Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

Ya no
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!

When this boomerangs on the left, you might want to wear your rubber boots. The leftist tears are going to run deep....

I predict they will turn on Mueller like a pack of rabid dogs and conjure up conspiracy theories about how Mueller was secretly working with Trump all along.
one went to jail yesterday! It did not happen just fake news right. You have now madehe to stupid to pay attention to catagory!
You can google the former.
Massive personal benefit to candidate Trump.
Paying off the media with awards, jobs, and other inducements has been a massive benefit to Hillary, Obama, and other Derp State operators. The media is filled with graft, corruption, and nepotism in favor of Democrats.
The utter hypocrisy of this latest media circus argument is enough to make your head explode.
I have been pointing out the Elephant in the room for decades, but nobody on the left can face the truth, and folks on the right just throw their hands up and accept it.
It's getting really bad. We've been in Banana Republic territory for the last 8 years and it's getting worse by the day.

The right wing rationalizations get more sad by the minute…
Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
As usual, you're a liar.
Manafort hasn't been with Trump for since he was fired, before Trump was elected.
Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap. Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him. Lanny Davis is representing him. So technically Cohen is with the Clintons.

Cohen was a Vice President of the Trump Organization, and special counsel to Donald Trump, having joined the Trump Org in 2006. He continued with the Trump Org until May, 2018.

Even Trumpeters know better than your swill.
Oh yes it is.
And I'll gladly tell you why.
When you contribute to a campaign a "thing of value" it has to be documented and reported. That doesn't even need to be money.
The women were shushed to affect the outcome of the election, so that, by definition, makes it part of the campaign.

Say the president paid with his own money (which it looks like he did). They call that "in kind". It was money paid to affect the outcome of the election, so it was money paid to his campaign.
And it was unreported which means campaign finance laws were broken.
All he had to do was report it.
What's funny is how alike it is to Clinton's BJ. If Bill had reported his BJ from the beginning, Republicans never could have cornered him into lying to his wife.
If Trump had reported his payoffs to his hookers, he never would have broken campaign finance laws.

But Bill never had to pay for his BJ. He got that for free.

And what if he made the NDA payments to avoid personal embarrassment, in whole or in part?

Which is what John Edwards did being married and all.

Only Trump was taped. And his timing was two weeks before the election.

And there were multiple women involved.

Edwards problem is he used campaign money to make the payoff, which is illegal. If there was a personal benefit, it's not a legitimate campaign expense. Trump gained a personal benefit, so it can't legally be a campaign expense. If it wasn't a legal campaign expense and wasn't paid with campaign money, there is no violation of campaign finance law.


Trump’s lawyer pled guilty to campaign finance violations. I suppose Trump ass kissers would have us believe that he was working for Hillary?

Did he, cite the statute he plead guilty to. While your at it, explain how there was no personal benefit to Trump.


(Title 52, United States Code, Sections 30118(a) and
30109(d) (1) (A), and Title 18, United States Code, Section 2(b} .)

Section 30118(a)

It is unlawful for any national bank, or any corporation organized by authority of any law of Congress, to make a contribution or expenditure in connection with any election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office, or for any corporation whatever, or any labor organization, to make a contribution or expenditure in connection with any election at which presidential and vice presidential electors or a Senator or Representative in, or a Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, Congress are to be voted for, or in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any of the foregoing offices, or for any candidate, political committee, or other person knowingly to accept or receive any contribution prohibited by this section, or any officer or any director of any corporation or any national bank or any officer of any labor organization to consent to any contribution or expenditure by the corporation, national bank, or labor organization, as the case may be, prohibited by this section.

The charging documents are online at:

Michael Cohen Charging Documents

The corporation involved would be Essential Consultants, LLC. To the extent the Trump Org made reimbursement, it is an unindicted co-conspirator, subject to future indictment.

30109(d) (1) (A) is the provisions for penalties:

(d) Penalties; defenses; mitigation of offenses
(1)(A) Any person who knowingly and willfully commits a violation of any provision of this Act which involves the making, receiving, or reporting of any contribution, donation, or expenditure-

(i) aggregating $25,000 or more during a calendar year shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both; or

(ii) aggregating $2,000 or more (but less than $25,000) during a calendar year shall be fined under such title, or imprisoned for not more than 1 year, or both.
Nope. Some of us are willing to a
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!

When this boomerangs on the left, you might want to wear your rubber boots. The leftist tears are going to run deep....

