People keep asking me if I support Trump and I keep not telling them

Everybody knows that half (or more) of the BLM signs in peoples yards are simply a sign that means...


Except no one is burning down houses. and most of the BLM signs I've seen are in places that have no protests at all.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

Easy to say as a supporter of the cult of terrorists. Trump supporters do not get people fired from their jobs over a disagreement, they are better people.
Must be rough to have to suck up, because you are stuck in the cubicle rat race and won't have options if fired, thinking nothing else out there and no way to make it without the support of Democrat establishment where you work. My sympathies, kid.:aug08_031:

That's an awfully 'ELITIST' tone...I thought you fucked in the head Leftists were all for the worker, tolerance, inclusion and all that FEELZ bullshit? WTF?
Just because I support Joe Biden for President does not make me a leftist to anyone with a clue. Most of my Senate, House and Gubernatorial votes have been Republican, but that does not make me a rightist either. Don't get confused that anyone who does not toe your line is a leftest, especially in an increasingly polarized population (increasingly propaghandized by their echo chambers on a daily basis, and get sucked into the us vs them mentality. It is not what the country was supposed to be about. With the dubious quality of ideas and ideals out of the fringes of both parties, that type of thinking is illogical and not at all conservative.

Of course supporting Joe Biden makes you a leftist. It's what you're voting to turn America into. Violence dominated inner cities, the green new deal, taking California brown outs nationally.

You can't vote for that and say it's not what you are.

I'm opting back in to vote Republican for Trump after voting for Gary Johnson in 2016. That makes me a Trump supporter. I am what I am, so are you.

If you're not a leftist and can't vote for Biden, vote third party. But you vote for a leftist, it's what you are
Like I just told some other right wing asshole. I'm too tired from manual labor to be pithy right now, so just get fuked. :9:

So you're sorry you didn't work harder in school, huh?
No. National Honors graduate from 14th highest rated private university. Had a couple of careers. Am retired. I actually do things around my place and mostly enjoy. It also keeps me in shape.
Except no one is burning down houses. and most of the BLM signs I've seen are in places that have no protests at all.

A house in Blaine Minnesota with a Trump yard sign was just torched.

Try to keep up.
People are flat out lying that they are voting for Biden just like they did with Hillary only to select Trump on the Ballot. Do you Liberals have any means to identify these people? It must drive you nuts knowing this is what happened in ‘16.
Are you ready to stake your being on this site on your boy Trump winning?
People are flat out lying that they are voting for Biden just like they did with Hillary only to select Trump on the Ballot. Do you Liberals have any means to identify these people? It must drive you nuts knowing this is what happened in ‘16.
Are you ready to stake your being on this site on your boy Trump winning?

I've already staked my claim that this is going to be a close Election.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

Easy to say as a supporter of the cult of terrorists. Trump supporters do not get people fired from their jobs over a disagreement, they are better people.
Must be rough to have to suck up, because you are stuck in the cubicle rat race and won't have options if fired, thinking nothing else out there and no way to make it without the support of Democrat establishment where you work. My sympathies, kid.:aug08_031:

That's an awfully 'ELITIST' tone...I thought you fucked in the head Leftists were all for the worker, tolerance, inclusion and all that FEELZ bullshit? WTF?
Just because I support Joe Biden for President does not make me a leftist to anyone with a clue. Most of my Senate, House and Gubernatorial votes have been Republican, but that does not make me a rightist either. Don't get confused that anyone who does not toe your line is a leftest, especially in an increasingly polarized population (increasingly propaghandized by their echo chambers on a daily basis, and get sucked into the us vs them mentality. It is not what the country was supposed to be about. With the dubious quality of ideas and ideals out of the fringes of both parties, that type of thinking is illogical and not at all conservative.

Of course supporting Joe Biden makes you a leftist. It's what you're voting to turn America into. Violence dominated inner cities, the green new deal, taking California brown outs nationally.

You can't vote for that and say it's not what you are.

I'm opting back in to vote Republican for Trump after voting for Gary Johnson in 2016. That makes me a Trump supporter. I am what I am, so are you.

If you're not a leftist and can't vote for Biden, vote third party. But you vote for a leftist, it's what you are
Like I just told some other right wing asshole. I'm too tired from manual labor to be pithy right now, so just get fuked. :9:

So you're sorry you didn't work harder in school, huh?
No. National Honors graduate from 14th highest rated private university. Had a couple of careers. Am retired. I actually do things around my place and mostly enjoy. It also keeps me in shape.

