People who believe in "white privilege" are more racist than people who don't

T haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.
They "NEVER" realized it, but you did???
And here I was thinking Svengali was dead.
You poor, poor white people! If only you could get fair treatment in this'd have made something out of life!

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

Why are you afraid to discuss this issue honestly?

Do you know at some level that you cannot honestly defend your position on it's merits, or are you just that reflexively a dick?
T haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.
They "NEVER" realized it, but you did???
And here I was thinking Svengali was dead.

I was part of the management team. THe position in question was my own as I was being promoted and transferred.

The people in question were all my team.

I recommended two people. ONe guy knew the job very well, was the most productive worker and had seniority.

The other was a younger woman, who though lacking in seniority had a degree in a related field, and was very bright.

Upper management ignored my recommendations, and revealed though their questions that they were only considering the black employees for promotion.

They promoted a young black woman despite my advice that she was not mature enough for the job.

WHat I could not tell them, was that it took a really thick skin to work with the irrational demands of upper management.

The woman in question was promoted and failed and was unemployed in a matter of months.

As I warned.
T haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.
They "NEVER" realized it, but you did???
And here I was thinking Svengali was dead.

I was part of the management team. THe position in question was my own as I was being promoted and transferred.

The people in question were all my team.

I recommended two people. ONe guy knew the job very well, was the most productive worker and had seniority.

The other was a younger woman, who though lacking in seniority had a degree in a related field, and was very bright.

Upper management ignored my recommendations, and revealed though their questions that they were only considering the black employees for promotion.

They promoted a young black woman despite my advice that she was not mature enough for the job.

WHat I could not tell them, was that it took a really thick skin to work with the irrational demands of upper management.

The woman in question was promoted and failed and was unemployed in a matter of months.

As I warned.
I once saddled and rode a unicorn around the moon.
See, we both have had hallucinations...
Last edited:
I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.
They "NEVER" realized it, but you did???
And here I was thinking Svengali was dead.

I was part of the management team. THe position in question was my own as I was being promoted and transferred.

The people in question were all my team.

I recommended two people. ONe guy knew the job very well, was the most productive worker and had seniority.

The other was a younger woman, who though lacking in seniority had a degree in a related field, and was very bright.

Upper management ignored my recommendations, and revealed though their questions that they were only considering the black employees for promotion.

They promoted a young black woman despite my advice that she was not mature enough for the job.

WHat I could not tell them, was that it took a really thick skin to work with the irrational demands of upper management.

The woman in question was promoted and failed and was unemployed in a matter of months.

As I warned.
I once saddled and rode a unicorn around the moon.
See, we both have had hallucentions...

Perhaps you would rather discuss a Supreme COurt case with lots of documents that you can't pretend not to believe?
You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.
They "NEVER" realized it, but you did???
And here I was thinking Svengali was dead.

I was part of the management team. THe position in question was my own as I was being promoted and transferred.

The people in question were all my team.

I recommended two people. ONe guy knew the job very well, was the most productive worker and had seniority.

The other was a younger woman, who though lacking in seniority had a degree in a related field, and was very bright.

Upper management ignored my recommendations, and revealed though their questions that they were only considering the black employees for promotion.

They promoted a young black woman despite my advice that she was not mature enough for the job.

WHat I could not tell them, was that it took a really thick skin to work with the irrational demands of upper management.

The woman in question was promoted and failed and was unemployed in a matter of months.

As I warned.
I once saddled and rode a unicorn around the moon.
See, we both have had hallucentions...

Perhaps you would rather discuss a Supreme COurt case with lots of documents that you can't pretend not to believe?
Sure which case would that be?
I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.
They "NEVER" realized it, but you did???
And here I was thinking Svengali was dead.

I was part of the management team. THe position in question was my own as I was being promoted and transferred.

The people in question were all my team.

I recommended two people. ONe guy knew the job very well, was the most productive worker and had seniority.

The other was a younger woman, who though lacking in seniority had a degree in a related field, and was very bright.

Upper management ignored my recommendations, and revealed though their questions that they were only considering the black employees for promotion.

They promoted a young black woman despite my advice that she was not mature enough for the job.

WHat I could not tell them, was that it took a really thick skin to work with the irrational demands of upper management.

The woman in question was promoted and failed and was unemployed in a matter of months.

As I warned.
I once saddled and rode a unicorn around the moon.
See, we both have had hallucentions...

What? That was totally believable. That shit happens all the time! It's a black mans world!
Thankfully you ilks time is coming to an end in America , You don't even know the definition of the word racist , no surprise

truth through comedy


Sorry. I rarely click on vidoe links. If you have something to say, say it.

