Pence "That is not my concern".... this is not going to age well for him.

It has been established you vote for nothing but Repubs.

Curious, as at one time, I worked for the democrat party and my mother was an elected democrat holding office and we had democrat judges and congressmen drop by at the house.

Back in the old day, some democrats actually weren't all that bad.

But if you think I vote for nothing but Repubs now, maybe your party ought to rethink its positions and candidates a bit?
Curious, as at one time, I worked for the democrat party and my mother was an elected democrat holding office and we had democrat judges and congressmen drop by at the house.

Back in the old day, some democrats actually weren't all that bad.

But if you think I vote for nothing but Repubs now, maybe your party ought to rethink its positions and candidates a bit?

Back in the day some Republicans were not all that bad.

My party is the party of smaller government, less government intrusion and more freedom. Clearly things you are not a fan of.
Only the first 3 times I voted for POTUS, then I learned my on the other hand still do it every time you pull the lever for a member of the duopoly.

Jorgensen - 2020
Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
Clinton- 1992
Bush I -1988
Reagan - 1984

There is no duopoly, dumbass. There is a political class. What they call themselves doesn't matter.

I voted for Trump. Obviously NOT of the political class because they are desperately trying to destroy him.

And bootlicker you, keeps trying to help the political class do their dirty work.

Because you ARE a bootlicker.
Really, and how many shots of bourbon do you need at 9AM to bullshit yourself into believing that?

Or is your party on some other planet?

Look up the Libertarian Party and see what they stand for. You will hate them and keep voting for bigger government but at least you will be educated.
There is no duopoly, dumbass. There is a political class. What they call themselves doesn't matter.

I voted for Trump. Obviously NOT of the political class because they are desperately trying to destroy him.

And bootlicker you, keeps trying to help the political class do their dirty work.

Because you ARE a bootlicker.

Whatever you wish to call it, you vote for it...unless of course Trump is the only person you ever vote for.
Cutting off Pence's reply is a tired wingnut tactic that broadcasts to everyone that you just don't want people to hear it. And that means that the answer is a good one.

You 🤡 are so predictable.
Not the case, Mike Pence had 25 minutes to talk with Tucker Carlson

It’s a tired tactic of the Democrats and their neocon Allie’s never talk about our poor economy or The dangerous streets of the inner cities and the major cities in this country. What a lousy situation the country is in because of the politicians that got us there.

How does it feel to live in a country where huge portions of Americans Don’t feel safe to walk down the street of a major city at night. That is a disgrace and there’s no excuse for it.

People are tired of Joe Biden hosting “pride” events while our economy is tanking. They’re tired of him not standing up to the racist BLM.

The ugly situation where 10 year olds can get a sex change operation without their parents consent. I mean sex change operations for children.. were talking about here. We’re talking about boys being able to go into a girls bathroom and if people like the Democrats don’t care about it they’re monsters. If Republicans don’t care about it, they are monsters. You can laugh it off all you wanna talk about right wing nuts or people “cutting each other off” how about people cutting off the private parts of children.?

What world are Biden voters living in?

The military age male in America is not gonna stand for this pride stuff, kids getting sex changes, black lives matter, in general American people won’t stand for this type of weakness. And what we’re seeing in America is a turnaround. More and more people are going to church. More and more people are rejecting the far left. More people are rejecting the endless funding of Ukraine.

At least under trump we did not have the hyper inflation, the High home prices, the high interest rates that we have under biden. Man what a disaster the economy is right now.
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It is true the clip is edited at the exact moment Pence was explaining what he meant.
However, I simply cannot think of a worse way to express it.
What he wants everyone to believe is that how people are feeling about Ukraine isn't his concern because he is more concerned about the bigger picture.
What a critically bad way of putting that.

He is a part of the cabal that insist there is only one side of the Ukraine issue.
You are a good person as long as you completely support EVERYTHING that is happening there, or you are a BAD person if you raise even a small concern.
Pence obviously subscribes to this.
And for that alone, I would only vote for him if Biden was running against him.

