People have started a movement to boycott NBC.........

Cool, now I know which side wants to silence the other. Thanks Democrats.

who wants to silence anybody? ABC had biden locked in as soon as donny backed out of the debate. it was slimy of NBC to have donny on at the same time. i understand that NBC 'called' ABC to try to get them to move the time.

lol ... wtf?

& THAT'S why i'm not watching NBC. if they held a town hall with donny wed night or fri night - i would have watched both.

they fucked up.

Well, you can't blame NBC for the timing of Trump's rally. Trump did that specifically because he wants to try to siphon off some of Biden's support. All NBC did was agree to broadcast it, Trump is the one responsible for the timing.

i understand that - but they could have said no.

their desire for ratings overrode their ethics & it's just like 2016. they played right into donny's cheeto dusted hands.

they were weak.

If NBC had refused to broadcast Trump's rally tonight, all the Trump supporters would be screaming bloody murder, and so would Trump. Matter of fact, he'd use that as a talking point and say that the media is trying to silence him.
Cool, now I know which side wants to silence the other. Thanks Democrats.

who wants to silence anybody? ABC had biden locked in as soon as donny backed out of the debate. it was slimy of NBC to have donny on at the same time. i understand that NBC 'called' ABC to try to get them to move the time.

lol ... wtf?

& THAT'S why i'm not watching NBC. if they held a town hall with donny wed night or fri night - i would have watched both.

they fucked up.

I know what boycotts attempt to do. They are an attempt to destroy and silence. Maim and harm. Democrats from grassroots to big tech have borne their fangs and are actively trying to silence differing opinions.

On the other hand, I didn't say anything specifically about you, now did I?

choosing not to watch is not the same kinda 'boycotting' as boycotting their advertisers.

but thanx for the false equivalency.
boycotts are bunch of bullshit.....
Boycotts work.

The Nature boycott got them to budge.
for some people....some people like me think they are a bunch of bullshit....
Nice broad brush you got there. Would you boycott your favorite restaurant if they started serving everything covered with toe jam and dingleberries?
learn what a broad brush is mo....its not "some" people.....yea i know i was shocked too.....and if my favorite restaurant did that.....i would go to another restaurant....
It seems that people are pissed at NBC for broadcasting Trump's town hall at the same time another station is broadcasting Biden's town hall. When Trump refused to debate Biden virtually, Biden decided to do a town hall on the date scheduled for the debate. After Biden announced that he was having a town hall, Trump decided to hold his own rally at the same time Biden's is being broadcast.
Because of that, there are many people out there who are advocating a boycott of NBC.

Trump already had his ABC town hall and I don't recall that being a problem, so why is it a problem Biden will do one? Other than the fact that Trump answered every question about his policies with cogent ANSWERS about policy, we know instead tonight Joe will use every question about him instead to rip Trump with malicious spin and lies which Trump won't be there to defend and call Joe out on; instead, ABC should have just included Trump as well so both could debate together, or still had a second debate this week elsewhere with the two of them, if that isn't too much for Joe.​
They shouldn't be mad at NBC, maybe they ought to be mad at ABC for not bringing Trump on board when he is clearly fit and medically cleared to the nines to do so, or would that be too much a trauma for Biden as well? Would that be too much for the DNC to prep for? Isn't Biden doing a solo debate a little like Joe hiding again?​
Either way, I'd be shocked if the Trump/NBC debate wasn't a set up anyway with NBC creating another hostile and loaded environment like ABC/Stephanopolis did. But I'll be watching Trump regardless, at least that will be something to watch, with Joe, we all know in advance what kind of easy softball questions and loaded BS answers he will give, but as far as taking away from Joe's audience, did all of a sudden the world lose all their DVRs to watch one and record the other? And if Trump pulls in 50 million viewers and Joe 5 million, doesn't that say something as well?​

Hey, Trump was offered the chance to debate Biden remotely, but Trump refused. And, doing remote debates isn't something new, Nixon and Kennedy had a remote debate back in 1960, so it's not like we don't have the technology to do it. Trump is afraid to debate Biden, so he used that as an excuse to bow out of the remaining debates.

A remote offer is no offer at all. The commission should have just hung in there and not cancelled the planned debate so early unless if like two days ago, Trump was still looking bad.
Cool, now I know which side wants to silence the other. Thanks Democrats.

who wants to silence anybody? ABC had biden locked in as soon as donny backed out of the debate. it was slimy of NBC to have donny on at the same time. i understand that NBC 'called' ABC to try to get them to move the time.

lol ... wtf?

& THAT'S why i'm not watching NBC. if they held a town hall with donny wed night or fri night - i would have watched both.

they fucked up.

