Paul Ryan - Not even a good liar.

Their report, The Moment of Truth: Report of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform disputes your claim, 8537. Some of their remarks on submitting the report even acknowledged the attitude they were certain they would receive:

Their report seems to report Republican Vice-Presidential contender Paul Ryan. He knows what he is talking about.

Oh, but maybe it wasn't a "report". Maybe it was a "finding". If Paul Ryan didn't use the right word....he's a lair (in 0.0008357's book).

Here's why he is* a liar:

#1. He himself (Ryan) voted against the committee's recommendations, and is now hitting Obama with "he did nothing with its recommendations."

#2. Obama *did* do something. Him and Boehner worked with the recommendations and came up with "The Grand Bargain," which encompassed many of the recommendations. Boehner's team didn't end up playing ball. That's not "Obama did nothing." Which, makes it a lie.

but.... but..... but.... 8537 argues there were no findings at all, much less 'recommendations.'

You girls should compare notes.

Are you guys really going to argue with SniperFire?

If you didn't realize Paull Ryan is a fucking hack by now, then well, you're not going to believe it any time soon.

It's much easier to fool a man than to tell him, or show him, he has been fooled.

Ryan is a hack if Obama is white.

Paul Ryan, claims fiscal conservative, rails Obama for stimulus, spending, etc...

Votes in favor of GM bailouts, TARP, medicare expansion, housing subsidues and EU extension.

Submits plan to balance the budget in........30 years. :lmao:

Tell yourselves whatever you have too. They are all a bunch of bald faced liars.
Oh, but maybe it wasn't a "report". Maybe it was a "finding". If Paul Ryan didn't use the right word....he's a lair (in 0.0008357's book).

Here's why he is* a liar:

#1. He himself (Ryan) voted against the committee's recommendations, and is now hitting Obama with "he did nothing with its recommendations."

#2. Obama *did* do something. Him and Boehner worked with the recommendations and came up with "The Grand Bargain," which encompassed many of the recommendations. Boehner's team didn't end up playing ball. That's not "Obama did nothing." Which, makes it a lie.

but.... but..... but.... 8537 argues there were no findings at all, much less 'recommendations.'

You girls should compare notes.

I never said there were no findings. I said the committee produced no findings - and you just agree with me about that.

And why did the committee produce no findings? Because Paul Ryan actively opposed the proposal.
Oh, but maybe it wasn't a "report". Maybe it was a "finding". If Paul Ryan didn't use the right word....he's a lair (in 0.0008357's book).

Here's why he is* a liar:

#1. He himself (Ryan) voted against the committee's recommendations, and is now hitting Obama with "he did nothing with its recommendations."

#2. Obama *did* do something. Him and Boehner worked with the recommendations and came up with "The Grand Bargain," which encompassed many of the recommendations. Boehner's team didn't end up playing ball. That's not "Obama did nothing." Which, makes it a lie.

but.... but..... but.... 8537 argues there were no findings at all, much less 'recommendations.'

You girls should compare notes.


you should let Ryan know that he lied that Obama did nothing.

Or, just continue to ride his jock like a good little partisan puppy.
Here's why he is* a liar:

#1. He himself (Ryan) voted against the committee's recommendations, and is now hitting Obama with "he did nothing with its recommendations."

#2. Obama *did* do something. Him and Boehner worked with the recommendations and came up with "The Grand Bargain," which encompassed many of the recommendations. Boehner's team didn't end up playing ball. That's not "Obama did nothing." Which, makes it a lie.

but.... but..... but.... 8537 argues there were no findings at all, much less 'recommendations.'

You girls should compare notes.

I never said there were no findings. I said the committee produced no findings - and you just agree with me about that.

And why did the committee produce no findings? Because Paul Ryan actively opposed the proposal.

Here we go.

:bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag:
Oh, but maybe it wasn't a "report". Maybe it was a "finding". If Paul Ryan didn't use the right word....he's a lair (in 0.0008357's book).

Here's why he is* a liar:

#1. He himself (Ryan) voted against the committee's recommendations, and is now hitting Obama with "he did nothing with its recommendations."

