Pentacostal Fire

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For Obedience

Flesh loves the do nothing gospel. It revels in the idea that with minimal effort one can ensure an eternity of paradise, and being flesh, it puts forth the least possible amount of exertion it can.

Many today are not intellectually curious. They do not ask ‘why’ anymore, simply content with the status quo, and with being told that they’re ok, they’re saved, they made it through, and they will stay there indefinitely if they continue to fund the lifestyle to which their chosen wolf in sheep’s clothing has become accustomed.

Contrary to popular belief we are not saved and sanctified just for the sake of being saved and sanctified. We are saved and sanctified for obedience. God calls us, and cleanses us with the full and justified expectation of having an obedient servant which He can use in the manner He sees fit.

We are elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit for obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Christ.

Why would God be justified in His expectation for obedience one might ask? Granted, those who would ask such a question have likely been feasting on a steady diet of self-esteem smoothies, and self-empowerment shakes courtesy of one fool or another, but if we looked in the mirror of the Word and saw our true nature as it once was, and what God has made of us through the sprinkling of the blood of Christ, we would evermore understand why God is justified in His expectation of obedience.

The butterfly was once a caterpillar, the new regenerate man, was once an old degenerate one. In understanding what God did for us through Christ on Calvary, we will never shy away from obedience, or consider our obedience a hard task.

Not only were we elect to the foreknowledge of God the Father, we were likewise sanctified of the Spirit. God sanctified us by His Holy Spirit. This is a profound truth that few are willing to delve into anymore because it’s just easier to tell people to raise their hand and repeat a prayer.

It is the Spirit that transforms us from sinner to saint; it is the Spirit that works the work of regeneration in us once we have been sprinkled by the blood of Christ. It is not a denomination or belonging to a certain church group, it isn’t even being water baptized that transforms us, it is the Holy Spirit in us doing the work the Father has commanded Him to do.

Although marginalized of late, the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is indispensable, and we neglect and deny Him to our detriment. To hear some preachers speak of the Holy Spirit one would consider His role minimal at best. They speak of the Spirit and the work of the Spirit in the past tense more often than not, attempting to convince the household of faith that the work the Holy Spirit was to have done is already completed, and now we no longer have need of His services because we have denominations and theological degrees.

I don’t know about you but hearing what some denominations have been up to of late, seeing how they are actively subverting the Gospel and denying the Word of God, I’m somewhat leery if not altogether opposed to the idea of being associated with any of them.

How long before we ourselves are corrupted if we now cast our lot in with those who deny the Christ? How long before we ourselves are become reprobate if by our silence and continued belonging we are tacitly acquiescing to what these men have done?

We must get beyond the pigeonholes we’ve created for ourselves in our chosen denominations, and see the glorious Gospel for all that it is, believing it rather than the words of men, and holding it up as the final authority for the doctrines we choose to embrace.

We were sanctified for obedience. We were not sanctified to question God, we were not sanctified to revise the Word, and we were not sanctified to make the faith more palatable for the godless and the heathen. We were sanctified for obedience, so all that is incumbent upon us to do is to obey.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

Hand of Help Ministries
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Thank God for the Holy Ghost! It is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit sayeth the Lord!

[ame=]I feel a Holy Ghost shout coming on, FWC Choir and Singers - YouTube[/ame]
In the most recent thread, Testimony of an ex- Satanist, our brother who is now serving the LORD, speaks of the powers Satan gave him for serving him. Now let us have a look at the power of The Holy Ghost in the life of a believer!

It is written:

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.

So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. Mark 16: 15 - 20

These are the very last words Jesus spoke to his disciples! This message was not just to Jesus disciples who witnessed his ascension into heaven but to every believer afterwards that repented and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit! ( see the book of Acts ) Even unto this very day! God has not left us powerless, church! Jesus sent us the Comforter and He is with us today! Hallelujah!

The weapons of our warfare are mighty! ( Ephesians 6 ) Put on the whole armour of God! How do we resist satan? By submitting ourselves to God ( completely ) resisting the devil and he will flee. That is how it is done. If the testimony of the ex -satanist now our brother in Christ has taught us one thing it is that the Christian who obeys God, who walks in holiness and repents quickly of any known sin is the one who prevails with God and man. We are to walk in the Love of Christ, read the Word of God,pray the Word, speak the Word of God, declare the Word, preach the Word and ask for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. We are to be led by the Holy Spirit every single day of our lives. This is where the power of God is, Church. In obedience, prayer, in holy living, in reading the Word of God, walking in the light of Gods Word and truth. Your Word Oh God is a light unto my path!

