Paul Ryan - Not even a good liar.

National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform

'A report was released on December 1, 2010'

National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are getting pummeled, tard.


from your own link.

A report was released on December 1, 2010, but failed a vote on December 3 with 11 of 18 votes in favor, with a supermajority of 14 votes needed to formally endorse the blueprint.[3] Voting for the report were Bowles, Coburn, Conrad, Crapo, Cote, Durbin, Fudge, Gregg, Rivlin, Simpson, and Spratt. Voting against were Baucus, Becerra, Camp, Hensarling, Ryan, Schakowsky and Stern.

Jesus you guys are the new frothy LOLberals who will kiss the ass of their messiah, I see. Holy shit. It's like the fucking twilight zone in here.


You are about as dumb as those other Liberal retards, except you are Left of most of them, of course.

Ryan did not claim that Obama was given a supermajority recommendation.

No, he didn't. He also voted against endorsing the "urgent report" he is claiming Obama did nothing with. If you could take your head out of his ass for a minute you might see how one would have some questions about what Ryan said based on the facts.

But you don't. Nope. You're just as fucking ridiculous as the diehard Obama supporters. You will go to great lengths to justify such behavior from your chosen messiah.
Final thoughts:

It is obvious that Paul Ryan lied in his speech, not all of it was lies, but the "loudest" talking points were.

What makes it obvious (to the rest of America) is the fact that almost every major news outlet is now running stories about the inaccuracies in his speech. There have been multiple categorical breakdowns of each point with full counter-facts proving them either flat out wrong or misleading.

Choose how you want to react to that, but it is fact.

"The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice."
-Arthur Schopenhauer
What makes you think saving 719B from Medicare will make patient care services suffer?


Would they suffer if even more money was raided and half of all hospitals close instead of the projected 1 in 6?
No, because hospitals and providers agreed to these cuts in exchange for other increased reimbursements and changes to the programs.

Medicare Medicare chief actuary Richard Foster announce 1 in 6 hospitals would be doomed, thanks to these cuts. Your lame-assed spin works no better on this one than on the Simpson-Bowles report.
So justbecause a headline says something, you believe it? No wonder you are an Obama voter.
Let's look at even the first item:

Note that "The Facts" do NOT refute Ryan's claim. They merely deflect to Ryan's own plan, which is not at issue here.
Your post is a fail.

And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

And when those cuts are implemented, the services to the medicare patients will suffer....How so? Be specific. so those cuts will directly affect the users of medicare. (Again, do you believe doctors will withhold treatment to the aged - as insurance companies have in the past?)

Dont you get it? Of course thats where the cuts are coming from. Where else would they come from? Thats what cuts are all about....they will be paying less for the services.

Jeez...see hoiw trhey spun their response? They are saying "those cuts are coming from what we pay for the services and that is not a bad thing"

And they have you typing it out on a it is something special.


Cutting payments to providers will require providers to do what the right demands of government - cut out the fat. Ever look at an itemized bill from a hospital?
What makes you think saving 719B from Medicare will make patient care services suffer?

Take DME's...a big part of medicare....

The provider gets less per unit, then the unit must last longer and not be replaced as a wheelchair.

So the wheelchair will now need to have a life of ten years as oppposed to 6 years.

Directly affects the patient.

Really? In the name of fiscal responsibility we don't want to ask people who use wheelchairs for more than 6 years to extend the replacement life?

Yet we expect to somehow balance the budget?


I used that as an example.

But in line with that example...

Yes....Obama is asking our seniors to be inconvenienced and use "older" DME's in an effort to have the Affordable Care Law.

So yes, the seniors are being affected directly.

Saying otherwise is a lie.
And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

And when those cuts are implemented, the services to the medicare patients will suffer....How so? Be specific. so those cuts will directly affect the users of medicare. (Again, do you believe doctors will withhold treatment to the aged - as insurance companies have in the past?)

Dont you get it? Of course thats where the cuts are coming from. Where else would they come from? Thats what cuts are all about....they will be paying less for the services.

