Pelosi: Enforcing Immigration Law Is Similar To Interment Of Japanese


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This woman is flat out a traitor to this country and the principles it was founded on. She is encouraging immigration laws not to be enforced because in her mind, it is wrong to deport wetbacks who violated this nations laws. As far a the Jap comparison, Roosevelt did the right thing in putting them in internment camps. They couldn't be trusted after their sneek attack at Pearl Harbor while their ambassadors negotiated for peace. We just couldn't take any chances with them.

Pelosi: Enforcing immigration law is similar to internment of the Japanese - Conservatives4Palin
Maybe it's a first step in democrats attempting to segregate and corrall an oriental vote. Somehow I think orientals are too smart and successful to fall for the trap that the really stupid women, homo and minority fools have fallen for.
hardly, since it has been proven that the president is a citizen...
So is this an admission that Mexico, it's drug lords are AT WAR with us?
yes it is, it has changed since the beginning, but they have to be cleared by the State Dept, and the FBI to even run for the office of president....the first thing they check on is if you are eligible to run...
The ones that are supposed to do the vetting are the parties themselves for their candidates.
This woman is flat out a traitor to this country and the principles it was founded on. She is ...

Actually, she suffers from dementia. Happens with lots of old people. McCain suffers from the same thing. The politicians say what ever their staff tells them to say. The same staff that has sweet side deals with lobbyists and campaign contributors. And the gravy train rolls on....for the staffers.
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When is Princess Nancy going to realize that she is better off not speaking so much.
We just want her to wear tight tops and walk around looking pretty.

At least that's pretty much all I want her around for.
When is Princess Nancy going to realize that she is better off not speaking so much.
We just want her to wear tight tops and walk around looking pretty.

At least that's pretty much all I want her around for.

Got no bathroom floors that need moppin'?
Pelousy appears to support the notion that anybody who can get to America deserves to be here and receive any and all of the largesse a liberal Democrat Congress can bestow upon them, no matter who pays, of course. Debt is of no concern to lolberal Democratics.

The entire notion of "sovereignty" is of no concern to the more extreme lolberal Democratics. They are a diseased mindless self serving rancid collection, these uber liberals.

Mexico blocks its borders (with some pretty strict immigration laws) so that Ecuadorians and others cannot simply march on in. Why?

Why should ANY nation demand the right to secure its own borders and regulate immigration in a utopian world where there should be no borders and no "national" citizenship? Or is that right only bad when invoked by the United States?

Pelousy is a moron.
but they have to be cleared by the State Dept, and the FBI to even run for the office of president....the first thing they check on is if you are eligible to run...

Wrong again ranger. The FBI and state department do not vet presidential candidates.

GOP ex-Rep. Hoekstra: FBI, CIA should vet candidates? citizenship

Of course not, the states do, but the only requirement is that the party must certify the candidates.

if I said it correctly before, you'd never do any research to find the truth. A little trick I learned from guiding kids and employees...So you win, TADA!
but they have to be cleared by the State Dept, and the FBI to even run for the office of president....the first thing they check on is if you are eligible to run...

Wrong again ranger. The FBI and state department do not vet presidential candidates.

GOP ex-Rep. Hoekstra: FBI, CIA should vet candidates? citizenship

Of course not, the states do, but the only requirement is that the party must certify the candidates.

if I said it correctly before, you'd never do any research to find the truth. A little trick I learned from guiding kids and employees...So you win, TADA!
Obama was never certified by the party. On the nomination form they left out the Constitutional eligibility requirement wordage certifying he was a 'natural born Citizen', not 'Citizen'. McCains nomination form had the wordage certifying he was a 'natural born Citizen'.
This woman is flat out a traitor to this country and the principles it was founded on. She is encouraging immigration laws not to be enforced because in her mind, it is wrong to deport wetbacks [sic] who violated this nations laws. As far a the Jap [sic] comparison, Roosevelt did the right thing in putting them in internment camps. They couldn't be trusted after their sneek [sic] attack at Pearl Harbor while their ambassadors negotiated for peace. We just couldn't take any chances with them.

Pelosi: Enforcing immigration law is similar to internment of the Japanese - Conservatives4Palin

Pelosi is an offensively dishonest old political whore drawing an offensively inappropriate and inaccurate analogy for the purposes of crass political theater. YOU are a racist piece of shit and just as offensive as that dishonest old whore. You're also probably the only person in the country that senile old whore is smarter than, if such a thing is possible. In short: she sucks, fuck you, and if you don't attempt to learn the English language, get the fuck out of my country.

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