PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans ‘Not a Justification’ for Stricter Border Security Rules

I find it funny that liberals are against a border wall because it won't "solve" the illegal immigration problem and be 100% effective yet are totally fine with the gov't passing laws MANDATING that I wear a seatbelt in my own personal vehicle to "solve" the problem of me getting killed in a wreck even though it's well known they aren't nearly 100% effective at saving lives in an accident and in some cases have CAUSED the death of the person in the vehicle when they were strapped into a vehicle that ended up going into a river or lake and couldn't get out.

I realize I just created the world's longest run on sentence. But there is a point in there.

Your point seems to be "Democrats bad, mkay?" - a point I happen to agree with. But it has no bearing on the merits of a wall.

Then you missed the point.

The point was just because something isn't 100% effective doesn't mean it still shouldn't be done. Not much is 100% effective but usually its better if you do it than if you don't.
Vehicles kill more Americans than guns. So what?

Want to see what America will look like without guns? Do this: Get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE and hang that on your front porch. Get back to us in a month or two (if you're still alive) and let us know how it worked out.

So then multiple deaths isn't an excuse for legislation. Got it. Next time try saying that rather than your obvious bullshit attempt to appeal to emotion.

"Oh no, people are dying! We need to do something!!!! (Except when it comes to cars and guns, because we like those things and we don't want to change those things, regardless of how many people die from them. Fuck those people anyway.)"

Legislation is fine if it's proven to solve or reduce a problem. However we have empirical evidence that such laws don't. For instance CA and Chicago are renown for gun deaths, yet they have the strictest laws on the books against guns.

Can you explain why you think California is renown for gun deaths?

Well we can't ignore the huge population of course. Same thing in Chicago. But the point I'm making is that guns are not the problem and taking them away is not the solution. On the right we always point out how high gun violence is in these liberal cities or states, and the left points out how violent some conservative states are that have favorable gun laws. The bottom line is it's not the guns, it's the people.

Each side wants to expand their bases. On the left, the two largest groups of people are victims and government dependents. By removing guns from the good people, we all become victims because the party leaders on the left know damn well the criminals will always be able to get guns. Once our guns are gone, what do we do about crime and violent crime? We beg government to do something about it.

The Democrats don't hate guns, they hate the idea we have the ability to protect ourselves; take care of potential problems. If we can take care of ourselves, then who needs government around?

Yea, so you didn't answer the question.

"Legislation is fine if it's proven to solve or reduce a problem. However we have empirical evidence that such laws don't. For instance CA and Chicago are renown for gun deaths, yet they have the strictest laws on the books against guns. "

Can you explain why you think California is renown for gun deaths? Because they actually have one of the lowest firearm mortality rates.

Probably because I see more reports out of California when it comes to gun deaths.

However your claim is false. CA only comes lower than most states with all gun deaths including suicide, self-defense and accidental killings. However just gun murder rates, they come in at 3.4 per 100,000 people. The lowest is Vermont at 0.3 and the highest is DC at 16.5. That brings CA as tied for the sixth most gun murders in the country:

Firearm death rates in the United States by state - Wikipedia

Oh, well that settles it. What Fn idiot would take the word of our border patrol over Howard Stern???

rolling eyes.gif
Is Trump going?

Prolly not.

Trump called McCain a "loser" because McCain was a POW.

Trump prolly thinks Singh is a loser because Signh got murdered.

That's Trump logic for ya.

Yeah; Trump aint goin' either.
Trump was not on the invitation list for logistical reasons knucklehead......Pelosi is a California Congresswoman and was invited and so was the incoming and outgoing socialist governors...none of those sanctuary liars had the guts to show up......
Trump called McCain loser because he was an idiot and became a POW. McCain is the perfect example of the real privileged. Career greased by family background. Costing the taxpayers trillions of dollars as a politician and not a very good military pilot.
Oh so NOW you guys want to pretend to care about Americans being killed.

Guns account for far more deaths than illegal aliens. What do you propose we do about that?

We'll meet you halfway and offer you thoughts and prayers.

