Pence Challenged on why he Certified a Fraudulent Election

If that's not enough...this took less than a minute to google

I think Bush jr was drinking heavily when he thought he was an "oilman".

Hard to imagine how he could have totally screwed up and lost so much money in Qatar.
So in your politico squirrel brain Obama can only have the blame for increasing prices, never credit for the prices falling drastically in his second term.

Aside from that laughable bias fact remains that oil prices were certainly not lower under Trump from what he inherited from Obama untill the Covid crashed the oil market, so your little stories are worth fuck all.
Yes, blame-only for Obama. He inherited $1.50 gasoline after the drilling moratorium had been lifted September ‘08.
Obama immediately scrapped plans for exploration and drilling and had the moratorium reimposed. Prices were back over $2 within a month of his immaculation and up to $4 by 2010. They remained >$3.50 until fracking flooded the market and brought the price back down in 2014. Obama opposed fracking but could do nothing to stop it because the leases were preexisting. Trump inherited those lower prices and expanded on that by lifting any further drilling restrictions.
This faux administration immediately did an Obama and reversed everything Trump did and prices are back up to Obama prices from his first two terms.
You must be rich or you don’t keep track of your budget.
Yes, blame-only for Obama. He inherited $1.50 gasoline after the drilling moratorium had been lifted September ‘08.
Obama immediately scrapped plans for exploration and drilling and had the moratorium reimposed. Prices were back over $2 within a month of his immaculation and up to $4 by 2010. They remained >$3.50 until fracking flooded the market and brought the price back down in 2014. Obama opposed fracking but could do nothing to stop it because the leases were preexisting. Trump inherited those lower prices and expanded on that by lifting any further drilling restrictions.
This faux administration immediately did an Obama and reversed everything Trump did and prices are back up to Obama prices from his first two terms.
You must be rich or you don’t keep track of your budget.
Hey idiot, we were in the middle of Great Recession in 2008. That's why the gas was cheap.

By 2010 recession was over and economy was growing again, increasing demand.

Seems you are too damn stupid and hopped up on politico cool-aid to understand such simple causations.

Maybe you want that cheap cheap recession gas but no one in their right mind does.
The guy (Trump) that brought the economy your previous post proves....I sure miss $2.00 gas don't you?....and full shelves at the market....lower plane ticket costs....under 2% unemployment....and respect around the world....

He brought the economy back twice?? By losing 3 million jobs and giving us 1.3% real GDP growth??

You're fucked in the head if you think that's bringing the economy back. :cuckoo:

He brought the economy back twice?? By losing 3 million jobs and giving us 1.3% real GDP growth??

You're fucked in the head if you think that's bringing the economy back. :cuckoo:
Even after the covid economic decline from Joe's favorite nation china...we were coming back from the brink under were coming back people were getting vaccinated and all looked well until Joe came in and began putting people out of work...from the pipeline workers to now people that don't want to be vaccinated....Joe is on a mission to ruin America and you are running along side of him cheering all the way....look there you are....

I think Bush jr was drinking heavily when he thought he was an "oilman".

Hard to imagine how he could have totally screwed up and lost so much money in Qatar.
But Biden was a long haul trucker....LMAO
Hey idiot, we were in the middle of Great Recession in 2008. That's why the gas was cheap.

By 2010 recession was over and economy was growing again, increasing demand.

Seems you are too damn stupid and hopped up on politico cool-aid to understand such simple causations.

Maybe you want that cheap cheap recession gas but no one in their right mind does.
That ‘Great Recession’ crap was propaganda. Obama was only asked once about gas prices being cheap when he came into office and he made the same bullshit excuse. The follow up question was never asked: since the economy still sucked his excuse would still apply. But it didn’t. Prices were significantly higher.
Truth is just the opposite occurred. Obama’s energy policy drove prices up and that caused the economic hardship. Fracking reversed that trend and repaired the economy to Obama’s chagrin.
And now the current cabal is doing what Obama did and is destroying the economy.
The recession ended before Obama’s term was five months old. The term ‘Great Recession’ was a propaganda name the media gave to the aftermath of the housing market collapse in the hopes of painting Obama as an FDR-style lefty hero.
Obama’s energy policy prolonged the hardships that came after the housing market collapse. The collapse was a market correction. Letting people know they didn’t have the capital they were led to believe they had.
Here’s a link from that period that lays it out chronologically…
Oh, rambnuts? Why would he do that when I said the only way he walks is if Trump pardons him and the only way he walked was with Trump pardoning him?
Will you post s list of all of the pet names you have for me...maybe we can fit them on valentine candy for you to keep next to your bed.....

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