#2. Obama *did* do something. Him and Boehner worked with the recommendations and came up with "The Grand Bargain," which encompassed many of the recommendations. Boehner's team didn't end up playing ball. That's not "Obama did nothing." Which, makes it a lie.

The grand bargain was the grand rape. All the tax increases now against spending cuts years out.

If that was doing something, then so is taking a dump.

The committee recommended tax raises. Obama thus proposed it.

Ryan lied.

You're carrying the water for his lie.
Among a litany of lies, last night, Mr. Rand made the following statement:

"He created a bipartisan debt commission. They came back with an urgent report. He thanked them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing."

Pure poppycock. There was no recommendations to support or oppose. And why was that? Because the commission voted against the recommendations - at the behest of....Paul Ryan.

Paul Ryan isn't even a decent liar. Between claims such as this and a decade of rubberstamping the Bush agenda, any claim he makes about fiscal responsibility should be mocked.
Their report, The Moment of Truth: Report of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform disputes your claim, 8537. Some of their remarks on submitting the report even acknowledged the attitude they were certain they would receive:

"In the weeks and months to come, countless advocacy groups and special interests will try mightily through expensive, dramatic, and heart-wrenching media assaults to exempt themselves from shared sacrifice and common purpose. The national interest, not special interests, must prevail. After all the talk about debt and deficits, it is long past time for America's leaders to put up or shut up. The era of debt denial is over and there can be no turning back. We sign our names to this plan because we love our children, our grandchildren, and our country too much not to act while we still have the chance to secure a better future for all our fellow citizens.
Their report seems to report Republican Vice-Presidential contender Paul Ryan. He knows what he is talking about. ~ "Hiding spending doesn't reduce spending."

A report that Mr Ryan actively opposed and blocked is now a report that he endorses?!?

Seriously people - we're speaking English here. It's not difficult.
Link to his opposition, please. His "Hiding spending doesn't reduce spending" comment from a few weeks ago (and not just last night if he reiterated his commentary) shows he indeed does oppose unlimited federal spending, and I believe his characteristic is he always has. Maybe he didn't agree with one or two sentences of minor significance but basically agreed with the majority of the overspending brakes the committee would have placed on "deciders"? Let's see your link. ;)
but.... but..... but.... 8537 argues there were no findings at all, much less 'recommendations.'

You girls should compare notes.

I never said there were no findings. I said the committee produced no findings - and you just agree with me about that.

And why did the committee produce no findings? Because Paul Ryan actively opposed the proposal.

Here we go.

:bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag:

When you run out of facts, you turn to stupid emoticons. Nice work.
Their report, The Moment of Truth: Report of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform disputes your claim, 8537. Some of their remarks on submitting the report even acknowledged the attitude they were certain they would receive:

Their report seems to report Republican Vice-Presidential contender Paul Ryan. He knows what he is talking about. ~ "Hiding spending doesn't reduce spending."

A report that Mr Ryan actively opposed and blocked is now a report that he endorses?!?

Seriously people - we're speaking English here. It's not difficult.
Link to his opposition, please. His "Hiding spending doesn't reduce spending" comment from a few weeks ago (and not just last night if he reiterated his commentary) shows he indeed does oppose unlimited federal spending, and I believe his characteristic is he always has. Maybe he didn't agree with one or two sentences of minor significance but basically agreed with the majority of the overspending brakes the committee would have placed on "deciders"? Let's see your link. ;)

The 18-member commission needed a super majority of 14 votes in order to bring the report to a vote in Congress. But it received the support of just 11 members. Seven members, including Ryan, opposed it, thus blocking congressional action.
Here's why he is* a liar:

#1. He himself (Ryan) voted against the committee's recommendations, and is now hitting Obama with "he did nothing with its recommendations."

#2. Obama *did* do something. Him and Boehner worked with the recommendations and came up with "The Grand Bargain," which encompassed many of the recommendations. Boehner's team didn't end up playing ball. That's not "Obama did nothing." Which, makes it a lie.

but.... but..... but.... 8537 argues there were no findings at all, much less 'recommendations.'

You girls should compare notes.


you should let Ryan know that he lied that Obama did nothing.

