Pentagon memo shows the lies of the Jan. 6 committee and the Soviet Show trial it is...MIlley said security was taken care of.

Then why wasn't it?

Defending the Capitol from American Citizens Trump incited to riot isn't the military's job.

Here's the thing, you were in the NG, how much Civil Disturbance training did you actually get. Maybe that one day during that drill weekend in December before family day.

There would have been no need for the National Guard if Trump hadn't called on his followers to storm the Capitol to start with. If he had merely conceded he really lost by 8 million votes and the people had spoken.
What a pile of shit from jobless Incel Joe. There was no call from Trump to storm the Capitol moron. Trump offered the extra security and Pisslosi and the DC Mayor refused it.
So, they were taken off the street and arrested, some went to jail..............18,000 of them.
SOooooooo, WTF does THAT have to do with the January 6th attack on the US capitol building?

More Trumptard "WHATABOUTISM".
No one defended and praised the looters and arsonist.

So, why are teabaggers defending the attack on the US capitol?
Hey retard, Harris bailed them out so they could cause more trouble. You and your ilk defended those rioters all year and you know it. So STFU asshole. And keep your gay fantasies to yourself. That seems to be a pattern with you leftist “men”....
So, they were taken off the street and arrested, some went to jail..............18,000 of them.
SOooooooo, WTF does THAT have to do with the January 6th attack on the US capitol building?

More Trumptard "WHATABOUTISM".
No one defended and praised the looters and arsonist.

So, why are teabaggers defending the attack on the US capitol?
Here is a look at behind the scenes in the White House before the Jan. 6 Trump tells Milley and the rest to make sure there are enough National Guard and military to keep the capitol safe.....

Wow, the Democrats' / Jan 6 Committee's case / false narratives just went to shit..
Hey retard, Harris bailed them out so they could cause more trouble.
NO, she didn't.
You and your ilk defended those rioters all year and you know it.
You're FOS.
You have rioters and protesters confused, not surprised, moron.
So STFU asshole. And keep your gay fantasies to yourself. That seems to be a pattern with you leftist “men”....
I'm not the idiot. that named their cult 'Tea Party".
Then cry when they get made fun of.
Still doesn't have anything to do with the CAPITOL RIOTS, you MORON.
Nope....nice try....the memo states Trump wanted enough security because of people like you and your blm, and antifa brownshirts......7 months of looting, burning and killing, some right outside the White House made it apparent the democrats would call out their brown shirts......and his staff said it was covered........

Pelosi is in charge of the capitol police and capitol security...she turned down the National Guard, knowing that her minions were going to start trouble....

So all the BLM guys made the White Trash MAGAts storm the capital? I guess you guys are mindless zombies.

Trump is the guy who riled these people up.
Trump is the guy who sat on his hands for three hours while the riots raged out of control, when HIS OWN FAMILY begged him to do something.

It isn't Miley's job to secure the capitol. It was Trump's job to heed the judgment of the people and not try to stage a coup.
None the less it shows that leaders in your party supported the rioters that killed Americans, burned and looted businesses, and killed police.
Another RWNJ lie.
WHO supported them, name them.
AND STILL doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the capitol riots.

RWNJ's are TRYING to compare the two, only the gullible believe them.
Another RWNJ lie.
WHO supported them, name them.
AND STILL doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the capitol riots.

RWNJ's are TRYING to compare the two, only the gullible believe them.
They’ve been named endlessly you idiot…calling names and trying to win by personal attack does nothing for you…Except reveal your lacking character.
Here is a look at behind the scenes in the White House before the Jan. 6 Trump tells Milley and the rest to make sure there are enough National Guard and military to keep the capitol safe.....

J6 Reichstag Fire
They’ve been named endlessly you idiot
Then it should be an issue to name one or two.
…calling names and trying to win by personal attack does nothing for you…Except reveal your lacking character.
Darn, it works so well, with Trump............and his cult.

“Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb,” Matt Gaetz told the crowd of young conservatives.
Then why wasn't it?

Defending the Capitol from American Citizens Trump incited to riot isn't the military's job.

Here's the thing, you were in the NG, how much Civil Disturbance training did you actually get. Maybe that one day during that drill weekend in December before family day.

There would have been no need for the National Guard if Trump hadn't called on his followers to storm the Capitol to start with. If he had merely conceded he really lost by 8 million votes and the people had spoken.
Lol, Trump said peacefully let your voice be heard. But Schumer said Kavanaugh will pay and a guy was arrested trying to kill him. Schumer needs to be locked up.
Then it should be an issue to name one or two.

Darn, it works so well, with Trump............and his cult.

“Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb,” Matt Gaetz told the crowd of young conservatives.
What a childish response….

Matt Gaetz triggered you?
Then why wasn't it?

Defending the Capitol from American Citizens Trump incited to riot isn't the military's job.

Here's the thing, you were in the NG, how much Civil Disturbance training did you actually get. Maybe that one day during that drill weekend in December before family day.

There would have been no need for the National Guard if Trump hadn't called on his followers to storm the Capitol to start with. If he had merely conceded he really lost by 8 million votes and the people had spoken.

Why did Nancy refuse the help?
Pelosi, who refused help when it was offered...
When did this so called offer occur? Did Benedict Donald tell the capitol police or the General that he was going to send all the pissed off folks at his "SaveMyAss Rally" to the Capitol during the ceremonial counting of the State Electoral votes?

Did the Criminal President let Pelosi know his Browns Shirts Boys had a plan to breach the Building and halt the count?
What a pile of shit from jobless Incel Joe. There was no call from Trump to storm the Capitol moron. Trump offered the extra security and Pisslosi and the DC Mayor refused it.
Why would he do that for a peaceful rally away from the Capitol? Did he let McConnell know that he was going to send his pissed off MAGAMOB to the Capitol during the Joint Session?
The secret sevice protects the VP in the capital, maybe the speaker too. The CP are the ones in charge of regular security and protecting members of congress.

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