People keep asking me if I support Trump and I keep not telling them

You guys are amazingly timid. If I see a trump sticker, I just think "Idiot" and go on with my day as most people do
Biden supporters are irrational. It is crazy to expect civil behavior from them. And I dont believe you. If you are, congratulations, but this is what the sane Trump world has to put up with
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She is a nut ball, alright. Most are not. Most of us against a trump re-election, just doing our own thing, in what we believe to be our own interests. Not being a politician, I do not claim to represent all, nor is it my responsibility to do so. I have not met the nut ball screaming lady above or even a pale reflection of her. I certainly do not doubt they are out there, just as I do no doubt, that there are right wing nut ball militia people yearning for their revolution. I just do not meet them in day to day life. If you do, I recommend treating them like an over aggressive dogs and back away slowly, with a mind of speaking and moving calmly and carefully, but ready to pull you personal defense weapon if necessary to insure your egress and safety, and hopefully you will not need it. Report the person to the authorities, as they are better trained to deal with these people, that very well could be in need of intervention for their own good and that of others.
And most are not third in command of the entire country..............this is the best the DNC can find to

Pathetic and you know it...........and they will stop at nothing for vote against your own interests.
Just when have you seen the absolute perfect person, with perfectly balanced viewpoint and effective leadership qualities running for public office? I just want better than what we have in office now, and Joe Biden covers that, hands down, as donnie is about the worst I have ever seen in the office of the Presidency.

Yes, the “worst” you have ever seen as you TDS infected weirdos see everything some Twilight Zone shit.
A record high stock market
Record low unemployment
Higher wages
Blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers
Lower taxes for our most productive citizens
Beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico
Our best citizens unified like never before

Try this sane stable mind shit once might enjoy the perception we good real Americans have.
Don't take it from me. Take it from his chief of staff:
Former White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, has said that President Trump “is the most flawed person” he’s ever known, CNN reported.
Don't trust me. Take if of his Secretary of Defense:
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader,”
Don't take it from me. Take it from his cheif white house strategist:
Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said in November 2017 that Trump was “like an 11-year-old child,” according to Vanity Fair. He also said that Trump had “lost his step.”
Don't take it from me. Take it from his Secretary of State:
Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in July 2017 called Trump a “moron,” NBC News reported. The comments came after Tillerson had a meeting at the Pentagon with members of the White House national security team and Cabinet officials.
Don't take it from me. Take it from trump's National Security Advisor H.R, McMaster:
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster mocked President Trump’s intelligence at a private dinner with a powerful tech CEO, according to five sources with knowledge of the conversation.
The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.
Don't take it from me. Take it from his long time lawyer, fixer and Co-Conspirator #2 Michael Cohen:
“He knows the truth. I know the truth. Others know the truth,” Cohen continued. “And here is the truth: People of the United States of America, people of the world, don't believe what he is saying. The man doesn't tell the truth. And it is sad that I should take responsibility for his dirty deeds.”
Don't take it from me. Take it from Senator Lindsey Graham:
Sen. Lindsey Graham called President Donald Trump a "race-baiting xenophobic bigot"

I could go on all day. You know this as well as I do, the long list of life long republicans, white house officials, State Department, Defense Department and other republicans in the revolving door circus that trump has made Washington, D.C. These are all people applauded by the right until they spoke with the same type reoccurring descriptions of the man and how he operates, communicates, listens, explores conspiracy theories, recommends miracle covid cures. Don't act surprised or try to hide in denial with me. You just want him in office, but the man is wrong for the job, wrong for the country, and just plain wrong in the head. At some level you know it is all true.
You absolutely cannot chalk it all up to your puny "TDS weirdos" bullshit.
you are a globalist arent you .....

He’s one of those disgruntled ‘Veterans’....He served his four years and he thinks he’s entitled to more free shit than he gets...He hates anyone pro-military now....I guarantee it!
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
Well, at least you've got the sense to be ashamed.

Ashamed of what?
Supporting Trump is what I meant. For particulars, you'd have to ask the OP.


