People who believe in "white privilege" are more racist than people who don't

They "NEVER" realized it, but you did???
And here I was thinking Svengali was dead.

I was part of the management team. THe position in question was my own as I was being promoted and transferred.

The people in question were all my team.

I recommended two people. ONe guy knew the job very well, was the most productive worker and had seniority.

The other was a younger woman, who though lacking in seniority had a degree in a related field, and was very bright.

Upper management ignored my recommendations, and revealed though their questions that they were only considering the black employees for promotion.

They promoted a young black woman despite my advice that she was not mature enough for the job.

WHat I could not tell them, was that it took a really thick skin to work with the irrational demands of upper management.

The woman in question was promoted and failed and was unemployed in a matter of months.

As I warned.
I once saddled and rode a unicorn around the moon.
See, we both have had hallucentions...

What? That was totally believable. That shit happens all the time! It's a black mans world!

It is totally believable. Fear of being sued for racial discrimination, regardless of the merits of the case are a part of every hiring and promotion decision.

You ridiculed me for stating that most such decisions are not know to the people who are victimized.

My example shows how that occurs.

Do you dare address that is a serious manner?

Rhetorical question, I know the answer is no.


Did you just cite the New Haven case for the second time in this thread? Since there have been millions of cases of anti-white discrimination....surely you can come up with more than one. It would be great if you found one that wasn't decided in favor of the white guys.

Being white......I've never once felt discriminated against in this country. Apparently, you haven't you have failed to give me one example in spite of my asking a half dozen times.

Now.....I did experience racial discrimination......but that was when I was working in Japan. Even there, though.....the black foreigners had it worse than the white ones.

Yes, Nancy......on it's face....affirmative action screams of unfairness. The only criteria used in hiring decisions should be competence. If white hiring managers had been able to follow that criteria from the day slaves were freed.....we'd not be having this discussion. But......they weren't. And the history matters. It really, really matters.

You have not addressed the point about fear of discrimination lawsuits motivating anti-white discrimination.

Yes, the whites won their case in that one case. But the law itself was not overturned.

Employers are still in the impossible position of being required to get an equal outcome racially, despite the unequal pool of applicants they are provided by society/black society.

This will still require hiring and promoting lesser qualified blacks over more qualified whites.

As this is critical to whether there is white privilege or not, I will be bringing it up until you address it.

Thank you for admitting that it is unfair.

It seems that you believe that present unfairness is a price we pay for making up for past unfairness, it that a fair representation of your position?
Poor, poor white people! Anti white discrimination is worse!!!!

Yes. And I explained why.

You were unable to address that, which is why you simply repeated your position despite the fact.

What you are doing is the Logical Fallacy of Truth by Assertion.

That is dishonest.
I was part of the management team. THe position in question was my own as I was being promoted and transferred.

The people in question were all my team.

I recommended two people. ONe guy knew the job very well, was the most productive worker and had seniority.

The other was a younger woman, who though lacking in seniority had a degree in a related field, and was very bright.

Upper management ignored my recommendations, and revealed though their questions that they were only considering the black employees for promotion.

They promoted a young black woman despite my advice that she was not mature enough for the job.

WHat I could not tell them, was that it took a really thick skin to work with the irrational demands of upper management.

The woman in question was promoted and failed and was unemployed in a matter of months.

As I warned.
I once saddled and rode a unicorn around the moon.
See, we both have had hallucentions...

What? That was totally believable. That shit happens all the time! It's a black mans world!

It is totally believable. Fear of being sued for racial discrimination, regardless of the merits of the case are a part of every hiring and promotion decision.

You ridiculed me for stating that most such decisions are not know to the people who are victimized.

My example shows how that occurs.

Do you dare address that is a serious manner?

Rhetorical question, I know the answer is no.


Did you just cite the New Haven case for the second time in this thread? Since there have been millions of cases of anti-white discrimination....surely you can come up with more than one. It would be great if you found one that wasn't decided in favor of the white guys.

Being white......I've never once felt discriminated against in this country. Apparently, you haven't you have failed to give me one example in spite of my asking a half dozen times.

Now.....I did experience racial discrimination......but that was when I was working in Japan. Even there, though.....the black foreigners had it worse than the white ones.