I predict they will turn on Mueller like a pack of rabid dogs and conjure up conspiracy theories about how Mueller was secretly working with Trump all along.

LMAO Yup. Just as soon as his report shows not sign of collusion he will immediately be branded as working with Trump.

These lefty loons are laughable.[/QUOTE.]

Nope. Some of us are willing to accept the conclusions regardless of what they are.

Can you say the same?
Nope. Some of us are willing to a
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!

When this boomerangs on the left, you might want to wear your rubber boots. The leftist tears are going to run deep....

I predict they will turn on Mueller like a pack of rabid dogs and conjure up conspiracy theories about how Mueller was secretly working with Trump all along.

LMAO Yup. Just as soon as his report shows not sign of collusion he will immediately be branded as working with Trump.

These lefty loons are laughable.[/QUOTE.]

Nope. Some of us are willing to accept the conclusions regardless of what they are.

Can you say the same?
Getting your intetests represented is what we all vote for. But it should not be in support of corruption.
Paying off the media with awards, jobs, and other inducements has been a massive benefit to Hillary, Obama, and other Derp State operators. The media is filled with graft, corruption, and nepotism in favor of Democrats.
The utter hypocrisy of this latest media circus argument is enough to make your head explode.
I have been pointing out the Elephant in the room for decades, but nobody on the left can face the truth, and folks on the right just throw their hands up and accept it.
It's getting really bad. We've been in Banana Republic territory for the last 8 years and it's getting worse by the day.

The right wing rationalizations get more sad by the minute…
Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
As usual, you're a liar.
Manafort hasn’t been with Trump for since he was fired, before Trump was elected.
And Trump’s response was that he feels bad that this tax cheat was found guilty. Why does he “feel bad” for him if he was such a tangential figure? Hmmm?

Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap.
Such a small figure that Cohen had 3 clients—one of which was the blob? Sounds like he did quite a bit of work for the blob if he was one third of the client base….Hmmm?

Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him. Lanny Davis is representing him. So technically Cohen is with the Clintons.


Cohen is with the Clintons…. Wow, you’re dumber than I thought Shirley.
Lanny Davis, try looking up his bio, shit for brains. Maybe you might learn something.

Most of this stuff is designed to trick idiots like yourself. Claiming Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator. Total hogwash.
There is a reason that you cannot indict a sitting president. It's written into the Constitution to prevent political opposition from using the courts to bring them down. Russian Collusion is simply bait and switch. There never was any collusion. What Mueller is doing is trying to establish grounds for impeachment by any means necessary. His entire investigation is a sham.

I took tax preparation classes with H&R Block. The tax code is so complex its impossible not to fuck up. Why do you think that they kept demanding to see Trump's returns? IDIOT!!! The Clinton Foundation was allowed to amend their returns and not suffer a fine or imprisonment even though they underreported vast amounts of cash. Much more than Paul Manafort. So don't give me any of this rubbish about tax cheats. Obama's first Secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geithner, was a tax cheat for fuck's sake.
Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

yes it is - multiple people conspiring to pay for a cover up AND hide the payments is against federal campaign LAWS ..
The right wing rationalizations get more sad by the minute…
Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
As usual, you're a liar.
Manafort hasn’t been with Trump for since he was fired, before Trump was elected.
And Trump’s response was that he feels bad that this tax cheat was found guilty. Why does he “feel bad” for him if he was such a tangential figure? Hmmm?

Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap.
Such a small figure that Cohen had 3 clients—one of which was the blob? Sounds like he did quite a bit of work for the blob if he was one third of the client base….Hmmm?

Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him. Lanny Davis is representing him. So technically Cohen is with the Clintons.


Cohen is with the Clintons…. Wow, you’re dumber than I thought Shirley.
Most of this stuff is designed to trick idiots like yourself. Claiming Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator. Total hogwash.
There is a reason that you cannot indict a sitting president. It's written into the Constitution to prevent political opposition from using the courts to bring them down. Russian Collusion is simply bait and switch. There never was any collusion. What Mueller is doing is trying to establish grounds for impeachment by any means necessary. His entire investigation is a sham.
The question is unanswered. Previous presidents have had the honor to resign when caught doing half of what Trump may have done. It looks worse and worse for the blob. You already gave up being a conservative by favoring this blob over Ted Cruz…what is left of your integrity (if anything) is about to go down the tubes too. I couldn’t be happier you’ve become this desperate and unhinged.

