Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

To be a valid election expense it would have to exclusively benefit the campaign, no rational person can make that claim. There were other personal benefits to the NDA's.

OMFG....You Trumpkins are

1. Cohen pled guilty to the crime of violating campaign finance laws!

2. He has tapes

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
Not the point..............They were only supposed to get information related to Russia.........and back then we discussed that..........I kept saying Yeah Care..........because I knew it was a complete and utter joke.........

The cleaners didn't clean jack squat.
Not how it works sweetie.
It's like lawyer/client privilege. It only exists as long as they aren't committing a new crime.
If Mueller finds a crime while investigating collusion, ignoring the crime would be negligence.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid
Trump & Co. is throwing everything they can get their hands on against the wall hoping that something will stick. Trump has a massive problem, but the Congress will give him enough shade to survive. After the mid-terms, without the Congress, he will at least be hamstrung and reduced to executive orders. In 2020, he is dead. BTW, he and his supporters are mirror images of each other. Sleaze is as sleaze does!!! Bigly.

Trump's response to Michael Cohen's plea deal, dissected - CNNPolitics
You're too sweet, Puddin'.
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
Not the point..............They were only supposed to get information related to Russia.........and back then we discussed that..........I kept saying Yeah Care..........because I knew it was a complete and utter joke.........

The cleaners didn't clean jack squat.
Not how it works sweetie.
It's like lawyer/client privilege. It only exists as long as they aren't committing a new crime.
If Mueller finds a crime while investigating collusion, ignoring the crime would be negligence.
The investigation was about Russia..........not a porn star...........extortion and so called bribery.......that your side says the NDA was a campaign violation...........not a dang violation if campaign funds weren't used........You got that proof punk......

And consensual sex is NOT A CRIME..........And paying off someone trying to black mail you isn't a crime.

Your still fishing.............25 fbi and intel guys have now fallen............getting interested.........heard McCabe is getting nervous..........LOL
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Not when it’s intended to influence the outcome of an election, as was Trump’s intent.

That you and others on the right continue to defend Trump in spite of the facts and evidence is further proof of how blind partisan and reprehensible most conservatives are.
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
Not the point..............They were only supposed to get information related to Russia.........and back then we discussed that..........I kept saying Yeah Care..........because I knew it was a complete and utter joke.........

The cleaners didn't clean jack squat.
Not how it works sweetie.
It's like lawyer/client privilege. It only exists as long as they aren't committing a new crime.
If Mueller finds a crime while investigating collusion, ignoring the crime would be negligence.
He isn't investigating collusion. He gave up on that long ago. All he's doing is trying to find something to nail Trump with.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Not when it’s intended to influence the outcome of an election, as was Trump’s intent.

That you and others on the right continue to defend Trump in spite of the facts and evidence is further proof of how blind partisan and reprehensible most conservatives are.
The former chairman of the FEC said it's not a campaign donation, dumbass.
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
yes and no.... the Law determines the alleged crime, not a jury.... the jury does determine if the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or not of the crime written in the Law.
Exactly, so Mueller has no basis for claiming there was a campaign violation.
Jesus Christ. I explain it to you IN DETAIL in Post 63 and in post 68 when you make this ridiculous comment:

This brainless argument has already been exploded 1000 times.

and then you have the nerve to say, "Mueller has no basis for claiming there was a campaign violation."

After I explained it IN DETAIL.

Which proves you've got to be one the most dense people I've ever had to the misfortune to read their nonsensical comments.

Consider yourself dismissed.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Not when it’s intended to influence the outcome of an election, as was Trump’s intent.

That you and others on the right continue to defend Trump in spite of the facts and evidence is further proof of how blind partisan and reprehensible most conservatives are.
The former chairman of the FEC said it's not a campaign donation, dumbass.
Two questions.

1. Where is a link?

2. Is this a FOX commentator?
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
Not the point..............They were only supposed to get information related to Russia.........and back then we discussed that..........I kept saying Yeah Care..........because I knew it was a complete and utter joke.........

The cleaners didn't clean jack squat.
Not how it works sweetie.
It's like lawyer/client privilege. It only exists as long as they aren't committing a new crime.
If Mueller finds a crime while investigating collusion, ignoring the crime would be negligence.
He isn't investigating collusion. He gave up on that long ago. All he's doing is trying to find something to nail Trump with.
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
yes and no.... the Law determines the alleged crime, not a jury.... the jury does determine if the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or not of the crime written in the Law.
Exactly, so Mueller has no basis for claiming there was a campaign violation.
Jesus Christ. I explain it to you IN DETAIL in Post 63 and in post 68 when you make this ridiculous comment:

This brainless argument has already been exploded 1000 times.

and then you have the nerve to say, "Mueller has no basis for claiming there was a campaign violation."