It is written:

If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. - 1 John 1: 7
It is written:

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God, therefoer the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

- 1 John 3: 1 - 3
It is written:

And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.

1 John 3:22,23, 24
It is written:

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. - 1 John 5: 4

The shield of faith is a powerful weapon, Church. Without the shield of faith held in place the Christian is vulnerable to attacks on faith itself! Consider this short sermon from Gurnall on the matter of Faith.

From sermon by William Gurnall entitled "WHY FAITH IS COMPARED TO A SHIELD"

The apostle compares faith to a shield because of a double resemblance between this grace and that particular piece of armor.

The first likeness is that the shield is not for defense of any one part of the body, as most other pieces are. The helmet is fitted for the head and the plate designed for the breast, but the shield is intended for defense of the whole body. Therefore it was to be made very large and was called a "gate" or "door" because it was so long and large that it covered the whole body. And if the shield was not large enough to cover every part at once, the skillful soldier could turn it this way or that way, to stop the swords or the arrows, no matter where they were directed.

This resemblance reminds us of the importance of faith in the life of a Christian. It defends the whole man - every part of the Christian is preserved by it. Sometimes the temptation is leveled at the head - at the saint's reasoning.

Satan will dispute the truth and, if he can, will make a Christian question the validity of faith merely because his understanding cannot comprehend it. And sometimes he prevails, blotting out a person's belief in the deity of Christ and in other great and profound truths of the Gospel. But faith intervenes between between the believer and this arrow, coming to the relief of the Christian's weak understanding.

Abraham, "being not weak in faith......considered not his own body now dead" ( Romans 4: 19 ) If reason had had the upper hand in the business, if that holy man had put the promise to a test of sense and reason, he would have been in danger of questioning the truth of it, although God Himself was the messenger. But faith brought him through the test.

"I will trust the Word of God", says the believer, "not my own blind reason".

- William Gurnall
It is written:

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. - 1 John 5: 4

The shield of faith is a powerful weapon, Church. Without the shield of faith held in place the Christian is vulnerable to attacks on faith itself! Consider this short sermon from Gurnall on the matter of Faith.

From sermon by William Gurnall entitled "WHY FAITH IS COMPARED TO A SHIELD"

William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour

The apostle compares faith to a shield because of a double resemblance between this grace and that particular piece of armor.

The first likeness is that the shield is not for defense of any one part of the body, as most other pieces are. The helmet is fitted for the head and the plate designed for the breast, but the shield is intended for defense of the whole body. Therefore it was to be made very large and was called a "gate" or "door" because it was so long and large that it covered the whole body. And if the shield was not large enough to cover every part at once, the skillful soldier could turn it this way or that way, to stop the swords or the arrows, no matter where they were directed.

This resemblance reminds us of the importance of faith in the life of a Christian. It defends the whole man - every part of the Christian is preserved by it. Sometimes the temptation is leveled at the head - at the saint's reasoning.

Satan will dispute the truth and, if he can, will make a Christian question the validity of faith merely because his understanding cannot comprehend it. And sometimes he prevails, blotting out a person's belief in the deity of Christ and in other great and profound truths of the Gospel. But faith intervenes between between the believer and this arrow, coming to the relief of the Christian's weak understanding.

Abraham, "being not weak in faith......considered not his own body now dead" ( Romans 4: 19 ) If reason had had the upper hand in the business, if that holy man had put the promise to a test of sense and reason, he would have been in danger of questioning the truth of it, although God Himself was the messenger. But faith brought him through the test.

"I will trust the Word of God", says the believer, "not my own blind reason".

- William Gurnall

I believe the reason the LORD has been putting this on my heart is because one of the main attacks on the believer is his faith. Satan uses the same strategies he used on Eve in the Garden.........hath God really said? Really? Lucifer wants to force you into using reasoning powers with his workers - because he is cunning and crafty and his plan is to destroy your faith. To cause you to no longer believe in Jesus Christ or the Written Word of God.

Satan is known for his subtilty. Therefore, we should expect him to come as an angel of light. These workers of Satan will appeal to your reasoning - such as God has added to his word now - there are greater revelations to be known, you must have an "open mind"..... they will accuse the brethren of being "fundamentalists", legalists who quote from the Old Testament, they will stand in the way of others receiving the truth even as Elymas the sorcerer attempted to stand in the way of the Apostle Paul delivering the truth to one who desired to know it!

