Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

Trump’s lawyer pled guilty to campaign finance violations. I suppose Trump ass kissers would have us believe that he was working for Hillary?

Did he, cite the statute he plead guilty to. While your at it, explain how there was no personal benefit to Trump.

You can google the former.
Massive personal benefit to candidate Trump.
Paying off the media with awards, jobs, and other inducements has been a massive benefit to Hillary, Obama, and other Derp State operators. The media is filled with graft, corruption, and nepotism in favor of Democrats.
The utter hypocrisy of this latest media circus argument is enough to make your head explode.
I have been pointing out the Elephant in the room for decades, but nobody on the left can face the truth, and folks on the right just throw their hands up and accept it.
It's getting really bad. We've been in Banana Republic territory for the last 8 years and it's getting worse by the day.

The right wing rationalizations get more sad by the minute…
Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
Did he, cite the statute he plead guilty to. While your at it, explain how there was no personal benefit to Trump.

You can google the former.
Massive personal benefit to candidate Trump.
Paying off the media with awards, jobs, and other inducements has been a massive benefit to Hillary, Obama, and other Derp State operators. The media is filled with graft, corruption, and nepotism in favor of Democrats.
The utter hypocrisy of this latest media circus argument is enough to make your head explode.
I have been pointing out the Elephant in the room for decades, but nobody on the left can face the truth, and folks on the right just throw their hands up and accept it.
It's getting really bad. We've been in Banana Republic territory for the last 8 years and it's getting worse by the day.

The right wing rationalizations get more sad by the minute…
Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
As usual, you're a liar.
Manafort hasn't been with Trump for since he was fired, before Trump was elected.
Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap. Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him. Lanny Davis is representing him. So technically Cohen is with the Clintons.
It is not a campaign violation. You will never see any charges filed against Trump for this action. It is absurd. Trump is in the clear on this one. He might have a slew of other problems, but paying off a porn star isn't one of them.

Michael Cohen plead guilty to a FELONY campaign law violation... which Trump is on tape with him making the arrangements for the payments. That's conspiracy.

A plea deal is not proof of anything, moron. It's a deliberate attempt by Mueller to do an end around proof.

A plea deal is not proof of anything, moron. It's a deliberate attempt by Mueller to do an end around proof.

A guilty plea is an admission of guilt.
There is no greater proof than an admission of guilt, retard.
Trump says it was his money

Get he story straight
Last I checked it is not illegal to pay off a blackmailer. There is ZERO evidence he used campaign funds to do it. Therefore NO crime.

Absent the campaign, would the candidate have incurred the expense? If the answer is yes, Trump is in the clear. If the answer is no, then it is a campaign violation. In this case, we have a billionaire that has spent more time in court than just about anyone. Big CEO's, Billionaires, entertainers and athletes all have been known to make settlements like this one. Michael Jackson and on and on. For many, Trump included, this has probably been normal business for him for years. As the attorney for John Edwards said, its not illegal to be a pig. Trump is very famous and very rich. This is an easy defense for Trump, and is why this will never go anywhere from here.
not really....

one, he f'd them 10 years ago, he waited till 3 weeks or so before the election to pay them off...

two, we've got Cohen and tapes he made of Trump directed arrangements for payments by Cohen for the purpose of keeping them silent during his presidential run because they both could hurt his campaign....

three, we've got the Trump ''Trust''.... which is the Trump Foundation.... trump's alleged Charity, being instructed by the Trump Organization, to pay Cohen back for the payoff he made to Stormy.... (the Trump F Charity was forced by NY State to shut down because of their criminal behavior shortly after that...)

and fake invoices by Cohen to the Trump Org for repayments of the money as well....

so, there is a lot more crooked stuff going on than I could have ever imagined!!!
there is a lot more crooked stuff going on than I could have ever imagined!!!
Now I get it....

Crooked isn't removing security headers
and replacing them with inconspicuous e mail headers,
or allowing classified information to be downloaded
onto thumb drives or uploaded onto a laptop,
after it was downloaded and sent to a tech via an email,
or, not suspicious that days before you KNEW you were
being subpoenaed for those emails on your hard drive,
you had a tech delete everything.... and when asked about it....
What, like wipe, with a cloth

Or, receiving foreign donations, while SoS,
funneled through the Clinton Foundation,
which weren't reported, even though,
You signed a disclosure that required
all foreign donations were limited and had to be,
disclosed and approved...which did not happen

Or, receiving donations from foreign governments,
during your presidential run, you were sure to win
to the Clinton Foundation, that never donated before,
and haven't since you lost...furthermore,
foreign governments that had been making
substantial donations to the Clinton Foundation,
while she was SoS or had resumed donations afterwards,
increased their donations but, wouldn't you know,
those donations dramatically decreased or stopped,
after she lost the presidential race...

