Pentacostal Fire

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I love you, Sister. I have to tell you something. God has used you so mightily in my life. I told my sister in Christ today who visited me here in my room -( I am unable to leave my bed after an accident ) I know that God is using a sister in Jesus I know on a message board to speak to my heart about how I relate to others - I know the LORD is using her to bring healing to me in a very deep place and I want to receive what the LORD is teaching me through her - because there is a place in me that is in needs of this - I know it is there - I do not know how to get to it. ( I could not even see it! )

She said to me, Obvious sins are like patio and porch cleaning. But the Holy Spirit goes inside from room to room and this is to settle you for the work He has for you. It has to be all of Him and none of you. I knew that was the Holy Spirit. There can be be none of me and not even in this place of His doing this work in me - I cannot help Him along nor speed him up. I cannot tell Him how to do it. I only know that He must do it. I thank you for your patience with me as I an unfinished work in process. ( and will be until the day I see Him ) I also think that it was divine providence that I have become held to my room and cannot leave. It is a place of helplessness - depending on others - which I have never liked - yet the LORD is pleased to have me in this place and today I am very thankful to Him that He has. I thank Him profusely for it today. I thank God for you Sister and pray His blessings are poured over you this day. - Jeri
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Ashtara I woke up this morning thinking of you and how much God loves you. It was such a sweet compassion Jesus poured into my heart for you. I pray you feel it today because it is from Him and is most genuine.
[ame=]I KNOW WHO HOLDS TOMORROW ( with Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]What a Friend we have in Jesus (Southern Gospel) - YouTube[/ame]
1 Samuel 23:15 Parallel: And David saw that Saul was come out to seek his life: and David was in the wilderness of Ziph in a wood.

Cross References

1 Samuel 23:14
And David abode in the wilderness in strong holds, and remained in a mountain in the wilderness of Ziph. And Saul sought him every day, but God delivered him not into his hand.

1 Samuel 23:16
And Jonathan Saul's son arose, and went to David into the wood, and strengthened his hand in God.

1 Samuel 26:3
And Saul pitched in the hill of Hachilah, which is before Jeshimon, by the way. But David abode in the wilderness, and he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness.

There are times in the life of a Christian when "Saul" is going to seek your life. ( or the anointing on your life ) Still, but you can be sure that God's hand is upon you, Christian. He will only permit Saul to go so far and then the day will come that Saul will fall upon his own sword. It is an interesting thing to note that Jesus went about doing good. The Christian seeks to do good and the bible tells us in Psalm 23 surely goodness and mercy shall "follow you all the days of your life".. How different that is for the one who goes about seeking to do bad. Seeking for the opportunity to do harm. Just one chapter later in 1 Samuel 24 David saves Sauls life! Did that stop Saul from seeking to murder David? No. Unfortunately Saul had lost his crown due to his own failure to obey God but he would not accept responsibility for his own rebellion. He refused to let God deal with his heart and in the end his mind became so darkened that he sought the counsel of a witch! He disguised himself when he went to visit her which tells me he didn't even consider that God saw all that he was doing.

King Saul is a very important lesson and so is the heart of David because David by keeping a pure heart before the LORD prevailed against his enemies. I love how the LORD kept King David through so many trials. Surely the LORD is with us in all of our trials in life. It is a precious thought to know He is constantly thinking about us. The LORD loves His children! He surely loves His children!
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If it is any consolation to you, Capstone. I do not attend a modern church. ...

Why should that be of any consolation to me? :dunno:

As far as I'm concerned, you're still polluting the world with the dictates of a religious mythology that should have gone the way of its Sumerian, Greek, and Roman progenitor-mythologies long before now.

...I am a Pentacostal and have nothing to do with what is going on out there. ...

It seems you don't have a whole hell of a lot to do with what's going on in the dimension of existence known as 'reality' either. :doubt:

You'd be doing the world a favor if you comfined your loosely-knit ministry to the streets. And I mean that literally. Find a nice quiet street in the middle of nowhere and preach to the pavement and blacktop to your collective heart's desire. Just, please, stop trying to spread your insanity to the rest of humanity, because, whether you realize it or not, your particular brand of delusional thinking really is communicable!

...I do understand your point about the entertainment, etc. Reinhardt Bonnke said the less the church has of the Holy Spirit the more they have to serve coffee cake and coffee. I believe Bonnke knows what is going on over here but he is praying about it.

Look, I'm not out to pass judgement on your bromance with Bonnke, but if you think for a second that the man's any different than the indigenous 'mega church' money-grubbers over here, I have a great deal of confidence there's a cold reality sandwich with your name on it getting stale somewhere. It's only a matter of time, if he hasn't already been exposed.

...On the continent of Africa where Bonnke is people get out of wheel chairs, people are healed of blindness, deafness, cancer, you name it they get completely healed. Here in America? It's not happening so much. Why do you think that is? What is missing?

Off the top of my head, I'd say what's missing in Africa is a concerted effort by non-believers to expose him as the snake-charming charlatan he probably is (notice there's been no shortage of such efforts against phony holy men on this side of the world), although it's likely that other social/racial factors have played into his fame and success, as well.

I have not read this whole thread yet Cap but just a reminder for you to possibly consider. God allowed a snake to charm Adam through Eve. That had a purpose as everything does. Adam=human Eve-Chavva= 'to teach, to show where breathe is, to show where life is', taken out of human while human was asleep= 'dead to the spirit'.
A human with a living soul cannot live in Eden= 'pleasure' the garden of their own pleasure forever.
1 Samuel 18:11 and he hurled it, saying to himself, "I'll pin David to the wall." But David eluded him twice.

And Saul cast the javelin; for he said, I will smite David even to the wall with it. And David avoided out of his presence twice.


The Lord led me back to this story about David this morning and his trials concerning King Saul. It looks as if it begins after David's victory over Goliath. King Saul's own son, Jonathan loves David. So do the people of Israel who proclaim "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. The the scriptures tell us that, "Saul was very wroth, and the saying displeased him and he said, They have ascribed unto David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed but thousands, and what can he have more than the kingdom? And Saul eyed David from that day forward. - 1 Samuel 18: 8 - 9

From that time in 1 Samuel 18: 10 Saul attempts to slay David by throwing a javelin at him. Then beginning in 1 Samuel 18:17 he attempts to trick David into fighting the Philistines - Then in 1 Samuel 19 he commands his Servants to kill David. Then in 19: 8 ,9, 10 of the same chapter he attempts to murder David again throwing yet another javelin at him. Then in verse 11 of the same chapter he sends his messengers to kill David, the in verse 18 of the same chapter he becomes so brazen as to even attempt to come kill David at the prophet Samuels house! Then in chapter 20 he commands his own son, Jonathan to bring David to be killed and in chapter 21 we see God arranges a priest to protect David! By Chapter 22 we see Saul slaying the priests of God! Still Saul continues to wax worse and worse, bolder and bolder in his attempt to take David off the scene! His murderous heart is the very reason for his own death and the death of his son. How awful it is to allow envy, jealousy to take root in the heart, the bitterness in Sauls heart was downright horrific! Then continuing on in further chapters of the story David saves Sauls life again and again! All the while Saul continues to deviously plot out the destruction of David. Not realizing that the pit he has dug is the one that will bury him and his own son in the future. What an ending.
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