People who believe in "white privilege" are more racist than people who don't


Person of Color.

I remember when that was standard use.

(are you old enough to vote?)

Here's a question that has always stumped rationality -

What is the difference between "people of color" and "colored people"?


Ha! You'll have to explain that one.

It's simple really if you only bothered to think about how each have been used in the past and in what context.

I speak English and do not subscribe to political correctness. Words have meaning.

"People of color" and "colored people" mean the same thing.

A child may think so. An adult would look at the possible differences. First you might realize that 'colored' historically applied to black folks where PoC refers to all people of color.
Secondly, given the context of the use of the term ' colored' , it's not really difficult to understand why black folks may not appreciate being referred to in that way while trying to move past that era. Like I said it is pretty simple if you think about it.
You are asking the question of a child.






Words do indeed have meaning.
Here's a question that has always stumped rationality -

What is the difference between "people of color" and "colored people"?


Ha! You'll have to explain that one.

It's simple really if you only bothered to think about how each have been used in the past and in what context.

I speak English and do not subscribe to political correctness. Words have meaning.

"People of color" and "colored people" mean the same thing.

A child may think so. An adult would look at the possible differences. First you might realize that 'colored' historically applied to black folks where PoC refers to all people of color.
Secondly, given the context of the use of the term ' colored' , it's not really difficult to understand why black folks may not appreciate being referred to in that way while trying to move past that era. Like I said it is pretty simple if you think about it.
You are asking the question of a child.






Words do indeed have meaning.

None of that matters. The phrases mean exactly the same thing. Your argument is the height of nonsense.
Here's a question that has always stumped rationality -

What is the difference between "people of color" and "colored people"?


Ha! You'll have to explain that one.

It's simple really if you only bothered to think about how each have been used in the past and in what context.

I speak English and do not subscribe to political correctness. Words have meaning.

"People of color" and "colored people" mean the same thing.

A child may think so. An adult would look at the possible differences. First you might realize that 'colored' historically applied to black folks where PoC refers to all people of color.
Secondly, given the context of the use of the term ' colored' , it's not really difficult to understand why black folks may not appreciate being referred to in that way while trying to move past that era. Like I said it is pretty simple if you think about it.
You are asking the question of a child.






Words do indeed have meaning.
as each era has passed, so has the term.
One day, there will not have to be a term to designate these things.
I doubt I will live to see it, would be nice, but the reality is that it cant happen until those that see color first are all dead and gone.
One day, there will not have to be a term to designate these things.
I doubt I will live to see it, would be nice, but the reality is that it cant happen until those that see color first are all dead and gone.

Indeed. As Morgan Freeman said, just stop talking about it.
One day, there will not have to be a term to designate these things.
I doubt I will live to see it, would be nice, but the reality is that it cant happen until those that see color first are all dead and gone.

Indeed. As Morgan Freeman said, just stop talking about it.
I don't publicly talk about it, and I try not to be that way any more, but the flat reality is that I will still look and think, that is one hot black girl, the true success is not going to be measured by what we say, but instead what we think.
Regardless of what we say, it is still what we think that guides our reaction and treatment to those not 100% like us.. For all races.
Im one of the last ones here to defend any of this type of crap, but here is my take on the only reason that white privilege exists, or should even be considered still today.
First you have to understand that before 1964, a black man did not have a college education, He was also not protected by any anti discrimination laws, this left a basically uneducated worker in a minimum wage job.
Along comes the equal rights act of 1964 and suddenly all of this changes right? wrong. That uneducated worker in the minimum wage job is still the same, he didn't go out and get a job at NASA designing the next rocket that would carry man to the moon, and he certainly was not able to afford to put his children through college.
Consider this and you now understand that even though the laws say the black can go to that same college, the family did not have the money to send him. So we end up with another generation through the 70s that were kept out of college due to the costs involved.
In the mid to late 70s the equal rights laws were strengthened to address this issue to some extent, but the result was that we now had a new generation that was uneducated and under employed that still could not afford to send the children through college, Yes, more were getting in, but still not in the same racial percentages as the whites.
Today however, with more black families having better paying jobs, more blacks going to college, that white privilege is starting to even out.
There was certainly a privilege to being white in this country at one time, but it is no longer the case. The phrase remains, but the reason for it is almost gone.
Even with the shift in education being available today, you still have us dinosaurs that have come up through our lives seeing blacks as less educated and in the lower paying positions, conditioning for this many years is the reason that we see blacks as less qualified.
I would say that this next generation will see things in a much different light when they get to the working age.

other than that, the actual real privilege is in the hands of the minority, what they do with it is up to them.