Yes, Nancy......on it's face....affirmative action screams of unfairness. The only criteria used in hiring decisions should be competence. If white hiring managers had been able to follow that criteria from the day slaves were freed.....we'd not be having this discussion. But......they weren't. And the history matters. It really, really matters.

You have not addressed the point about fear of discrimination lawsuits motivating anti-white discrimination.

Yes, the whites won their case in that one case. But the law itself was not overturned.

Employers are still in the impossible position of being required to get an equal outcome racially, despite the unequal pool of applicants they are provided by society/black society.

This will still require hiring and promoting lesser qualified blacks over more qualified whites.

As this is critical to whether there is white privilege or not, I will be bringing it up until you address it.

Thank you for admitting that it is unfair.

It seems that you believe that present unfairness is a price we pay for making up for past unfairness, it that a fair representation of your position?

I addressed affirmative action, Nancy. You are talking about fear of lawsuits like you have some proof other than your personal experience which involved other people.

And....there is no equal outcome, dummy. The goal is equal opportunity. And that doesn't mean 50-50. That means per capita equal opportunity.

Simple stuff. If our ancestors had figured this out long ago....we'd not be dealing with the issue today. Again....history matters.
Poor, poor white people! Anti white discrimination is worse!!!!

Yes. And I explained why.

You were unable to address that, which is why you simply repeated your position despite the fact.

What you are doing is the Logical Fallacy of Truth by Assertion.

That is dishonest.

You didn't explain anything. You bitched and whined some bullshit about anti-white discrimination being legal. Where are the fucking cases? Let's go.

Affirmative action isn't anti-white discrimination, Nancy. That's where you are failing over and over again.
I once saddled and rode a unicorn around the moon.
See, we both have had hallucentions...

What? That was totally believable. That shit happens all the time! It's a black mans world!

It is totally believable. Fear of being sued for racial discrimination, regardless of the merits of the case are a part of every hiring and promotion decision.

You ridiculed me for stating that most such decisions are not know to the people who are victimized.

My example shows how that occurs.

Do you dare address that is a serious manner?

Rhetorical question, I know the answer is no.


Did you just cite the New Haven case for the second time in this thread? Since there have been millions of cases of anti-white discrimination....surely you can come up with more than one. It would be great if you found one that wasn't decided in favor of the white guys.

Being white......I've never once felt discriminated against in this country. Apparently, you haven't you have failed to give me one example in spite of my asking a half dozen times.

Now.....I did experience racial discrimination......but that was when I was working in Japan. Even there, though.....the black foreigners had it worse than the white ones.

Yes, Nancy......on it's face....affirmative action screams of unfairness. The only criteria used in hiring decisions should be competence. If white hiring managers had been able to follow that criteria from the day slaves were freed.....we'd not be having this discussion. But......they weren't. And the history matters. It really, really matters.

You have not addressed the point about fear of discrimination lawsuits motivating anti-white discrimination.

Yes, the whites won their case in that one case. But the law itself was not overturned.

Employers are still in the impossible position of being required to get an equal outcome racially, despite the unequal pool of applicants they are provided by society/black society.

This will still require hiring and promoting lesser qualified blacks over more qualified whites.

As this is critical to whether there is white privilege or not, I will be bringing it up until you address it.

Thank you for admitting that it is unfair.

It seems that you believe that present unfairness is a price we pay for making up for past unfairness, it that a fair representation of your position?

I addressed affirmative action, Nancy. You are talking about fear of lawsuits like you have some proof other than your personal experience which involved other people.

And....there is no equal outcome, dummy. The goal is equal opportunity. And that doesn't mean 50-50. That means per capita equal opportunity.

Simple stuff. If our ancestors had figured this out long ago....we'd not be dealing with the issue today. Again....history matters.

The Theory of Disparate Impact, which the City of New Haven stated was the motivation for their anti-white discrimination and which EVERY democrat appointed Justice voted for, does require equal outcomes.

For unequal outcomes are considered to be proof of discrimination.

If you do not support that type of blatant anti-white discrimination you are on the wrong side of this debate.

Do you need a link showing that the New Haven City government said that? Or do you already know that?
Poor, poor white people! Anti white discrimination is worse!!!!

Yes. And I explained why.

You were unable to address that, which is why you simply repeated your position despite the fact.

What you are doing is the Logical Fallacy of Truth by Assertion.

That is dishonest.

