Pence Challenged on why he Certified a Fraudulent Election

For you it would be since you are brainwashed by CNN....
Nope. I live out here in reality where the store shelves in 2020 were empty of toilet paper, paper towels, flour, vinegar and a host of other items.

I live in reality where respect for America around the world plummeted during Trump's regime.

I live in reality where oil prices went negative in 2020 due to a massive drop in demand due to Covid.

I live in reality where nearly 10 million jobs were lost in America due to Trump ignoring Covid.

I live in reality where Trump lived in an imaginary world where Covid was a hoax and where he caused hundreds of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily, where America had the highest death count on the planet.

When you live in reality, it is no surprise 81 million Americans voted to kick Trump's fat ass to the curb.
Nope. I live out here in reality where the store shelves in 2020 were empty of toilet paper, paper towels, flour, vinegar and a host of other items.

I live in reality where respect for America plummeted during Trump's regime.

I live in reality where oil prices went negative in 2020 due to a massive drop in demand due to Covid.

I live in reality where Trump lived in an imaginary world where Covid was a hoax and where he caused hundreds of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily, where America had the highest death count on the planet.
That was during a public panic and you know lasted about a we have empty shelves because our ports are not working properly and the transportation secretary is on a 3 month leave from duty....and we have gas at a $1.50 hire per gal from just a year ago...nothing to do with covid....
That was during a public panic and you know lasted about a we have empty shelves because our ports are not working properly and the transportation secretary is on a 3 month leave from duty....and we have gas at a $1.50 hire per gal from just a year ago...nothing to do with covid....
We have empty shelves because consumer demand is at record levels.

As you can see below, consumer expenditures are at an all time high. You would be praising Trump for this if he were in office, because this is tremendously good news for our economy.


As a result in this spike of spending and consumerism, the number of shipping containers and the number of container ships at our California ports is also surging tremendously. This is overwhelming the system.



This is great news for our economy. We are busting at the seams!
We have empty shelves because consumer demand is at record levels.

As you can see below, consumer expenditures are at an all time high. You would be praising Trump for this if he were in office, because this is tremendously good news for our economy.


As a result in this spike of spending and consumerism, the number of shipping containers and the number of container ships at our California ports is also surging tremendously. This is overwhelming the system.



This is great news for our economy. We are busting at the seams!
Don't fall for that shit man...come on....we don't have record buying...that's a media and white house lie....we have always kept up with demand no matter how high until Joe took over....
Don't fall for that shit man...come on....we don't have record buying...that's a media and white house lie....we have always kept up with demand no matter how high until Joe took over....
You manufacture bullshit with no evidence to back it up.

You manufacture bullshit with no evidence to back it up.

Back it up?...don't you have an intact memory?....we are not talking about 5 years ago....come on can not rewrite the history we all just lived through....
Yes dummy historic

It was short but there has never been a stand-still in economy like that in modern history and it caused profound market disruptions that we are still dealing with today.

You used a plural statement "HISTORIC RECESSIONS". I could only find one, and it was for 2 months caused by a virus from China. If you are going to give @lennypartiv grief you may want to have some better ammo ;).
Good to know that you guys will be fine with Harris not allowing a potential GOP victor in 2024 or 2028 to ascend to the Presidency.
It is true. She could not win her own state primary for president. Besides we already had a dick sucking president. Barry "Deep throat" Soreto.

You've gone from just being stupid to being stupid and disgusting.... Are you really this lonely?
Good wasn't the Vice Presidents duty to judge an elections integrity...its the courts and the justice dept and both failed the American people....

Au contraire. All 89 judges in all of the courts, upheld their duty to protect the Constitution, and to toss out the false and illegitimate claims of the losing side.

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