Or, using charity donations for your daughters wedding....

Really, do I need to go on?
Logic should dictate, not whether or not,
there was an indictment or a conviction!

What does any of this have to do with Donald Trump? Did you post this in the wrong thread?
What does any of this have to do with Donald Trump?
It has to do with what constitutes being crooked
It is not a campaign violation. You will never see any charges filed against Trump for this action. It is absurd. Trump is in the clear on this one. He might have a slew of other problems, but paying off a porn star isn't one of them.

Michael Cohen plead guilty to a FELONY campaign law violation... which Trump is on tape with him making the arrangements for the payments. That's conspiracy.

A plea deal is not proof of anything, moron. It's a deliberate attempt by Mueller to do an end around proof.

a plea deal can not be used in court

they are never adjudicated

a plea deal can not be used in court

they are never adjudicated


They are adjudicated, dope. When a judge asks you, " how do you plead?" After reading the charges , the defendent answers and the judge signs off. Done.

Otherwise, what's the point of pleading before a judge?
It is not a campaign violation. You will never see any charges filed against Trump for this action. It is absurd. Trump is in the clear on this one. He might have a slew of other problems, but paying off a porn star isn't one of them.

Michael Cohen plead guilty to a FELONY campaign law violation... which Trump is on tape with him making the arrangements for the payments. That's conspiracy.

A plea deal is not proof of anything, moron. It's a deliberate attempt by Mueller to do an end around proof.

a plea deal can not be used in court

they are never adjudicated

a plea deal can not be used in court

they are never adjudicated


They are adjudicated, dope. When a judge asks you, " how do you plead?" After reading the charges , the defendent answers and the judge signs off. Done.

Otherwise, what's the point of pleading before a judge?
Unfuckingbelievable. :eusa_doh:
Unanswered of course is why anyone still supports a whore monger who surrounded himself with felons

That is what we asked ourselves when asshats like you supported the rapist bill clinton and then voted for his wife, the woman who actually led the team that silenced the women he sexually assaulted and raped......

How dare you bring up Bill Clinton the intern abuser accused rapists and his enabling shrill wife.
The intern went to DC to “get her presidential knee pads” and never complained about her treatment.

As for shrill insane trump and his little trumptards are shrill.

Poor trumpkin
Ohh so sexual assault is not that when a Boss coerces an employee to have sex with him. Glad to know it.
It's actually not.
nope not according to the law

if he did with any other reason

such as to hide it from the wife


to save embarrassment to the family

then no crime has been committed
Yea but he did it to change the outcome of the election. That's a NO NO. He's on tape.
Yea but he did it to change the outcome of the election. That's a NO NO
So, Russia isn't to blame anymore,
the, 'whore, keep your mouth shuit, payout it

Russia may be the next shoe to drop. Trump is embroiled in multiple scandals. The paying off of pornstars is just one of the many scandals brought about by the Trump Crime Syndicate.
Russia may be the next shoe to drop.
Shouldn’t that have happened already?
Several of the hackers have been indicted. The investigation continues

Trump is embroiled in multiple scandals. The paying off of pornstars is just one of the many scandals

Check this out....
Asia Argento, leader of the #MeToo whores,
that found courage and self respect, finally, after 20 fucking years
denies she forced herself, on a 17 year old boy...she was 37
and claims the payoff Bennett received,
was the doing of her boyfriend at the time,
Anthony Bourdain, who, of course, can't weigh in
because he killed himself, less than 2 months ago...

according to her the money was paid,
NOT because she was guilty,
but, because Anthony thought it was best,
to have compassion for someone struggling financially...
Oh, and could end up being NEGATIVE PUBLICITY

Even with pictures, text messages and a money trail
which support his allegations, she continues to call him a liar,
and blame Anthony Bourdain for giving him the money.

Now, THAT'S scandalous!

Maybe that played a role in his suicide... Fucking bitch!

You get the award for deflection of the year…

I don’t give whatever her name is you just mentioned any chance to win in 2020.
You get the award for deflection of the year…

I don’t give whatever her name is you just mentioned any chance to win in 2020.

Clearly, you're trying to give me your award....
No thanks, you earned it, you keep it!
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Oh yes it is.
And I'll gladly tell you why.
When you contribute to a campaign a "thing of value" it has to be documented and reported. That doesn't even need to be money.
The women were shushed to affect the outcome of the election, so that, by definition, makes it part of the campaign.

Say the president paid with his own money (which it looks like he did). They call that "in kind". It was money paid to affect the outcome of the election, so it was money paid to his campaign.
And it was unreported which means campaign finance laws were broken.
All he had to do was report it.
What's funny is how alike it is to Clinton's BJ. If Bill had reported his BJ from the beginning, Republicans never could have cornered him into lying to his wife.
If Trump had reported his payoffs to his hookers, he never would have broken campaign finance laws.

