Pelosi denied 10000 soldiers at capitol jan. 6

You already posted it. Read your own link moron

This is what I posted:

The DCNG is the only U.S. military force empowered to function in a state or, in this case, a district status. Those functions range from limited actions during non-emergency situations to full- scale law enforcement of martial law when local law enforcement officials can no longer maintain civil control. The National Guard may be called into federal service in response to a call by the President or Congress.

It seems the moron is you for posting this:

That very same article says the DC Guard is responsible ONLY to the President

Because no, that "same article", which is actually from the DCNG's own website, did not say that. If you think it does all you have to do is copy and paste where it says that the DC NG is responsible ONLY to the President. :)
Got a link to that? Trump didn't do that, it preceded him by many years. From the DCNG's own site:

Supervision and control of DCNG was delegated by the President of the United States to the Secretary of Defense pursuant to Executive Order 10030 in
Jan. 26, 1949, with authority given to the Secretary to designate officials of the National Military Establishment to administer affairs of the DCNG.

The DCNG is the only U.S. military force empowered to function in a state or, in this case, a district status. Those functions range from limited actions during non-emergency situations to full- scale law enforcement of martial law when local law enforcement officials can no longer maintain civil control. The National Guard may be called into federal service in response to a call by the President or Congress.

For whatever reasons, neither the POTUS or Congressional leadership chose to use their power and waited for the Secty of Defense and the Secty of the Army to give the OK, which was 4.5 hours after the violence had started.

The head of the DC NG, General Walker, almost chose to go in without permission and told some "go in now, resign tomorrow".
From your link
reated in 1802 by President Thomas Jefferson, the District of Columbia NationalGuard is the first military responder to defend and support the nation’s capital, thenation’s leaders, residents, workers and visitors by assisting district and federalagencies in the District of Columbia. Known as the Capital Guardians, the DCNGmaintains trained and equipped forces as reserve components of the Air Force andArmy, uniquely poised to perform sustained ground missions and federal air missionsas directed to defend and protect the homeland. Commanded by Maj. Gen. William J.Walker, the District of Columbia National Guard is the only National Guard that reports only to the U.S. president.
Got a link to that? Trump didn't do that, it preceded him by many years. From the DCNG's own site:

Supervision and control of DCNG was delegated by the President of the United States to the Secretary of Defense pursuant to Executive Order 10030 in
Jan. 26, 1949, with authority given to the Secretary to designate officials of the National Military Establishment to administer affairs of the DCNG.

The DCNG is the only U.S. military force empowered to function in a state or, in this case, a district status. Those functions range from limited actions during non-emergency situations to full- scale law enforcement of martial law when local law enforcement officials can no longer maintain civil control. The National Guard may be called into federal service in response to a call by the President or Congress.

For whatever reasons, neither the POTUS or Congressional leadership chose to use their power and waited for the Secty of Defense and the Secty of the Army to give the OK, which was 4.5 hours after the violence had started.

The head of the DC NG, General Walker, almost chose to go in without permission and told some "go in now, resign tomorrow".
The brochure is wrong or does not go in to detail at all.

YOU need to show us, the statute and Law that gives Congress the power to call up, the DC NG.

I have not found one to support this BROCHURE 'S single comment on it.

I've found all the rules and executive orders to support the president is in charge, with an E/O delegating the power.... and Congress has no part in it.

So, you are making the claim, via this brochure....but YOU need to fact Check the brochure meaning of the statement and supply legal support for it via executive order or statute.
President Donald Trump was and is a threat to the Elite, corrupt, side of Washington. In other words, a threat to the Pelosi kingdom. To underestimate her HATE of Trump cannot be overestimated. She would and will do anything to destroy him. One need only look at the snide applause for Trump and the tearing up of his speech both on National TV. She would never have displayed such disdain were it a mere difference of policies. Trump is a threat to the old-school, Washington elite who, for decades, had written laws specifically exempting themselves from laws severely restricting us mere mortals.

One blatant example is the exemption they held for themselves only for insider trading. Legally they could not tell anyone else what they had learned in the course of their duties BUT they could trade for themselves. A loophole that has made many Congressmen and Senators very, very rich.

With her decades of behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing in Washington, anyone who believes she would allow her fingerprints on ANYTHING is a few fries short of a Happy Meal. Without adequate law enforcement, and incitement from the government in the crowd, she knew it would go South. No doubt she had hoped for far worse.

