People who believe in "white privilege" are more racist than people who don't

If you support Affirmative Action you support anti-white discrimination. YOu are thus, a a racist.

There, you have been labeled a racist.

Also, denial is proof, so by denying it, you have admitted it.


Thankfully you ilks time is coming to an end in America , You don't even know the definition of the word racist , no surprise

truth through comedy


Sorry. I rarely click on vidoe links. If you have something to say, say it.

BTW, whites aren't going anywhere. We will be here for the rest of your life and the lives of your children.

We will still be the largest single ethnic group for a long long time.

And you want to build a society based on not only NOT giving their interests any role in national government but to actively discriminate against them?

Oh yeah, that's going to work out GREAT!

You believe that white people are actively discriminated against?

NOt just yes, but Hell yes.

And, you libs are pretty open in your desire to UP the ante on this as shown by the New Haven Firefighter ruling where all the dem appointees voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination.

Enjoy the civil discourse we have today.

In the future this will be the good old days.

Have you a personal story of how you have been actively discriminated against? We all know about the New Haven Firefighters. It is often cited when people want to prove discrimination against white people. Something shady went on there. It's famous for the fact that it IS NOT A COMMON OCCURENCE

Since the court found in favor of the don't get to use that one anymore.

How have YOU experienced discrimination? How about your ancestors? Any redlining prevent your purchase of real estate? Something like that?

Finally.....what EXACTLY do you mean by your final two sentences? If I didn't know better...I would say that you are threatening or "predicting" that there will be some racial civil disobedience in our future. Is that it? I'd love to flesh out your thoughts on that subject.

Discrimination is often hidden. If you are passed over for a promotion or a job, you generally do NOT know the reason, unless you sue.

The New Haven Firefighter case is a sign of a common occurrence. THe law cited by the city applies to every hiring and promotion decision made in America.

I have personally seen management pass over more qualified white people in order to promote less qualified white people. Since their was not court case the white people in question did not even know they were discriminated against. As part of the management team, I saw it happen.

The New Haven firefighter case is also extremely relevant because of the way the voting broke down. Republican appointees all voted against the blatant anti white discrimination while all the democrat appointees voted for it.

My last two sentences should be pretty obvious. As you libs managed to bring in more and more third world voters and eventually turn the court liberal, this precedent can be ignored or overturned and quickly "up the ante" on anti-white discrimination.

And yes, eventually whites as a whole are going to get tired of being discriminated against and get pissed off.
I am fairly successful. I've made a good living and I have had a peaceful, pleasant life thus far. I work hard and I have made some good choices.

However.....I know that I was born with and raised with an advantage over minority Americans. Even those who are much smarter than me. They have had to work harder....they have had barriers that I didn't have.

This doesn't make me feel inferior. It doesn't diminish the hard work I've done. It simply recognizes that others have had to work harder. I'm not sure why that upsets so many of you folks.

Because it is not true, and this lie is used to justify anti-white discrimination.

Black people I worked with were selected over more qualified white people because upper management was afraid to have a management team that was to white.

That is special preferential treatment based on skin color, black skin color to be exact.
I'm white. I'm not a racist and I've never been labeled a racist. Your OP fails the test.
If Carson win the republican nominee to be president, you will show us how racist you are.

How is that? Explain.
Liberal rule, if you disagree with a black president. You are a racist, remember?

That seems a bit childish. Don't you think?
Lol, it's been going on six years now. Disagree with Obama and all I hear is its because a black guy is in the Whitehouse. Or you are a racist. I will make a prediction, if Hillary gets the nomination, over night republicans will be known as women haters if they disagree with her.

Actually back in the day when she was just a First Lady with input, that was already used.
If Carson win the republican nominee to be president, you will show us how racist you are.

How is that? Explain.
Liberal rule, if you disagree with a black president. You are a racist, remember?

That seems a bit childish. Don't you think?
Lol, it's been going on six years now. Disagree with Obama and all I hear is its because a black guy is in the Whitehouse. Or you are a racist. I will make a prediction, if Hillary gets the nomination, over night republicans will be known as women haters if they disagree with her.

I'm going to try. Here goes.

What you have just written is the kind of thing that a person of low intelligence would write or appreciate. Aside from the obvious fact that it isn't true and cannot be is soooooooo boring because it has been posted here hundreds....if not thousands of times since 2008.

I suspect that you.....yourself.....have written the same thing or something very similar here on many occasions.

