People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

Why do you think those votes would automatically go the GOP? The Libertarian Party is made up of disgruntled voters from both parties. If you want my vote then you have to earn it. The GOP and the Democrats have failed to do so. This what happens when they continually ignore our concerns, we take our votes elsewhere. If your candidate was good they would win regardless of a 3rd party candidate.
You live in a bubble. many races are won by a slim margin. I never once heard of Libertarians spoiling it for a Democrat so they must be closer to Republicans. The Green party screwed the pooch years ago and they learned a lesson, better to influence a winning party from within rather than standing out in the cold looking in.

I agree with many Libertarian principles but their leaders are typically whack jobs like Ron Paul. But at least he smartened up and went Republican knowing he had no chance at all 3rd party.

No actually most elections are not decided by very slim margins. Gross gerrymandering as made most districts far too safe for one party or the other. Only 40 House races were competitive this time around. That's absurd. Again, those votes do belong to the GOP. They have to be earned.

Gerrymandering only affects one of three elected entities and it was completely irrelevant in the GOP taking the Senate this year.

Nice try.
Isn't it hilarious to hear a lib whine about losing the Senate because of Republican gerrymandering!!!!

I am not a lib and never once did I claim gerrymandering effects the Senate. I am well aware of how the political system works. As I have stated before the reason why the GOP won the Senate is because they ran better candidates.

This need to label someone (lib or con or whatever) for daring to have a differing view is stupid.
You'll notice that I haven't once thrown any snark at you when I've have addressed your posts and it would nice if you extended me the same courtesy. And yes, you did say races are decided by slim margins and I pointed out that due to gerrymandering that only a small handful of House races are competitive. In 2010 there was a windfall of Republicans elected at the state level and they redrew the districts to give the party many safe districts. My state was one of them in fact. F or ages now I have been gassing on about the grossly partisan redistricting done by both parties. Pretending that gerrymandering doesn't make House races less competitive and only buttresses incumbency is just silly.
You misrepresented what I said, that's an insult. I said some races are decided by slim margins and 3rd party candidates can make the difference. That's a fact. Redistricting can't explain the election results, it's impossible. But it sounds like the conspiracy crap we get from 3rd party types.

If I misunderstood your post then you have my apologies, it was never to my intention to insult you because even though we disagree on some issues you bring up interesting points.

You act as if these votes for third party candidates automatically belong to one party of the other. They don't. The Libertarian Party is made up of disgruntled Republicans and Democrats. If they were not on the ballot they would either not vote at all or ignore those races entirely.
Yet you keep complaining.

Not to worry - I know my little attempts to shame people like you are not going to work 99.9% of the time. You're far too full of yourselves. But hey, that 0.1% is enough for me.

I'll just assume you'll whine whenever I point out the dishonesty of partisans and the damage it is causing. Okay.
You're the one complaining about partisanship, not me. But thanks for finally admitting your real purpose. You are trying to shame people for siding with an party and you think I'm full of myself? You must have gone to school in the short bus.

Yes, the standard personal insults of partisan ideologues. Gosh, I'm in great pain now.

You folks (both ends, ouch) think that you have all the answers, that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong/stupid.

You talk yourselves into this lie and live it every day.

Then you get pissy when someone points it out, because you HATE being compared to/equated with those you so loathe.

Not my problem. Please put me on ignore before you have a freaking stroke.


Jesus H Christ, stop patting yourself on your back for pointing out that all politicians lie and acting like that is some original thought. Now, you keep on thinking Ted cruz and Pelosi share the same ideology.

That way you can keep on thinking how above all of the political fray you are. Not sure why come on a political board.

That is one of those little thorns that you need to perhaps deal with. Why, do you post of political boards if it is all bullshit?


Because I choose to.

If you want to treat politics like professional wrestling, by all means, run with it.


Because choose to do what? Come on here and continuously insinuate that Pelosi and Ted cruz share the same ideology? Tell us that all politicians lie?

One of those things you would be wrong about and the other is something we all know.