BTW, whites aren't going anywhere. We will be here for the rest of your life and the lives of your children.

We will still be the largest single ethnic group for a long long time.

And you want to build a society based on not only NOT giving their interests any role in national government but to actively discriminate against them?

Oh yeah, that's going to work out GREAT!

You believe that white people are actively discriminated against?

NOt just yes, but Hell yes.

And, you libs are pretty open in your desire to UP the ante on this as shown by the New Haven Firefighter ruling where all the dem appointees voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination.

Enjoy the civil discourse we have today.

In the future this will be the good old days.

Have you a personal story of how you have been actively discriminated against? We all know about the New Haven Firefighters. It is often cited when people want to prove discrimination against white people. Something shady went on there. It's famous for the fact that it IS NOT A COMMON OCCURENCE

Since the court found in favor of the don't get to use that one anymore.

How have YOU experienced discrimination? How about your ancestors? Any redlining prevent your purchase of real estate? Something like that?

Finally.....what EXACTLY do you mean by your final two sentences? If I didn't know better...I would say that you are threatening or "predicting" that there will be some racial civil disobedience in our future. Is that it? I'd love to flesh out your thoughts on that subject.

Discrimination is often hidden. If you are passed over for a promotion or a job, you generally do NOT know the reason, unless you sue.

The New Haven Firefighter case is a sign of a common occurrence. THe law cited by the city applies to every hiring and promotion decision made in America.

I have personally seen management pass over more qualified white people in order to promote less qualified white people. Since their was not court case the white people in question did not even know they were discriminated against. As part of the management team, I saw it happen.

The New Haven firefighter case is also extremely relevant because of the way the voting broke down. Republican appointees all voted against the blatant anti white discrimination while all the democrat appointees voted for it.

My last two sentences should be pretty obvious. As you libs managed to bring in more and more third world voters and eventually turn the court liberal, this precedent can be ignored or overturned and quickly "up the ante" on anti-white discrimination.

And yes, eventually whites as a whole are going to get tired of being discriminated against and get pissed off.
Down here in the south, I have been noticing a disturbing trend that has since got to going on now, and it is that the fast food industry in which has resteraunts like Mcdonalds and Burger King and such, seems to be discriminating in their hiring practices possibly now.

I say this because when you go into these places, there is a 98% black staff working. Now how does this happen ? If whites were doing this, there would be hell to pay, so why the hypocrisy or reverse discrimination being practiced here when it comes to hiring people? Is it even legal what they are doing?
Until this nation realizes how dumb it is to look at peoples skin color in life, then the race crap will just keep going and going and going. There will be winners and losers based upon color, and that is the most ridiculous thing there ever was. Like MLK said, lets judge a man based upon his character and not upon his color. He was so right, but our federal government hasn't caught up to that idea yet. So sad.. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

Yes. These decisions are made but hidden from us. Whites were passed over without knowing. But we all know full well this to be the case.


What do you mean WTF?

Of course hiring decisions are not shared. I gave an example, here I will repost it.

Black people I worked with were selected over more qualified white people because upper management was afraid to have a management team that was to white.

That is special preferential treatment based on skin color, black skin color to be exact.

If they aren't shared and they happen without knowledge, then how do you know about it let alone know that it's commonplace?
Sorry. I rarely click on vidoe links. If you have something to say, say it.

BTW, whites aren't going anywhere. We will be here for the rest of your life and the lives of your children.

We will still be the largest single ethnic group for a long long time.

And you want to build a society based on not only NOT giving their interests any role in national government but to actively discriminate against them?

Oh yeah, that's going to work out GREAT!

You believe that white people are actively discriminated against?

NOt just yes, but Hell yes.

And, you libs are pretty open in your desire to UP the ante on this as shown by the New Haven Firefighter ruling where all the dem appointees voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination.

Enjoy the civil discourse we have today.

In the future this will be the good old days.

Have you a personal story of how you have been actively discriminated against? We all know about the New Haven Firefighters. It is often cited when people want to prove discrimination against white people. Something shady went on there. It's famous for the fact that it IS NOT A COMMON OCCURENCE

Since the court found in favor of the don't get to use that one anymore.

How have YOU experienced discrimination? How about your ancestors? Any redlining prevent your purchase of real estate? Something like that?

Finally.....what EXACTLY do you mean by your final two sentences? If I didn't know better...I would say that you are threatening or "predicting" that there will be some racial civil disobedience in our future. Is that it? I'd love to flesh out your thoughts on that subject.

Discrimination is often hidden. If you are passed over for a promotion or a job, you generally do NOT know the reason, unless you sue.

