Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

Let's hear you admit that you know nothing of Hillary calling 60 million people deplorable.

She called homophobes, xenophobes, Islamophobes, and racists deplorable.

Which category are you in?

She called Trump supporters they were deplorable, she tried to divide and conquer and she lost. You can pretend all you want.

She won by a million and a half votes, the creepy electoral college notwithstanding.

So she lost. You keep pretending.

She lost because our country has an idiotic way of electing presidents. You are unsurprisingly an apparent fan of idiocy.

That's three people I've seen here calling Americans all sorts of names for voting for Trump. Billy thinks they're stupid, Matthew thinks they're deranged, and you think they're idiots.

You want to know why Trump won? It wasn't because of the electoral college, it was because of people voting for him who got tired of being labeled like this by people like you.
Let's hear you admit that you know nothing of Hillary calling 60 million people deplorable.

She called homophobes, xenophobes, Islamophobes, and racists deplorable.

Which category are you in?

She called Trump supporters they were deplorable, she tried to divide and conquer and she lost. You can pretend all you want.

She won by a million and a half votes, the creepy electoral college notwithstanding.

So she lost. You keep pretending.

She lost because our country has an idiotic way of electing presidents. You are unsurprisingly an apparent fan of idiocy.

By the way:


Where were you when the Democratic superdelegates were screwing over Bernie Sanders?
Why would Pence go to a play that two of the main characters are gay when he doesn't believe gay people deserve the same rights as everyone else? What did he expect was going to happen? They were going to give him a cookie?

Maybe because he isn't half as homophobic as you dumb twats like to imagine.

Well it seems like he takes after Hillary then. He has a political public stance, and a private life stance? Maybe he has a wide bathroom stall stance?

Opposing the insane homo-progressive Agenda being pushed by Democrats doesn't make one a homophobe or bigot.

Wait, so wanting the same rights as everyone else is insane?

They already have the same rights as everyone else, dolt.

Not in Indiana they don't. This seems like deja vu with you.

When the audience boos the speaker says:

"Vice President-elect Pence, I see you're walking out, but I hope you will hear just a few more minutes,"

“there’s nothing to boo here, ladies and gentlemen, we’re all sharing a story of love.”

We have a message for you sir and we hope you will hear us out . . .

"Vice President Elect Pence , We welcome you, and we truly thank you for joining us here at Hamilton: An American Musical—we really do,"
“We, sir — we — are - the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values, and work on behalf of all of us . . all of us""

"We truly thank you for sharing this show, this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men and women of different colors, creeds and orientations. And we truly hope you heard our message sir because you are going to represent all of us"

"To that end ladies of gentlemen we also thank you for joingin us and in that message of solidarity and truth and standin with your fellow man in every and any circumstances no matter our differences we are asking you to joing with us to help support an organization . . . . ."

How awful!

Asking the new VP to uphold our American values, and work on behalf of everyone.

It's only just begun, fascism has come to America, and by wrapping its evil in the American Flag, and waving the Cross of Christianity, Pence and Trump will double down on hate and fear. The biddable who voted for this duo have done disservice to all those who gave their life for The Union. Our divided house cannot stand and will not stand unless the cry for justice is heard loud and clear, on Social Media and in peaceful protests around the world.

It is not only the liberals angered by the divisive politics of the President and Vice President Elect, it is all those here and around the world who reject bigotry, racism, misogyny and malfeasance in elected and appointed officials.
"malfeasance in elected and appointed officials."??????
Trump Pense just defeated Mrs, Malfeasance or weren't you watching?
And you are a bigot, big deal, you are both bigots, you need a pacifier now?

And what exactly makes me a bigot? Pence opposes equal rights for gays. He even opposes women in the military.

Pence being a bigot has nothing to do with you being a bigot. Get a clue cupcake.

Ah, so you were just spewing horseshit when you called me a bigot. Quite a confession there.

No, you are a bigot, if you look at your posts and your comments, it is pretty easy to find. In several threads you outed your bigotry.
And you are a bigot, big deal, you are both bigots, you need a pacifier now?