But Bill never had to pay for his BJ. He got that for free.

And what if he made the NDA payments to avoid personal embarrassment, in whole or in part?

Which is what John Edwards did being married and all.

Only Trump was taped. And his timing was two weeks before the election.

And there were multiple women involved.

Edwards problem is he used campaign money to make the payoff, which is illegal. If there was a personal benefit, it's not a legitimate campaign expense. Trump gained a personal benefit, so it can't legally be a campaign expense. If it wasn't a legal campaign expense and wasn't paid with campaign money, there is no violation of campaign finance law.

Edwards problem is he used campaign money to make the payoff, which is illegal

No. An outside donor made the payment just as Cohen did.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Oh yes it is.
And I'll gladly tell you why.
When you contribute to a campaign a "thing of value" it has to be documented and reported. That doesn't even need to be money.
The women were shushed to affect the outcome of the election, so that, by definition, makes it part of the campaign.

Say the president paid with his own money (which it looks like he did). They call that "in kind". It was money paid to affect the outcome of the election, so it was money paid to his campaign.
And it was unreported which means campaign finance laws were broken.
All he had to do was report it.
What's funny is how alike it is to Clinton's BJ. If Bill had reported his BJ from the beginning, Republicans never could have cornered him into lying to his wife.
If Trump had reported his payoffs to his hookers, he never would have broken campaign finance laws.

But Bill never had to pay for his BJ. He got that for free.

And what if he made the NDA payments to avoid personal embarrassment, in whole or in part?

Which is what John Edwards did being married and all.

Only Trump was taped. And his timing was two weeks before the election.

And there were multiple women involved.

Edwards problem is he used campaign money to make the payoff, which is illegal. If there was a personal benefit, it's not a legitimate campaign expense. Trump gained a personal benefit, so it can't legally be a campaign expense. If it wasn't a legal campaign expense and wasn't paid with campaign money, there is no violation of campaign finance law.


Trump’s lawyer pled guilty to campaign finance violations. I suppose Trump ass kissers would have us believe that he was working for Hillary?

Yes. Dale could no doubt explain it more completely but this is the gist. The Clintons placed Cohen close to Trump twenty years ago in case they needed an inside hit on Trump.
Yea but he did it to change the outcome of the election. That's a NO NO. He's on tape.
Yea but he did it to change the outcome of the election. That's a NO NO
So, Russia isn't to blame anymore,
the, 'whore, keep your mouth shuit, payout it

Russia may be the next shoe to drop. Trump is embroiled in multiple scandals. The paying off of pornstars is just one of the many scandals brought about by the Trump Crime Syndicate.
Russia may be the next shoe to drop.
Shouldn’t that have happened already?
Several of the hackers have been indicted. The investigation continues

Trump is embroiled in multiple scandals. The paying off of pornstars is just one of the many scandals

Check this out....
Asia Argento, leader of the #MeToo whores,
that found courage and self respect, finally, after 20 fucking years
denies she forced herself, on a 17 year old boy...she was 37
and claims the payoff Bennett received,
was the doing of her boyfriend at the time,
Anthony Bourdain, who, of course, can't weigh in
because he killed himself, less than 2 months ago...

according to her the money was paid,
NOT because she was guilty,
but, because Anthony thought it was best,
to have compassion for someone struggling financially...
Oh, and could end up being NEGATIVE PUBLICITY

Even with pictures, text messages and a money trail
which support his allegations, she continues to call him a liar,
and blame Anthony Bourdain for giving him the money.

Now, THAT'S scandalous!

Maybe that played a role in his suicide... Fucking bitch!

You get the award for deflection of the year…

I don’t give whatever her name is you just mentioned any chance to win in 2020.
You get the award for deflection of the year…

I don’t give whatever her name is you just mentioned any chance to win in 2020.

Clearly, you're trying to give me your award....
No thanks, you earned it, you keep it!

Yeah…you’re the one talking about Anthony Bourdain in the politics forum. You look like an idiot.
You can google the former.
Massive personal benefit to candidate Trump.
Paying off the media with awards, jobs, and other inducements has been a massive benefit to Hillary, Obama, and other Derp State operators. The media is filled with graft, corruption, and nepotism in favor of Democrats.
The utter hypocrisy of this latest media circus argument is enough to make your head explode.
I have been pointing out the Elephant in the room for decades, but nobody on the left can face the truth, and folks on the right just throw their hands up and accept it.
It's getting really bad. We've been in Banana Republic territory for the last 8 years and it's getting worse by the day.