Very well thought out point. Thank you. I don't think it's anyone's goal to villify white folks ( as demonstrated by the defensive position taken by some), but instead to get people to think more critically about why things are the way they are. I think you nailed it in that it's evening out but there are still huge problems especially with the criminal justice system and how they approach and deal with black folks. The future generation is definately going to be less separated and more open than ever before as tradional thinking about race falls away.
They already are. My daughters have close friends of all races.

As do mine.
Here's a funny story about kids and race. My wife volunteers for the class parties and events throughout the school year. The school district is diverse but still mostly white.A few years ago at a second grade event one of the other mom volunteers ( a black woman) came in and all of the kids were stumped as to whose mom she was. There was only 1 interracial child in the class. The differences between the kids didn't even register with them. The mom finally had to say whose son was hers.
It's amazing how parents such as some posters on this board can poison kids at such an early age.
My youngest daughter has a good friend and one day she came home and I could tell something was wrong. I asked her what the problem was and she told me that the new girl at school had become a good friend, the friend confided in my daughter that the girl's mother told her not to play with the Black kids.
Now this is a diverse school of different people, Black, White ,Asian, Chaldean, etc.
I wondered why the woman would move into our district if she was this ignorant and racist.
I asked my daughter what did her friend say and she replied, "Katy said I was her best friend and she wanted to stay my friend."
I told my daughter to just keep right along playing with Katy and treat her like your best friend.
It dawned on me that even this young girl was willing to disobey her own mother because she saw the character of my daughter and not her skin color, they are still friends.
If Carson win the republican nominee to be president, you will show us how racist you are.

How is that? Explain.
Liberal rule, if you disagree with a black president. You are a racist, remember?

That seems a bit childish. Don't you think?
Lol, it's been going on six years now. Disagree with Obama and all I hear is its because a black guy is in the Whitehouse. Or you are a racist. I will make a prediction, if Hillary gets the nomination, over night republicans will be known as women haters if they disagree with her.
The are already known as women-haters, if that woman isn't barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen cooking...
At least we don't think of them as a bunch of whores to be used and abused. Bill Clinton is your spokesman on how women should be treated.

I'm white. I'm not a racist and I've never been labeled a racist, ever. Your OP miserably fails the test in every possible way.

Try again, this time with talent.

If you support Affirmative Action you support anti-white discrimination. YOu are thus, a a racist.

There, you have been labeled a racist.

Also, denial is proof, so by denying it, you have admitted it.

You know that white women benefit most from AA?
How is that? Explain.
Liberal rule, if you disagree with a black president. You are a racist, remember?

That seems a bit childish. Don't you think?
Lol, it's been going on six years now. Disagree with Obama and all I hear is its because a black guy is in the Whitehouse. Or you are a racist. I will make a prediction, if Hillary gets the nomination, over night republicans will be known as women haters if they disagree with her.
The are already known as women-haters, if that woman isn't barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen cooking...
At least we don't think of them as a bunch of whores to be used and abused. Bill Clinton is your spokesman on how women should be treated.
Bill should have kept his pants on. Next question?
One day, there will not have to be a term to designate these things.
I doubt I will live to see it, would be nice, but the reality is that it cant happen until those that see color first are all dead and gone.

Indeed. As Morgan Freeman said, just stop talking about it.
I don't publicly talk about it, and I try not to be that way any more, but the flat reality is that I will still look and think, that is one hot black girl, the true success is not going to be measured by what we say, but instead what we think.
Regardless of what we say, it is still what we think that guides our reaction and treatment to those not 100% like us.. For all races.

I'm confused, are you saying you don't even want to realize someone is black?
Liberal rule, if you disagree with a black president. You are a racist, remember?