And what exactly makes me a bigot? Pence opposes equal rights for gays. He even opposes women in the military.
Everyone with sense opposes women in the military. You still haven't provided any example of Pence opposing equal rights for gays.

Let's hear you admit that you know nothing of the Pence anti-gay legislation.
There is no such legislation, douche bag.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Indiana) - Wikipedia
First, you originally claimed that Pense signed legislation that eliminated gay rights. Since no one has a right to be served, that bill didn't eliminate any gay rights.
That was 400 years ago. This is now. The rules of etiquette have changed in the last 400 years.

You can't be serious. You, living in the 18th century, now want to talk about how things have changed.
I don't live in the 18th century. I live in a Century in which society has decayed to a great extent.

When the audience boos the speaker says:

"Vice President-elect Pence, I see you're walking out, but I hope you will hear just a few more minutes,"

“there’s nothing to boo here, ladies and gentlemen, we’re all sharing a story of love.”

We have a message for you sir and we hope you will hear us out . . .

"Vice President Elect Pence , We welcome you, and we truly thank you for joining us here at Hamilton: An American Musical—we really do,"
“We, sir — we — are - the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values, and work on behalf of all of us . . all of us""

"We truly thank you for sharing this show, this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men and women of different colors, creeds and orientations. And we truly hope you heard our message sir because you are going to represent all of us"

"To that end ladies of gentlemen we also thank you for joingin us and in that message of solidarity and truth and standin with your fellow man in every and any circumstances no matter our differences we are asking you to joing with us to help support an organization . . . . ."

How awful!

Asking the new VP to uphold our American values, and work on behalf of everyone.


Hey PPV, check this out.

Who care who those racists boo
Broadway Union Takes Issue With ‘Hamilton’ Casting Call For ‘Non-White’ Performers
Broadway Union Takes Issue With 'Hamilton' Casting Call For 'Non-White' Performers
She called homophobes, xenophobes, Islamophobes, and racists deplorable.

Which category are you in?

She called Trump supporters they were deplorable, she tried to divide and conquer and she lost. You can pretend all you want.

She won by a million and a half votes, the creepy electoral college notwithstanding.

So she lost. You keep pretending.

She lost because our country has an idiotic way of electing presidents. You are unsurprisingly an apparent fan of idiocy.

That's three people I've seen here calling Americans all sorts of names for voting for Trump. Billy thinks they're stupid, Matthew thinks they're deranged, and you think they're idiots.

You want to know why Trump won? It wasn't because of the electoral college, it was because of people voting for him who got tired of being labeled like this by people like you.
She called Trump supporters they were deplorable, she tried to divide and conquer and she lost. You can pretend all you want.

She won by a million and a half votes, the creepy electoral college notwithstanding.

So she lost. You keep pretending.

She lost because our country has an idiotic way of electing presidents. You are unsurprisingly an apparent fan of idiocy.

That's three people I've seen here calling Americans all sorts of names for voting for Trump. Billy thinks they're stupid, Matthew thinks they're deranged, and you think they're idiots.

You want to know why Trump won? It wasn't because of the electoral college, it was because of people voting for him who got tired of being labeled like this by people like you.

Yes, that's it. Right there.
They really don't have a clue about our freedom or how the Constitution works do they.

Gays in the seventies sure did know how.
They won over the people by stating their causes and concerns as Drag Queens.
Tucson had a couple of gay bars and one lesbian bar.
Straght people were welcomed and they liked them.
Then they all started using the government to force their rights.
They lost that conection that they had started and every single one of thoses bars closed in Tucson.
You have the right to your freedom but not the right to force anyones views.
...Asking the new VP to uphold our American values, and work on behalf of everyone.


Our True American values don't include women voters, speaking foreign languages, or outsourcing American jobs.


Let us know how that works out.

It's sold out for well over a year right now.

I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

^ Idiot that really thinks an acclaimed show that is sold out for the next two years, and is selling for about 900.00 a seat right now, with prime center orchestra seats selling for $3,334 - is going to take a hit by a "boycott."

Hilarious. :lol:

Hey connies, give up your seats, if you've already bought them. Really, really, really ....PLEASE! Maybe some of us might get to see it before 2020.

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