The New Haven Firefighter case is a sign of a common occurrence. THe law cited by the city applies to every hiring and promotion decision made in America.

I have personally seen management pass over more qualified white people in order to promote less qualified white people. Since their was not court case the white people in question did not even know they were discriminated against. As part of the management team, I saw it happen.

The New Haven firefighter case is also extremely relevant because of the way the voting broke down. Republican appointees all voted against the blatant anti white discrimination while all the democrat appointees voted for it.

My last two sentences should be pretty obvious. As you libs managed to bring in more and more third world voters and eventually turn the court liberal, this precedent can be ignored or overturned and quickly "up the ante" on anti-white discrimination.

And yes, eventually whites as a whole are going to get tired of being discriminated against and get pissed off.
Down here in the south, I have been noticing a disturbing trend that has since got to going on now, and it is that the fast food industry in which has resteraunts like Mcdonalds and Burger King and such, seems to be discriminating in their hiring practices possibly now.

I say this because when you go into these places, there is a 98% black staff working. Now how does this happen ? If whites were doing this, there would be hell to pay, so why the hypocrisy or reverse discrimination being practiced here when it comes to hiring people? Is it even legal what they are doing?

Wow! Yew right like Shakespeare er sumthin'. Very impressive and such.
That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.
They "NEVER" realized it, but you did???
And here I was thinking Svengali was dead.

I was part of the management team. THe position in question was my own as I was being promoted and transferred.

The people in question were all my team.

I recommended two people. ONe guy knew the job very well, was the most productive worker and had seniority.

The other was a younger woman, who though lacking in seniority had a degree in a related field, and was very bright.

Upper management ignored my recommendations, and revealed though their questions that they were only considering the black employees for promotion.

They promoted a young black woman despite my advice that she was not mature enough for the job.

WHat I could not tell them, was that it took a really thick skin to work with the irrational demands of upper management.

The woman in question was promoted and failed and was unemployed in a matter of months.

As I warned.
I once saddled and rode a unicorn around the moon.
See, we both have had hallucentions...

Perhaps you would rather discuss a Supreme COurt case with lots of documents that you can't pretend not to believe?
Sure which case would that be?

Are you familiar with the New Haven FIre fighter case?

The fear of the city management was the same fear that was motivating my upper management.

And with the law in question is applicable to every hiring and promotion decision that is made in this country.
You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.
They "NEVER" realized it, but you did???
And here I was thinking Svengali was dead.

I was part of the management team. THe position in question was my own as I was being promoted and transferred.

The people in question were all my team.

I recommended two people. ONe guy knew the job very well, was the most productive worker and had seniority.

The other was a younger woman, who though lacking in seniority had a degree in a related field, and was very bright.

Upper management ignored my recommendations, and revealed though their questions that they were only considering the black employees for promotion.

They promoted a young black woman despite my advice that she was not mature enough for the job.

WHat I could not tell them, was that it took a really thick skin to work with the irrational demands of upper management.

The woman in question was promoted and failed and was unemployed in a matter of months.

As I warned.
I once saddled and rode a unicorn around the moon.
See, we both have had hallucentions...

What? That was totally believable. That shit happens all the time! It's a black mans world!

It is totally believable. Fear of being sued for racial discrimination, regardless of the merits of the case are a part of every hiring and promotion decision.

You ridiculed me for stating that most such decisions are not know to the people who are victimized.

My example shows how that occurs.

Do you dare address that is a serious manner?

Rhetorical question, I know the answer is no.

Sorry. I rarely click on vidoe links. If you have something to say, say it.

BTW, whites aren't going anywhere. We will be here for the rest of your life and the lives of your children.

We will still be the largest single ethnic group for a long long time.

And you want to build a society based on not only NOT giving their interests any role in national government but to actively discriminate against them?

Oh yeah, that's going to work out GREAT!

You believe that white people are actively discriminated against?

NOt just yes, but Hell yes.

And, you libs are pretty open in your desire to UP the ante on this as shown by the New Haven Firefighter ruling where all the dem appointees voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination.

Enjoy the civil discourse we have today.

In the future this will be the good old days.

Have you a personal story of how you have been actively discriminated against? We all know about the New Haven Firefighters. It is often cited when people want to prove discrimination against white people. Something shady went on there. It's famous for the fact that it IS NOT A COMMON OCCURENCE

Since the court found in favor of the don't get to use that one anymore.

How have YOU experienced discrimination? How about your ancestors? Any redlining prevent your purchase of real estate? Something like that?

Finally.....what EXACTLY do you mean by your final two sentences? If I didn't know better...I would say that you are threatening or "predicting" that there will be some racial civil disobedience in our future. Is that it? I'd love to flesh out your thoughts on that subject.

