Pence Challenged on why he Certified a Fraudulent Election

Well, I certainly cannot know who all is included in the "we" the good poster is referring to.
But I know some. Some of the 'we' I know pretty well.

For one tiny soda-straw view of the economy, I look to Lowe's and Home Depot (I own stock in each)....but, my stock ain't what's telling me about record buying. It is the store managers.

They had a record 2020 as people were at home and wanted to build stuff. They are having a record 2021...for much of the same reason. Not to mention the stimulus cash that lubricated the wheels of commerce ---and people's gears to spend.

Couple that with Covid infections at workplaces.....both manufacturers, distributors, .......that crippled production and flow-of-goods making supplies tight. Which then generated a perception that 'we better buy it now lest we can't get it in the future'.

All that has given impetus to guessed it, poster Rambunctious......."record buying".

Trust me on this one.
When confronted with facts, Rambunctious responds with, "Nuh uh!"

Let do this togather shall we?


Graph clearly shows that prior to Covid-19 oil prices went up a little under Trump and then collapsed when Covid-19 hit.

Wtf do you not understand about that?
The real figure is the drop in 2014 and the leveling beyond that. You can see the Obama spike prior to the 2014 fracking drop.
Your graph conveniently stops at the drastic short-lived drop during covid and doesn’t show the near immediate return to previous levels. Beyond that it would show another spike that takes it back to Obama spike levels and that current spike is from Biden energy policy.
You’re not very bright and very dishonest.
The real figure is the drop in 2014 and the leveling beyond that. You can see the Obama spike prior to the 2014 fracking drop.
So in your politico squirrel brain Obama can only have the blame for increasing prices, never credit for the prices falling drastically in his second term.

Aside from that laughable bias fact remains that oil prices were certainly not lower under Trump from what he inherited from Obama untill the Covid crashed the oil market, so your little stories are worth fuck all.
Finally our youth are asking the questions that need to be asked.

---An Iowa student asked Turncoat Vice President Mike Pence why he “bucked Trump” and went ahead and certified the clearly fraudulent election results on January 6th.---

And Jesus's vp shot the punk down. James Madison. LOL
Finally our youth are asking the questions that need to be asked.

---An Iowa student asked Turncoat Vice President Mike Pence why he “bucked Trump” and went ahead and certified the clearly fraudulent election results on January 6th.---

My God how stupid. This kid never read the Constitution? Neither has Trump. He said its "too hard like a foreign language".
So in your politico squirrel brain Obama can only have the blame for increasing prices, never credit for the prices falling drastically in his second term.

Aside from that laughable bias fact remains that oil prices were certainly not lower under Trump from what he inherited from Obama untill the Covid crashed the oil market, so your little stories are worth fuck all.
So, you complain that Obama gets no credit for falling gas pricing, then turn and do exactly what you’re complaining about?
So, you complain that Obama gets no credit for falling gas pricing, then turn and do exactly what you’re complaining about?
First of all, I've never credited or blamed presidents for oil prices (short of some specific policy effects) I'm just correcting the factually false statements on the oil price record.

Secondly, it is the height of stupidity/duplicity to try to credit Trump with a collapsed oil market without equally blaming him for the Covid crash that caused it.
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Gas got below 2 dollars per gallon when Trump was president.

Trump had NOTHING to do with that.. Further, demand collapsed in 2020 because of covid. We still imported 5 million bpd in 2020 and exported 3 million bpd.
So, you complain that Obama gets no credit for falling gas pricing, then turn and do exactly what you’re complaining about?

Domestic oil production doubled when Obama was in office. The rig count was higher than it had been in 44 years. Obama had nothing to do with it. The reason was that the ppb was high so producers invested in leases, exploration, rigs and drilling.
First of all, I've never credited or blamed presidents for oil prices (short of some specific policy effects) I'm just correcting the factually false statements on the oil price record.

Secondly, it is the height of stupidity/duplicity to try to credit Trump with a collapsed oil market without equally blaming him for the Covid crash that caused it.
See, that's all you want to do, is deflect from Biden, and Blame Trump.
Domestic oil production doubled when Obama was in office. The rig count was higher than it had been in 44 years. Obama had nothing to do with it. The reason was that the ppb was high so producers invested in leases, exploration, rigs and drilling.
If that's not enough...this took less than a minute to google

See, that's all you want to do, is deflect from Biden, and Blame Trump.
What the hell?

Nothing in my post deflected or blamed anyone. I'm talking about INTELECTUAL CONSISTENCY, which seems to be a foreign concept to Trumpsters.

It is completely incoherent to credit Trump for collapsed gasoline price without equally holding him responsible for Covid recession that CAUSED the cheap gasoline. This is not rocket science.
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