I propose that you start by learning to focus like a logical adult, instead of running off in all directions, trying to conflate unrelated things. All that accomplishes is for you to express idiocies like, "We can't restrict illegal immigration, because Americans commit murder". Or "If you don't agree with me that guns are eeevil, that means you don't care about murder!" Or "Agree with me on everything and give me whatever I want, and I'll take it and keep bitching and hurling insults. That's meeting you halfway!"

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm personally not interested in compromising in the slightest with someone who argues like a spoiled, ignorant child.

You just don't like it when your hypocrisy shows. This bullshit attempt at appealing to emotions because "AMERICANS ARE DYING!" obviously only matters when the cause is aligned with your agenda.

Actually, I just don't like it when idiots misuse the word "hypocrisy" to mean either "doing things I don't like" or "behaving in a way opposite what I'M JUST SURE you really think and believe". I'm not obligated to your half-assed, uninformed worldview.

See above, re: "caring" isn't defined as "agreeing with Xpo".
Your point seems to be "Democrats bad, mkay?" - a point I happen to agree with. But it has no bearing on the merits of a wall.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

The question isn't whether it would "work". The question is whether we should build one, whether its presumed positive effects would be worth the negative. Obviously a big, fascist symbol like that turns you on, but for most of us it's symbol of failure, and a concession to irrational fear drummed up by unscrupulous leaders.
Your point seems to be "Democrats bad, mkay?" - a point I happen to agree with. But it has no bearing on the merits of a wall.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

The question isn't whether it would "work". The question is whether we should build one, whether its presumed positive effects would be worth the negative. Obviously a big, fascist symbol like that turns you on, but for most of us it's symbol of failure, and a concession to irrational fear drummed up by unscrupulous leaders.

No, it's an answer to a problem. I don't know how you can say the murders by illegals is a irrational fear. I don't know how you can say 70,000 Americans a year dying from overdoses is a irrational fear. Maybe you don't know what the term means.

A irrational fear is global warming. A irrational fear is aliens from another planet invading earth. Documented evidence of a problem is not an irrational fear. Tell the family of the CA police officer who was murdered on a holiday that the loss of this husband and father is a irrational fear.
Why is it that Trumpbots care so much about people that are murdered by illegal immigrants, but could care less about people who are victims of mass murders committed by white Americans?
Because Americans have the right of free choice. Consequences notwithstanding

Illegals, Non-Americans, are not afforded such liberty

I reckon she's also doesn't support these local bans on texting while driving.
Oh so NOW you guys want to pretend to care about Americans being killed.

Guns account for far more deaths than illegal aliens. What do you propose we do about that?

We'll meet you halfway and offer you thoughts and prayers.

I propose that you start by learning to focus like a logical adult, instead of running off in all directions, trying to conflate unrelated things. All that accomplishes is for you to express idiocies like, "We can't restrict illegal immigration, because Americans commit murder". Or "If you don't agree with me that guns are eeevil, that means you don't care about murder!" Or "Agree with me on everything and give me whatever I want, and I'll take it and keep bitching and hurling insults. That's meeting you halfway!"

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm personally not interested in compromising in the slightest with someone who argues like a spoiled, ignorant child.

You just don't like it when your hypocrisy shows. This bullshit attempt at appealing to emotions because "AMERICANS ARE DYING!" obviously only matters when the cause is aligned with your agenda.

Actually, I just don't like it when idiots misuse the word "hypocrisy" to mean either "doing things I don't like" or "behaving in a way opposite what I'M JUST SURE you really think and believe". I'm not obligated to your half-assed, uninformed worldview.

See above, re: "caring" isn't defined as "agreeing with Xpo".

Someone is getting awfully defensive when I point out their hypocrisy. I wonder why.

Maybe you should keep crying about how I hurt your feelings.
Can you believe this dumb bitch? She's a blessing for the Republican party. She actually admitted she doesn't care if illegal aliens kill Americans. How can a politician be so deaf to public opinion?

PELOSI: Illegals Killing Americans 'Not a Justification' for Stricter Border Security Rules - Big League Politics

At a Thursday morning press conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) showed little concern for the fact that illegal aliens crossing the border with impunity might be dangerous for Americans.