Jeez...see hoiw trhey spun their response? They are saying "those cuts are coming from what we pay for the services and that is not a bad thing"

And they have you typing it out on a it is something special.


Cutting payments to providers will require providers to do what the right demands of government - cut out the fat. Ever look at an itemized bill from a hospital?

At least you finally admit that Obama raided Medicare.

Which is exactly what Ryan stated.
And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

And when those cuts are implemented, the services to the medicare patients will suffer....How so? Be specific. so those cuts will directly affect the users of medicare. (Again, do you believe doctors will withhold treatment to the aged - as insurance companies have in the past?)

Dont you get it? Of course thats where the cuts are coming from. Where else would they come from? Thats what cuts are all about....they will be paying less for the services.

Jeez...see hoiw trhey spun their response? They are saying "those cuts are coming from what we pay for the services and that is not a bad thing"

And they have you typing it out on a it is something special.


Cutting payments to providers will require providers to do what the right demands of government - cut out the fat. Ever look at an itemized bill from a hospital?

Sure have.

And they are rediculous.

Yet.....hospitals suffer as rediculouis as they may seem to be....they are substantiated as hospitals are by no means flowing ion cash.

But hospitals and doctors are not the only providers.

VNS....DME....HME....just to name a few....

Would they suffer if even more money was raided and half of all hospitals close instead of the projected 1 in 6?
No, because hospitals and providers agreed to these cuts in exchange for other increased reimbursements and changes to the programs.

Medicare Medicare chief actuary Richard Foster announce 1 in 6 hospitals would be doomed, thanks to these cuts. Your lame-assed spin works no better on this one than on the Simpson-Bowles report.

Do you have a link? Given your lack of honesty, why would anyone believe anything you post without evidence [I'd bet any link you provide will not prove what you have written]? is it that Ryan was implying that the cuts would affect the elderly directly?

Exactly what was he implyiung would happen to the elderly?

You'd have to ask him what he meant when he said "the biggest, coldest power play of all in Obamacare came at the expense of the elderly."

Nevermind that his plan has cuts of the same magnitude. I guess Ryan hates Seniors too.

wow...even you fell for the spin.


I am surprised you fall for the spin.

You've got to be kidding me. The Ryan Plan has 700B in cuts to Medicare and includes abolishing the Affordable Care Act.
I can't believe you fucking rightwing rejects are making me stand up for LOLberaols. What a disgrace.

Ryan voted down the plan and then accused Obama of not using it. He's a fuckign liar AND a snake. The worst part is you have your fucking hyperpartisan goggles strapped on so fucking tight, you can't even see whats been repeated over and over and over again.
And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

I am else would those cuts AFFECT the patients directly?

They fooled you and just about everyone else on the left....AGAIN

RyAN fooled You. So did Romney. Congratulations.

childish response to a question.

So I will ask a different way....

Who will those cuts affect, if not the patients?
No, because hospitals and providers agreed to these cuts in exchange for other increased reimbursements and changes to the programs.

Medicare Medicare chief actuary Richard Foster announce 1 in 6 hospitals would be doomed, thanks to these cuts. Your lame-assed spin works no better on this one than on the Simpson-Bowles report.

Do you have a link? Given your lack of honesty, why would anyone believe anything you post without evidence [I'd bet any link you provide will not prove what you have written]?

It is easy to find. You should really educate yourself - THEN post on the topic.

Here is one.

That 716 Billion Medicare Cut - The Commonwealth Fund

Would they suffer if even more money was raided and half of all hospitals close instead of the projected 1 in 6?
No, because hospitals and providers agreed to these cuts in exchange for other increased reimbursements and changes to the programs.

Medicare Medicare chief actuary Richard Foster announce 1 in 6 hospitals would be doomed, thanks to these cuts. Your lame-assed spin works no better on this one than on the Simpson-Bowles report.

Obama's reforms extended the life of Medicare by ten years.
No, because hospitals and providers agreed to these cuts in exchange for other increased reimbursements and changes to the programs.