Oh! How crafty are the workers of Satan! It is for this reason that the believer must understand how to discern a worker of Satan in their midst. It is by their fruits ye shall know them. The Testimony of the Ex-Satanist is a must read for all Christians that they may understand the strategies of Satan and how he operates.

*** NOTE ***
Whereas one blogger wrote he believed that all liberals were satanists i must disagree as I find there are more satanists pretending to be conservatives and Christians than one would ever find in the democratic party. This is how Satan deceives people. By infiltrating within their churches, by creating false religions, by infitrating all political parties, organizations, - to gain power in all political parties - to achieve his agenda of ushering in a one world luciferian order. His own One World Order. We must understand that Satan is not in one single political party, he is not infiltrating one single religion, one single church, one single organization or government but he is infiltrating by strategically installing his workers into all places both high and low.
Here is another stategy of Satan you can discern in churches, on religion boards, on the internet and in the work place. This is something that the LORD had me take notes on today and it is a deeper study of rightly dividing the Word of God and addressing the matter of judging Christians vs. judging false doctrine.

To begin - The Holy Spirit always confirms His own Word and today I was watching SBN on television and I find it to be a very anointed broadcast that offers many great teachings on the Holy Spirit. In the discussion I listened to today it was addressing the matter of judging Christians vs judging false doctrine. This caused me to grab a pen and paper and jot down some notes as everything these people were discussing was precisely what I had tried to explain to someone the other day - who was falsely accusing a Christian brother I know to be preaching the Gospel!

This message is so timely that I may even do a separate thread on it although for now we can keep it here.

Judging Christians vs Judging False Teachers / False Doctrines

As I have stated repeatedly on this message board, judging people for some sin they fell into 20 yrs ago or even last week is condemned by the Word of God. We are to cover the sins of others and not broadcast them on a message board, a television show or a prayer room where someone says oh please pray for brother so and so who is into this sin........

We are not to judge our Christian brethren! Satan is the accuser of the brethren. Not the Body of Christ! Amen? If a brother sins in the area of money, a rolex watch that offends you, a sin you caught him in, then go to him in private as the bible commands, follow the commands of the bible, bring one or two brothers as witnesses and if that does not work bring him before the church leadership but do not expose his sin to others. If he has a weakness with any sin, you who are spiritual restore him. Pray for him, cover his sin, be faithful to the LORD Jesus Christ and His Word. Amen?

*Note If someone is constantly judging ministers of the Gospel who preach the message of the Cross, if they are constantly condemning any minister or preacher of righteousness for some sin he committed in the past we can be sure that the one doing the accusations is much worse off in sin than the one they accuse because Romans 2:1 exposes that truth quite plainly. So watch for those who accuse ministers who preach the Word of God, who preach the message of the Cross and about the Holy Ghost because truly God has given us scripture to identify who these accusers are working for. Amen?

On the matter of judging False prophets, false teachers, false doctrine, we are to obey the Bible and expose them. Why? Because these workers of Satan are doing the body of Christ great harm and are teaching false doctrine publicly, they twist scripture into a lie, they do not preach the cross, holiness,obedience or the true Gospel..... they are causing others to sin. Ye, they do this publicly and we expose them publicly. This is Scriptural. The Apostle Paul did and so should we.
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When the Apostle Peter abandoned the cross for the law again Paul had to expose him publicly for it. The good news is Peter repented!

It is written:

But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed. For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles, but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision. And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him, insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation.

But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, if thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest though the Gentiles to live like the Jews?

Knowing that a man is not justified in the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not the works of the law, for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid.

For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.

I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now live by faith of teh Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself to me.

I do not frustrate the grace of God, for if righteousness come by the law, tehn Christ is dead in vain.

-Galatians 2: 11: 21

What happened? Paul withstood Peter to his face because he had started off with the cross and then reverted back to the law. He was publicly called out and rebuked for this. Keep in mind Peter was the eldest! As I stated earlier, Peter repented and the LORD dealt with Peter about this but we see here that Paul dealt with Peter publicly.

When I am not using a link - I am typing out the scriptures from the KJV here - not cutting and pasting.
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Next example of Paul warning the church of another brother who has departed from the faith:

It is written:

Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me:

For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica, Crescans to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia.

2 Timothy 4: 9, 10

Once again we see Paul exposing those who have departed from the faith.
Again, we see Paul exposing those who have caused him great harm.

