Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night


Let us know how that works out.

It's sold out for well over a year right now.

I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

^ Idiot that really thinks an acclaimed show that is sold out for the next two years, and is selling for about 900.00 a seat right now, with prime center orchestra seats selling for $3,334 - is going to take a hit by a "boycott."

Hilarious. :lol:

Hey connies, give up your seats, if you've already bought them. Really, really, really ....PLEASE! Maybe some of us might get to see it before 2020.

It doesn't matter if they are sold out for the next 20 years. The point is they aren't getting MY money. Liberals, so butthurt and miserable. It's awesome!!! LOL :happy-1:
lol, and Trump is crying about it on twitter.

You don't ambush someone and humiliate them in front of a packed house, especially if he's the VP elect of the United States. The man had a right to be there to see the play and escape the political scene for at least a few hours without being subjected to that. Yes, they have their right to freedom of speech, but there is a matter of RESPECT involved.

I don't give half a rat's ass if you're trying to make a statement. I don't care what his positions politically were/are past or present. I foolishly hoped that people would be adult enough move on from this election, but it seems a man can't go see a play in peace.

Not many things roil me up like a total lack of manners and etiquette. This eye for an eye nonsense is absolutely childish. Both sides.

Grow the fuck up.

At any rate, here's Hamilton.

"Hard words are very rarely useful. Real firmness is good for every thing. Strut is good for nothing.”

--Alexander Hamilton

People boo in theaters. It's the accepted way of showing disapproval.
They boo the performers, not other audience members, dumbass.
He's a performer on a grander stage.


Let us know how that works out.

It's sold out for well over a year right now.

I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

^ Idiot that really thinks an acclaimed show that is sold out for the next two years, and is selling for about 900.00 a seat right now, with prime center orchestra seats selling for $3,334 - is going to take a hit by a "boycott."

Hilarious. :lol:

Hey connies, give up your seats, if you've already bought them. Really, really, really ....PLEASE! Maybe some of us might get to see it before 2020.

It doesn't matter if they are sold out for the next 20 years. The point is they aren't getting MY money. Liberals, so butthurt and miserable. It's awesome!!! LOL :happy-1:
Trump supporters boycotting Hamilton is like men boycotting Tampax.


Let us know how that works out.

It's sold out for well over a year right now.

I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

^ Idiot that really thinks an acclaimed show that is sold out for the next two years, and is selling for about 900.00 a seat right now, with prime center orchestra seats selling for $3,334 - is going to take a hit by a "boycott."

Hilarious. :lol:

Hey connies, give up your seats, if you've already bought them. Really, really, really ....PLEASE! Maybe some of us might get to see it before 2020.

It doesn't matter if they are sold out for the next 20 years. The point is they aren't getting MY money. Liberals, so butthurt and miserable. It's awesome!!! LOL :happy-1:
Trump supporters boycotting Hamilton is like men boycotting Tampax.

:gives: complain and whinge a little more! :wink_2:
^ Idiot that really thinks an acclaimed show that is sold out for the next two years, and is selling for about 900.00 a seat right now, with prime center orchestra seats selling for $3,334 - is going to take a hit by a "boycott."

An empty orchestra hall can easily get the point across. Asking for a refund does too. You don't know how boycotts work, smartass.

Let us know how that works out.

It's sold out for well over a year right now.

I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

^ Idiot that really thinks an acclaimed show that is sold out for the next two years, and is selling for about 900.00 a seat right now, with prime center orchestra seats selling for $3,334 - is going to take a hit by a "boycott."

Hilarious. :lol:

Hey connies, give up your seats, if you've already bought them. Really, really, really ....PLEASE! Maybe some of us might get to see it before 2020.

It doesn't matter if they are sold out for the next 20 years. The point is they aren't getting MY money. Liberals, so butthurt and miserable. It's awesome!!! LOL :happy-1:
Trump supporters boycotting Hamilton is like men boycotting Tampax.

:gives: complain and whinge a little more! :wink_2:

Suck it Up, Buttercup


Let us know how that works out.

It's sold out for well over a year right now.

I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

So you willing to make a bet on if this boycott will hurt Hamilton? I'll bet the shows stay sold out... say for at least the next 6 months. Wanna make an avatar bet on it? I get to pick your avatar for a month or vice versa?
I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

^ Idiot that really thinks an acclaimed show that is sold out for the next two years, and is selling for about 900.00 a seat right now, with prime center orchestra seats selling for $3,334 - is going to take a hit by a "boycott."

