People keep asking me if I support Trump and I keep not telling them

Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?
That's because Trump supporters are ok with others having a different view of the world. I support you being allowed your opinion.

That doesn't happen with them Dems. Being a Trump supporter is unacceptable. Racist! Bigot! Fascist!

So which side is really the oppressor? Which side is really Fascist? Which side is really Racist?
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

Its OK for you because conservatives are civil and same.
Leftist are crazed animals. Simple as that.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

See, that's the difference.

Try being a trump supporter in Biden land and your house will catch on fire.
Did this happen in your neighborhood or did you just read of it in a right wing (news?) source happening somewhere else? You ever thought of a surveillance system for your home or a dog to alert you when someone new is on the premises? Invest in your home defense, if your situation worries you. Get a grip and handle your life.

It was all over the news.

Please refrain from offering advise.

Where I live, nobody would do that and live to tell about it.

But it is well docuemented that it happens.

And I suppose you don't believe in Cancel Culture either.
Sounds like you have allowed yourself to be surrounded by radicals. Glad I didn't choose to live in your area. My advise would be protect yourself to the limits of the law, and or move.

You seem to be in the business of giving out advise with next to no knowledge.

You might not be aware of this:

It is not radical to stop someone from attacking your home....sorry to break it to you.
I protect mine as I see fit, as pioneers did depending on what was necessary. Hopefully it will not become necessary, but if it does, I am well equipped, and well trained, as I spent half my life training people to do. If you chose or choose a different path, perhaps you chose or choose poorly.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

See, that's the difference.

Try being a trump supporter in Biden land and your house will catch on fire.
Did this happen in your neighborhood or did you just read of it in a right wing (news?) source happening somewhere else? You ever thought of a surveillance system for your home or a dog to alert you when someone new is on the premises? Invest in your home defense, if your situation worries you. Get a grip and handle your life.

It was all over the news.

Please refrain from offering advise.

Where I live, nobody would do that and live to tell about it.

But it is well docuemented that it happens.

And I suppose you don't believe in Cancel Culture either.
Sounds like you have allowed yourself to be surrounded by radicals. Glad I didn't choose to live in your area. My advise would be protect yourself to the limits of the law, and or move.
This is happening everywhere. It's normally more than one person doing the attacking. It's groups of people. This is the people you associate yourself with. You support their behavior from your deflection.

Read the whole thing. Absorb it.

Try a thought experiment. Googled the following two terms and see what pops up:

Trump supporter attacked for wearing MAGA hat

Biden Supporter attacked for wearing Biden shirt

You will get the same results. All are attacks on Trump supporters. Attacks lead by more than one person for the most part.

Who's doing the oppressing? Who are the fascists?
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

See, that's the difference.

Try being a trump supporter in Biden land and your house will catch on fire.
Did this happen in your neighborhood or did you just read of it in a right wing (news?) source happening somewhere else? You ever thought of a surveillance system for your home or a dog to alert you when someone new is on the premises? Invest in your home defense, if your situation worries you. Get a grip and handle your life.

It was all over the news.

Please refrain from offering advise.

Where I live, nobody would do that and live to tell about it.

But it is well docuemented that it happens.

And I suppose you don't believe in Cancel Culture either.
Sounds like you have allowed yourself to be surrounded by radicals. Glad I didn't choose to live in your area. My advise would be protect yourself to the limits of the law, and or move.

You seem to be in the business of giving out advise with next to no knowledge.

You might not be aware of this:

It is not radical to stop someone from attacking your home....sorry to break it to you.
I protect mine as I see fit, as pioneers did depending on what was necessary. Hopefully it will not become necessary, but if it does, I am well equipped, and well trained, as I spent half my life training people to do. If you chose or choose a different path, perhaps you chose or choose poorly.

Did you not have your morning coffee.

I showed you something that happened....that was what I referenced.

You called me scared.

I am not scared.

What is your problem understanding that:

Biden supporters have no problem mobbing Trump supporters (you need me to replay the group mobbing Rand Paul ?).

Do you have an analogous view.

A vote for Biden is tacit approval of this stuff. I get that there is more to it than that.

But, as Harris has indicated....they won't be stopping.