You didn't explain anything. You bitched and whined some bullshit about anti-white discrimination being legal. Where are the fucking cases? Let's go.

Affirmative action isn't anti-white discrimination, Nancy. That's where you are failing over and over again.

I posted a very powerful example, the New Haven Firefighter Case.

The city was motivated by fear of a racial discrimination lawsuit and every dem appointed Justice supported them.

The ruling was one of those stupid ruling were they ruled against the discrimination, but did not overturn the law.

So, employers are in the impossible position of discriminating in favor of unqualified blacks without discriminating against whites.

This only slightly reduces the chances of an employer LOSING a racial discrimination lawsuit, but the desire is to AVOID costly and bad PR discrimination lawsuits in the first place. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

Why did they attack you? haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

Why did they attack you?

He already said.

Why? Are you going to call him a liar because his story doesn't fit your world view? haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

Why did they attack you?
The only reason I can come up with is because I was white. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

Why did they attack you?

He already said.

Why? Are you going to call him a liar because his story doesn't fit your world view?
I also didn't/ blame the entire black race because of a couple of black racist. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

Why did they attack you?

He already said.

Why? Are you going to call him a liar because his story doesn't fit your world view?

He said he was attacked because he was white. I would like to know more about that. Did they tell him that? Were they apprehended by police?

I've not called him a liar.

You are very sensitive about being called a even get offended when someone else might be called a liar. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

Why did they attack you?
The only reason I can come up with is because I was white.

Oh. You don't know that is the reason. That is your guess. That's awesome. Who ran them off? You must have been very grateful.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

Why did they attack you?
The only reason I can come up with is because I was white.

Oh. You don't know that is the reason. That is your guess. That's awesome. Who ran them off? You must have been very grateful.
It was in a gas station parking lot I was walking to work. They cut me off with their car got out asked me where I was going. Then they said how about you don't make it, and I said how about I do. I started to run and one tripped me and then they jumped me. Yes I was very appreciated to the person. Yes, the police came out. When they realized I was a poor white boy, they said nothing they could do and drove off.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

Why did they attack you?

He already said.

Why? Are you going to call him a liar because his story doesn't fit your world view?

He said he was attacked because he was white. I would like to know more about that. Did they tell him that? Were they apprehended by police?

I've not called him a liar.

You are very sensitive about being called a even get offended when someone else might be called a liar.

You have repeated insulted me.

Taking offense over being insulted is normal and healthy.

THat you try to pretend otherwise is just you being dishonest.

About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

Why did they attack you?
The only reason I can come up with is because I was white.

Oh. You don't know that is the reason. That is your guess. That's awesome. Who ran them off? You must have been very grateful.

"That's awesome"?

THat's you being a jerk.
Poor, poor white people! Anti white discrimination is worse!!!!

Yes. And I explained why.

You were unable to address that, which is why you simply repeated your position despite the fact.

What you are doing is the Logical Fallacy of Truth by Assertion.

That is dishonest.

You didn't explain anything. You bitched and whined some bullshit about anti-white discrimination being legal. Where are the fucking cases? Let's go.

Affirmative action isn't anti-white discrimination, Nancy. That's where you are failing over and over again.

Affirmative action isn't anti-white discrimination, and in no way undermines or mitigates the fact of white privilege.
Poor, poor white people! Anti white discrimination is worse!!!!

Yes. And I explained why.

You were unable to address that, which is why you simply repeated your position despite the fact.

What you are doing is the Logical Fallacy of Truth by Assertion.

That is dishonest.

You didn't explain anything. You bitched and whined some bullshit about anti-white discrimination being legal. Where are the fucking cases? Let's go.

Affirmative action isn't anti-white discrimination, Nancy. That's where you are failing over and over again.

Affirmative action isn't anti-white discrimination, and in no way undermines or mitigates the fact of white privilege.

prove white privilege exists
I'm white. I'm not a racist and I've never been labeled a racist. Your OP fails the test.

I'm white. I'm not a racist and I've never been labeled a racist, ever. Your OP miserably fails the test in every possible way.

Try again, this time with talent.
The OP went right over your head.

The point stands, the myth and fallacy of notion of white privilege is highly racist in itself. This is true.
of course whites are assualted merely for being white

what kind of loser says that doesnt happen?

are there people ACTUALLY stupid enough to appear to be saying racism is only a white thing?

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