PAYPAL attacking gun rights

Absolutely....PayPal is a business, and they are not bound to any constitutional right for anyone who wants to use their financial services. They make the rules, and if you don't agree with those rules, you don't get to use their services. Where are all you wet nosed left wing liberal idiots coming from?

Where in hell did you get "liberal" from, genius?
Thanks for the label of genius. I like to think of myself as fairly intelligent. Left wing liberals generally fall into the rhealm of the ignorant ones who expect the government and/or someone else to take care of them. This seems to be one of those cases where the liberals are crying foul, when in fact the foul is being caused by the left wing liberals. The finance company you deal with regarding your car payments, and your car insurance, and your house payments and your credit card payments, etc. are not bound to your rules, rather you are bound to their rules if you agree to borrow from them. This is where the left wing liberals are completely FUBAR.

Apparently, you did not detect my sarcasm, nor has your "genius" enabled you to discern that "the points" as presented have been "attacked" by both libs and cons, and definitely "defended" by cons. Now, I'll ask again -- Where in hell did you get "liberal" from? Crystal ball perhaps?
Typical right wing bullshit. It's very easy for you to purchase something off of PayPal and then tell PayPal you didn't get what you ordered and get your monkey back. In additiona, PayPal is one of the WORST online merchant solution companies as far as security goes. Many, MANY people are very wary of PayPal. If a gun store wants to setup PayPal on his or her website, they are quite welcome to.

Thanks ever so much for that enlightening information.... <sarcasm>
Typical right wing bullshit. It's very easy for you to purchase something off of PayPal and then tell PayPal you didn't get what you ordered and get your monkey back. In additiona, PayPal is one of the WORST online merchant solution companies as far as security goes. Many, MANY people are very wary of PayPal. If a gun store wants to setup PayPal on his or her website, they are quite welcome to.
no, they are not
unless they meet the strict conditions that Paypal set up for weapons sales

Strict conditions meaning PayPal could be liable if it authorized a transaction that killed someone. We're not talking about cans of beans here... there is one purpose and one purpose only when you buy a gun: To kill something. Sometimes it's an animal, sometimes it's a human. If a human died because a gun store sold a gun and violated the law when it did that, the person who was killed's family could go after PayPal.

Speaking of bullshit, do you make a habit of squatting without looking? Careful where you step now, hear? :lol:
Not to change the subject, but those of you whose think this is appropriate, would you be of the same opinion if this was a national pharmacy chain whose policy dictated a ban on filling instant abortion prescription using the same logic, fear of lawsuit.

View attachment 7656

Bringing Abortion into this is instant trolling. :lol:

Besides, it doesn't matter if they did, there are plenty of other pharmacy chains that are willing to sell the prescriptions. Not that any pharmacy would stop though, too much profit.

"Not to change the subject" was a dead give-away.... :lol:

Every business has the right to set terms on how its services or goods are used or purchased.

This is not a Second Amendment issue. There are plenty of financial institutions and internet payment gateways that will allow you to purchase guns using their services.

As long as you obey all State and International commerce laws.

Which happens to be the point here---paypal intentionally makes it difficult to use their sevices when buying a weapon. Get it ?
I still don't see your point.

Paypal does not exist to please every Tom, Dick & Dildoduck that comes along.

As I said, you want to purchase guns via the internet, then use another payment gateway. There are plenty out there.

Another interesting point there. Why the "necessity" for a GATEWAY in the first place except for the clearance of personal checks? Who the hell needs 'em otherwise? They just decide that their services were required so they could screw merchants AND customers in their little business scheme?
Do you get the point that they have the right to refuse service on whatever they want? They aren't Government owned. It's all about freedom and rights until someone dares goes near that 2nd Amendment.

Paypal is also avoiding any further legal issues later on when someone who buys a gun off PayPal goes on a shooting rampage which ends up having PayPal get sued by the victims.

and people have the right to know the truth about their anti gun policy--then they have the right to use them or not. Have you ever even SEEN the middle ?
How is it that people don't know the truth? If you sign up, you SHOULD read the Terms of Service. If you don't use them, why would you care what their stance on guns is?