The day I can't wear a Trump hat or a Trump T-shirt anywhere I want is the day you helped kill America.
You guys are amazingly timid. If I see a trump sticker, I just think "Idiot" and go on with my day as most people do
Biden supporters are irrational. It is crazy to expect civil behavior from them. And I dont believe you. If you are, congratulations, but this is what the sane Trump world has to put up with
View attachment 403022

She is a nut ball, alright. Most are not. Most of us against a trump re-election, just doing our own thing, in what we believe to be our own interests. Not being a politician, I do not claim to represent all, nor is it my responsibility to do so. I have not met the nut ball screaming lady above or even a pale reflection of her. I certainly do not doubt they are out there, just as I do no doubt, that there are right wing nut ball militia people yearning for their revolution. I just do not meet them in day to day life. If you do, I recommend treating them like an over aggressive dogs and back away slowly, with a mind of speaking and moving calmly and carefully, but ready to pull you personal defense weapon if necessary to insure your egress and safety, and hopefully you will not need it. Report the person to the authorities, as they are better trained to deal with these people, that very well could be in need of intervention for their own good and that of others.
You guys are amazingly timid. If I see a trump sticker, I just think "Idiot" and go on with my day as most people do
Biden supporters are irrational. It is crazy to expect civil behavior from them. And I dont believe you. If you are, congratulations, but this is what the sane Trump world has to put up with
View attachment 403022

She is a nut ball, alright. Most are not. Most of us against a trump re-election, just doing our own thing, in what we believe to be our own interests. Not being a politician, I do not claim to represent all, nor is it my responsibility to do so. I have not met the nut ball screaming lady above or even a pale reflection of her. I certainly do not doubt they are out there, just as I do no doubt, that there are right wing nut ball militia people yearning for their revolution. I just do not meet them in day to day life. If you do, I recommend treating them like an over aggressive dogs and back away slowly, with a mind of speaking and moving calmly and carefully, but ready to pull you personal defense weapon if necessary to insure your egress and safety, and hopefully you will not need it. Report the person to the authorities, as they are better trained to deal with these people, that very well could be in need of intervention for their own good and that of others.
And most are not third in command of the entire country..............this is the best the DNC can find to

Pathetic and you know it...........and they will stop at nothing for vote against your own interests.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?
That's because Trump supporters are ok with others having a different view of the world. I support you being allowed your opinion.

That doesn't happen with them Dems. Being a Trump supporter is unacceptable. Racist! Bigot! Fascist!

So which side is really the oppressor? Which side is really Fascist? Which side is really Racist?
You really seem to be getting a persecution complex. Maybe you will be in a better position to rationally evaluate after the election has settled down. Maybe not. You should evaluate your situation in terms of what is outside your door and the people you interact with daily, not what is on the internet or what you are being told is across the country. If you are the type that goes to protests, don't do it. Do not seek out that which you find alarming or threatening, only be prepared to deal with the situation if you stumble on it. Your goal should be personal stability and security, not some minds eye vision of what you would like, as a utopian society where everybody agrees with you. They do not exist, nor were they a possibility. Most of the normal people in the 60s, lived their life without seeing any of the violent protests in the news, just as most people today do not see the most radical protestors or even many peaceful protestors. The peaceful ones do not make the news and the violent ones are mostly somewhere distant from the majority of American. Try to keep perspective in the 24 hours news cycle of the 21st century as they try to find content to attract viewers, clicks and likes. Remember, some out there are just as happy with dislikes, but they are the minority, at least from my personal perspective.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.

You're too embarrassed.
You should be.
Speaking of embarrassed, did you decide to get your daily dose?
Who is ashamed and why. He's a great President that pissed off the's a twofer
ell, at least you've got the sense to be ashamed.

Ashamed of what?
Supporting Trump is what I meant. For particulars, you'd have to ask the OP.


YOU should ask the OP for particulars.

what a nerve you have my God.
Nerve about what?

Sounds to me like he has issues standing up for your great president and in his words, so do millions of others. It's because Trump is the biggest mistake this country ever made. It's too late to work up a good rant, but maybe you could try discussing it with the other poster here who said the same thing. Maybe she's willing to waste her time explaining it to you.

What has he done wrong? You can't even tell me!
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.

You're too embarrassed.
You should be.
It seems to many of us that expressing support for either of the duopoly's candidates would be embarrassing.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

Easy to say as a supporter of the cult of terrorists. Trump supporters do not get people fired from their jobs over a disagreement, they are better people.
Must be rough to have to suck up, because you are stuck in the cubicle rat race and won't have options if fired, thinking nothing else out there and no way to make it without the support of Democrat establishment where you work. My sympathies, kid.:aug08_031:

That's an awfully 'ELITIST' tone...I thought you fucked in the head Leftists were all for the worker, tolerance, inclusion and all that FEELZ bullshit? WTF?
Just because I support Joe Biden for President does not make me a leftist to anyone with a clue. Most of my Senate, House and Gubernatorial votes have been Republican, but that does not make me a rightist either. Don't get confused that anyone who does not toe your line is a leftest, especially in an increasingly polarized population (increasingly propaghandized by their echo chambers on a daily basis, and get sucked into the us vs them mentality. It is not what the country was supposed to be about. With the dubious quality of ideas and ideals out of the fringes of both parties, that type of thinking is illogical and not at all conservative.
No but it sure as hell does make you one shitforbrains numbskull.

