Pence Challenged on why he Certified a Fraudulent Election

We have empty shelves because consumer demand is at record levels.

As you can see below, consumer expenditures are at an all time high. You would be praising Trump for this if he were in office, because this is tremendously good news for our economy.


As a result in this spike of spending and consumerism, the number of shipping containers and the number of container ships at our California ports is also surging tremendously. This is overwhelming the system.



This is great news for our economy. We are busting at the seams!
Imports are up 22%...which is YUGE
Pence is a good man. Presents leadership. Doesn't name call, talk over people, shout, brag. I could vote for a leader like that.
Finally our youth are asking the questions that need to be asked.

---An Iowa student asked Turncoat Vice President Mike Pence why he “bucked Trump” and went ahead and certified the clearly fraudulent election results on January 6th.---

Looks like you Nazis have started to poison the minds of our youth with your filthy lies, right lowlife?

Nice job.
Pence is a good man. Presents leadership. Doesn't name call, talk over people, shout, brag. I could vote for a leader like that.
Pence sacrificed every religious principle he had and hitched his wagon to a thoroughly unrepentant hellbound horse. I lost all respect for him.
I just wish there was some way that this bullshit that democrats have saddled us all with could have somehow only affected them and left the rest of us out of it.
You deserve your own karma for saddling us with a malignant psychopath.
And I gained respect for him. Religion had nothing to do with this. The courts could have taken this up after his decision.
You used a plural statement "HISTORIC RECESSIONS". I could only find one, and it was for 2 months caused by a virus from China. If you are going to give @lennypartiv grief you may want to have some better ammo ;).
Maybe you need to look harder.

Try 2008, you may find something called the Great Recession with a side of cheap cheap gas.
Pence sacrificed every religious principle he had and hitched his wagon to a thoroughly unrepentant hellbound horse. I lost all respect for him.
Pence sees the total breakdown of parts of our civilization that has been caused by Progressives. Whatever his true self is, needs to still playout. Trump is loud and arrogant. But he got things done for the nation. Endless vile and nasty remarks and slanderous accusations towards him gave him no recourse but to act like he did. And it was enjoyable. To actually see Progs get a bit of their own medicine back gave them palpitations and they actually doubled down on him. Its bad when half the population has only a few people who back them in a forceful manner because of the results of long term propaganda..
Pence sees the total breakdown of parts of our civilization that has been caused by Progressives. Whatever his true self is, needs to still playout. Trump is loud and arrogant. But he got things done for the nation. Endless vile and nasty remarks and slanderous accusations towards him gave him no recourse but to act like he did. And it was enjoyable. To actually see Progs get a bit of their own medicine back gave them palpitations and they actually doubled down on him. Its bad when half the population has only a few people who back them in a forceful manner because of the results of long term propaganda..
Three marriages, serial adulterer, gambling magnate, contests of the flesh, peeper of underaged girls, pussy grabber, thief of the elderly's nest eggs at his fake university.

Yeah, I understand why evangelicals think Trump was sent by God and not the Great Deceiver.

Got things done? Yeah. Largest Covid death toll on the planet, crashed the economy, obliterated the integrity of the office, made sure Obamacare is here to stay forever, exploded the trade deficits with Mexico and China, failed to build the Wall, failed to get Mexico to pay for it, lost the House AND the Senate AND the White House. I could go on and on.
Maybe you need to look harder.

Try 2008, you may find something called the Great Recession with a side of cheap cheap gas.
Your response was to a post referring to cost under Trump. Trump was not president in 2008.

Here is the post you responded to ….
You missed the point. American consumers were happy they were paying under $2 per gallon of gas under Trump.
My neighbor has a Trump--Pence sign up right now --------- with Pence X-ed out.
Your response was to a post referring to cost under Trump. Trump was not president in 2008.

Here is the post you responded to ….
Dummy, it was a general comment on cheap gas that happens when demand falls off in a recessionary economy.
".....we don't have record buying....."

Well, I certainly cannot know who all is included in the "we" the good poster is referring to.
But I know some. Some of the 'we' I know pretty well.

For one tiny soda-straw view of the economy, I look to Lowe's and Home Depot (I own stock in each)....but, my stock ain't what's telling me about record buying. It is the store managers.

They had a record 2020 as people were at home and wanted to build stuff. They are having a record 2021...for much of the same reason. Not to mention the stimulus cash that lubricated the wheels of commerce ---and people's gears to spend.

Couple that with Covid infections at workplaces.....both manufacturers, distributors, .......that crippled production and flow-of-goods making supplies tight. Which then generated a perception that 'we better buy it now lest we can't get it in the future'.

All that has given impetus to guessed it, poster Rambunctious......."record buying".

Trust me on this one.

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