Paul Ryan - Not even a good liar.

Well at least we've established one thing: All sane people with an IQ above room temperature agree that Ryan lied.


^this one doesn't meet the criteria.
Here's why he is* a liar:

#1. He himself (Ryan) voted against the committee's recommendations, and is now hitting Obama with "he did nothing with its recommendations."

#2. Obama *did* do something. Him and Boehner worked with the recommendations and came up with "The Grand Bargain," which encompassed many of the recommendations. Boehner's team didn't end up playing ball. That's not "Obama did nothing." Which, makes it a lie.

but.... but..... but.... 8537 argues there were no findings at all, much less 'recommendations.'

You girls should compare notes.


you should let Ryan know that he lied that Obama did nothing.

Or, just continue to ride his jock like a good little partisan puppy.

Obama did nothing.......... Did he half the deficit or even attempt too.

Talk about whack job hacks......
but.... but..... but.... 8537 argues there were no findings at all, much less 'recommendations.'

You girls should compare notes.


you should let Ryan know that he lied that Obama did nothing.

Or, just continue to ride his jock like a good little partisan puppy.

Obama did nothing.......... Did he half the deficit or even attempt too.

Talk about whack job hacks......

We're talking about acting on the recommendations of the panel.

He did - he created a proposal together, with Boehner. When Boehner presented it to his congress, they rejected it.
Ryan is a liar and so is many GOPer's as well

WASHINGTON (AP) — Laying out the first plans for his party's presidential ticket, GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan took some factual shortcuts Wednesday night when he attacked President Barack Obama's policies on Medicare, the economic stimulus and the budget deficit.

Sen. Rob Portman, a former U.S. trade representative, glossed over his own problems when critiquing Obama's trade dealings with China. A day earlier, the convention's keynote speaker, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, bucked reality in promising that GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney will lay out for the American people the painful budget cuts it will take to wrestle the government's debt and deficit woes under control.

And former senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum stretched the truth in taking Obama to task over his administration supposedly waiving work requirements in the nation's landmark welfare-to-work law.

A closer look at some of the words spoken at the GOP convention in Tampa, Fla.:


RYAN: "And the biggest, coldest power play of all in Obamacare came at the expense of the elderly. ... So they just took it all away from Medicare. Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars, funneled out of Medicare by President Obama."

THE FACTS: Ryan's claim ignores the fact that Ryan himself incorporated the same cuts into budgets he steered through the House in the past two years as chairman of its Budget Committee, using the money for deficit reduction. And the cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

In addition, Ryan's own plan to remake Medicare would squeeze the program's spending even more than the changes Obama made, shifting future retirees into a system in which they would get a fixed payment to shop for coverage among private insurance plans. Critics charge that would expose the elderly to more out-of-pocket costs.


RYAN: "The stimulus was a case of political patronage, corporate welfare and cronyism at their worst. You, the working men and women of this country, were cut out of the deal."

THE FACTS: Ryan himself asked for stimulus funds shortly after Congress approved the $800 billion plan, known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Ryan's pleas to federal agencies included letters to Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis seeking stimulus grant money for two Wisconsin energy conservation companies.

One of them, the nonprofit Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corp., received $20.3 million from the Energy Department to help homes and businesses improve energy efficiency, according to federal records. That company, he said in his letter, would build "sustainable demand for green jobs." Another eventual recipient, the Energy Center of Wisconsin, received about $365,000.

FACT CHECK: Ryan takes factual shortcuts in speech - Yahoo! News
you should let Ryan know that he lied that Obama did nothing.

Or, just continue to ride his jock like a good little partisan puppy.

Obama did nothing.......... Did he half the deficit or even attempt too.

Talk about whack job hacks......

We're talking about acting on the recommendations of the panel.

He did - he created a proposal together, with Boehner. When Boehner presented it to his congress, they rejected it.

He did nothing there either................ Leaders lead..............Do you understand what leadership is????? Now lets go back to his statement of halving the deficit.

What has he done.....NOTHING......

The Panel shows us a complete lack of leadership... But I will listen to you tell me how it is.
Ryan voted for every budget busing proposal that Bush and Co. put forth. Now he wants to claim how bad he felt having to do that. And now he wants to fix his fuk ups. Yea, right.

He does need to be mocked and called out for the lying mutta that he is. And Joe Biden will do that.
And it will be fun to watch.

And if Ryan represents the best minds the Repubs have to offer on the deficit, Repubs have a big problem, cause most Americans are smarter than the GOP seems to think we are. And definitely smarter than Paul Ryan.

I mean, how smart do you have to be to say; cut this cut that make middle class people pay more and increase military spending and btw cut taxes on real rich people.

Ryan didn't think that up in his "brillant" mind. He is following the ignorant Repub wish list. And these ideas have been in the Repub party for a long time.