Anyone ignoring these facts is dangerous to both themselves and our country. In an intentionally flagrant effort, the far-left is working hard to intimidate Republicans into not demonstrating for fear of becoming political prisoners.

From your link
reated in 1802 by President Thomas Jefferson, the District of Columbia NationalGuard is the first military responder to defend and support the nation’s capital, thenation’s leaders, residents, workers and visitors by assisting district and federalagencies in the District of Columbia. Known as the Capital Guardians, the DCNGmaintains trained and equipped forces as reserve components of the Air Force andArmy, uniquely poised to perform sustained ground missions and federal air missionsas directed to defend and protect the homeland. Commanded by Maj. Gen. William J.Walker, the District of Columbia National Guard is the only National Guard that reports only to the U.S. president.
I suggest you open your mind and then read the part I already linked to you twice. Here it is for a third time:

The DCNG is the only U.S. military force empowered to function in a state or, in this case, a district status. Those functions range from limited actions during non-emergency situations to full- scale law enforcement of martial law when local law enforcement officials can no longer maintain civil control. The National Guard may be called into federal service in response to a call by the President or Congress.

What this means to me is that in a time of emergency, the National Guard may be called into service by a call from the POTUS or Congressional leadership.

And you missed what is right below what you posted:

Supervision and control of DCNG was delegated by the President of the United States to the Secretary of Defense pursuant to Executive Order 10030 in
Jan. 26, 1949, with authority given to the Secretary to designate officials of the National Military Establishment to administer affairs of the DCNG.

So, they report to the POTUS who has, as all Presidents have since 1949, given supervision and control to the Secretary of Defense and in times of emergency, which Jan 6 certainly was, can be called up by the POTUS or Congressional leadership.

Got it??
YOU need to show us, the statute and Law that gives Congress the power to call up, the DC NG.
No, I don't. What you need to do is believe the DCNG when they tell you that both the POTUS and Congress can call them up in times of emergency, that they
report to the POTUS and are directed and supervised by the Secty of Defense who can then delegate it that to the Secty of the Army.

And it's not a brochure, it's a fact sheet from the government about the DC NG.

You want a law, here's the law you're looking for:

Supervision and control of DCNG was delegated by the President of the United States to the Secretary of Defense pursuant to Executive Order 10030 in
Jan. 26, 1949, with authority given to the Secretary to designate officials of the National Military Establishment to administer affairs of the DCNG.

Could Trump have called in the NG when the riot broke out? It sure looks like it, but so could Fancy Nancy or Mitch McConnell, though the problem was in the House, not the Senate.
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No, I don't. What you need to do is believe the DCNG when they tell you that both the POTUS and Congress can call them up in times of emergency, that they
report to the POTUS and are directed and supervised by the Secty of Defense who can then delegate it that to the Secty of the Army.

And it's not a brochure, it's a fact sheet from the government about the DC NG.

You want a law, here's the law you're looking for:

Supervision and control of DCNG was delegated by the President of the United States to the Secretary of Defense pursuant to Executive Order 10030 in
Jan. 26, 1949, with authority given to the Secretary to designate officials of the National Military Establishment to administer affairs of the DCNG.

Could Trump have called in the NG when the riot broke out? It sure looks like it, but so could Fancy Nancy or Mitch McConnell, though the problem was in the House, not the Senate.
Nowhere does that say that Congress can call out the Guard

And the problem was NOT “only on the House” you friggn moron
he isnt the lead they al l;were supposed to to work iwth him and the y refused just cause they did like him. pleosi. the mayor, the head of the guard all of them.

the prez has the ultimate say so on whether the NG was deployed. HE refused to do it & HE alone is responsible.
Nowhere does that say that Congress can call out the Guard
Because I have already posted that part to you twice. Here's the third time from the same link:

The DCNG is the only U.S. military force empowered to function in a state or, in this case, a district status. Those functions range from limited actions during non-emergency situations to full- scale law enforcement of martial law when local law enforcement officials can no longer maintain civil control. The National Guard may be called into federal service in response to a call by the President or Congress.

And the problem was NOT “only on the House” you friggn moron
Nobody said it was ONLY in the House and you are a moron. You can't remember anything for longer than an hour and then get mad at me for your extremely poor and messy memory.

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