I took tax preparation classes with H&R Block. The tax code is so complex its impossible not to fuck up.
Taxes? Are you saying that Trump’s (or manafort or whomever you’re trying to defend) is too stupid to file taxes?

Why do you think that they kept demanding to see Trump’s returns?
Whomever they are?

I would like to see them to see just how much he has been lying about his income and wealth…it is just another bullet in the gun.

IDIOT!!! The Clinton Foundation was allowed to amend their returns and not suffer a fine or imprisonment even though they underreported vast amounts of cash. Much more than Paul Manafort. So don't give me any of this rubbish about tax cheats. Obama's first Secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geithner, was a tax cheat for fuck's sake.

Surely you can show where they were found guilty like the blob’s campaign manager was.

Oh wait, you can’t.

Shut the fuck up.
The right wing rationalizations get more sad by the minute…
Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
As usual, you're a liar.
Manafort hasn’t been with Trump for since he was fired, before Trump was elected.
And Trump’s response was that he feels bad that this tax cheat was found guilty. Why does he “feel bad” for him if he was such a tangential figure? Hmmm?

Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap.
Such a small figure that Cohen had 3 clients—one of which was the blob? Sounds like he did quite a bit of work for the blob if he was one third of the client base….Hmmm?

Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him. Lanny Davis is representing him. So technically Cohen is with the Clintons.


Cohen is with the Clintons…. Wow, you’re dumber than I thought Shirley.
Lanny Davis, try looking up his bio, shit for brains. Maybe you might learn something.

Most of this stuff is designed to trick idiots like yourself. Claiming Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator. Total hogwash.
There is a reason that you cannot indict a sitting president. It's written into the Constitution to prevent political opposition from using the courts to bring them down. Russian Collusion is simply bait and switch. There never was any collusion. What Mueller is doing is trying to establish grounds for impeachment by any means necessary. His entire investigation is a sham.

I took tax preparation classes with H&R Block. The tax code is so complex its impossible not to fuck up. Why do you think that they kept demanding to see Trump's returns? IDIOT!!! The Clinton Foundation was allowed to amend their returns and not suffer a fine or imprisonment even though they underreported vast amounts of cash. Much more than Paul Manafort. So don't give me any of this rubbish about tax cheats. Obama's first Secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geithner, was a tax cheat for fuck's sake.
I took tax preparation classes with H&R Block.

That's why I said it was a short term personal loan to Trump, not to his campaign. Are you having problems reading simple english tonight?


It was not reported and was for the purpose of benefiting his campaign.

That's appears to be the position of knuckledraggers with TDS. The law says, if there was a personal benefit, it can't be a legitimate campaign expense. Deal with it.


Cohen was investigated and plead guilty for it... and he was questioned by the judge who decided to accept his plea. Deal with it.

Don't expect Trump to be as ignorant as Cohen.


No, he's much dumber.

Trump went from: "I never slept with McDougal or Daniels and have no idea about any payments. Ask Michael he's my lawyer."

to: "Cohen did it and I didn't know about it until after the fact, but I paid him back through his monthly retainer."

to: "I didn't know about it, but I paid Cohen back and it had nothing to do with my campaign it was just to save my marriage."

to: "I didn't know about it, but it isn't a crime because I paid Cohen back with my own money."

to: "Cohen is a rat scumbag lawyer and I did nothing wrong."

Funny, if you bother to actually read those statements, there's not much contradiction in them.

I guess some folks can be talked into pleading to just about anything. There can't be a conspiracy related to the NDA's, because Cohen was Trumps attorney and acting on Trumps behalf. Cohen also had a fiduciary responsibility to only act in Trumps best interest, if he allowed Trump to go down the road to criminality, Trump has a cause of action against Cohen in the tens of millions.


Yes he can... because the women were paid off using an LLC, and Trump is on tape discussing the payoff doing it. He conspired with Cohen to break campaign finance laws.

Fuck this shit, post the transcripts of the tapes or STFU. Trump got a personal benefit from the NDA's, legally only things that benefit the campaign and nothing else can be financed with campaign funds, there cannot be a dual purpose like a personal or commercial benefit.

Only someone retarded beyond all repair would be able to fool themselves into believing silencing women just before an election and alleging affairs with Trump as his new bride birthed their child; was neither of any benefit to the campaign nor even an attempt to benefit the campaign.