Their "terms of service" were that "the seller has the responsibility to ensure the legality of the sale". Seems pretty clear to me that they don't need "a stance".
This is awesome. I'm beginning to think this thread was a set up to make dcon look intelligent, no a genius!, by comparison to the dimwitted Biz.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
This is awesome. I'm beginning to think this thread was a set up to make dcon look intelligent, no a genius!, by comparison to the dimwitted Biz.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Had you a valid argument, you'd actually pick apart the Biz points. Any asshole can criticize while saying nothing.
as a gun owner, i find this all amusing..the ussc just re affirmed my rights of protection and security....ruling that i have the right to protect myself and my home...i do not expect that to change but i do not register guns or leave a paper trail....of buying them...only a simpleton thinks that gun registeration is a good for the 3 day waiting period....i assure you...i can buy most kinds of guns within an hour...but ammo is getting harder to get....
as a gun owner, i find this all amusing..the ussc just re affirmed my rights of protection and security....ruling that i have the right to protect myself and my home...i do not expect that to change but i do not register guns or leave a paper trail....of buying them...only a simpleton thinks that gun registeration is a good for the 3 day waiting period....i assure you...i can buy most kinds of guns within an hour...but ammo is getting harder to get....

What kind of simpleton thinks that a gun works without ammo? :eusa_whistle:
So what Ammendment guarantees the right to use paypal? :cuckoo:

The Preamble of our Declaration of Independence states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

You have a problem with the my unalienable right to the pursuit of happiness?
Not to change the subject, but those of you whose think this is appropriate, would you be of the same opinion if this was a national pharmacy chain whose policy dictated a ban on filling instant abortion prescription using the same logic, fear of lawsuit.
It's not the same thing. In order to get a paypal account one must have a credit card or bank account to link it one needs a paypal account to buy guns.

If you don't like that example, let me make it more concise.

Let's say Paypal enacts a policy that it will not allow the purchase of certain medications from internet or mail order pharmacies i.e. providing instant abortion pills, due to (they claim) the risk of lawsuit.
Can't figure out what business it is of theirs. They ARE in business to make money, aren't they?

If you go on to any of the many online gun-shops, such as, or, which are currently selling guns like mad, you will see something interesting: there are fervent and repeated warnings all over the shop-listings on those sites that say things like,

“you can’t use Paypal to buy this gun!”, or “no Paypal allowed, cash, check, c.c., or money order only!”

This is because the anti-Constitution online bank monopoly known as Paypal will shut down any person’s Paypal account if they try to buy a firearm or related products if paying for them with Paypal. No warnings or precautions are ever given; the account is just closed. And if this happens to you, Paypal has productive, even somewhat covert, ways to prevent you from opening a new Paypal account, or using your banking or credit card on a newly opened Paypal account, which is the only way you can use Paypal (unless you want to open a Paypal credit card account and go in debt). This makes it impossible to buy online at the huge number of internet sites that only take Paypal. So, in summary, what this amounts to is that if you buy a firearm or related materials online and pay through Paypal, you are banned from doing commerce on the internet!

No reason is given for this by Paypal to my knowledge, and you can buy all the junk food, soft-porn, Prozac, and Michael Jackson supplies online through Paypal, but for some reason (wink, wink), not firearms and firearms accessories.
Restore The Republic » Blog Archive » Paypal is Attacking Gun Rights

Typical right wing bullshit. It's very easy for you to purchase something off of PayPal and then tell PayPal you didn't get what you ordered and get your monkey back. In additiona, PayPal is one of the WORST online merchant solution companies as far as security goes. Many, MANY people are very wary of PayPal. If a gun store wants to setup PayPal on his or her website, they are quite welcome to.

BS maybe you missed the section I posted of their rules.

Good try though.
Can't figure out what business it is of theirs. They ARE in business to make money, aren't they?

If you go on to any of the many online gun-shops, such as, or, which are currently selling guns like mad, you will see something interesting: there are fervent and repeated warnings all over the shop-listings on those sites that say things like,

“you can’t use Paypal to buy this gun!”, or “no Paypal allowed, cash, check, c.c., or money order only!”

