or your hands from deflecting?

The point is that Obamacare takes that money from Medicare. Ryan was correct. All the spinning and deflecting does not change that.

The cuts did not come at the expense of elderly, as Ryan claimed. is it that Ryan was implying that the cuts would affect the elderly directly?

Exactly what was he implyiung would happen to the elderly?
Does your back ever get tired moving the goalposts, or your hands from deflecting?

The point is that Obamacare takes that money from Medicare. Ryan was correct. All the spinning and deflecting does not change that.

The cuts did not come at the expense of elderly, as Ryan claimed. is it that Ryan was implying that the cuts would affect the elderly directly?

Exactly what was he implyiung would happen to the elderly?

You'd have to ask him what he meant when he said "the biggest, coldest power play of all in Obamacare came at the expense of the elderly."

Nevermind that his plan has cuts of the same magnitude. I guess Ryan hates Seniors too.
And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

And when those cuts are implemented, the services to the medicare patients will those cuts will directly affect the users of medicare.

What makes you think saving 719B from Medicare will make patient care services suffer?


Would they suffer if even more money was raided and half of all hospitals close instead of the projected 1 in 6?
And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

And when those cuts are implemented, the services to the medicare patients will those cuts will directly affect the users of medicare.

What makes you think saving 719B from Medicare will make patient care services suffer?

Take DME's...a big part of medicare....

The provider gets less per unit, then the unit must last longer and not be replaced as a wheelchair.

So the wheelchair will now need to have a life of ten years as oppposed to 6 years.

Directly affects the patient.
The cuts did not come at the expense of elderly, as Ryan claimed. is it that Ryan was implying that the cuts would affect the elderly directly?

Exactly what was he implyiung would happen to the elderly?

You'd have to ask him what he meant when he said "the biggest, coldest power play of all in Obamacare came at the expense of the elderly."

Nevermind that his plan has cuts of the same magnitude. I guess Ryan hates Seniors too.

I dont have to ask him.....and neither do you.

I know exactly what he meant and he was correct.

You pay healthcare providers less, the healthcare that is provided will be compromised.

It is not rocket science.

How else did YOU take what he siad?
And when those cuts are implemented, the services to the medicare patients will those cuts will directly affect the users of medicare.

What makes you think saving 719B from Medicare will make patient care services suffer?

Take DME's...a big part of medicare....

The provider gets less per unit, then the unit must last longer and not be replaced as a wheelchair.

So the wheelchair will now need to have a life of ten years as oppposed to 6 years.

Directly affects the patient.

Lefty thinks our Seniors are ignorant.
The cuts did not come at the expense of elderly, as Ryan claimed. is it that Ryan was implying that the cuts would affect the elderly directly?

Exactly what was he implyiung would happen to the elderly?

You'd have to ask him what he meant when he said "the biggest, coldest power play of all in Obamacare came at the expense of the elderly."

Nevermind that his plan has cuts of the same magnitude. I guess Ryan hates Seniors too.

wow...even you fell for the spin.


I am surprised you fall for the spin.
Stop failing, narco-Libertarians and Libtards.

This was Ryan's statement, and he nailed it:

Exactly like Ryan said.

“He created a bipartisan debt commission. They came back with an urgent report. He thanked them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing.”

Snippy, you are a very poor liar. Ryan was part and parcel of why the suggestions in that report were not put into action.

Fact Check: Paul Ryan misleads on debt panel's spending cut plan -

Ryan was one of eight Republicans on the 18-member National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, which Obama established in 2010. The commission was led by Erskine Bowles, who served as White House chief of staff in the Clinton administration, and former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson.

Bowles and Simpson proposed a sweeping program of spending cuts and a radical overhaul of the U.S. tax code, aimed at cutting projected budget deficits by a total of $4 trillion by 2020. The plan included changes to Social Security and substantial cuts in defense and discretionary spending.

But for their proposal to be adopted as official recommendations to Congress, the Bowles-Simpson commission needed 14 of the 18 votes. It failed on an 11-7 vote, with four Democrats and three Republicans, including Ryan, voting no.

Ryan was then the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, soon to be its chairman. He called the plan "serious and credible" -- but said it relied too heavily on tax increases and failed to restructure federal health care programs like Medicare.

What it came down to was that Ryan, in typical GOP fashion, wanted to put solving the debt problem on the backs of the old people and make sure there were no tax increases for the very wealthy.
And when those cuts are implemented, the services to the medicare patients will those cuts will directly affect the users of medicare.

What makes you think saving 719B from Medicare will make patient care services suffer?


Would they suffer if even more money was raided and half of all hospitals close instead of the projected 1 in 6?
No, because hospitals and providers agreed to these cuts in exchange for other increased reimbursements and changes to the programs.
And when those cuts are implemented, the services to the medicare patients will those cuts will directly affect the users of medicare.

What makes you think saving 719B from Medicare will make patient care services suffer?

Take DME's...a big part of medicare....

The provider gets less per unit, then the unit must last longer and not be replaced as a wheelchair.

So the wheelchair will now need to have a life of ten years as oppposed to 6 years.

Directly affects the patient.

Really? In the name of fiscal responsibility we don't want to ask people who use wheelchairs for more than 6 years to extend the replacement life?

Yet we expect to somehow balance the budget?

What makes you think saving 719B from Medicare will make patient care services suffer?


Would they suffer if even more money was raided and half of all hospitals close instead of the projected 1 in 6?
No, because hospitals and providers agreed to these cuts in exchange for other increased reimbursements and changes to the programs.

you made that up.

In NYS alone there are hundreds of DME telling me they all got together and said "sure, we will take less as long as you give us other goodies"?

And exactly where do those "increased reimbursement" funds come from? are losing this debate. Sorry. You are only regurgitating the spin. Nothing concrete.

You been fooled.
What makes you think saving 719B from Medicare will make patient care services suffer?

Take DME's...a big part of medicare....

The provider gets less per unit, then the unit must last longer and not be replaced as a wheelchair.

So the wheelchair will now need to have a life of ten years as oppposed to 6 years.

Directly affects the patient.

Lefty thinks our Seniors are ignorant.

I am a senior, and I sure as hell am not ignorant about what Ryan is trying to do. The man is pure poison for any American that is not already wealthy. He cares nothing at all about anybody not in the 1%, considers us fodder for the Ubbermenchen's ambitions, and thinks that we all should die when we can no longer contribute to their wealth.
So justbecause a headline says something, you believe it? No wonder you are an Obama voter.
Let's look at even the first item:

Note that "The Facts" do NOT refute Ryan's claim. They merely deflect to Ryan's own plan, which is not at issue here.
Your post is a fail.

And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

I am else would those cuts AFFECT the patients directly?

They fooled you and just about everyone else on the left....AGAIN

RyAN fooled You. So did Romney. Congratulations.

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