The law says, if there is a personal benefit, you can't use campaign funds to pay the bill, even if there is a tangential benefit to the campaign. Campaign funds have to be used EXCLUSIVELY for the campaign, no dual purpose campaign expenses are allowed.

Dumbfuck, the law also says...

(8)(A) The term "contribution" includes-
(i) any gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value made by any person for the purpose of influencing any election for Federal office


Contributions include those made by the candidate and “must be reported”...

When candidates use their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits. They must, however, be reported.

Using the personal funds of the candidate -

What cracks me up the most is what sycophants you rightards are. This isn’t that big of a deal. If he’s found guilty of violating campaign finance laws, he’s facing a fine. It happens all the time. Y’all are circling the wagon over something as trivial as this does nothing other than to expose what cock holsters you are for him.

Poor little retard, it wasn't a valid campaign expense, that's why campaign funds weren't used. Of course you're free to pretend otherwise in your little retard world. It doesn't make it so. LMAO

At least Trump gave them cash to be quiet about his dalliances.. the Clintons destroyed his accusers of sexual misconduct and even rape.
And Cohen used his own funds to fund the NDA, doesn't matter if he did it through the LLC or not, it was a short term loan to Trump personally and not to his campaign. The NDA served a dual purpose and couldn't have been a legal campaign expense under any circumstances.


Trump and Guiliani has said Trump paid Cohen back. Have you been under a huge rock?

That's why I said it was a short term personal loan to Trump, not to his campaign. Are you having problems reading simple english tonight?


It was not reported and was for the purpose of benefiting his campaign.

That's appears to be the position of knuckledraggers with TDS. The law says, if there was a personal benefit, it can't be a legitimate campaign expense. Deal with it.

It was a benefit to his campaign. It was for the purpose of influencing the election.

Give it up little retard, there was a dual benefit, so it couldn't be a valid campaign expense.

Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
As usual, you're a liar.
Manafort hasn’t been with Trump for since he was fired, before Trump was elected.
And Trump’s response was that he feels bad that this tax cheat was found guilty. Why does he “feel bad” for him if he was such a tangential figure? Hmmm?

Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap.
Such a small figure that Cohen had 3 clients—one of which was the blob? Sounds like he did quite a bit of work for the blob if he was one third of the client base….Hmmm?

Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him. Lanny Davis is representing him. So technically Cohen is with the Clintons.


Cohen is with the Clintons…. Wow, you’re dumber than I thought Shirley.
Most of this stuff is designed to trick idiots like yourself. Claiming Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator. Total hogwash.
There is a reason that you cannot indict a sitting president. It's written into the Constitution to prevent political opposition from using the courts to bring them down. Russian Collusion is simply bait and switch. There never was any collusion. What Mueller is doing is trying to establish grounds for impeachment by any means necessary. His entire investigation is a sham.
The question is unanswered. Previous presidents have had the honor to resign when caught doing half of what Trump may have done. It looks worse and worse for the blob. You already gave up being a conservative by favoring this blob over Ted Cruz…what is left of your integrity (if anything) is about to go down the tubes too. I couldn’t be happier you’ve become this desperate and unhinged.

I took tax preparation classes with H&R Block. The tax code is so complex its impossible not to fuck up.
Taxes? Are you saying that Trump’s (or manafort or whomever you’re trying to defend) is too stupid to file taxes?

Why do you think that they kept demanding to see Trump’s returns?
Whomever they are?

I would like to see them to see just how much he has been lying about his income and wealth…it is just another bullet in the gun.

IDIOT!!! The Clinton Foundation was allowed to amend their returns and not suffer a fine or imprisonment even though they underreported vast amounts of cash. Much more than Paul Manafort. So don't give me any of this rubbish about tax cheats. Obama's first Secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geithner, was a tax cheat for fuck's sake.

Surely you can show where they were found guilty like the blob’s campaign manager was.

Oh wait, you can’t.

Shut the fuck up.
Surely I can. Clinton Foundation Admits Mistakes On Tax Filings | HuffPost

Geithner, now the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, has been under fire since it was revealed last week that he did not pay his taxes in full while at the IMF from 2001 to 2004. International organizations such as the IMF are exempted from Social Security taxes, so U.S. citizens who work there are supposed to pay them as if they are self-employed. Geithner did not.
Geithner, who as Treasury secretary would be in charge of the IRS, paid back taxes for 2003 and 2004 after an IRS audit in 2006. Geithner paid further back taxes and interest after similar problems for his 2001 and 2002 returns were discovered during vetting by the Obama team.