The right wing rationalizations get more sad by the minute…
Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
As usual, you're a liar.
Manafort hasn’t been with Trump for since he was fired, before Trump was elected.
And Trump’s response was that he feels bad that this tax cheat was found guilty. Why does he “feel bad” for him if he was such a tangential figure? Hmmm?

Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap.
Such a small figure that Cohen had 3 clients—one of which was the blob? Sounds like he did quite a bit of work for the blob if he was one third of the client base….Hmmm?

Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him. Lanny Davis is representing him. So technically Cohen is with the Clintons.


Cohen is with the Clintons…. Wow, you’re dumber than I thought Shirley.
Unanswered of course is why anyone still supports a whore monger who surrounded himself with felons

Better than surrounding oneself with filthy, despicable liberals.
Better than surrounding oneself with filthy, despicable liberals.
Better than surrounding oneself with filthy, despicable liberals.

Yee hawww!

View attachment 212467

Looks like a little brokeback mountain action going on there.
You can google the former.
Massive personal benefit to candidate Trump.
Paying off the media with awards, jobs, and other inducements has been a massive benefit to Hillary, Obama, and other Derp State operators. The media is filled with graft, corruption, and nepotism in favor of Democrats.
The utter hypocrisy of this latest media circus argument is enough to make your head explode.
I have been pointing out the Elephant in the room for decades, but nobody on the left can face the truth, and folks on the right just throw their hands up and accept it.
It's getting really bad. We've been in Banana Republic territory for the last 8 years and it's getting worse by the day.

The right wing rationalizations get more sad by the minute…
Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
As usual, you're a liar.
Manafort hasn't been with Trump for since he was fired, before Trump was elected.
Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap. Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him. Lanny Davis is representing him. So technically Cohen is with the Clintons.

Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap. Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him.

I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

It's not illegal. It's incredibly shitty and reprehensible, but not illegal.
You can google the former.
Massive personal benefit to candidate Trump.
Paying off the media with awards, jobs, and other inducements has been a massive benefit to Hillary, Obama, and other Derp State operators. The media is filled with graft, corruption, and nepotism in favor of Democrats.
The utter hypocrisy of this latest media circus argument is enough to make your head explode.
I have been pointing out the Elephant in the room for decades, but nobody on the left can face the truth, and folks on the right just throw their hands up and accept it.
It's getting really bad. We've been in Banana Republic territory for the last 8 years and it's getting worse by the day.

The right wing rationalizations get more sad by the minute…
Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
As usual, you're a liar.
Manafort hasn't been with Trump for since he was fired, before Trump was elected.
Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap. Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him. Lanny Davis is representing him. So technically Cohen is with the Clintons.
Manafort was fundraiser for Trump's inauguration.

Cohen was Trump's pit bull.

This example of Cohen defending Trump.

Cohen accuses Hillary of murder.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

It's not illegal. It's incredibly shitty and reprehensible, but not illegal.
It's not illegal

Well duh. Cohen's plea clearly shows that.

Thanks, peanut gallery! Did I ask for your opinion?
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

It's not illegal. It's incredibly shitty and reprehensible, but not illegal.
It's not illegal

Well duh. Cohen's plea clearly shows that.

Thanks, peanut gallery! Did I ask for your opinion?

Posting in an open forum is inviting discussion.
Paying off the media with awards, jobs, and other inducements has been a massive benefit to Hillary, Obama, and other Derp State operators. The media is filled with graft, corruption, and nepotism in favor of Democrats.
The utter hypocrisy of this latest media circus argument is enough to make your head explode.
I have been pointing out the Elephant in the room for decades, but nobody on the left can face the truth, and folks on the right just throw their hands up and accept it.
It's getting really bad. We've been in Banana Republic territory for the last 8 years and it's getting worse by the day.

The right wing rationalizations get more sad by the minute…
Sorry, but this is the law......and this is reality.
You have no issues with Democrats criminalizing normal activities and using them to assault their political opposition. Yet you turn around and openly support any Democrat that is caught red-handed breaking more serious laws. Espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury, sedition, illegal search and seizures, bribery, blackmail, criminal conspiracy, selective prosecution, The list goes on and on.

So you still support Trump who is surrounded by Convicted felons. That is reality, is it not?

Please show me the convictions of those you’re trying to name above.
As usual, you're a liar.
Manafort hasn't been with Trump for since he was fired, before Trump was elected.
Cohen was a small time lawyer that took care of smaller issues for Trump. The press made him out to be Trump's top lawyer. Total horse crap. Hillary got ahold of him, with the help of the FBI, and flipped him. Lanny Davis is representing him. So technically Cohen is with the Clintons.
Manafort was fundraiser for Trump's inauguration.

Cohen was Trump's pit bull.

This example of Cohen defending Trump.

Cohen accuses Hillary of murder.

I love the smell of “trump ass kisser” desperation in the morning.

mudwhistle is especially pungent on this day.

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