People keep asking me if I support Trump and I keep not telling them

Must be difficult to be so ashamed of your beliefs that you can't share them in public.

Luckily you have this place. You guys are free to say all kinds of vile and stupid things while protected behind the shield of anonymity.
No, we have to be careful of criminal Biden voters

Have you ever been harmed by a Biden supporter? I’m guessing not.

You big pussy, you.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.

I really, really hope this is true.......the country will not survive a harris presidency....
Must be difficult to be so ashamed of your beliefs that you can't share them in public.

Luckily you have this place. You guys are free to say all kinds of vile and stupid things while protected behind the shield of anonymity.
No, we have to be careful of criminal Biden voters

Have you ever been harmed by a Biden supporter? I’m guessing not.

You big pussy, you.

You are a really, really stupid human being........joe biden supporters have been burning, looting, beating, and yes, murdering other Americans for the last 6 months, causing billions of dollars in damage and ruining the lives of people ..... and you post that stupid post?

You really are stupid......joe biden voters are violent and hate filled......they are the brown shirts of the democrat party.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

Are you this stupid? Supporting biden isn't dangerous to say out loud....put a Trump sticker on your car and it can get keyed.......

How about this.......get a MAGA hat and walk around a democrat party controlled city....see what happens...I dare you........
If you refuse to stand up for what you support, think or believe in then you have already lost - end of story.

Giving in like that only allows the other side to take the culture and with that everything else follows.
We have a lot of people here who are defending Q Anon
Why wouldnt anyone defend them?

You defend Antifa. You defend BLM. BOTH VIOLENT terrorist organizations.

Is Q Anon a violent organization?

The left defends VIOLENCE but fears words. The left fears exposure. The Left fears LIGHT

The left fears Biden being EXPOSED
We have a lot of people here who are defending Q Anon
Why wouldnt anyone defend them?

You defend Antifa. You defend BLM. BOTH VIOLENT terrorist organizations.

Is Q Anon a violent organization?

The left defends VIOLENCE but fears words. The left fears exposure. The Left fears LIGHT

The left fears Biden being EXPOSED
I do?

Okay, got it. Interesting.
We have a lot of people here who are defending Q Anon
Why wouldnt anyone defend them?

You defend Antifa. You defend BLM. BOTH VIOLENT terrorist organizations.

Is Q Anon a violent organization?

The left defends VIOLENCE but fears words. The left fears exposure. The Left fears LIGHT

The left fears Biden being EXPOSED
I do?

Okay, got it. Interesting.
I see you're afraid to disown Antifa and BLM.

Do it here. Do it now. Why wont you disown these organizations?
Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks
Because Trump supporters RARELY act like you.

You're like Jessee Jackson who feels safe in a white neighborhood
What does that mean? Living my life as I see fit, hoping others will live theirs without endangering me and mine? Not supporting a known liar and bizarre person of bad character to run the country? Voting on the first day of early voting, for Joe Biden the candidate of my choice? I certainly have not put any signs up in your yard and fail to see what actions I have taken that have harmed you.
"The Reverend" Jesse Jackson, making another resurgence where you live. He is not blasting across the airwaves here, and I always know where my remote is, so he is not likely to be. I am pretty safe in my mixed neighborhood, as I bother nobody, maintain my property, have a fenced yard, decent security, including large dog, plenty of guns/ ammo and approved training. Is "The Reverend" Jesse Jackson coming out for these things? Doubt it. He is like Hillary, a figure from the past and will not have much resurgent influence on the future.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

See, that's the difference.

Try being a trump supporter in Biden land and your house will catch on fire.
Did this happen in your neighborhood or did you just read of it in a right wing (news?) source happening somewhere else? You ever thought of a surveillance system for your home or a dog to alert you when someone new is on the premises? Invest in your home defense, if your situation worries you. Get a grip and handle your life.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

Are you this stupid? Supporting biden isn't dangerous to say out loud....put a Trump sticker on your car and it can get keyed.......

How about this.......get a MAGA hat and walk around a democrat party controlled city....see what happens...I dare you........
You guys are amazingly timid. If I see a trump sticker, I just think "Idiot" and go on with my day as most people do. There always have and always will be nutballs out there that will key a car or do other damage for little or no reason. Personally, I carry insurance and the $250.00 deductable will irritate me, but Collision Specialist will then make the car look as good or better than new. Stop being a wuss. If it happens, don't repair until after the election.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.
This is called the "Silent Majority."
On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.
Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.

The last thing anyone with a brain should do is admit to anyone who has your phone number or address that you intend to vote for Trump, unless you KNOW that person.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

See, that's the difference.

Try being a trump supporter in Biden land and your house will catch on fire.
Did this happen in your neighborhood or did you just read of it in a right wing (news?) source happening somewhere else? You ever thought of a surveillance system for your home or a dog to alert you when someone new is on the premises? Invest in your home defense, if your situation worries you. Get a grip and handle your life.

It was all over the news.

Please refrain from offering advise.

Where I live, nobody would do that and live to tell about it.

But it is well docuemented that it happens.

And I suppose you don't believe in Cancel Culture either.
Biden wins here where I live...........with only the following conditions prevalent.......


Still looking for a single Biden sticker here.....haven't seen a single one in months.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

See, that's the difference.

Try being a trump supporter in Biden land and your house will catch on fire.
Did this happen in your neighborhood or did you just read of it in a right wing (news?) source happening somewhere else? You ever thought of a surveillance system for your home or a dog to alert you when someone new is on the premises? Invest in your home defense, if your situation worries you. Get a grip and handle your life.

It was all over the news.

Please refrain from offering advise.

Where I live, nobody would do that and live to tell about it.

But it is well docuemented that it happens.

And I suppose you don't believe in Cancel Culture either.
Sounds like you have allowed yourself to be surrounded by radicals. Glad I didn't choose to live in your area. My advise would be protect yourself to the limits of the law, and or move.
Millions of Trump supporters do likewise because it costs too much to be openly in support of Trump.

This is called the "Silent Majority."

On election day, we will use the secret ballot to let our voices be heard.

Polls showing Biden winning the election, just like last time, are wrong.
I thought it was called Chicken $hit. I live in a deep red state. Everybody knows I support Joe Biden, as I do not mind telling anybody that asks. I quit giving a damn what other people think. Nobody attacking me, except on this anonymous message board, and I will never see any of those wackos in Jackson. So, you are in the closet on trump? What else are you in the closet on?

See, that's the difference.

Try being a trump supporter in Biden land and your house will catch on fire.
Did this happen in your neighborhood or did you just read of it in a right wing (news?) source happening somewhere else? You ever thought of a surveillance system for your home or a dog to alert you when someone new is on the premises? Invest in your home defense, if your situation worries you. Get a grip and handle your life.

It was all over the news.

Please refrain from offering advise.

Where I live, nobody would do that and live to tell about it.

But it is well docuemented that it happens.

And I suppose you don't believe in Cancel Culture either.
Sounds like you have allowed yourself to be surrounded by radicals. Glad I didn't choose to live in your area. My advise would be protect yourself to the limits of the law, and or move.

You seem to be in the business of giving out advise with next to no knowledge.

You might not be aware of this:

It is not radical to stop someone from attacking your home....sorry to break it to you.
You guys are amazingly timid. If I see a trump sticker, I just think "Idiot" and go on with my day as most people do
Biden supporters are irrational. It is crazy to expect civil behavior from them. And I dont believe you. If you are, congratulations, but this is what the sane Trump world has to put up with

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