Discrimination is often hidden. If you are passed over for a promotion or a job, you generally do NOT know the reason, unless you sue.

The New Haven Firefighter case is a sign of a common occurrence. THe law cited by the city applies to every hiring and promotion decision made in America.

I have personally seen management pass over more qualified white people in order to promote less qualified white people. Since their was not court case the white people in question did not even know they were discriminated against. As part of the management team, I saw it happen.

The New Haven firefighter case is also extremely relevant because of the way the voting broke down. Republican appointees all voted against the blatant anti white discrimination while all the democrat appointees voted for it.

My last two sentences should be pretty obvious. As you libs managed to bring in more and more third world voters and eventually turn the court liberal, this precedent can be ignored or overturned and quickly "up the ante" on anti-white discrimination.

And yes, eventually whites as a whole are going to get tired of being discriminated against and get pissed off.
Down here in the south, I have been noticing a disturbing trend that has since got to going on now, and it is that the fast food industry in which has resteraunts like Mcdonalds and Burger King and such, seems to be discriminating in their hiring practices possibly now.

I say this because when you go into these places, there is a 98% black staff working. Now how does this happen ? If whites were doing this, there would be hell to pay, so why the hypocrisy or reverse discrimination being practiced here when it comes to hiring people? Is it even legal what they are doing?

Depends on the judge.

In the New Haven FIre Fighter case we saw that all the dem appointees voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination.
I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

Yes. These decisions are made but hidden from us. Whites were passed over without knowing. But we all know full well this to be the case.


What do you mean WTF?

Of course hiring decisions are not shared. I gave an example, here I will repost it.

Black people I worked with were selected over more qualified white people because upper management was afraid to have a management team that was to white.

That is special preferential treatment based on skin color, black skin color to be exact.

If they aren't shared and they happen without knowledge, then how do you know about it let alone know that it's commonplace?

Extrapolation and inductive reasoning.

I was not part of a management team for a very long time, and only involved in a one promotion decision. That fact that race was a part of the ONE promotion I was part of is a strong indicator that it is not a rare occasion.

The reason for the action of upper management, ie fear of discrimination lawsuit, is an universal part of every hiring and promotion decision in the nation. That is what Federal Law is all about.

Thus there is no reason to expect that my experience was not normal.
of course there is anti-white discrimination

what kind of complete idiot thinks there isnt?
Of course that's far worse than anti black discrimination.

Yes it is.

Anti-white discrimination has the weight of law behind it and if you don't do it, you risk getting your ass sued and your life ruined.

Anti-black discrimination is illegal and will get your asses sued, and your life ruined if you get caught.
That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.
They "NEVER" realized it, but you did???
And here I was thinking Svengali was dead.

I was part of the management team. THe position in question was my own as I was being promoted and transferred.

The people in question were all my team.

I recommended two people. ONe guy knew the job very well, was the most productive worker and had seniority.

The other was a younger woman, who though lacking in seniority had a degree in a related field, and was very bright.

Upper management ignored my recommendations, and revealed though their questions that they were only considering the black employees for promotion.

They promoted a young black woman despite my advice that she was not mature enough for the job.

WHat I could not tell them, was that it took a really thick skin to work with the irrational demands of upper management.

The woman in question was promoted and failed and was unemployed in a matter of months.

As I warned.
I once saddled and rode a unicorn around the moon.
See, we both have had hallucentions...

What? That was totally believable. That shit happens all the time! It's a black mans world!

It is totally believable. Fear of being sued for racial discrimination, regardless of the merits of the case are a part of every hiring and promotion decision.

You ridiculed me for stating that most such decisions are not know to the people who are victimized.

My example shows how that occurs.

Do you dare address that is a serious manner?

Rhetorical question, I know the answer is no.


Did you just cite the New Haven case for the second time in this thread? Since there have been millions of cases of anti-white discrimination....surely you can come up with more than one. It would be great if you found one that wasn't decided in favor of the white guys.

Being white......I've never once felt discriminated against in this country. Apparently, you haven't you have failed to give me one example in spite of my asking a half dozen times.

Now.....I did experience racial discrimination......but that was when I was working in Japan. Even there, though.....the black foreigners had it worse than the white ones.

Yes, Nancy......on it's face....affirmative action screams of unfairness. The only criteria used in hiring decisions should be competence. If white hiring managers had been able to follow that criteria from the day slaves were freed.....we'd not be having this discussion. But......they weren't. And the history matters. It really, really matters.
not only more racist but a bigot to boot. but to them the double standards is ok

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