Well, you can't blame NBC for the timing of Trump's rally. Trump did that specifically because he wants to try to siphon off some of Biden's support. All NBC did was agree to broadcast it, Trump is the one responsible for the timing.

i understand that - but they could have said no.

their desire for ratings overrode their ethics & it's just like 2016. they played right into donny's cheeto dusted hands.

they were weak.

If NBC had refused to broadcast Trump's rally tonight, all the Trump supporters would be screaming bloody murder, and so would Trump. Matter of fact, he'd use that as a talking point and say that the media is trying to silence him.

so what? ooooOOOOoooo MAGATs gonna get mad.

in other words - they are pussies. looks like donny grabbed them, because ' they let him'.

& biden supporters - which there are more of us - would have applauded NBC & perhaps given the fence sitters a reason to think critically as to why they didn't have donny.
It seems that people are pissed at NBC for broadcasting Trump's town hall at the same time another station is broadcasting Biden's town hall. When Trump refused to debate Biden virtually, Biden decided to do a town hall on the date scheduled for the debate. After Biden announced that he was having a town hall, Trump decided to hold his own rally at the same time Biden's is being broadcast.

Because of that, there are many people out there who are advocating a boycott of NBC.

NBC F'd up, broke the rules they and all broadcasting agreed to in 1985.... not to allow the President to manipulate the news stations for the presidents own personal use.....

Having a town hall for Trump, the same day and hour as the Biden town hall is a disservice to all Americans..... we now have to choose, which one to watch...dividing us....

Nbc should have done it, at a different time on a different day, so we the people could watch each candidate, live.

Agreed, but if NBC had refused to broadcast Trump's rally, his supporters would have been pissed. Sorry, but I don't see this as anything other than a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation for them. And, to tell you the truth, NBC didn't decide on the timing of Trump's rally, Trump and his people did. And, Trump is the one who is responsible for a lot of the division in this country right now.
I don't all. NBC should have said no, and not let the President manipulate them, in to keeping people, from not watching Biden.

They should have done it, at a different time...regardless of the Trump Twitter heat they would have gotten. People are making foolish, and lawless decisions all over the place from inner gvt to NFL to you name it, all because they fear the wrath of Trump tweets.....and decency and the norms of ethics, have disintegrated, right before our eyes because everyone is scared of the Bully n Chief.
It seems that people are pissed at NBC for broadcasting Trump's town hall at the same time another station is broadcasting Biden's town hall. When Trump refused to debate Biden virtually, Biden decided to do a town hall on the date scheduled for the debate. After Biden announced that he was having a town hall, Trump decided to hold his own rally at the same time Biden's is being broadcast.

Because of that, there are many people out there who are advocating a boycott of NBC.

Personally, I think it's time to ditch the presidential debate commission altogether. Instead of these structured debates, of which nobody follows the rules anyway, just have a town hall style forum and let the candidates go at it with each other over what ever topic they want. The moderator can be there just to try and steer the discussions in a certain direction and to bring things back down to earth if the candidates reach a point where they are talking over each other and squabbling too much.
It seems that people are pissed at NBC for broadcasting Trump's town hall at the same time another station is broadcasting Biden's town hall. When Trump refused to debate Biden virtually, Biden decided to do a town hall on the date scheduled for the debate. After Biden announced that he was having a town hall, Trump decided to hold his own rally at the same time Biden's is being broadcast.

Because of that, there are many people out there who are advocating a boycott of NBC.

NBC F'd up, broke the rules they and all broadcasting agreed to in 1985.... not to allow the President to manipulate the news stations for the presidents own personal use.....

Having a town hall for Trump, the same day and hour as the Biden town hall is a disservice to all Americans..... we now have to choose, which one to watch...dividing us....

Nbc should have done it, at a different time on a different day, so we the people could watch each candidate, live.

Agreed, but if NBC had refused to broadcast Trump's rally, his supporters would have been pissed. Sorry, but I don't see this as anything other than a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation for them. And, to tell you the truth, NBC didn't decide on the timing of Trump's rally, Trump and his people did. And, Trump is the one who is responsible for a lot of the division in this country right now.
I don't all. NBC should have said no, and not let the President manipulate them, in to keeping people, from not watching Biden.

They should have done it, at a different time...regardless of the Trump Twitter heat they would have gotten. People are making foolish, and lawless decisions all over the place from inner gvt to NFL to you name it, all because they fear the wrath of Trump tweets.....and decency and the norms of ethics, have disintegrated, right before our eyes because everyone is scared of the Bully n Chief.

