Pelosi Announces Impeachment Vote

He had corrupt intent the first time and an independent consul appointed by Congress would have been able to do a much better job than the DOJ controlled investigation.

Now he was caught before he could pull the trigger on the plot to extort a public pronouncement that Joe Biden was under criminal investigation by the Ukrainian President. Former Republicans, now Trumpublicans, apparently support that corrupt effort to attack our two party system.
What is your direct and unassailable evidence of corrupt intent?

The demand of a public announcement of an investigation of your political opponent is something I expect from a two-bit dictatorship. How can anyone defend it?
That's evidence he wanted a public announcement, not any evidence of the intent for it.

That itself is a corrupt intent to undermine our two party political system. Splashing those headlines around the world would have been devastating to Joe's campaign and everyone knows it. To say nothing about the propaganda value of "It was Ukraine who did it to help Hillary" and the DNC Server\Crowdstrike nonsense.
No, it's not corrupt intent....All it is is a desire to have an announcement about something.....The rest is just speculation and whining.

It was/is a corrupt attempt to undermine the entire Democrat party, US intelligence services, and was a specific attack on the Democrat's front runner for 2020.
“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.” - Lindsay Graham, 1998
The pseudocons have been asking "What laws did he break?"

Asked and answered, and now they are about to see in official black-and-white the list of Trump's crimes.

History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.

Pelosi calls for drafting of articles of impeachment

I will list them here when they land.
He gets a trial in the senate!
Yes. He will be impeached and then tried based on the Articles of Impeachment. And the stooges in the Senate will acquit him.

Yes. He will be impeached and then tried based on the Articles of Impeachment. And the stooges in the Senate will acquit him.


same thing happened to Clinton 20 years ago.
The Constitution states that a president “shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

But 20 years ago, Graham himself pointed out that a president need not have committed a crime to be impeached.

“It doesn’t have to be a crime,” he repeated last week. “And I’m saying it now: It doesn’t have to be a crime.”
Trump is in a huge hurry to be impeached. He's calling for it to happen immediately.

He must be terrified that the courts will decide all those other people who have firsthand knowledge who he has prevented from testifying will say they must testify.
The pseudocons have been asking "What laws did he break?"

Asked and answered, and now they are about to see in official black-and-white the list of Trump's crimes.

History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.

Pelosi calls for drafting of articles of impeachment

I will list them here when they land.
He gets a trial in the senate!
Yes. He will be impeached and then tried based on the Articles of Impeachment. And the stooges in the Senate will acquit him.

Yes. He will be impeached and then tried based on the Articles of Impeachment. And the stooges in the Senate will acquit him.


same thing happened to Clinton 20 years ago.
Yep. The only thing Americans will know about Clinton a hundred years from now is that he was impeached for lying about a blowjob and that his wife ran for President.

The only thing Americans will know about Trump is that he was elected by Vladimir Putin and tried to rig the 2020 election.
History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.
Just as History has recorded the 10,000 times you Tards have told us that impeaching Clinton was totally political over a blow job?
I will list them here when they land.
Hey, knock yourself out, Shitstain. None of it will stick, anyway, and will only help propel Trump to greater popularity and victory in 2020. Not that we'd care about the opinion of someone who spent their whole life chasing after psychics and astrologers.
History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.
Just as History has recorded the 10,000 times you Tards have told us that impeaching Clinton was totally political over a blow job?
I will list them here when they land.
Hey, knock yourself out, Shitstain. None of it will stick, anyway, and will only help prtopel Trump to greater popularity and victory in 2020. Not that we'd care about the opinion of someone who spent their whole life chasing after psychics and astrologers.
I spent over 20 years on active duty, then I entered the corporate world. I debunked psychics and mediums in my spare time for fun. That experience taught me invaluable critical thinking skills which are sorely lacking in Trump supporters.
The pseudocons have been asking "What laws did he break?"

Asked and answered, and now they are about to see in official black-and-white the list of Trump's crimes.

History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.

Pelosi calls for drafting of articles of impeachment

I will list them here when they land.
He gets a trial in the senate!
Yes. He will be impeached and then tried based on the Articles of Impeachment. And the stooges in the Senate will acquit him.

Yes. He will be impeached and then tried based on the Articles of Impeachment. And the stooges in the Senate will acquit him.


same thing happened to Clinton 20 years ago.
Yep. The only thing Americans will know about Clinton a hundred years from now is that he was impeached for lying about a blowjob and that his wife ran for President.

The only thing Americans will know about Trump is that he was elected by Vladimir Putin and tried to rig the 2020 election.

he only thing Americans will know about Clinton a hundred years from now is that he was impeached for lying about a blowjob

The only thing Americans will know about Trump is that he was elected by Vladimir Putin and tried to rig the 2020 election.

Hopefully, they wont' be getting their information from comic books, like you seem to
The pseudocons have been asking "What laws did he break?"

Asked and answered, and now they are about to see in official black-and-white the list of Trump's crimes.

History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.

Pelosi calls for drafting of articles of impeachment

I will list them here when they land.
Pretty much every human - I'm not certain there's a single one that doesn't...says, "house will impeach, senate will not convict" - and when the Senate doesn't convict it will look horrible for the far as the false narrative is concerned...and RIGHT around election time. Maybe the Chief Justice will have some sway but I highly doubt it.
You mean the way it looked bad for the Republicans when they impeached over a lie about a blowjob?

It's impossible for the bar to be set lower than that, actually.
1st off, Bill Clinton lied during a Civil Suit over a Sexual Assault he committed against Paula Jones. Paula Jones still won that lawsuit, and Clinton had to pay damages, and her attorney fees.