This is because the anti-Constitution online bank monopoly known as Paypal will shut down any person’s Paypal account if they try to buy a firearm or related products if paying for them with Paypal. No warnings or precautions are ever given; the account is just closed. And if this happens to you, Paypal has productive, even somewhat covert, ways to prevent you from opening a new Paypal account, or using your banking or credit card on a newly opened Paypal account, which is the only way you can use Paypal (unless you want to open a Paypal credit card account and go in debt). This makes it impossible to buy online at the huge number of internet sites that only take Paypal. So, in summary, what this amounts to is that if you buy a firearm or related materials online and pay through Paypal, you are banned from doing commerce on the internet!

No reason is given for this by Paypal to my knowledge, and you can buy all the junk food, soft-porn, Prozac, and Michael Jackson supplies online through Paypal, but for some reason (wink, wink), not firearms and firearms accessories.
Restore The Republic » Blog Archive » Paypal is Attacking Gun Rights

Typical right wing bullshit. It's very easy for you to purchase something off of PayPal and then tell PayPal you didn't get what you ordered and get your monkey back. In additiona, PayPal is one of the WORST online merchant solution companies as far as security goes. Many, MANY people are very wary of PayPal. If a gun store wants to setup PayPal on his or her website, they are quite welcome to.

BS maybe you missed the section I posted of their rules.

Good try though.

They did not miss it -- they choose to ignore it.
Typical right wing bullshit. It's very easy for you to purchase something off of PayPal and then tell PayPal you didn't get what you ordered and get your monkey back. In additiona, PayPal is one of the WORST online merchant solution companies as far as security goes. Many, MANY people are very wary of PayPal. If a gun store wants to setup PayPal on his or her website, they are quite welcome to.

BS maybe you missed the section I posted of their rules.

Good try though.

They did not miss it -- they choose to ignore it.

the usual fare for the left. Yet decry anyone wanting to use a similar argument about the morning after pill. More situational ethics from the left.
Not to change the subject, but those of you whose think this is appropriate, would you be of the same opinion if this was a national pharmacy chain whose policy dictated a ban on filling instant abortion prescription using the same logic, fear of lawsuit.
It's not the same thing. In order to get a paypal account one must have a credit card or bank account to link it one needs a paypal account to buy guns.

If you don't like that example, let me make it more concise.

Let's say Paypal enacts a policy that it will not allow the purchase of certain medications from internet or mail order pharmacies i.e. providing instant abortion pills, due to (they claim) the risk of lawsuit.
here you go

What is PayPal's policy regarding transactions for prescription drugs?

Question : Answer : PayPal restricts transactions for prescription drugs and certain products that are regulated by governmental agencies. In addition, transactions for certain medical devices must comply with all applicable regulations.

Prescription Drugs &#8211; PayPal prohibits all transactions for prescription drugs unless merchants receive prior approval from PayPal. PayPal also considers the marketing of a product and may restrict transactions for products marketed to function as a prescription drug.

Related Products &#8211; PayPal may restrict transactions for recalled drugs, unapproved drugs, and dietary supplements that have been banned by governmental agencies.

Medical Devices &#8211; The sales of medical devices must comply with all applicable regulations and PayPal may restrict transactions for products that violate those regulations.
basically the SAME policy
This is awesome. I'm beginning to think this thread was a set up to make dcon look intelligent, no a genius!, by comparison to the dimwitted Biz.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
if you havent noticed, and you dont seem to have, this is very consistant with most of my other posts, you are just too fucking moronic to get it
and since you agree with me here you think its ME that has changed
I seriously can't believe that this thread has actually reached 14 pages. What a waste of bandwidth since it was proven so many many pages ago that PayPal is doing nothing wrong. This is a sad testament to the intelligence of some people on this board.
Which happens to be the point here---paypal intentionally makes it difficult to use their sevices when buying a weapon. Get it ?
I still don't see your point.

Paypal does not exist to please every Tom, Dick & Dildoduck that comes along.

As I said, you want to purchase guns via the internet, then use another payment gateway. There are plenty out there.

Another interesting point there. Why the "necessity" for a GATEWAY in the first place except for the clearance of personal checks? Who the hell needs 'em otherwise? They just decide that their services were required so they could screw merchants AND customers in their little business scheme?
Granted. And how many of you have actually tried to purchase a gun online? Do any of you know the hoops you have to jump through?

Just go down to your local big boy toys shop or sporting goods retailer and buy yourself a gun. Quick, easy and takes less then two days.

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