Sorry, but that wasn't ever going to happen. Trump and his supporters would have been screaming that the media is trying to silence him. And, unfortunately, to many people, that is how it would appear.
boycotts are bunch of bullshit.....
Boycotts work.

The Nature boycott got them to budge.
for some people....some people like me think they are a bunch of bullshit....
Nice broad brush you got there. Would you boycott your favorite restaurant if they started serving everything covered with toe jam and dingleberries?
learn what a broad brush is mo....its not "some" people.....yea i know i was shocked too.....and if my favorite restaurant did that.....i would go to another restaurant....
Would you also recommend that your friends & family also avoid dining at the TJ&DB pizzeria?
boycotts are bunch of bullshit.....
Boycotts work.

The Nature boycott got them to budge.
for some people....some people like me think they are a bunch of bullshit....
Nice broad brush you got there. Would you boycott your favorite restaurant if they started serving everything covered with toe jam and dingleberries?
learn what a broad brush is mo....its not "some" people.....yea i know i was shocked too.....and if my favorite restaurant did that.....i would go to another restaurant....
Would you also recommend that your friends & family also avoid dining at the TJ&DB pizzeria?
is there a reason they should?....
Can't wait to see the ratings numbers.

Personally? I think it would be funny as hell if Biden beat Trump in the ratings tonight. But, unfortunately, that probably won't be the case. People like to see the unhinged way that Trump conducts his rallies. Most folks like to watch train wrecks like what Trump does rather than sit and listen to someone talk about policy and what their plans are for leading this country. All Trump really seems to talk about is how great he is, while everyone who opposes him is a bad person. Well, that and how big his rallies are. And now, he's got another talking point, telling everyone how he beat COVID and that he's now immune. Unfortunately, doctors don't know how long the immunity lasts, or how bad you have to get sick to acquire antibodies. Matter of fact, there is a dude in NV who had a mild case of it, got over it, then a couple of months later, caught the virus again, and the second time around it was even worse than the first time he got it.
I'll probably watch Biden's town hall but not because I support him, Biker! I want to see if he actually gets asked any tough questions and how he handles them if he does. I know what Trump's message is. I know what he's done as President.
Ever since this morning whenever we put NBC on the television an overwhelming stench of pig farts is detected emanating from our TV. Magically, the stench disappears when we change the channel.
It seems that people are pissed at NBC for broadcasting Trump's town hall at the same time another station is broadcasting Biden's town hall. When Trump refused to debate Biden virtually, Biden decided to do a town hall on the date scheduled for the debate. After Biden announced that he was having a town hall, Trump decided to hold his own rally at the same time Biden's is being broadcast.

Because of that, there are many people out there who are advocating a boycott of NBC.

Why don't you just redefine the definition of NBC like the word preference? Fools.
boycotts are bunch of bullshit.....
Boycotts work.

The Nature boycott got them to budge.
for some people....some people like me think they are a bunch of bullshit....
Nice broad brush you got there. Would you boycott your favorite restaurant if they started serving everything covered with toe jam and dingleberries?
learn what a broad brush is mo....its not "some" people.....yea i know i was shocked too.....and if my favorite restaurant did that.....i would go to another restaurant....
Would you also recommend that your friends & family also avoid dining at the TJ&DB pizzeria?
is there a reason they should?....
The toe jam and dingleberries slathered all over the food?
It seems that people are pissed at NBC for broadcasting Trump's town hall at the same time another station is broadcasting Biden's town hall. When Trump refused to debate Biden virtually, Biden decided to do a town hall on the date scheduled for the debate. After Biden announced that he was having a town hall, Trump decided to hold his own rally at the same time Biden's is being broadcast.

Because of that, there are many people out there who are advocating a boycott of NBC.

Poor babies. Only silly people are going to watch hiden biden. They just don't want to see bidens town hall get crushed in the ratings.
ABC will be on my TV tonight at 8pm.

Of course it will. You have no brain of your own. However, thinking people will probably be switching between the two so they can contrast, and compare.

Low info folks, they stick to just one.
boycotts are bunch of bullshit.....
Boycotts work.

The Nature boycott got them to budge.
for some people....some people like me think they are a bunch of bullshit....
Nice broad brush you got there. Would you boycott your favorite restaurant if they started serving everything covered with toe jam and dingleberries?
learn what a broad brush is mo....its not "some" people.....yea i know i was shocked too.....and if my favorite restaurant did that.....i would go to another restaurant....
Would you also recommend that your friends & family also avoid dining at the TJ&DB pizzeria?
is there a reason they should?....
The toe jam and dingleberries slathered all over the food?
if they want to look like an idiot and stand in front of the store with a sign,go for would just say there is another pizza place down the street......

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