An Independent Special Counsel (Starr) found that President Clinton committed 13 different crimes, and recommended Articles of Impeachment be written on those by The House. Mueller by contrast was unable to recommend a single indictable offense.

This is why you Tards needed Round 2, or "The COUP which is Much Ado about Nothing." There was no crime committed. You cannot even cite US CODE or direct evidence of one. The principle witness, The President of The Ukraine, said No Crime Occurred. So this is a Railroad job devoid of Due Process.

Nixon had 401 House Reps vote on Articles of impeachment, which means many GOP Reps voted for them in Bi-Partisan fashion.

With Clinton, there were Democrats that did vote to have him impeached. He had his day in The Senate, and although it was a little rough for him, he survived it, they chose not to charge him and he finished his term in office. He got a slap on the wrist and had his law license revoked and that was it.

Republicans though, paid for it in the following election despite the fact a Fair Process was given Clinton and Due Process was observed.

With Trump, this process is completely Biased, One Sided, and Partisan with ZERO Republican Support. Due Process is DENIED.

American isn't buying it. And America will show their displeasure on November 2020.
The pseudocons have been asking "What laws did he break?"

Asked and answered, and now they are about to see in official black-and-white the list of Trump's crimes.

History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.

Pelosi calls for drafting of articles of impeachment

I will list them here when they land.
Pretty much every human - I'm not certain there's a single one that doesn't...says, "house will impeach, senate will not convict" - and when the Senate doesn't convict it will look horrible for the far as the false narrative is concerned...and RIGHT around election time. Maybe the Chief Justice will have some sway but I highly doubt it.
You mean the way it looked bad for the Republicans when they impeached over a lie about a blowjob?

It's impossible for the bar to be set lower than that, actually.
1st off, he lied during a Civil Suit over a Sexual Assault he committed against Paula Jones.
That's right. He lied about his sexual affair with Lewinsky during a deposition in the Paula Jones case. And that sexual affair was strictly oral sex. Blowjobs.

So there you go. Impeached for lying about a blowjob.

After four years of nothing burger investigations which moved the goalposts over and over and over until they finally landed on a blue dress.
The pseudocons have been asking "What laws did he break?"

Asked and answered, and now they are about to see in official black-and-white the list of Trump's crimes.

History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.

Pelosi calls for drafting of articles of impeachment

I will list them here when they land.
He gets a trial in the senate!

What kind of trial?? A fake one!!
I agree.

I think that...them all knowing that the Senate will spin the narrative their own way in the end...and STILL going through with the impeachment process is dumb, but at least it's the right thing to do, morally.
The way I put it is that a prosecutor is morally bound to indict a mobster even if the prosecutor knows the judge is owned by the mobster and will let him go.
That's absurd. Was Bill Clinton a Mobster?
One of the articles of impeachment in the Clinton case was that Clinton tried to get Lewinsky to file a false affadavit. He lied about their relationship and he wanted her to lie about it.

In the Mueller report, it is show that Trump attempted at least three times to get Comey, Sessions, and McGahn to lie. Trump even personally dictated in writing the lies he wanted them to say.

What a dumbass.
The pseudocons have been asking "What laws did he break?"

Asked and answered, and now they are about to see in official black-and-white the list of Trump's crimes.

History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.

Pelosi calls for drafting of articles of impeachment

I will list them here when they land.
He gets a trial in the senate!

What kind of trial?? A fake one!!
I agree.

I think that...them all knowing that the Senate will spin the narrative their own way in the end...and STILL going through with the impeachment process is dumb, but at least it's the right thing to do, morally.
The way I put it is that a prosecutor is morally bound to indict a mobster even if the prosecutor knows the judge is owned by the mobster and will let him go.
That's absurd. Was Bill Clinton a Mobster?
It's an analogy, dumbshit.
The pseudocons have been asking "What laws did he break?"

Asked and answered, and now they are about to see in official black-and-white the list of Trump's crimes.

History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.

Pelosi calls for drafting of articles of impeachment

I will list them here when they land.
Pretty much every human - I'm not certain there's a single one that doesn't...says, "house will impeach, senate will not convict" - and when the Senate doesn't convict it will look horrible for the far as the false narrative is concerned...and RIGHT around election time. Maybe the Chief Justice will have some sway but I highly doubt it.

No it will look like the Dems did their job and tried to protect the Constitution, while the Republicans shredded the constitution a long time ago.


The Democrats haven't done their job in 20 years.
The pseudocons have been asking "What laws did he break?"

Asked and answered, and now they are about to see in official black-and-white the list of Trump's crimes.

History will record that Donald Trump is the third president to ever be impeached.

Pelosi calls for drafting of articles of impeachment

I will list them here when they land.
Pretty much every human - I'm not certain there's a single one that doesn't...says, "house will impeach, senate will not convict" - and when the Senate doesn't convict it will look horrible for the far as the false narrative is concerned...and RIGHT around election time. Maybe the Chief Justice will have some sway but I highly doubt it.

No it will look like the Dems did their job and tried to protect the Constitution, while the Republicans shredded the constitution a long time ago.

Sounds like the exact prescription for a revolution.

Are you ready?
Trump is in a huge hurry to be impeached. He's calling for it to happen immediately.

He must be terrified that the courts will decide all those other people who have firsthand knowledge who he has prevented from testifying will say they must testify.

Since when is a guy who wants his day in court to have his rights protected, so he can bitch slap liars and traitors a guy who is terrified?

You are warped and have ZERO CREDIBILITY.

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