People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

progressives REGRESSING AGAIN as usual. you on the left/progressives/dems, have NOTHING but hate in your blood

We only hate the extreme right.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

progressives REGRESSING AGAIN as usual. you on the left/progressives/dems, have NOTHING but hate in your blood

We only hate the extreme right.

You hate everyone who doesn't BOW to your fascism and cant' stand the fact YOU JUST LOST CONTROL OF your POWER.

You have black hearts and souls if you even have a soul
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

progressives REGRESSING AGAIN as usual. you on the left/progressives/dems, have NOTHING but hate in your blood

We only hate the extreme right.

read and weep you LOSERS cult members of the Democrat party:

WaPo factchecks Obama on ObamaCare, election message in post-midterm presser
posted at 6:41 pm on November 7, 2014 by Ed Morrissey
This hasn’t exactly been a banner week for Democrats, but especially so for Barack Obama. The Washington Post corrected him twice this week on claims made by the President’s denial of reality in his post-election press conference, the first time in a formal fact-check from Glenn Kessler. Obama tried arguing that the election results didn’t really reflect on ObamaCare despite the success of Republicans in defeating Democrats who supported it — or even those who refused to answer the question — because ObamaCare has reduced the costs of health care in every year since its passage. That assumes facts not in evidence in terms of causal relationship, Kessler notes, and isn’t true on the facts anyway:
In fact, despite the president’s claim of a decrease of every year, the White House’s own chart shows that the 2013 estimate represents a slight uptick from 2012, when adjusted for inflation and population. As the White House report puts it, “the three years since 2010 will have recorded the three slowest health-care spending growth rates since record keeping began in 1960.” That is impressive, but it is not the same as health costs going down “every single year” since the law was passed in 2010. …
There is no dispute that health care spending is growing at its lowest level since the 1960s, but the impact of the Affordable Care Act is still uncertain. The White House has issued reports making its case, which have beendisputed by others. There are certainly some cost-controls contained in the law, but it remains unclear whether those measures have really had that much impact, especially because the Great Recession clearly had affected health-care inflation even before the law was implemented. Just as growth in health-care costs have slowed because the 2009 economic crisis, so has economic growth and general price inflation overall.
When making a claim like this, the president needs to get his statistics right. He is trying to say that Obamacare is responsible for the slowdown in health-care costs, without directly saying so. But he should acknowledge that although the overall trend is positive, the impact of his health-care law remains unclear. Uttering this claim without any caveats is going too far, even when making allowances for the fact he is speaking extemporaneously. The president earns Three Pinocchios.
It’s not the first Pinocchios Obama has earned from ObamaCare. He got saddled with the Lie of the Year in 2013 from Politifact, after the rollout of the program demonstrated that millions of people could not in fact keep their plans if they liked them. Kessler has handed them out repeatedly to Obama and Democrats on this issue. These are just since the rollout last October:

ALL of it here:
WaPo factchecks Obama on ObamaCare election message in post-midterm presser Hot Air
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

It worked out just fine,gained seat in the house,and the real meat was just like this last election,at the state and local levels,Dems have hemorrhaged seats every time.
To be honest, I would love to split up the country and go our separate ways too.
The libs have been working hard to split it up. Rich against poor, black against white, woman against man, religious against atheist, gay against straight, whatever they think will give them more power.

What possible reason would we have to want to divide the poor with wedge issues like abortion, guns and racism? It is the rich that con you suckers into voting against your own financial interests over these issues. Without them, why would you vote for the party that only seems to care about the rich?

Trickle down never worked.
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

It worked out just fine,gained seat in the house,and the real meat was just like this last election,at the state and local levels,Dems have hemorrhaged seats every time.

Funny we win General Elections and you brag about Midterms when only 40% show up to vote. Not a mandate stupid.
Thankfully the MAJORITY of the people woke up to the Obama and his party of comrades who wanted to Transform us into something else.

They voted TO PUT A STOP this

bravo for the people:clap2:
What possible reason would we have to want to divide the poor with wedge issues like abortion, guns and racism? It is the rich that con you suckers into voting against your own financial interests over these issues. Without them, why would you vote for the party that only seems to care about the rich?

Trickle down never worked.
Trickle down always works. Rich people buy shit. Same with medium rich, mildly rich, well off, doing OK, could be doing better, I'm scraping all goes somewhere and people need to provide the goods and services.
What possible reason would we have to want to divide the poor with wedge issues like abortion, guns and racism? It is the rich that con you suckers into voting against your own financial interests over these issues. Without them, why would you vote for the party that only seems to care about the rich?

Trickle down never worked.
Trickle down always works. Rich people buy shit. Same with medium rich, mildly rich, well off, doing OK, could be doing better, I'm scraping all goes somewhere and people need to provide the goods and services.

the poor Sealyboob is a compete brainwashed sheep/tool of the Democrat party. Regurgitates nothing but the DNC party talking points and finds no shame in doing it.

sad and pathetic
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

It worked out just fine,gained seat in the house,and the real meat was just like this last election,at the state and local levels,Dems have hemorrhaged seats every time.

Funny we win General Elections and you brag about Midterms when only 40% show up to vote. Not a mandate stupid.
Keep telling yourself that its been working great.
Booboo is throwing a tantrum this morning. Must have sobered up.

I heard withdrawal is hell.

I'm not 1/10th as mad as I was when Bush stole the 2000 and 2004 elections. At least we control the White House. That's HUGE! and you guys know it.
When you see this,you know your dealing with an idiot party hack,still stuck on stupid.
The Dems had their collective ass's handed once again to them,yet still ??!!!
Booboo is throwing a tantrum this morning. Must have sobered up.

I heard withdrawal is hell.

I'm not 1/10th as mad as I was when Bush stole the 2000 and 2004 elections. At least we control the White House. That's HUGE! and you guys know it.
When you see this,you know your dealing with an idiot party hack,still stuck on stupid.
The Dems had their collective ass's handed once again to them,yet still ??!!!

It's no use arguing with Idiots. but I commend you for trying
Thankfully the MAJORITY of the people woke up to the Obama and his party of comrades who wanted to Transform us into something else.

They voted TO PUT A STOP this

bravo for the people:clap2:

Nope, the people are still firmly asleep. Anyone who thinks the president is in charge is a little confused.
What possible reason would we have to want to divide the poor with wedge issues like abortion, guns and racism? It is the rich that con you suckers into voting against your own financial interests over these issues. Without them, why would you vote for the party that only seems to care about the rich?

Trickle down never worked.
Trickle down always works. Rich people buy shit. Same with medium rich, mildly rich, well off, doing OK, could be doing better, I'm scraping all goes somewhere and people need to provide the goods and services.

Yeah, it does work. It led to the 2008 crash which the rich wanted, clearly works.

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