It is written:

Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil, the Lord reward him according to his works. Of whom be thou ware also, for he hath greatly withstood our words. At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me, I pray God that it may not be brought to their charge.

Not withstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me, that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear, and I was delivered out of the mouth of a lion. And the Lord shall deliver me of every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Let's have a closer look at what Paul is describing here. Alexander did him much evil he states. He then warns the church beware of him also, for hath "greatly withstood our words"..... stop there... when you see a minister of the gospel preaching the written word of God and you then see men withstanding him greatly with their words - attempting to accuse him, derail the message of the gospel such as Elymas the Sorcerer did to Paul in the book of Acts, when you see this? You are witnessing a man or woman being used by Satan to attack and accuse the brethren and to prevent the Word of God from going forth. That is what you are witnessing.

What does Paul say next? He says at my first answer no man stood with him, but all men forsook him. Why? They had believed the liar, Alexander, rather than recognizing that Paul was sent to them to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How wicked it that? It is sad to consider but most likely Alexander is in hell today. Sad, isn't it? Lesson? Stop slandering the servants of God. The Lord works with the servants in delivering the Word of God and when you oppose them? You are striving against the Holy Spirit. Do not do it.

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Here we go again, with Alexander and this time Hymenius. Turn to 1 Timothy 1: 18 - 20

It is written:

This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare. Holding faith, and a good conscience, which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck.

Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme. - 1 Timothy 2: 18 - 20


What is happening here? Paul is telling Timothy, whom he calls son ( spiritual son ) to hold fast to his faith and a good conscience, which some having put away have made shipwreck. When someone causes you to put away your faith and your good conscience in order to buy into their lies? You know they are up to a great evil work against your very soul!!!

What is the verdict the Holy Spirit delivers to Paul concerning these men who have been openly exposed and yet continue to blaspheme? Paul delivers them to Satan. That is the final outcome of these men. It is the judgment of God on the matter and in my opinion it is a righteous judgment. That is what must be done sometimes. Notice Paul did not do this in the matter of Peter but still brought him to public account. Why? Peter did it in ignorance whereas these men Paul speaks of here were workers of Satan and their agenda was to destroy the faith of the brethren.

I do not believe anything angers me more than to see a believer fall for the lies of the sorcerers, wizards, witches, satanists who hide under the cloak of ministers of the gospel or mother nature let it be nonsense or "Bible scholars" or television evangelists even and all the while these men and women are workers of Satan who have come for only one purpose. To destroy the faith of those who want to believe and to oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ by spending all their waking hours preaching a powerless gospel that is more along the lines of Brother Boldea's sermon or openly blaspheming Jesus Christ and the Message of the Cross or accusing the brethren who preach the true Gospel as vile fundamentalists. Some one ought to look up the word fundamentalist and out these people for the liars and blasphemers that they are.

What do all these workers have in common? Pride. As the ex satanist said in his testimony the Ministers of Satan know the bible better than most people. They are scholars of the bible but their purpose is to destroy the power of the Gospel by keeping people talking every other subject but the message of the Cross. Like their father the devil they are full of pride. God resists the proud but gives grace unto the humble. Pray for such people that God would save their souls but do not listen to a word they write, speak or whisper in the backrooms of emails, etc. Do not have anything to do with them. Mark them as those who oppose the message of the Cross and walk away. Amen? Amen!

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What is a fundamentalist Christian?— 21 —

What is a fundamentalist Christian?

In recent times, the term "fundamentalist" has become commonly used by the news media to refer to any religious group whom they consider to hold radical views. We may recall frequent references to the mid-east Islamic fundamentalists who have been viewed as fanatics, and often responsible for acts of terrorism.

Similarly, liberal society uses the term fundamentalist to identify any Christian whom they consider to be an extremist. Generally, they classify a Christian as a radical fundamentalist if they merely believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible, if they hold views against sexual permissiveness, homosexuality, abortion on demand, or any views which are politically incorrect.

From the Christian perspective, fundamentalist has traditionally referred to any follower of Christ who believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and who believes in its literal interpretation and fundamental teachings. The fundamental Christian believes in the experience of the "new birth" which occurs when faith is placed in Christ as Savior and Lord. To the world this may be viewed as radical, but is very basic to the Christian faith.