In total, Geithner paid $34,023 in back taxes and $8,679 in interest. Timothy Geithner says he regrets tax mistakes
Trump and Guiliani has said Trump paid Cohen back. Have you been under a huge rock?

That's why I said it was a short term personal loan to Trump, not to his campaign. Are you having problems reading simple english tonight?


It was not reported and was for the purpose of benefiting his campaign.

That's appears to be the position of knuckledraggers with TDS. The law says, if there was a personal benefit, it can't be a legitimate campaign expense. Deal with it.

It was a benefit to his campaign. It was for the purpose of influencing the election.

Give it up little retard, there was a dual benefit, so it couldn't be a valid campaign expense.


Don't waste your breath on that biased asshole. He only believes what he wants to believe.

Hell. Trump could walk on water, clear the deficit and the debt and he would still find something to complain about.

Mans a biased moron.
Yes he can... because the women were paid off using an LLC, and Trump is on tape discussing the payoff doing it. He conspired with Cohen to break campaign finance laws.

Fuck this shit, post the transcripts of the tapes or STFU. Trump got a personal benefit from the NDA's, legally only things that benefit the campaign and nothing else can be financed with campaign funds, there cannot be a dual purpose like a personal or commercial benefit.

Only someone retarded beyond all repair would be able to fool themselves into believing silencing women just before an election and alleging affairs with Trump as his new bride birthed their child; was neither of any benefit to the campaign nor even an attempt to benefit the campaign.

The law says, if there is a personal benefit, you can't use campaign funds to pay the bill, even if there is a tangential benefit to the campaign. Campaign funds have to be used EXCLUSIVELY for the campaign, no dual purpose campaign expenses are allowed.

Dumbfuck, the law also says...

(8)(A) The term "contribution" includes-
(i) any gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value made by any person for the purpose of influencing any election for Federal office


Contributions include those made by the candidate and “must be reported”...

When candidates use their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits. They must, however, be reported.

Using the personal funds of the candidate -

What cracks me up the most is what sycophants you rightards are. This isn’t that big of a deal. If he’s found guilty of violating campaign finance laws, he’s facing a fine. It happens all the time. Y’all are circling the wagon over something as trivial as this does nothing other than to expose what cock holsters you are for him.

Poor little retard, it wasn't a valid campaign expense, that's why campaign funds weren't used. Of course you're free to pretend otherwise in your little retard world. It doesn't make it so. LMAO


It was a valid campaign expense because the money was spent to impact the outcome of the election. No different than if he had secretly spent his own money to pay for ads.

Sent from my iPhone using
Indeed, very interesting thread
Yes he can... because the women were paid off using an LLC, and Trump is on tape discussing the payoff doing it. He conspired with Cohen to break campaign finance laws.

Fuck this shit, post the transcripts of the tapes or STFU. Trump got a personal benefit from the NDA's, legally only things that benefit the campaign and nothing else can be financed with campaign funds, there cannot be a dual purpose like a personal or commercial benefit.

Only someone retarded beyond all repair would be able to fool themselves into believing silencing women just before an election and alleging affairs with Trump as his new bride birthed their child; was neither of any benefit to the campaign nor even an attempt to benefit the campaign.

The law says, if there is a personal benefit, you can't use campaign funds to pay the bill, even if there is a tangential benefit to the campaign. Campaign funds have to be used EXCLUSIVELY for the campaign, no dual purpose campaign expenses are allowed.

Dumbfuck, the law also says...

(8)(A) The term "contribution" includes-
(i) any gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value made by any person for the purpose of influencing any election for Federal office


Contributions include those made by the candidate and “must be reported”...

When candidates use their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits. They must, however, be reported.

Using the personal funds of the candidate -

What cracks me up the most is what sycophants you rightards are. This isn’t that big of a deal. If he’s found guilty of violating campaign finance laws, he’s facing a fine. It happens all the time. Y’all are circling the wagon over something as trivial as this does nothing other than to expose what cock holsters you are for him.

Poor little retard, it wasn't a valid campaign expense, that's why campaign funds weren't used. Of course you're free to pretend otherwise in your little retard world. It doesn't make it so. LMAO

You dumbfuck, it matters not if campaign funds were used or not. Paying off Stormy to not talk about having an affair was a benefit to his campaign and intended to influence the election. That exposes those funds to be reported to the FEC.

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