“Let me just close by saying this: clearly there’s a disparity of shared values in terms of respecting the dignity and worth of everyone – being concerned about every death that happens, uh, because we live in an imperfect world, and that’s very sad,” Pelosi said. “But it is not a justification for having more children die in custody of be separated from their families.”

When Pelosi described “every death that happens,” she was referring to deaths of Americans killed by illegals. In her mind, innocent American slain by illegals is not a justification for enhancing border security measures, including family separation at the border.
Misleading, lying article headline and thread title, both manufactured to fool trump cult idiots.
Oh so NOW you guys want to pretend to care about Americans being killed.

Guns account for far more deaths than illegal aliens. What do you propose we do about that?

We'll meet you halfway and offer you thoughts and prayers.

I propose that you start by learning to focus like a logical adult, instead of running off in all directions, trying to conflate unrelated things. All that accomplishes is for you to express idiocies like, "We can't restrict illegal immigration, because Americans commit murder". Or "If you don't agree with me that guns are eeevil, that means you don't care about murder!" Or "Agree with me on everything and give me whatever I want, and I'll take it and keep bitching and hurling insults. That's meeting you halfway!"

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm personally not interested in compromising in the slightest with someone who argues like a spoiled, ignorant child.

You just don't like it when your hypocrisy shows. This bullshit attempt at appealing to emotions because "AMERICANS ARE DYING!" obviously only matters when the cause is aligned with your agenda.

Actually, I just don't like it when idiots misuse the word "hypocrisy" to mean either "doing things I don't like" or "behaving in a way opposite what I'M JUST SURE you really think and believe". I'm not obligated to your half-assed, uninformed worldview.

See above, re: "caring" isn't defined as "agreeing with Xpo".

Someone is getting awfully defensive when I point out their hypocrisy. I wonder why.

Maybe you should keep crying about how I hurt your feelings.

Someone is getting awfully desperate when their screeches of "Hypocrisy!" don't have any effect. I don't wonder why at all.

Maybe you should keep crying about how you wish you were hurting my feelings.

I'll be over here, continuing to ignore your claims to moral authority.
Oh so NOW you guys want to pretend to care about Americans being killed.

Guns account for far more deaths than illegal aliens. What do you propose we do about that?

We'll meet you halfway and offer you thoughts and prayers.

I propose that you start by learning to focus like a logical adult, instead of running off in all directions, trying to conflate unrelated things. All that accomplishes is for you to express idiocies like, "We can't restrict illegal immigration, because Americans commit murder". Or "If you don't agree with me that guns are eeevil, that means you don't care about murder!" Or "Agree with me on everything and give me whatever I want, and I'll take it and keep bitching and hurling insults. That's meeting you halfway!"

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm personally not interested in compromising in the slightest with someone who argues like a spoiled, ignorant child.

You just don't like it when your hypocrisy shows. This bullshit attempt at appealing to emotions because "AMERICANS ARE DYING!" obviously only matters when the cause is aligned with your agenda.

Actually, I just don't like it when idiots misuse the word "hypocrisy" to mean either "doing things I don't like" or "behaving in a way opposite what I'M JUST SURE you really think and believe". I'm not obligated to your half-assed, uninformed worldview.

See above, re: "caring" isn't defined as "agreeing with Xpo".

Someone is getting awfully defensive when I point out their hypocrisy. I wonder why.

Maybe you should keep crying about how I hurt your feelings.

Someone is getting awfully desperate when their screeches of "Hypocrisy!" don't have any effect. I don't wonder why at all.

Maybe you should keep crying about how you wish you were hurting my feelings.

I'll be over here, continuing to ignore your claims to moral authority.

On a print from 1886 of the Statue of Liberty someone wrote, “There is room in America and brotherhood for all who will support our institutions and aid in our development. But those who come to disturb our peace and dethrone our laws are aliens and enemies forever.”
We are fighting a civil war with Democrats, and there are casualties and deaths of Americans.
There is no immigration clause in our Constitution, no express wall building power, and our welfare clause is general.

We should have no illegal problem with a naturalization clause.

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