I mean say something that is enlightening. It is not always noble to point out how you do not pick a side and you simply sit on the fence. In fact that is rarely noble.

Then to brag about it and brow beat us on top of thinking that you are saying something original makes it worse.

When in the world have I ever insinuated that Pelosi & Cruz share the same ideology? They share the same behaviors, and I assume you know the difference. Right? Just as right wing partisan ideologues share the same behaviors as left wing partisan ideologues, and when I point that out, they all get VERY angry, because they hate being equated with those they loathe. Oh well.

And of course politicians lie, but it goes far beyond that. Politicians lie, partisans lie, politicos lie and pundits lie. All about issues that are critical to this country. They're a big part of the problem, because they control the conversation. If you're satisfied being part of the problem, if you have somehow convinced yourself that "your" ideology will one day "win", that's your call.

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Don't you just love it when the N.A.A.C.P. disavows those two Black Republican wins? Really shows their "Woe is us victim agenda" up for what it truly is.
You're the one complaining about partisanship, not me. But thanks for finally admitting your real purpose. You are trying to shame people for siding with an party and you think I'm full of myself? You must have gone to school in the short bus.

Yes, the standard personal insults of partisan ideologues. Gosh, I'm in great pain now.

You folks (both ends, ouch) think that you have all the answers, that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong/stupid.

You talk yourselves into this lie and live it every day.

Then you get pissy when someone points it out, because you HATE being compared to/equated with those you so loathe.

Not my problem. Please put me on ignore before you have a freaking stroke.


Jesus H Christ, stop patting yourself on your back for pointing out that all politicians lie and acting like that is some original thought. Now, you keep on thinking Ted cruz and Pelosi share the same ideology.

That way you can keep on thinking how above all of the political fray you are. Not sure why come on a political board.

That is one of those little thorns that you need to perhaps deal with. Why, do you post of political boards if it is all bullshit?


Because I choose to.

If you want to treat politics like professional wrestling, by all means, run with it.


Because choose to do what? Come on here and continuously insinuate that Pelosi and Ted cruz share the same ideology? Tell us that all politicians lie?

One of those things you would be wrong about and the other is something we all know.

I mean say something that is enlightening. It is not always noble to point out how you do not pick a side and you simply sit on the fence. In fact that is rarely noble.

Then to brag about it and brow beat us on top of thinking that you are saying something original makes it worse.

When in the world have I ever insinuated that Pelosi & Cruz share the same ideology? They share the same behaviors, and I assume you know the difference. Right? Just as right wing partisan ideologues share the same behaviors as left wing partisan ideologues, and when I point that out, they all get VERY angry, because they hate being equated with those they loathe. Oh well.

And of course politicians lie, but it goes far beyond that. Politicians lie, partisans lie and pundits lie. All about issues that are critical to this country. They're a big part of the problem, because they control the conversation. If you're satisfied being part of the problem, if you have somehow convinced yourself that "your" ideology will one day "win", that's your call.


Ahhhh, they share different ideologies, but they share the same behavior?

Ok, Peyton Manning play for two different teams, but they share the same behavior.

Really, sort of a pointless statement. They are both in politics, so of course their "behavior" will be similar. However, it is not Ted Cruz that pushes the race card in order to extrapolate votes from the larger voting block. No, if he was going to do that, he would have the same rhetoric as Pelosi.

So, why don't you tell us your idea of a utopia. If you could blink your eyes, and have a perfect situation, what would that be?

Is there a such thing as a utopia out there? Is there a situation or a government that will be fair FOR EVERYONE? What is that?
Yes, the standard personal insults of partisan ideologues. Gosh, I'm in great pain now.

You folks (both ends, ouch) think that you have all the answers, that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong/stupid.

You talk yourselves into this lie and live it every day.

Then you get pissy when someone points it out, because you HATE being compared to/equated with those you so loathe.

Not my problem. Please put me on ignore before you have a freaking stroke.


Jesus H Christ, stop patting yourself on your back for pointing out that all politicians lie and acting like that is some original thought. Now, you keep on thinking Ted cruz and Pelosi share the same ideology.

