Pentagon memo shows the lies of the Jan. 6 committee and the Soviet Show trial it is...MIlley said security was taken care of.

They did Not Want ample security there because they needed their home grown “insurrection” to succeed to divert attention from the miserable results of the Biden administration with mid terms looming.
You can read the ENTIRE DOD IG report for yourself here: V2 508.PDF

Prior to the January 6 insurrection, there had been two other protests in Washington, DC related to Trump's Big Lie. One was on November 14. The "Million MAGA March."

Approximately 11,000 MAGAturds turned violent in the evening. The National Guard was not called out for this protest.

The next MAGA DC protest was on December 12. The Proud Boys were there.

Again, the National Guard was not called out.

Thus it was not anticipated the NG would be needed on January 6.

Another factor was the "optics" of the NG on the streets. This is because of Trump's bullshit Bible photo op. There was public backlash over the use of troops during that event to clear the streets, and General Milley felt especially burned by Trump for using him in the photo op that way.

Nevertheless, the National Guard was put on standby for January 6. Milley had a Quick Reaction Force standing by.

All Trump had to do was give the signal, and the National Guard would have been immediately sent in.

Instead, he sat in his dining room jacking off in front of the TV for over three hours.
From the IG report I linked in my last post:

We asked Mr. McCarthy what information he or his staff received about planned protests and the potential for violence in the days before January 6, 2021. He and other witnesses told us that the MPD forecasted activity similar to election protests and counter-protests that occurred on November 14 and December 12, 2020.


Army Staff witnesses told us that the DoD did not plan for the anticipated January 5 and 6, 2021, election protests until the DCNG received the D.C. government’s RFA. They said that there were no contingency plans for conducting CDOs in D.C. because the DoD acts only in response to specific requests from civil authorities unless the President invokes the Insurrection Act.
Mayor Bowser ordered a 7:00 p.m. curfew for Washington, D.C., on June 1, 2020. During the early evening, Federal law enforcement officers cleared Lafayette Square of protesters before the President spoke at the nearby St. John’s Episcopal Church. Although mobilized DCNG troops were present, they did not participate in the removal of protesters from Lafayette Square. Protests continued throughout that night and the DCNG deployed its available assets in force. It was during these events that a DCNG UH-72 medical evacuation helicopter was filmed hovering over a group of protesters. The recording was widely publicized in the news and on social media. One media outlet, Politico, reported, “The optics of the past 72 hours are putting people inside the halls of the Pentagon on edge as images of U.S. troops on the streets of the nation’s capital dominate airwaves across the globe.”
Mr. Miller told us, “There was absolutely no way … I was putting U.S. military forces at the Capitol, period.” He cited media stories alleging that the President’s advisors were pushing him to declare martial law to invalidate the election and that Mr. Miller was an ally installed as the Acting SecDef to facilitate a coup. He also cited a January 3, 2021 open letter from 10 former Secretaries of Defense warning the DoD not to use the military in a manner antithetical to the U.S. Constitution. Mr. Miller stated that he “made a very deliberate decision that I would not put U.S. military people … East of the 9th Street, northwest. ... And the reason for that was I knew if the morning of the 6th or prior if we put U.S. military personnel on the Capitol, I would have created the greatest Constitutional crisis probably since the Civil War.”
Mr. Miller and GEN Milley met with the President at the White House at 5:30 p.m. The primary topic they discussed was unrelated to the scheduled rally. GEN Milley told us that at the end of the meeting, the President told Mr. Miller that there would be a large number of protestors on January 6, 2021, and Mr. Miller should ensure sufficient National Guard or Soldiers would be there to make sure it was a safe event. Gen Milley told us that Mr. Miller responded, “We’ve got a plan and we’ve got it covered.”
Mr. McCarthy and other witnesses emphasized that there was a direct relationship between the lessons learned from the involvement of DoD personnel during the June 2020 civil disturbances and the specific language in the written employment guidance designed to achieve the clarity of purpose he gave to MG Walker. Mr. McCarthy also emphasized to us that he was conscious of having Soldiers on D.C. streets, and particularly near the Capitol as Congress certified the presidential election results, because this could create a false impression that the military was playing a role in the election process. One witness told us that June 2020 taught Mr. McCarthy the importance of a deliberate decision-making process—that he could not simply approve RFAs and let the DCNG figure out the details.
They had a plan for sure. To foster disruption within theCapitol after the protestors had been let in
The President and the Secretary of Defense are the only two people authorized to mobilize the National Guard.

Milley never received a call from Trump and so he took it upon himself to call in the Guard.
Hutchinson's testimony hearsay is still accurate right?
Hutchinson said, at the moment, this is what Ornate told me.
She never claimed to have heard it directly.
Yes, 100% hearsay.
You can quit arguing this point.
What Hutchinson said about the SUV is 100% hearsay, it doesn't me it's a lie.

But nobody has refuted what she said.
they have publicly denied Hutchinsons lies...
No they didn't.
There were hearsay reports that said the SS was willing to refute what she said.
They haven't.
In FACT, they lawyered up.
Maybe CH lied her ass off, I don't think she did, why would she?

Nobody has refuted her testimony under oath.
SS, Ornate and Elder, come in under oath and tell your story.
Either confirm or refute what CH said you told her.
Hutchinson said, at the moment, this is what Ornate told me.
She never claimed to have heard it directly.
Yes, 100% hearsay.
You can quit arguing this point.
What Hutchinson said about the SUV is 100% hearsay, it doesn't me it's a lie.

But nobody has refuted what she said.

No they didn't.
There were hearsay reports that said the SS was willing to refute what she said.
They haven't.
In FACT, they lawyered up.
Maybe CH lied her ass off, I don't think she did, why would she?

Nobody has refuted her testimony under oath.
SS, Ornate and Elder, come in under oath and tell your story.
With confirm or refute what CH said you told her.
Nobody need refute what she said because what she said is hearsay. Nobody refutes a comment that is self invalidating.
Hutchinson said, at the moment, this is what Ornate told me.
She never claimed to have heard it directly.
Yes, 100% hearsay.
You can quit arguing this point.
What Hutchinson said about the SUV is 100% hearsay, it doesn't me it's a lie.
but trump says he called Nancy and you say he didn't. wow.
after the protestors had been let in
Just stop ^^^^^
Post me a video of corrupt capitol police letting protesters in and I'll show you many more videos of protesters attacking police, breaking through barriers, and breaking into the capitol.

Do you actual have a video of capitol police letting protesters into the Capitol?
Not the grounds, but into the Capitol.


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