Where are the new, improved, better ideas?

They do have better ideas. They want to cut taxes even more for the wealthy because the Bush tax cuts weren't enough. If they could get away with it, they would love to implement Herman Cain's 999 plan where the bulk of taxes would be shifted to the lowest income earners like it is at the state level.
Obama did nothing.......... Did he half the deficit or even attempt too.

Talk about whack job hacks......

We're talking about acting on the recommendations of the panel.

He did - he created a proposal together, with Boehner. When Boehner presented it to his congress, they rejected it.

He did nothing there either................ Leaders lead..............Do you understand what leadership is????? Now lets go back to his statement of halving the deficit.

What has he done.....NOTHING......

The Panel shows us a complete lack of leadership... But I will listen to you tell me how it is.

What do you want him to do, give them back massages and suck their dicks?

He offered deep, DEEP spending cuts that were recommended, and TAX raises that were recommended.

Then Boehner couldn't whip his guys in line.

I don't call that doing nothing, I call it facing stonewalling and not being a superhero.
Oh, but maybe it wasn't a "report". Maybe it was a "finding". If Paul Ryan didn't use the right word....he's a lair (in 0.0008357's book).

Here's why he is* a liar:

#1. He himself (Ryan) voted against the committee's recommendations, and is now hitting Obama with "he did nothing with its recommendations."

#2. Obama *did* do something. Him and Boehner worked with the recommendations and came up with "The Grand Bargain," which encompassed many of the recommendations. Boehner's team didn't end up playing ball. That's not "Obama did nothing." Which, makes it a lie.

The grand bargain was the grand rape. All the tax increases now against spending cuts years out.

If that was doing something, then so is taking a dump.

And that stupid grand bargain is coming back to haunt....................................................................................................................................................................Obama!! Oh the irony!!

Paul Ryan will single handedly expose Obama for all the lies, corruption and anti American policies he has pushed through.

This is going to be fun to watch!!
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but.... but..... but.... 8537 argues there were no findings at all, much less 'recommendations.'

You girls should compare notes.


you should let Ryan know that he lied that Obama did nothing.

Or, just continue to ride his jock like a good little partisan puppy.

Obama did nothing.......... Did he half the deficit or even attempt too.

Talk about whack job hacks......
He agreed to a proposal that included 3.6T in deficit reduction. Boehner etal walked away from it.
Obama did nothing.......... Did he half the deficit or even attempt too.

Talk about whack job hacks......

We're talking about acting on the recommendations of the panel.

He did - he created a proposal together, with Boehner. When Boehner presented it to his congress, they rejected it.

He did nothing there either................ Leaders lead..............Do you understand what leadership is????? Now lets go back to his statement of halving the deficit.

What has he done.....NOTHING......

The Panel shows us a complete lack of leadership... But I will listen to you tell me how it is.
Indeed, it takes a complete lack of leadership to spend months hashing out panel recommendations, only to walk away from those recommendations and rally your own party to vote against them.

When Republicans pull that shit they get promoted to VP candidate.
Yea, the left should be afraid, very afraid of Paul Ryan and Rand Paul. Young and intelligent, full of energy with a love for their country Obama just doesn't have.

Ryan rocked the house!!

Oh and Ryan's budget plan is a beginning, people are talking it's got good stuff in it. Remind me again who voted for Obama's budget plan???

Obama's budget was defeated 414-0 in the House and 99-0 in the Senate. That's right, 100% of all representatives voted against the Obama budget. When 100% of the people in your own party vote down the president, you know you have epic failure. That is absolutely hilarious and an incredible indictment on what a radical marxist Obama is...

Lying by commission or lying by omission are equally dishonest. You present facts, numbers, as some conclusion without comment. That makes you a liar.

See: House and Senate Unanimously Reject Obama Budgets — Or Do They? - ABC News

Question: Has Congress passed a budget in 3 years?
Answer: No.

You are the liar here. You are the one trying desperately to hang on to one little factoid that somehow excuses the entire disaster that constitutes the Obama presidency. It wont work. It is no use. Americans are smarter than that. They might have bought Hope n Change. But not twice. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Americans will not be fooled twice.
They will not be fooled into thinking the stimulus saved us from a great depression. They will not be fooled into thinking cash for clunkers saved the auto industry. They will not be fooled into thinking we are one government program away from peace on earth and goodwill towards men. They will not be fooled by promises of "free" medical care, that in fact are paid for by our grandchildren unto the 10th generation. And they will not be fooled by these same tricksters now claiming that Romney can't lead an organization or that Ryan doesnt know what he's talking about on the budget or gov't programs.
No, the game is up. The President has no clothes. All is laid bare. All that remains is the turn of the lever at the ballot box, reminiscent of pulling the lever on the toilet, flushing the shit down and away from us into eternal darkness.

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