Or, just continue to ride his jock like a good little partisan puppy.


I love watching Liberals contradict each other.

It is like watching retards box.
I never said there were no findings. I said the committee produced no findings - and you just agree with me about that.

And why did the committee produce no findings? Because Paul Ryan actively opposed the proposal.

Here we go.

:bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag:

When you run out of facts, you turn to stupid emoticons. Nice work.

When it comes to lying, dodging, deflecting and being seem to do quite well. The flags say it all.

Link to his opposition, please

^This is a joke, right?


Have you read this thread? More than one link to that fact is provided.

My gawd.

His "Hiding spending doesn't reduce spending" comment from a few weeks ago (and not just last night if he reiterated his commentary) shows he indeed does oppose unlimited federal spending,

Well yes, because if Paul Ryan said it he must mean it! That's why he opposed his own debt commission's proposed findings and voted for every major spending bill under the Bush administration.

and I believe his characteristic is he always has.

You've been lied to. and you believe the lie.
but.... but..... but.... 8537 argues there were no findings at all, much less 'recommendations.'

You girls should compare notes.


you should let Ryan know that he lied that Obama did nothing.

Or, just continue to ride his jock like a good little partisan puppy.


I love watching Liberals contradict each other.

It is like watching retards box.

Still carrying water for Ryan's lies ^^

Good puppy.
Some obvious things to take away from this thread: 1) Ryan is a liar; 2) Sniper Fire is an unabashed liar; 3) Warrior is a vulgar moron; and, 4) President Lincoln was spot on when he said, "you can fool some of the people all of the time" - only those applauded Rep. Ryan.
Some obvious things to take away from this thread: 1) Ryan is a liar; 2) Sniper Fire is an unabashed liar; 3) Warrior is a vulgar moron; and, 4) President Lincoln was spot on when he said, "you can fool some of the people all of the time" - only those applauded Rep. Ryan.

Question for you, Wad Catcher.

When Obama told the Janesville WI GM workers in 2008 that his government help would keep the plant open for another 100 years, was he lying?
Some obvious things to take away from this thread: 1) Ryan is a liar; 2) Sniper Fire is an unabashed liar; 3) Warrior is a vulgar moron; and, 4) President Lincoln was spot on when he said, "you can fool some of the people all of the time" - only those applauded Rep. Ryan.

Question for you, Wad Catcher.

When Obama told the Janesville WI GM workers in 2008 that his government help would keep the plant open for another 100 years, was he lying?

They didn't last long enough for him to be able to, they announced their final plan to close in June of 2008, 7 months before Obama took office.
Some obvious things to take away from this thread: 1) Ryan is a liar; 2) Sniper Fire is an unabashed liar; 3) Warrior is a vulgar moron; and, 4) President Lincoln was spot on when he said, "you can fool some of the people all of the time" - only those applauded Rep. Ryan.

Question for you, Wad Catcher.

When Obama told the Janesville WI GM workers in 2008 that his government help would keep the plant open for another 100 years, was he lying?

They didn't last long enough for him to be able to, they announced their final plan to close in June of 2008, 7 months before Obama took office.


"Presidentin' is just too fucking hard!!!!'

- B. Hussein
Some obvious things to take away from this thread: 1) Ryan is a liar; 2) Sniper Fire is an unabashed liar; 3) Warrior is a vulgar moron; and, 4) President Lincoln was spot on when he said, "you can fool some of the people all of the time" - only those applauded Rep. Ryan.

Question for you, Wad Catcher.

When Obama told the Janesville WI GM workers in 2008 that his government help would keep the plant open for another 100 years, was he lying?

Nope. Of course I can't see into the mind of the President, nor can you. But I suspect he believed a Congress working with the executive with the common goal of getting the economy moving again would protect such plants across America.

He could not know at the time he allegedly made such a comment that his goal to protect workers jobs would be sabotaged by a GOP whose sole goal was to return to power.

If you were honest, which you are not, you would acknowledge that truth. Of course that you are not honest is evidenced by the crap you post ad nauseam.

BTW, it's Mr. Catcher to you.

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