Hilarious. :lol:

Hey connies, give up your seats, if you've already bought them. Really, really, really ....PLEASE! Maybe some of us might get to see it before 2020.

It doesn't matter if they are sold out for the next 20 years. The point is they aren't getting MY money. Liberals, so butthurt and miserable. It's awesome!!! LOL :happy-1:
Trump supporters boycotting Hamilton is like men boycotting Tampax.

:gives: complain and whinge a little more! :wink_2:

Suck it Up, Buttercup

Hey, that's a cool cup!

At least it isn't a safety pin.


Let us know how that works out.

It's sold out for well over a year right now.

I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

So you willing to make a bet on if this boycott will hurt Hamilton? I'll bet the shows stay sold out... say for at least the next 6 months. Wanna make an avatar bet on it? I get to pick your avatar for a month or vice versa?

Is that all you have for an argument? Making bets? If you don't have a point to get across, just tell me. When you guys run out of labels and insults, you turn this entire discussion into a game of chance.

You know what? You can take that bet with you back to your safe space.

Moving on...
^ Idiot that really thinks an acclaimed show that is sold out for the next two years, and is selling for about 900.00 a seat right now, with prime center orchestra seats selling for $3,334 - is going to take a hit by a "boycott."

An empty orchestra hall can easily get the point across. Asking for a refund does too. You don't know how boycotts work, smartass.
Oh dearie. You really think that's going to happen, don't you?

Plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllease, connies. Give up your tickets. A shit ton of people will happily fall on their sword and gobble them up from you in an instant..

Plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllease AXE fo-yo refund. Plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllease!


Let us know how that works out.

It's sold out for well over a year right now.

I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

So you willing to make a bet on if this boycott will hurt Hamilton? I'll bet the shows stay sold out... say for at least the next 6 months. Wanna make an avatar bet on it? I get to pick your avatar for a month or vice versa?

Is that all you have for an argument? Making bets? If you don't have a point to get across, just tell me. When you guys run out of labels and insults, you turn this entire discussion into a ga,e of chance.

You know what? You can take that bet with you back to your safe space.

Moving on...

^ Idiot that really thinks an acclaimed show that is sold out for the next two years, and is selling for about 900.00 a seat right now, with prime center orchestra seats selling for $3,334 - is going to take a hit by a "boycott."

An empty orchestra hall can easily get the point across. Asking for a refund does too. You don't know how boycotts work, smartass.
Oh dearie. You really think that's going to happen, don't you?

Plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllease, connies. Give up your tickets. A shit ton of people will happily fall on their sword and gobble them up from you in an instant..

Plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllease AXE fo-yo refund. Plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllease!

Hmm. Really mature.


Let us know how that works out.

It's sold out for well over a year right now.

I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

So you willing to make a bet on if this boycott will hurt Hamilton? I'll bet the shows stay sold out... say for at least the next 6 months. Wanna make an avatar bet on it? I get to pick your avatar for a month or vice versa?

Is that all you have for an argument? Making bets? If you don't have a point to get across, just tell me. When you guys run out of labels and insults, you turn this entire discussion into a game of chance.

You know what? You can take that bet with you back to your safe space.

Moving on...


I didn't become a member of this board to play games. I'm sorry that's all you think this is.
And what exactly makes me a bigot? Pence opposes equal rights for gays. He even opposes women in the military.


“It is instructive that even in the Disney film, young Ms. Mulan falls in love with her superior officer! Me thinks the politically correct Disney types completely missed the irony of this part of the story,” writes Pence. “They likely added it because it added realism with which the viewer could identify with the characters. You see, now stay with me on this, many young men find many young women to be attractive sexually. Many young women find many young men to be attractive sexually. Put them together, in close quarters, for long periods of time, and things will get interesting. Just like they eventually did for young Mulan. Moral of story: women in military, bad idea.”

Mike Pence Argued In An Op-Ed That Disney's "Mulan" Was Liberal Propaganda


Let us know how that works out.

It's sold out for well over a year right now.

I'm sure Grub Hub can attest to how well boycotts work.

Grubhub stock falls after CEO's Trump memo ignites firestorm

So you willing to make a bet on if this boycott will hurt Hamilton? I'll bet the shows stay sold out... say for at least the next 6 months. Wanna make an avatar bet on it? I get to pick your avatar for a month or vice versa?

Is that all you have for an argument? Making bets? If you don't have a point to get across, just tell me. When you guys run out of labels and insults, you turn this entire discussion into a game of chance.

You know what? You can take that bet with you back to your safe space.

Moving on...

So you aren't confident enough to back your opinion? Got it.

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