I always like how people who endlessly beg for handouts are all rich and you don't need them. While you endlessly beg for handouts ...
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
Stop being a pussy. Just ask them why you should vote for a politician that oversaw the fleecing of American jobs to China his entire career, and why we should support going to war in Syria which will happen if Biden is elected, and why you should support defunding police. That will shut them up because no liberal ever has an answer to that.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

Easy to say as a supporter of the cult of terrorists. Trump supporters do not get people fired from their jobs over a disagreement, they are better people.
Must be rough to have to suck up, because you are stuck in the cubicle rat race and won't have options if fired, thinking nothing else out there and no way to make it without the support of Democrat establishment where you work. My sympathies, kid.:aug08_031:

That's an awfully 'ELITIST' tone...I thought you fucked in the head Leftists were all for the worker, tolerance, inclusion and all that FEELZ bullshit? WTF?
Just because I support Joe Biden for President does not make me a leftist to anyone with a clue. Most of my Senate, House and Gubernatorial votes have been Republican, but that does not make me a rightist either. Don't get confused that anyone who does not toe your line is a leftest, especially in an increasingly polarized population (increasingly propaghandized by their echo chambers on a daily basis, and get sucked into the us vs them mentality. It is not what the country was supposed to be about. With the dubious quality of ideas and ideals out of the fringes of both parties, that type of thinking is illogical and not at all conservative.

Of course supporting Joe Biden makes you a leftist. It's what you're voting to turn America into. Violence dominated inner cities, the green new deal, taking California brown outs nationally.

You can't vote for that and say it's not what you are.

I'm opting back in to vote Republican for Trump after voting for Gary Johnson in 2016. That makes me a Trump supporter. I am what I am, so are you.

If you're not a leftist and can't vote for Biden, vote third party. But you vote for a leftist, it's what you are
Like I just told some other right wing asshole. I'm too tired from manual labor to be pithy right now, so just get fuked. :9:

So you're sorry you didn't work harder in school, huh?
No. National Honors graduate from 14th highest rated private university. Had a couple of careers. Am retired. I actually do things around my place and mostly enjoy. It also keeps me in shape.

I always like how people who endlessly beg for handouts are all rich and you don't need them. While you endlessly beg for handouts ...
You ever heard me? ............., Didn't think so.:cul2:
People on Facebook are openly saying they will "unfriend" anyone who expresses support for Trump.

This is a form of social terrorism.

The result?

I disagree. Anyone that relies on social media "friends"...especially FB, are insecure and needy. Who needs them? They are strangers.
I support Trump. But I wouldn't put a sign in my yard saying so, nor will I wear a Trump Tshirt because its nobody's biz which way I lean. Not ashamed of it, not afraid. Its just part of my genetic makeup I guess. I don't even know which way my parents leaned, nor knew what their bedroom looked like. Dad said its his doman..and my mom's. Stay out. Or do I want them to come in MY room? Kinda like that. And they were the same with politics.
People on Facebook are openly saying they will "unfriend" anyone who expresses support for Trump.

This is a form of social terrorism.

The result?

I disagree. Anyone that relies on social media "friends"...especially FB, are insecure and needy. Who needs them? They are strangers.
I support Trump. But I wouldn't put a sign in my yard saying so, nor will I wear a Trump Tshirt because its nobody's biz which way I lean. Not ashamed of it, not afraid. Its just part of my genetic makeup I guess. I don't even know which way my parents leaned, nor knew what their bedroom looked like. Dad said its his doman..and my mom's. Stay out. Or do I want them to come in MY room? Kinda like that. And they were the same with politics.
Gracy, I thought you were older than that. You are a trumper who lives with her parents?
People on Facebook are openly saying they will "unfriend" anyone who expresses support for Trump.

This is a form of social terrorism.

The result?

I disagree. Anyone that relies on social media "friends"...especially FB, are insecure and needy. Who needs them? They are strangers.
I support Trump. But I wouldn't put a sign in my yard saying so, nor will I wear a Trump Tshirt because its nobody's biz which way I lean. Not ashamed of it, not afraid. Its just part of my genetic makeup I guess. I don't even know which way my parents leaned, nor knew what their bedroom looked like. Dad said its his doman..and my mom's. Stay out. Or do I want them to come in MY room? Kinda like that. And they were the same with politics.
Gracy, I thought you were older than that. You are a trumper who lives with her parents?
Don't be ignorant.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
Same, believe it or not. In the real world I have no signs or bumper stickers. But I'm here, and I waiting
People on Facebook are openly saying they will "unfriend" anyone who expresses support for Trump.

This is a form of social terrorism.

The result?


Anyone who will unfriend you isn't your friend at all.

I don't turn on my friends over Biden although I've had some pretty rough arguments with them.

One did say he wasn't sure he could be my friend if I supported Trump.

I asked for my tools (some out for over six months) back. He hasn't said a word.

I may still ask for them. Friends like that...I don't need.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

See, that's the difference.

Try being a trump supporter in Biden land and your house will catch on fire.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.

I always say the left wing thing...I want them complacent.

I'll change my affiliation at times to vote for morons in the primary.

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