Pelosi Loses Speaking Priviledges Before Dems Condemn Trump 'Racist' Remarks

"So, Democrats vote to break House rules and decorum, so that they can call Trump out on decorum. Surreal"

"The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a resolution Tuesday evening condemning President Trump's "racist" remarks this weekend -- although the moment was largely overshadowed by a dramatic floor fight earlier in the day that ended with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ruled out of order for a breach of decorum."

Ironic, Democrats could not pass a simple bill condemning their own party member's OBVIOUS anti-Semitic comments but violate House rules and decorum to condemn the President for telling terrorist-supporting anti-Semites if they hate this country so much they should leave...

Dem-led House formally condemns Trump remarks deemed 'racist,' after dramatic floor fight over Pelosi

I couldn't agree more. I doubt they read the tweets. If they had they would know there was no racist remarks in them. In fact he didn't mention any names at all.

I'm still waiting for the House to censure the death cult members for the comments of Jews. I sure won't hold my breath.

Those cement heads waste no time condemning Trump for his non racist remarks but can't pass a vote to censure the death cult member for anti Jew remarks??

Just think. Those cement heads run the country and voters voted their stupid asses into office.
Nancy Pelosi and Democratic run House are an embarrassment. So much so her own party had to silence her.
As you can see in this thread, Democrat supporters do not care, whatsoever that this resolution is in fact invalid. At least two rules were broken and two chair members walked out and abandoned the seats. That alone ended the floor. But of course they ignored that and passed a resolution anyway.
As stated in the article, there is no record of this happening in U.S. history.
Democrats don't care. At all. Period.
And THAT is what is dangerous. When members of the government can make up their own rules and their supporters don't care as long as they like the outcome.... the Republic dies.
I wholeheartedly agree with President Trump! :thup:

He is absolutely right!:up:

Pelousy can go jump in the lake!

LOL! He is always right. Even when at first you think he is wrong.

Instead of wasting time on this pointless exercise, the Demos could have passed a fix to the asylum law and saved thousands of children from being exploited.
Democrats are being held hostage by four freshmen socialist radicals. They're gonna get their collective asses kicked next year unless they take control of their agenda.
And this is where we are in this country.
Congress takes the time to pass a resolution to condemn a Presidents brash remarks, including infighting... chair members walk out - which has never happened in U.S. history...discuss emergency ways to pass the legislation despite breaking rules to do so.... but can't get together to pass legislation on actual, meaningful law.
And the Democrats cheer.
And this is where we are in this country.
Congress takes the time to pass a resolution to condemn a Presidents brash remarks, including infighting... chair members walk out - which has never happened in U.S. history...discuss emergency ways to pass the legislation despite breaking rules to do so.... but can't get together to pass legislation on actual, meaningful law.
And the Democrats cheer.
The Democrats are going to lose their majority next year. Pelosi has lost control.
"So, Democrats vote to break House rules and decorum, so that they can call Trump out on decorum. Surreal"

"The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a resolution Tuesday evening condemning President Trump's "racist" remarks this weekend -- although the moment was largely overshadowed by a dramatic floor fight earlier in the day that ended with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ruled out of order for a breach of decorum."

Ironic, Democrats could not pass a simple bill condemning their own party member's OBVIOUS anti-Semitic comments but violate House rules and decorum to condemn the President for telling terrorist-supporting anti-Semites if they hate this country so much they should leave...

Dem-led House formally condemns Trump remarks deemed 'racist,' after dramatic floor fight over Pelosi

Democrats could not pass a simple bill condemning their own party member's OBVIOUS anti-Semitic comments
As a matter of fact, they've done it TWICE.
"Democrats admitted her words violated the rules of decorum", but they still quickly partisanly joined together to eliminate her punishment for not only violating her own House Rules but intentionally doing so, having refused an opportunity to change her words!