That seems a bit childish. Don't you think?
Lol, it's been going on six years now. Disagree with Obama and all I hear is its because a black guy is in the Whitehouse. Or you are a racist. I will make a prediction, if Hillary gets the nomination, over night republicans will be known as women haters if they disagree with her.
The are already known as women-haters, if that woman isn't barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen cooking...
At least we don't think of them as a bunch of whores to be used and abused. Bill Clinton is your spokesman on how women should be treated.
Bill should have kept his pants on. Next question?
Just think you want him representing your party again. Shows liberals have no respect for women.
That seems a bit childish. Don't you think?
Lol, it's been going on six years now. Disagree with Obama and all I hear is its because a black guy is in the Whitehouse. Or you are a racist. I will make a prediction, if Hillary gets the nomination, over night republicans will be known as women haters if they disagree with her.
The are already known as women-haters, if that woman isn't barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen cooking...
At least we don't think of them as a bunch of whores to be used and abused. Bill Clinton is your spokesman on how women should be treated.
Bill should have kept his pants on. Next question?
Just think you want him representing your party again. Shows liberals have no respect for women.
Bil represents better times, and Bill. That's all...
Lol, it's been going on six years now. Disagree with Obama and all I hear is its because a black guy is in the Whitehouse. Or you are a racist. I will make a prediction, if Hillary gets the nomination, over night republicans will be known as women haters if they disagree with her.
The are already known as women-haters, if that woman isn't barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen cooking...
At least we don't think of them as a bunch of whores to be used and abused. Bill Clinton is your spokesman on how women should be treated.
Bill should have kept his pants on. Next question?
Just think you want him representing your party again. Shows liberals have no respect for women.
Bil represents better times, and Bill. That's all...
Spin it anyway you want, but a guy that represents liberals is a sexual predator, that destroyed women's lives.

Ha! You'll have to explain that one.

It's simple really if you only bothered to think about how each have been used in the past and in what context.

I speak English and do not subscribe to political correctness. Words have meaning.

"People of color" and "colored people" mean the same thing.

A child may think so. An adult would look at the possible differences. First you might realize that 'colored' historically applied to black folks where PoC refers to all people of color.
Secondly, given the context of the use of the term ' colored' , it's not really difficult to understand why black folks may not appreciate being referred to in that way while trying to move past that era. Like I said it is pretty simple if you think about it.
You are asking the question of a child.






Words do indeed have meaning.

None of that matters. The phrases mean exactly the same thing. Your argument is the height of nonsense.

I suppose so if you are the type who doesn't even have a modicum of respect for black folks.
White Privilege Explained in One Simple Comic Everyday Feminism

"White privilege" is the notion that white people live in a world that is better for them, then it is for "people of color"

As proof the author cites crime statistics, prison sentences, WITHOUT telling us how many crimes were committed by POCs.

Apparently we white people are all really racists, and we need to clean up our act.

But really it doesn't matter no matter how hard to not be a racist, we whites are racist no matter what we do.

So really, there's no real reason we should change our behavior, since we are condemned no matter what we do.

By the same argument, white privelidge created the middle class we know of today. Should it actually be abolished?
White Privilege Explained in One Simple Comic Everyday Feminism

"White privilege" is the notion that white people live in a world that is better for them, then it is for "people of color"

As proof the author cites crime statistics, prison sentences, WITHOUT telling us how many crimes were committed by POCs.

Apparently we white people are all really racists, and we need to clean up our act.

But really it doesn't matter no matter how hard to not be a racist, we whites are racist no matter what we do.

So really, there's no real reason we should change our behavior, since we are condemned no matter what we do.

By the same argument, white privilege created the middle class we know of today. Should it actually be abolished?
If attempted to be abolished (otherwise by being identified by those who see it as a threat) or (to make war with it until it is abolished), then the question is this next "what will take it's place" ? Would everyone be satisfied with a new ruling class or maybe even a ruling race of people that will control everything in the ultimate outcome of that scenario ? Otherwise if that is the goal sought after by some or even many in such regards now.. Sounds to me like everyone should just become Americans United, and quit with all this race crap and hyphenated titles used before the word American, and this if really want this stuff to end, but that isn't happening because that isn't the ultimate goal for some who are pimps or expansionist of their own biased agenda's now is it ?

You know one would think, man who wouldn't want to conquer this nation with all it's valuable resources and abundance of so many things that it has here, and there is no exception for those who already live within for whom might seek the same goals as an outside force would also, and especially when it smells weakness and chaos within a nation that has so much going for it in life? Happens all the time right, or the history of the world shows it as such.
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