Pence Believes Jesus 'Speaks' to Him, How About You?

Does Jesus 'Speak' to you?

  • No, but I believe He is Real

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Of course Jesus speaks to Christians, if we only listen. What Pence claimed was not unusual among Christians and I have 'heard' Jesus' voice myself at times.

It is not a physical sound, but sort of a memory of something said that you know is not a memory, i.e. it is all in your mind but 'feels' like someone is talking to you in your mind.

That's your subconscious.
I don't know exactly what Pence said but I don't find it strange for someone to listen to Jesus. We have his teachings and certainly we have an opportunity to seek Him directly in prayer.
I have always wondered if Evangelicals realize how incredibly narcissistic this all sounds to others.

God, the creator of the universe, with its billions of stars He created over billions of years, and the billions of people on this one planet that circles this one star, with its wars and poverty and bad people doing bad things, not to mention He is managing heaven and all the problems that must entail, plus the whole eternal struggle between Him and Satan and all that, and He is giving advice to you on whether or not to take that job in Topeka, which may or may not turn out to be a good idea.

That doesn't mean God doesn't exist, or that Jesus isn't our savior. But this idea that God is talking to us personally sure sounds incredibly vain and self-centered.
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That doesn't mean God doesn't exist, or that Jesus isn't our savior. But this idea that God is talking to us sure sounds incredibly vain and self-centered.
Yep. As crazy as you actually TALKING to your children.

Now the devil's children, they don't hear much from the Father of all creation
I don't know exactly what Pence said but I don't find it strange for someone to listen to Jesus. We have his teachings and certainly we have an opportunity to seek Him directly in prayer.

Which is perfectly alright.
Yep. As crazy as you actually TALKING to your children.

I have one child. It's easy to keep track of him.

That's pretty different than keeping track of 7,000,000,000 children, not to mention the billions of other children that existed beforehand.

God - The Creator of the Universe and most powerful being in existence - is opining on whether or not I should go on this 7-day discount cruise.
"Hey God, I know You're pretty busy with that Middle East thing, but I'm having trouble with something and I need Your advice. Should I buy the Civic or the Camry?"
I don't know exactly what Pence said but I don't find it strange for someone to listen to Jesus. We have his teachings and certainly we have an opportunity to seek Him directly in prayer.

Which is perfectly alright.
Of course it is. Why are people objecting to Pence doing so?

Using Jesus as a political weapon.
yea jesus is just working the farms

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If Mike Pence speaks to Jesus, than clearly he is not listening because he is not a man of peace.
Even Gandhi knew that "Christians" like Pence suck.
Quote by Mahatma Gandhi : “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christia...”
His behavior at the Olympics was DISGRACEFUL. To refuse to acknowledge rocket boy's sister and stand for other nation's athletes, was amateurish and childish. This is not how a politician should represent the USA. The two Korea's are trying to work together to avoid war, but Pence clearly has no interest in assisting this effort.

What I find even more DISGRACEFUL is the lack of DNCMSM condemnation of Pence's behavior. Could it be yet another proof the CIA/Deep State controls the DNCMSM?
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Those that beleive in the Christian faith should not have a problem with believing in prayer and that God has many ways to speak to people. If God spoke to Moses through a burning bush, then he can speak to others by whatever method he chooses.

On the others hand, those that beleive that Christianity is simply a fairy tale will beleive Pence is full of shit.

I is my understanding that all presidents in at least the past 50 years have claimed to be Christians. Are they lying just to get elected, or do they really beleive in God?

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