After I explained it IN DETAIL.

Which proves you've got to be one the most dense people I've ever had to the misfortune to read their nonsensical comments.

Consider yourself dismissed.
Your "explanations" are already discredited horseshit.
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
yes and no.... the Law determines the alleged crime, not a jury.... the jury does determine if the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or not of the crime written in the Law.
Exactly, so Mueller has no basis for claiming there was a campaign violation.
Jesus Christ. I explain it to you IN DETAIL in Post 63 and in post 68 when you make this ridiculous comment:

This brainless argument has already been exploded 1000 times.

and then you have the nerve to say, "Mueller has no basis for claiming there was a campaign violation."

After I explained it IN DETAIL.

Which proves you've got to be one the most dense people I've ever had to the misfortune to read their nonsensical comments.

Consider yourself dismissed.
What da fuck does the Porn star have to do with she really a Russian Porn star and been fucking people for that how she altered the election and cost Hillary the election............

I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Not when it’s intended to influence the outcome of an election, as was Trump’s intent.

That you and others on the right continue to defend Trump in spite of the facts and evidence is further proof of how blind partisan and reprehensible most conservatives are.
The former chairman of the FEC said it's not a campaign donation, dumbass.
Two questions.

1. Where is a link?

2. Is this a FOX commentator?

Here you go, you dumbass douchebag.:

Porn Star Payment Likely Not Illegal, Says Former FEC Chairman - OpsLens
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law


What violation are you trying to lie about, fake lawyer?

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Hillary did it all the time, you fucking psychopath.

You lie that you're a lawyer :rofl:

So come on Counselor, list the law that was broken by entering into an NDA using personal funds?

Come on, you fucking liar, your reputation :lmao: is on the line, fraud.
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law


What violation are you trying to lie about, fake lawyer?

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Hillary did it all the time, you fucking psychopath.

You lie that you're a lawyer :rofl:

So come on Counselor, list the law that was broken by entering into an NDA using personal funds?

Come on, you fucking liar, your reputation :lmao: is on the line, fraud.
She was going to the make money off of sex with Trump..........which is a classic BLACK MAIL CASE...........

There great hero is a porn star trying to Black Mail Trump..........and if he use his own money to pay.......which he is rich........It's not a crime.
What election law was violated if Trump used his own money to pay off this woman?

BUT BUT Torquemada coerced Cohen to plead guilty to petting a cat, so petting cats must be a crime! :thup:

The Inquisition crafted an inflammatory and slanderous plea deal to smear the president in pursuit of their treasonous coup. An NDA is part of normal, everyday life.

Mewler is a fucking pig, a traitor and a scumbag. Though nothing from Cohen is admissible in any court, Torquemada intends to spend the next 6 weeks leaking shit in an attempt to rig the midterms.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
yes and no.... the Law determines the alleged crime, not a jury.... the jury does determine if the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or not of the crime written in the Law.
Exactly, so Mueller has no basis for claiming there was a campaign violation.
Jesus Christ. I explain it to you IN DETAIL in Post 63 and in post 68 when you make this ridiculous comment:

This brainless argument has already been exploded 1000 times.

and then you have the nerve to say, "Mueller has no basis for claiming there was a campaign violation."

After I explained it IN DETAIL.

Which proves you've got to be one the most dense people I've ever had to the misfortune to read their nonsensical comments.

Consider yourself dismissed.
Your "explanations" are already discredited horseshit.
You're like the little damaged kid sitting in a corner banging a dented pan with a salad fork. When you are presented with a reasoned argument, your only comments are, "Your "explanations" are already discredited horseshit." Which shows you know nothing and nothing is all you want to know. Why even bother making a noise when you have nothing to add. A case of nothing from nothing.
hookers crooks, liars, legal not legal, holly cow wont any one just say its not good behavior. & let the law sort out the rest
What election law was violated if Trump used his own money to pay off this woman?

BUT BUT Torquemada coerced Cohen to plead guilty to petting a cat, so petting cats must be a crime! :thup:

The Inquisition crafted an inflammatory and slanderous plea deal to smear the president in pursuit of their treasonous coup. An NDA is part of normal, everyday life.

Mewler is a fucking pig, a traitor and a scumbag. Though nothing from Cohen is admissible in any court, Torquemada intends to spend the next 6 weeks leaking shit in an attempt to rig the midterms.
Mueller just got 16 felony convictions.
The traitor is the racist guy who says the bullsh!t Trump says at his rallies.

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