Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Oh yes it is.
And I'll gladly tell you why.
When you contribute to a campaign a "thing of value" it has to be documented and reported. That doesn't even need to be money.
The women were shushed to affect the outcome of the election, so that, by definition, makes it part of the campaign.

Say the president paid with his own money (which it looks like he did). They call that "in kind". It was money paid to affect the outcome of the election, so it was money paid to his campaign.
And it was unreported which means campaign finance laws were broken.
All he had to do was report it.
What's funny is how alike it is to Clinton's BJ. If Bill had reported his BJ from the beginning, Republicans never could have cornered him into lying to his wife.
If Trump had reported his payoffs to his hookers, he never would have broken campaign finance laws.

But Bill never had to pay for his BJ. He got that for free.
Unanswered of course is why anyone still supports a whore monger who surrounded himself with felons

You offered us Hillary and Bill, any other stupid questions?

2 years ago...

Why are you still supporting a whoremonger who surrounds himself with felons today?
I didn't see the liberals on this board do much objecting when Hillary was arming terrorists and starting a war in Libya.

Partisans will be partisans, won't they?

What are you going to do?

You have to admit, these crimes are pretty minor. There does seem to be an orchestrated attempt here to cripple the president.

Are you saying you would prefer Pence? He is far more conservative.

Something stinks.
But but Bill...

That is all they have. An army of rabid squirrels and rotting red herrings trying to distract from their overflowing swamp,
That's the new argument whenever someone points out the hypocrisy of the left. They're always saying we should only pay attention to what they say and do now, not what they said and did in the past. They are actually proud of being hypocrites.
Double standards
Really? As I recall his career tanked as a result, and I sure didn’t see much support for his case out there.
Did he get charged with a FELONY..........NOPE.........

You lose.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Oh yes it is.
And I'll gladly tell you why.
When you contribute to a campaign a "thing of value" it has to be documented and reported. That doesn't even need to be money.
The women were shushed to affect the outcome of the election, so that, by definition, makes it part of the campaign.

Say the president paid with his own money (which it looks like he did). They call that "in kind". It was money paid to affect the outcome of the election, so it was money paid to his campaign.
And it was unreported which means campaign finance laws were broken.
All he had to do was report it.
What's funny is how alike it is to Clinton's BJ. If Bill had reported his BJ from the beginning, Republicans never could have cornered him into lying to his wife.
If Trump had reported his payoffs to his hookers, he never would have broken campaign finance laws.

But Bill never had to pay for his BJ. He got that for free.
Donald Trump & John Edwards: Campaign Finance Comparison |
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Oh yes it is.
And I'll gladly tell you why.
When you contribute to a campaign a "thing of value" it has to be documented and reported. That doesn't even need to be money.
The women were shushed to affect the outcome of the election, so that, by definition, makes it part of the campaign.

Say the president paid with his own money (which it looks like he did). They call that "in kind". It was money paid to affect the outcome of the election, so it was money paid to his campaign.
And it was unreported which means campaign finance laws were broken.
All he had to do was report it.
What's funny is how alike it is to Clinton's BJ. If Bill had reported his BJ from the beginning, Republicans never could have cornered him into lying to his wife.
If Trump had reported his payoffs to his hookers, he never would have broken campaign finance laws.

But Bill never had to pay for his BJ. He got that for free.
This brainless argument has already been exploded 1000 times.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
According to you back then.............the cleaners were supposed to clean...........and give the information about Russia..........BS.
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
Not the point..............They were only supposed to get information related to Russia.........and back then we discussed that..........I kept saying Yeah Care..........because I knew it was a complete and utter joke.........

The cleaners didn't clean jack squat.
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
yes and no.... the Law determines the alleged crime, not a jury.... the jury does determine if the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or not of the crime written in the Law.
Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
yes and no.... the Law determines the alleged crime, not a jury.... the jury does determine if the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or not of the crime written in the Law.
Exactly, so Mueller has no basis for claiming there was a campaign violation.
Cohn admitted he was guilty because he himself broke the law, which does not insinuate that Trump did.
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.
yes and no.... the Law determines the alleged crime, not a jury.... the jury does determine if the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or not of the crime written in the Law.
Exactly, so Mueller has no basis for claiming there was a campaign violation.
That information had nothing to do with Russia............which is the point......the cleaners were supposed to allow them only to see what related to Russia.........

That didn't happen..............I knew it wouldn't go down that way..........and they didn't give a rats ass to the law on attorney client priviledge.......either..............

This is an investigation LOOKING FOR A CRIME........not the way it's supposed to work......but the ones running it believe they are above the law.......

Now they are pissing off other FBI agents who have had enough...........and are ready to testify against them.

This is only beginning..........
Cohn admitted he was guilty because he himself broke the law, which does not insinuate that Trump did.
Plea Bargains to a guilty plea...............are really not an admission of guilt..........

But given the entire Federal Gov't is coming after was the lesser of evils............While he goes I'M GUILTY..........the power of an unfettered Gov't was a he took the deal............but not their mouthpiece................
Unanswered of course is why anyone still supports a whore monger who surrounded himself with felons

You offered us Hillary and Bill, any other stupid questions?

2 years ago...

Why are you still supporting a whoremonger who surrounds himself with felons today?
I didn't see the liberals on this board do much objecting when Hillary was arming terrorists and starting a war in Libya.

Partisans will be partisans, won't they?

What are you going to do?

You have to admit, these crimes are pretty minor. There does seem to be an orchestrated attempt here to cripple the president.

Are you saying you would prefer Pence? He is far more conservative.

Something stinks.
She did that?
Wow, I didn't know.
Post a couple of links. I want to read about it.
Unanswered of course is why anyone still supports a whore monger who surrounded himself with felons

You offered us Hillary and Bill, any other stupid questions?

2 years ago...

Why are you still supporting a whoremonger who surrounds himself with felons today?
Whore monger? Obama dropped 100 times more bombs than Trump ever thought of dropping. How many people did the Nobel peace prize winner kill with drones?


More Than 2,400 Dead as Obama’s Drone Campaign Marks Five Years
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Oh yes it is.
And I'll gladly tell you why.
When you contribute to a campaign a "thing of value" it has to be documented and reported. That doesn't even need to be money.
The women were shushed to affect the outcome of the election, so that, by definition, makes it part of the campaign.

Say the president paid with his own money (which it looks like he did). They call that "in kind". It was money paid to affect the outcome of the election, so it was money paid to his campaign.
And it was unreported which means campaign finance laws were broken.
All he had to do was report it.
What's funny is how alike it is to Clinton's BJ. If Bill had reported his BJ from the beginning, Republicans never could have cornered him into lying to his wife.
If Trump had reported his payoffs to his hookers, he never would have broken campaign finance laws.

But Bill never had to pay for his BJ. He got that for free.
This brainless argument has already been exploded 1000 times.
That shows how little a know nothing knows.

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