Pentagon memo shows the lies of the Jan. 6 committee and the Soviet Show trial it is...MIlley said security was taken care of.

Yeah....hey guys, I have a lot of supporters coming on Jan. 6....I want the place to be safe....Miller, and milley? Yes sir, it is covered......

That, you moron, was an order, and an acknowledgement of that doofus....

Except Miller and Milley said the exact opposite, there was no order, no plan, and frankly, they probably didn't think that Trump would incite a riot.

Here's the problem with blaming anyone but Trump. Every last one of these people kept hoping the man had some shred of integrity and would follow norms.

Cries an internet warrior...

Why would I want to see a pic of you pussy?
But if you want you can send me your contact info and we can take care of this like men…you fuck.
Here is a look at behind the scenes in the White House before the Jan. 6 Trump tells Milley and the rest to make sure there are enough National Guard and military to keep the capitol safe.....

Doesn't mean jack-$hit...

DOES signify is why troops might have been needed in the FIRST place...

Not to mention who summoned and whipped-up those traitorous fools...
Why would I want to see a pic of you pussy?
But if you want you can send me your contact info and we can take care of this like men…you fuck.


Poor Peewee, I know you are but what am I really is the best you can do.

Except Miller and Milley said the exact opposite, there was no order, no plan, and frankly, they probably didn't think that Trump would incite a riot.

Here's the problem with blaming anyone but Trump. Every last one of these people kept hoping the man had some shred of integrity and would follow norms.

Except for Trump telling them he wanted enough security there..,,,,and as the President telling them that, they received an order and assured him it was taken care of…,
Fighting for our country used to be a noble near requirement for All Americans but Democrats have turned that reality into their typical hoax
Like Trump did?
Donald Trump - who dodged the military draft - said that dating in the Eighties was his own 'personal Vietnam'.

The Republican presidential candidate told shock jock Howard Stern that he felt 'lucky' not to have picked up an STD while sleeping around during the decade.

Trump added that he felt like a 'great and very brave soldier' when he appeared on the show in 1997.

Then, republicans, again, shit all over our veterans.

Joly 28 2022
Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a bill to help veterans exposed to toxic burn pits weeks after the measure initially sailed through the Senate with 84 votes.

The bill would significantly change how the Department of Veterans Affairs cares for veterans who were exposed to toxic substances by compelling VA to presume that certain illnesses are linked to exposure to hazardous waste incineration, mostly focused on the issue of burn pits from recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. That would remove the burden of proof from the injured veterans.
Like Trump did?
Donald Trump - who dodged the military draft - said that dating in the Eighties was his own 'personal Vietnam'.

The Republican presidential candidate told shock jock Howard Stern that he felt 'lucky' not to have picked up an STD while sleeping around during the decade.

Trump added that he felt like a 'great and very brave soldier' when he appeared on the show in 1997.

Then, republicans, again, shit all over our veterans.

Joly 28 2022
Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a bill to help veterans exposed to toxic burn pits weeks after the measure initially sailed through the Senate with 84 votes.

The bill would significantly change how the Department of Veterans Affairs cares for veterans who were exposed to toxic substances by compelling VA to presume that certain illnesses are linked to exposure to hazardous waste incineration, mostly focused on the issue of burn pits from recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. That would remove the burden of proof from the injured veterans.
Trump actually served , and did for free , true patriot
Trump actually served , and did for free , true patriot
THAT'S what Trump said.
No one has verified that since the first year, he was in office.

Even if he was president for no salary for all 4 years, it doesn't even come close to paying for just Trump's golf days, at a cost of $151 million in taxpayer $$$.

A true criminal.
THAT'S what Trump said.
No one has verified that since the first year, he was in office.

Even if he was president for no salary for all 4 years, it doesn't even come close to paying for just Trump's golf days, at a cost of $151 million in taxpayer $$$.

A true criminal.
He was our most respected commander-in-chief since General Patton .. they love him. Wow what a leader
Poor little proven lying moron. Still throwing your tantrum and supporting Schumer encouraging an assassination attempt on Kavanaugh. I’m much smarter than you retard.
You're not even smarter than Trump, let alone a grade school graduate.

Trump encourages Adam Schiff assignation.

January 26 2020
President Donald Trump on Sunday suggested that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., will pay a "price" for his role in the impeachment saga.

"Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man," Trump tweeted. "He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!"
As is every poster debunking your blatant bullshit. Go piss up a rope retard. Your bullshit doesn’t fly. Continue your tantrum , maybe mommy can find your binky.....
Lies aren't debunking, idiot, they're just lies.
Lies, of course, republicans can't prove.
He was our most respected commander-in-chief since General Patton .. they love him. Wow what a leader
That's why the retard wanted to be on Mount Rushmore?

On Aug. 9, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted that he thought it would be a “good idea” to add his likeness to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.

This is Fake News by the failing @nytimes & bad ratings @CNN. Never suggested it although, based on all of the many things accomplished during the first 3 1/2 years, perhaps more than any other Presidency, sounds like a good idea to me!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 10, 2020
Lol, so if Trump had said that Pelosi will pay in his speech. You would be alright with Jan 6?
You do know that Schumer s comment was at a rally TWO YEARS AGO, and not even remotely connected to the alleged assassin, don't you?

And you do know that two years ago when Schumer made his comment at a rally, that within 24 hours he came out and apologized, don't you?

If you do know these facts, what's your problem, your bitch, your comparison???
NOT part of Trump's Delusional Sycophants
Our softball team went to a restaurant like this, we all ended up pissing on the floor .. made the owner go up there and clean it up.
Sure you did, you would have been arrested, moron.
We told him to take it down or we will be back tomorrow, he took it down lol
NOT going to waste all that $$$ for a few degenerates, pissing on the I stated.........Delusional.

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