The idea of Christian Fundamentalism first emerged as a movement in the 19th century within various Protestant bodies, who reacted against the rising tide of evolutionary theories and modernist Biblical criticism. From a Bible conference of Conservative Protestants meeting in Niagara in 1895, a statement was issued containing what came to be known as the five points of fundamentalism: The verbal inerrancy of Scripture, the divinity of Jesus Christ, the virgin birth, a substitutionary theory of the atonement, and the physical resurrection and bodily return of Christ.¹ In the first half of the 20th century, most Protestant churches in the U.S. were divided into either Fundamentalist or Modernist groups. The term has generally been applied to all those who adhere to strict, conservative (Protestant) orthodoxy in the matter of Biblical inspiration.

In the broad sense, fundamentalism may be used to describe Christians who are uncompromising, conservative and who take their beliefs to the maximum — exactly how every believer should live. But because of recent, increased activism by those identified as fundamentalists, who have promoted unethical actions such as bringing violence against abortion clinics, doctors etc., some academic circles believe that fundamentalism has been redefined by our society. They believe that the philosophy of fundamentalism (at least in the world's eyes) has evolved into a legitimate form of extremism, with views too radical for the balanced, evangelical Christian. For this reason, fundamentalism may no longer be a term which accurately conveys what orthodox Christians really believe.

¹ The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church


I disagree with the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church vehemently. From the Christian perspective, fundamentalist has traditionally referred to any follower of Christ who believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and who believes in its literal interpretation and fundamental teachings. The fundamental Christian believes in the experience of the "new birth" which occurs when faith is placed in Christ as Savior and Lord. To the world this may be viewed as radical, but is very basic to the Christian faith.

Except for the defining of the word here:

From the Christian perspective, fundamentalist has traditionally referred to any follower of Christ who believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and who believes in its literal interpretation and fundamental teachings. The fundamental Christian believes in the experience of the "new birth" which occurs when faith is placed in Christ as Savior and Lord. To the world this may be viewed as radical, but is very basic to the Christian faith.

Christians should not run from the term fundamentalist because some murderers bombed an abortion clinic in Gods name or murdered an abortionist in Gods name. Why? Because anyone who murders in Gods name is not a Christian! Not a fundamentalist Christian, not a moderate Christian, not a Christian at all! The Bible speaks for itself. We are to obey the commands. Thou shalt not kill. That is the commandment of God to use the excuse that because some murderers were identified as fundamentalists we now abandon the term entirely is nonsense. What is happening is they are giving the enemy a foothold. This is just one example of many on how the Church is not quite aware of the strategies of the enemy.
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In Romans 1 : 29, 30, 31, 32 we learn exactly who opposes God, His Son & The Holy Spirit.

It is written:

And as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.

Knowing that those who do such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. - Romans 1:28 - 32

That is the fruit of those like Alexander, Hymenaeus and others who oppose those who preach Gospel of Jesus Christ. These are an evil company the christian goes up against. Still, when we read Jude we know that we are called to defend the faith and that is what we must do.
A scripture to encourage the believer in God's justice.

It is written:

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you. - 2 Thessalonians 2: 6

They are hating God and we are the vessels they are taking it out on.
This is why God counts it a righteous thing to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you, Christian. Be encouraged! If God be for you who can stand against you? Amen? Amen!
Forward the video to 15:36 and watch in it's entirety. This is the anointing of the Holy Spirit, it is tangible and real. Experience the anointing of the Holy Spirit and listen to the model's testimony and her mothers testimony. This is the power of the Holy Spirit.

[ame=]Kathryn Kuhlman Melodyland 1969, 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Kathryn Kuhlman How to Be Filled and Controlled By the Holy Spirit - YouTube[/ame]
The anointing on these videos is as fresh as it was the day they were made I believe. It is so wonderful to be in the presence of God and soak in the anointing. It is so wonderful to listen to music the anointing on it. What could be more wonderful that the presence of the Lord? Is it any wonder David desired the LORD more than anything else in his life? As the deer panteth after the water brook so my soul pants for thee, O God...

[ame=]Kathryn Kuhlman The Presence of God - YouTube[/ame]
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Music that ushers in the presence of the Lord. Sing the words that are accompanying each song and let the Spirit of the LORD flood your souls today.

[ame=]Benny Hinn Worship Collection with Lyrics - Atmosphere for Miracles - YouTube[/ame]
The precious Holy Spirit is doing something so wonderful in this place today. I feel His presence so sweetly! Oh! Thank you, Lord! I give you all the praise for what you are doing here today. You are so sweet!
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