You've announced to everyone here.....even the people who may give your stupidity a "thanks".......that you are a barely functioning adult who hasn't an ounce of creativity nor original thought.

Please...accept this constructive criticism in the spirit with which it is offered.

WHat he said is true, and your response shows you not only to be a liar here, but crushes your occasional attempts to appear like you are trying to have a real discussion.

Your pretension of intellectual superiority just shows you to be a fool.

Please...accept this constructive criticism in the spirit with which it is offered.
Im one of the last ones here to defend any of this type of crap, but here is my take on the only reason that white privilege exists, or should even be considered still today.
First you have to understand that before 1964, a black man did not have a college education, He was also not protected by any anti discrimination laws, this left a basically uneducated worker in a minimum wage job.
Along comes the equal rights act of 1964 and suddenly all of this changes right? wrong. That uneducated worker in the minimum wage job is still the same, he didn't go out and get a job at NASA designing the next rocket that would carry man to the moon, and he certainly was not able to afford to put his children through college.
Consider this and you now understand that even though the laws say the black can go to that same college, the family did not have the money to send him. So we end up with another generation through the 70s that were kept out of college due to the costs involved.
In the mid to late 70s the equal rights laws were strengthened to address this issue to some extent, but the result was that we now had a new generation that was uneducated and under employed that still could not afford to send the children through college, Yes, more were getting in, but still not in the same racial percentages as the whites.
Today however, with more black families having better paying jobs, more blacks going to college, that white privilege is starting to even out.
There was certainly a privilege to being white in this country at one time, but it is no longer the case. The phrase remains, but the reason for it is almost gone.
Even with the shift in education being available today, you still have us dinosaurs that have come up through our lives seeing blacks as less educated and in the lower paying positions, conditioning for this many years is the reason that we see blacks as less qualified.
I would say that this next generation will see things in a much different light when they get to the working age.

other than that, the actual real privilege is in the hands of the minority, what they do with it is up to them.

Very well thought out point. Thank you. I don't think it's anyone's goal to villify white folks ( as demonstrated by the defensive position taken by some), but instead to get people to think more critically about why things are the way they are. I think you nailed it in that it's evening out but there are still huge problems especially with the criminal justice system and how they approach and deal with black folks. The future generation is definately going to be less separated and more open than ever before as tradional thinking about race falls away.

YOu think minorities are going to be LESS aggressive in using their increasing political power to advance their interests?


As they and their lib allies become more painfully obvious in their anti-white discrimination, more and more whites will wake up and get tired of being discriminated against to make up for mythical white privilege.

The largest single ethnic group will be cut out of political power and increasingly anger.

THe minority majority will be outraged that their consensus reality is being challenged by people they have been raised for generations to think own them for past injustices.

Enjoy the harmony and unity of today. This is the Good Old Days.
"People who believe in "white privilege" are more racist than people who don't"


That whites enjoy an advantage with regard to hiring, advancement, and education is beyond dispute.


Except that large percentages of the American people dispute that. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I'm white. I'm not a racist and I've never been labeled a racist, ever. Your OP miserably fails the test in every possible way.

Try again, this time with talent.

If you support Affirmative Action you support anti-white discrimination. YOu are thus, a a racist.

There, you have been labeled a racist.

Also, denial is proof, so by denying it, you have admitted it.

You know that white women benefit most from AA?

Just because they have had the most advancement during the time in question does not mean they benefited the most.

It just means the blacks, despite the vast efforts made on their behalf by society for the last couple of decades managed to still fuck things up. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You are not giving me a case where YOU personally were discriminated against for being white. I am getting tired of this merry go round. feel as though you'd be in a better position today had you been born black. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

Yes. These decisions are made but hidden from us. Whites were passed over without knowing. But we all know full well this to be the case.

WTF? haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You are not giving me a case where YOU personally were discriminated against for being white. I am getting tired of this merry go round. feel as though you'd be in a better position today had you been born black.

I already addressed why that is.

Would you at least like to address why you feel you can dismiss that point?

Instead of your playing dumb and just repeating the question? haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

You just know you've been discriminated against.....but it was hidden from you.

Of course.

That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

Yes. These decisions are made but hidden from us. Whites were passed over without knowing. But we all know full well this to be the case.


What do you mean WTF?

Of course hiring decisions are not shared. I gave an example, here I will repost it.

Black people I worked with were selected over more qualified white people because upper management was afraid to have a management team that was to white.

That is special preferential treatment based on skin color, black skin color to be exact.
of course there is anti-white discrimination

what kind of complete idiot thinks there isnt?

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