YOU should ask the OP for particulars.

what a nerve you have my God.
Nerve about what?

Guessing the OP's mind?

You said he was ashamed? are you a mind reader?
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
Well, at least you've got the sense to be ashamed.

Ashamed of what?
Supporting Trump is what I meant. For particulars, you'd have to ask the OP.
Who is ashamed and why. He's a great President that pissed off the's a twofer
Ask the OP. He's the one who can't bring himself yo admit he supports the great President.m
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
Well, at least you've got the sense to be ashamed.

Ashamed of what?
Supporting Trump is what I meant. For particulars, you'd have to ask the OP.


YOU should ask the OP for particulars.

what a nerve you have my God.
Nerve about what?

Guessing the OP's mind?

You said he was ashamed? are you a mind reader?
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
Well, at least you've got the sense to be ashamed.

Ashamed of what?
Supporting Trump is what I meant. For particulars, you'd have to ask the OP.
Who is ashamed and why. He's a great President that pissed off the's a twofer
Sounds to me like he has issues standing up for your great president and in his words, so do millions of others. It's because Trump is the biggest mistake this country ever made. It's too late to work up a good rant, but maybe you could try discussing it with the other poster here who said the same thing. Maybe she's willing to waste her time explaining it to you.
Wow, he's one of the best Presidents. You lefties are blinded by hate to the point you make everythign political
mowing the lawn....check
adopting kids....check

I could go on....sorry Trump has beeen great, he had a great economy before the virus and is kicking ass to rebuild, even when many dems are closing their states til after the election...not for safety, but for politics.

It's really disgusgint and I havent' touched on the fake investigations and the fact that you guys don't even want to deal with infrastructure of Corona relief

Like you and others here that are a die hard Trump fanatic supporters you don’t know the difference how bad is this president.

A defective flawed human being. No matter how bad and full of BS, the insults, racist dog shit, inciting violence against his own people, mocking sick people, mocking old people, the ignorance, serial liar, promoter of conspiracies, source of disinformation, nonsense BS tweets..........

ALL of the above are acceptable. Maybe you are all missing something BIG because of his ignorance and ineptness he literally destroyed this country almost on purpose.

This country is in the middle of economic crisis, health crisis, and racial injustice crisis..... Close to economic melt down. There he is busy DICKING with Clinton old emails, trying to cheat the election.

Pandemic Crisis..... Does it look like he cares or know what he is talking about or doing? He doesn’t give a diddly squat. NONE.

Economy ....... Even before this Coronavirus Pandemic crisis he was already destroying this country’s economy.

If you are comparing the Polls in 2016 vs 2020. The difference today is we have a economic crisis and health crisis. Millions of millions of Americans are facing evictions, poverty, lost of health coverage, homeless, food on the table, unemployment, lost of jobs, businesses closures. 218,000 deaths and counting 8 millions infected and counting. Trump is responsible for all these Americans sufferings.

I am very proud to end these terrors I will vote for Biden.
People are flat out lying that they are voting for Biden just like they did with Hillary only to select Trump on the Ballot. Do you Liberals have any means to identify these people? It must drive you nuts knowing this is what happened in ‘16.
Why would/should we lie voting for Biden? We are very proud of Biden. Didn’t most of you promoting the silent or ashamed to say they are voting for this MORON?

Maybe these will enlighten you who endorsed Biden.
Teachers union 1.7 members, USPS with 300,000 members, AFLCIO with 12 millions members, TWU etc etc etc etc. GO BIDEN.

American Federation of Teachers endorses Biden for president

People are flat out lying that they are voting for Biden just like they did with Hillary only to select Trump on the Ballot. Do you Liberals have any means to identify these people? It must drive you nuts knowing this is what happened in ‘16.
Why would/should lie voting for Biden? We are very proud of Biden. The carnage has to end......... Didn’t most of you promoting the silent or ashamed to say they are voting for this MORON?