Medicare Medicare chief actuary Richard Foster announce 1 in 6 hospitals would be doomed, thanks to these cuts. Your lame-assed spin works no better on this one than on the Simpson-Bowles report.

Obama's reforms extended the life of Medicare by ten years.

Seems you, too, are conceding the fact that Obama raided Medicare.

To the OP, Ryan was not lying.
Laura D'Andrea Tyson: Evidence vs. Ideology in the Medicare Debate -
Mitt Romney characterizes the $716 billion of Medicare savings over the next 10 years, contained in the Affordable Care Act, as President Obama’s “raid” on the Medicare program to pay for his health care program. This fear-mongering is simply untrue. These savings result from reforms to slow the growth of Medicare spending per enrollee – there are no cuts in Medicare benefits.

The reforms include both voluntary and mandatory changes in how providers deliver health care to promote better care coordination at lower cost, reward the quality and outcomes of services rather than their volume and reduce fraud and abuse.

For example, the law fosters the creation of accountable-care organizations, i.e., groups of providers willing to accept a flat fee for the integrated care provided to their Medicare patients. Accountable-care organizations represent a major step away from the unsustainable fee-for-service model that rewards the number of procedures rather than the quality of care.

Health experts believe that these organizations will significantly improve care and lower costs not just in Medicare but throughout the health care system. This belief is based on evidence, not ideology.

Medicare beneficiaries will also benefit from reforms that penalize hospitals for preventable re-admissions reflecting complications from previous procedures and that require hospitals to post their rates of medical errors, with penalties for those with the highest rates.
I am else would those cuts AFFECT the patients directly?

They fooled you and just about everyone else on the left....AGAIN

RyAN fooled You. So did Romney. Congratulations.

childish response to a question.

So I will ask a different way....

Who will those cuts affect, if not the patients?

Bro, don't try calling me childish when you come @ me playing this corny game of "your side lies mine doesn't!"

Give me a fucking break.

Mitt Romney himself is the most inauthentic Politician (wait for it)

I have EVER, yes EVER seen.

And anyone who's for him, is rancid with idiocy.

I'm not voting. Period.
Laura D'Andrea Tyson: Evidence vs. Ideology in the Medicare Debate -
Mitt Romney characterizes the $716 billion of Medicare savings over the next 10 years, contained in the Affordable Care Act, as President Obama’s “raid” on the Medicare program to pay for his health care program. This fear-mongering is simply untrue. These savings result from reforms to slow the growth of Medicare spending per enrollee – there are no cuts in Medicare benefits.

The reforms include both voluntary and mandatory changes in how providers deliver health care to promote better care coordination at lower cost, reward the quality and outcomes of services rather than their volume and reduce fraud and abuse.

For example, the law fosters the creation of accountable-care organizations, i.e., groups of providers willing to accept a flat fee for the integrated care provided to their Medicare patients. Accountable-care organizations represent a major step away from the unsustainable fee-for-service model that rewards the number of procedures rather than the quality of care.

Health experts believe that these organizations will significantly improve care and lower costs not just in Medicare but throughout the health care system. This belief is based on evidence, not ideology.

Medicare beneficiaries will also benefit from reforms that penalize hospitals for preventable re-admissions reflecting complications from previous procedures and that require hospitals to post their rates of medical errors, with penalties for those with the highest rates.

Are you trying to claim that Obama didn't raid Medicare to pay for Obamacare for the first 10 years?

Is there any lie you will not tell?
RyAN fooled You. So did Romney. Congratulations.

childish response to a question.

So I will ask a different way....

Who will those cuts affect, if not the patients?

Bro, don't try calling me childish when you come @ me playing this corny game of "your side lies mine doesn't!"

Give me a fucking break.

Mitt Romney himself is the most inauthentic Politician (wait for it)

I have EVER, yes EVER seen.

And anyone who's for him, is rancid with idiocy.

I'm not voting. Period.

Why should anyone give you a break?

You come here to support the Leftist Lie, and you get hammered like anyone else.

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