Right. Tucker said "your concern is..." meaning Ukraine. And then Pence responded "that is not my concern", and he meant Ukraine too, but he made it seem like he was speaking about American cities. I'm not a Pence fan, first. But it is unfortunate when politics turns on one misspeak like this....but that's politics.

He didn't have a chance at any rate.
Whatever you wish to call it, you vote for it...unless of course Trump is the only person you ever vote for.

Wrong, dumbass, I voted for Trump, the ONE person in my memory who wasn't part of the political class.

Bootlickers, like you, trot out the so called libertarian party as an alternative, but they are nothing but a controlled sideshow of the political class.

You, on the other hand, bleat about hating the duopoly, but aid and abet them every day.

Which makes you either a liar, or a moron.

I will let you choose which one you are.
There is no duopoly, dumbass. There is a political class. What they call themselves doesn't matter.

I voted for Trump. Obviously NOT of the political class because they are desperately trying to destroy him.

And bootlicker you, keeps trying to help the political class do their dirty work.

Because you ARE a bootlicker.

Hes joined in the BadMac fanboy wannaabe phony club. Trying to appear intelligent (above all others beneath them). Yet they rush head-long to support every Obiden ant—American anti-Police slice of BS they can locate.
Hes joined in the BadMac fanboy wannaabe phony club. Trying to appear intelligent (above all others beneath them). Yet they rush head-long to support every Obiden ant—American anti-Police slice of BS they can locate.

Yeah, that's why I refer to ALL of them as bootlickers.

It's all they are good at.
Not the case, Mike Pence had 25 minutes to talk with Tucker Carlson
It is what he said.
Tucker is correct that Americans should be asking the question "what is the end game here?"
At what point is it too far? How far are we willing to go with Ukraine when America is literally falling apart at the seams?
That is a legit question.
And Pence dismissed it. He literally dismissed it entirely.
And I am referring to the ENTIRE response, not just the edited one.
No need to. Good ideas, but always a distant third in every race. Good place to send your vote so that people like Biden get into office.
The libertarian party is clearly run by the political class as a means to hide the vote fraud.
Wrong, dumbass, I voted for Trump, the ONE person in my memory who wasn't part of the political class.

So, the last election Trump was the only vote you cast, you did not vote for anyone else on the ballot?
Whatever you wish to call it, you vote for it...unless of course Trump is the only person you ever vote for.

a vote for Trump is to stop the bleeding….begin reforms, an actual cry for help. He was able to expose the rot we already knew about. You can’t save the victim (America) if you support letting the host bleed to death.
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So, the last election Trump was the only vote you cast, you did not vote for anyone else on the ballot?

Ahhh, look at the bootlicker trying to deflect.

Boy, you suck at this.
This was not a good answer.
Holy cow

You cut his answer off before Pence was able to give it

This thread is fake news

Btw, I support aid to ukraine

So while i agree with Pence and Biden I dont think the critics of aid are Nazi’s as many people label thrm

Tucker Carlson gave a very rational reason for his position also
Right. Tucker said "your concern is..." meaning Ukraine. And then Pence responded "that is not my concern", and he meant Ukraine too, but he made it seem like he was speaking about American cities. I'm not a Pence fan, first. But it is unfortunate when politics turns on one misspeak like this....but that's politics.

He didn't have a chance at any rate.
I disagree.
In the full clip, Pence dismisses Tuckers question out right.
Clearly stating that what we have given Ukraine is not enough. They need even more and more and more. Dismissing the question "at what point do you even consider those asking when is enough enough?"
Pence subscribes to the belief, like I said above, that there is only one "right" side of the Ukraine issue - blind and total agreement to what we are doing, no questions asked - and anyone who asks is crazy.
It is clear to me he believes that.

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