After the vote to condemn the President was cast, several Democrats justified their partisanly voting to nullify Pelosi's punishment for violating House Rules by declaring breaking House rules happens all the time and is no big deal:

"rules of the House technically have been broken all the time,"

Breaking Rules / Laws - no big deal for Democrats. They do it all the time...then help each other avoid punishment for those violations...
She called a spade a spade. Live with it.
easyt65 , it's all window dressing and useless rhetoric as always. no point losing sleep over anti american whackjobs who would rather shit in your yard then provide legislation to correct american needs! amazing the voter ignorance in the US today.
Pelosi, as well as quite a few other long time office holders, must be power nuts to put up with the BS. At her age, I wouldn't be happy about being humiliated by the squat, especially considering the fact that they are all America hating ignoramuses. Viva Trump. KAG
"Democrats admitted her words violated the rules of decorum", but they still quickly partisanly joined together to eliminate her punishment for not only violating her own House Rules but intentionally doing so, having refused an opportunity to change her words!

After the vote to condemn the President was cast, several Democrats justified their partisanly voting to nullify Pelosi's punishment for violating House Rules by declaring breaking House rules happens all the time and is no big deal:

"rules of the House technically have been broken all the time,"

Breaking Rules / Laws - no big deal for Democrats. They do it all the time...then help each other avoid punishment for those violations...
She called a spade a spade. Live with it.

Sounding a bit racist there champ.
"Democrats admitted her words violated the rules of decorum", but they still quickly partisanly joined together to eliminate her punishment for not only violating her own House Rules but intentionally doing so, having refused an opportunity to change her words!

After the vote to condemn the President was cast, several Democrats justified their partisanly voting to nullify Pelosi's punishment for violating House Rules by declaring breaking House rules happens all the time and is no big deal:

"rules of the House technically have been broken all the time,"

Breaking Rules / Laws - no big deal for Democrats. They do it all the time...then help each other avoid punishment for those violations...
She called a spade a spade. Live with it.
so did trump! your point?
At Nancy's age, it's much better to lose speaking privileges than it is to lose bathroom privileges, so I doubt that this will affect her in the long run.
She called a spade a spade. Live with it.
Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, violated a rule that had not been broken in decades. Even after it was pointed out to her that she had done so and was given an opportunity to correct her violation she defiantly refused.

What Pelosi did was not just intentionally violate a House Rule but also demonstrated how Democrats believe they are above the rules / laws and how they think they can not be held accountable.

After being punished, he fellow Democrats demonstrated how Democrats cover for other criminal Democrats by coming to her rescue, making her punishment disappear...just like Barry did for Hillary.

This whole theatrical performance demonstrated how / why snowflakes can continue to falsely claim Hillary nor anyone Obama's administration broke laws.

The next thing we will probably see you post is you claiming Pelosi never broke House Rules and was never stripped of her Speaker position.

"Democrats admitted her words violated the rules of decorum", but they still quickly partisanly joined together to eliminate her punishment for not only violating her own House Rules but intentionally doing so, having refused an opportunity to change her words!

After the vote to condemn the President was cast, several Democrats justified their partisanly voting to nullify Pelosi's punishment for violating House Rules by declaring breaking House rules happens all the time and is no big deal:

"rules of the House technically have been broken all the time,"

Breaking Rules / Laws - no big deal for Democrats. They do it all the time...then help each other avoid punishment for those violations...
She called a spade a spade. Live with it.
so did trump! your point?
Just a bunch of old farts fighting it out, wasting time over bullshit, per usual.
"Democrats admitted her words violated the rules of decorum", but they still quickly partisanly joined together to eliminate her punishment for not only violating her own House Rules but intentionally doing so, having refused an opportunity to change her words!

After the vote to condemn the President was cast, several Democrats justified their partisanly voting to nullify Pelosi's punishment for violating House Rules by declaring breaking House rules happens all the time and is no big deal:

"rules of the House technically have been broken all the time,"

Breaking Rules / Laws - no big deal for Democrats. They do it all the time...then help each other avoid punishment for those violations...
She called a spade a spade. Live with it.
so did trump! your point?
Just a bunch of old farts fighting it out, wasting time over bullshit, per usual.
i love when a leftist is confronted and they have absolutely nothing to say. I live for the moment, thanks old woman.

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