Maybe these will enlighten you who endorsed Biden.
Teachers union 1.7 members, USPS with 300,000 members, AFLCIO with 12 millions members, TWU etc etc etc etc. GO BIDEN.

American Federation of Teachers endorses Biden for president

Well, that's the best news I've heard today.
People are flat out lying that they are voting for Biden just like they did with Hillary only to select Trump on the Ballot. Do you Liberals have any means to identify these people? It must drive you nuts knowing this is what happened in ‘16.
Why would/should lie voting for Biden? We are very proud of Biden. The carnage has to end......... Didn’t most of you promoting the silent or ashamed to say they are voting for this MORON?

Maybe these will enlighten you who endorsed Biden.
Teachers union 1.7 members, USPS with 300,000 members, AFLCIO with 12 millions members, TWU etc etc etc etc. GO BIDEN.

American Federation of Teachers endorses Biden for president

Well, that's the best news I've heard today.

Thank you. The best news I heard today was Rupert Murdoch owner of Fox News predict a landslide win for Biden.

President Trump’s influential supporter Rupert Murdoch is telling close associates he believes Joe Biden will win the election in a landslide.

The Australian-born billionaire is disgusted by Trump’s handling of COVID-19, remarking that the president is his own worst enemy, that he is not listening to advice about how best to handle the pandemic, and that he’s creating a never-ending crisis for his administration, according to three people who have spoken with Murdoch.
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
I get what you’re saying, however, you have to remember that we are not thugs. It’s a impossible to fight pigs when you can’t get in the mud.

To defeat the disgusting left, you would have to fight like them. Which means breaking laws, violating the U.S. Constitution, committing crimes, etc.
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
yeh, they are rather spineless...

but not all...
I get what you’re saying, however, you have to remember that we are not thugs. It’s a impossible to fight pigs when you can’t get in the mud.

To defeat the disgusting left, you would have to fight like them. Which means breaking laws, violating the U.S. Constitution, committing crimes, etc.
yeh... it does seem like that is the case...

Many conservatives don't know how to get in the face of nasty leftists and give it right back. They're too nice and don't want to be called a "bigot, racist, homophobe, etc". They have to ignore that shit and toughen up.
Many conservatives don't know how to get in the face of nasty leftists and give it right back. They're too nice and don't want to be called a "bigot, racist, homophobe, etc". They have to ignore that shit and toughen up.
Hell at work a few go postal over it .........not very often but they don't last long as we freaking trash the left. lmao

Construction workers don't give a shit.

Hell at work a few go postal over it .........not very often but they don't last long as we freaking trash the left. lmao

Construction workers don't give a shit.

Yeah. It's a whole different story if you work in a professional office. You really have to be careful.
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
And don’t forget, stupid. No bigger bunch of dumb asses in one place, then at a conservative convention.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?
Just just tell conservatives you’re an independent. That’s fine with them. But, they will look dumbfounded when you say you left the Dem party because they always want to compromise with the gop, party of lunatics.
And don’t forget, stupid. No bigger bunch of dumb asses in one place, then at a conservative convention.
Hahaha…meanwhile, in the real world…Libs, the real dumbfucks believe a man can become a woman by proclamation…ladies and gentlemen, todays Libs can be seen below…I ask, who are the dumbasses?
Just just tell conservatives you’re an independent. That’s fine with them. But, they will look dumbfounded when you say you left the Dem party because they always want to compromise with the gop, party of lunatics.
“Party of lunatics”? Ohhh…you mean the Democrat Party.

Yeah, most people today don’t even realize their actual name is the “Democrat Party”. They’ve become so bat-shit crazy, most people do just refer to them as “the party of lunatics”.

Imagine believing that a person can think themselves into an alternate gender. Or imagine believing there are more than two genders (talk about denying science!!).

Speaking of denying science, imagine believing that the Earth was about to explode because of gasoline emissions and garbage :laugh:

Bunch of unthinking lunatics. So easy to dupe. They are all so eager to bend a knee and bow to power. They not only can’t think for themselves, they don’t even have the desire to think for themselves.

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