As a fence-sitter, how do those pickets feel worming their way into your rectum?
You guys are amazingly timid. If I see a trump sticker, I just think "Idiot" and go on with my day as most people do
Biden supporters are irrational. It is crazy to expect civil behavior from them. And I dont believe you. If you are, congratulations, but this is what the sane Trump world has to put up with
View attachment 403022

She is a nut ball, alright. Most are not. Most of us against a trump re-election, just doing our own thing, in what we believe to be our own interests. Not being a politician, I do not claim to represent all, nor is it my responsibility to do so. I have not met the nut ball screaming lady above or even a pale reflection of her. I certainly do not doubt they are out there, just as I do no doubt, that there are right wing nut ball militia people yearning for their revolution. I just do not meet them in day to day life. If you do, I recommend treating them like an over aggressive dogs and back away slowly, with a mind of speaking and moving calmly and carefully, but ready to pull you personal defense weapon if necessary to insure your egress and safety, and hopefully you will not need it. Report the person to the authorities, as they are better trained to deal with these people, that very well could be in need of intervention for their own good and that of others.
And most are not third in command of the entire country..............this is the best the DNC can find to

Pathetic and you know it...........and they will stop at nothing for vote against your own interests.
Just when have you seen the absolute perfect person, with perfectly balanced viewpoint and effective leadership qualities running for public office? I just want better than what we have in office now, and Joe Biden covers that, hands down, as donnie is about the worst I have ever seen in the office of the Presidency.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

See, that's the difference.

Try being a trump supporter in Biden land and your house will catch on fire.
Did this happen in your neighborhood or did you just read of it in a right wing (news?) source happening somewhere else? You ever thought of a surveillance system for your home or a dog to alert you when someone new is on the premises? Invest in your home defense, if your situation worries you. Get a grip and handle your life.

It was all over the news.

Please refrain from offering advise.

Where I live, nobody would do that and live to tell about it.

But it is well docuemented that it happens.

And I suppose you don't believe in Cancel Culture either.
Sounds like you have allowed yourself to be surrounded by radicals. Glad I didn't choose to live in your area. My advise would be protect yourself to the limits of the law, and or move.

You seem to be in the business of giving out advise with next to no knowledge.

You might not be aware of this:

It is not radical to stop someone from attacking your home....sorry to break it to you.
The correct word is "advice".
You guys are amazingly timid. If I see a trump sticker, I just think "Idiot" and go on with my day as most people do
Biden supporters are irrational. It is crazy to expect civil behavior from them. And I dont believe you. If you are, congratulations, but this is what the sane Trump world has to put up with
View attachment 403022

She is a nut ball, alright. Most are not. Most of us against a trump re-election, just doing our own thing, in what we believe to be our own interests. Not being a politician, I do not claim to represent all, nor is it my responsibility to do so. I have not met the nut ball screaming lady above or even a pale reflection of her. I certainly do not doubt they are out there, just as I do no doubt, that there are right wing nut ball militia people yearning for their revolution. I just do not meet them in day to day life. If you do, I recommend treating them like an over aggressive dogs and back away slowly, with a mind of speaking and moving calmly and carefully, but ready to pull you personal defense weapon if necessary to insure your egress and safety, and hopefully you will not need it. Report the person to the authorities, as they are better trained to deal with these people, that very well could be in need of intervention for their own good and that of others.
And most are not third in command of the entire country..............this is the best the DNC can find to

Pathetic and you know it...........and they will stop at nothing for vote against your own interests.
Just when have you seen the absolute perfect person, with perfectly balanced viewpoint and effective leadership qualities running for public office? I just want better than what we have in office now, and Joe Biden covers that, hands down, as donnie is about the worst I have ever seen in the office of the Presidency.

Yes, the “worst” you have ever seen as you TDS infected weirdos see everything some Twilight Zone shit.
A record high stock market
Record low unemployment
Higher wages
Blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers
Lower taxes for our most productive citizens
Beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico
Our best citizens unified like never before

Try this sane stable mind shit once might enjoy the perception we good real Americans have.

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