That way you can keep on thinking how above all of the political fray you are. Not sure why come on a political board.

That is one of those little thorns that you need to perhaps deal with. Why, do you post of political boards if it is all bullshit?


Because I choose to.

If you want to treat politics like professional wrestling, by all means, run with it.


Because choose to do what? Come on here and continuously insinuate that Pelosi and Ted cruz share the same ideology? Tell us that all politicians lie?

One of those things you would be wrong about and the other is something we all know.

I mean say something that is enlightening. It is not always noble to point out how you do not pick a side and you simply sit on the fence. In fact that is rarely noble.

Then to brag about it and brow beat us on top of thinking that you are saying something original makes it worse.

When in the world have I ever insinuated that Pelosi & Cruz share the same ideology? They share the same behaviors, and I assume you know the difference. Right? Just as right wing partisan ideologues share the same behaviors as left wing partisan ideologues, and when I point that out, they all get VERY angry, because they hate being equated with those they loathe. Oh well.

And of course politicians lie, but it goes far beyond that. Politicians lie, partisans lie and pundits lie. All about issues that are critical to this country. They're a big part of the problem, because they control the conversation. If you're satisfied being part of the problem, if you have somehow convinced yourself that "your" ideology will one day "win", that's your call.


Ahhhh, they share different ideologies, but they share the same behavior?

Ok, Peyton Manning play for two different teams, but they share the same behavior.

Really, sort of a pointless statement. They are both in politics, so of course their "behavior" will be similar. However, it is not Ted Cruz that pushes the race card in order to extrapolate votes from the larger voting block. No, if he was going to do that, he would have the same rhetoric as Pelosi.

So, why don't you tell us your idea of a utopia. If you could blink your eyes, and have a perfect situation, what would that be?

Is there a such thing as a utopia out there? Is there a situation or a government that will be fair FOR EVERYONE? What is that?

So you don't see the distinction between ideology and behavior. Okay, I'll try again.

Pelosi is a liberal. Liberals have a fairly uniform and recognizable set of stands on issues. Cruz is a conservative. Conservatives have a fairly uniform and recognizable set of stands on issues. Those two sets are different right down the line for the most part. D-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t.

So far so good? I can provide examples if you require further clarification.

Regarding the behaviors of partisan ideologues - the way they act and the things they do as they promote and defend their ideologies - they are very similar. Partisan ideologues regularly utilize spin, deflection, distortion, hyperbole, straw men and denial as they promote and defend their ideologies. Now, I'm going to guess that you're going to deny that conservatives do that, but that's how the game is played, I know. Denial, see above.

So there is ideology and there is behavior. Two different things.

My perfect situation, my utopia? Hmm. I'll go with this: That partisan ideologues from both ends of the spectrum woke up one day realizing that the best, most effective and longest-lasting solutions can come from humble, honest, mature, sincere cooperation and collaboration; that the pundits on the teevee and radio are more interested in ratings than results, and that they get those ratings by keeping their flocks angry; that their ego is not as important as the country; and that perhaps it's time to act like reasonable adults for a change.

Will my utopia happen? Nope! But perhaps those of us trying to move the needle a notch or two in that direction will be successful to some degree.

Jesus H Christ, stop patting yourself on your back for pointing out that all politicians lie and acting like that is some original thought. Now, you keep on thinking Ted cruz and Pelosi share the same ideology.

That way you can keep on thinking how above all of the political fray you are. Not sure why come on a political board.

That is one of those little thorns that you need to perhaps deal with. Why, do you post of political boards if it is all bullshit?


Because I choose to.

If you want to treat politics like professional wrestling, by all means, run with it.


Because choose to do what? Come on here and continuously insinuate that Pelosi and Ted cruz share the same ideology? Tell us that all politicians lie?

One of those things you would be wrong about and the other is something we all know.

I mean say something that is enlightening. It is not always noble to point out how you do not pick a side and you simply sit on the fence. In fact that is rarely noble.

Then to brag about it and brow beat us on top of thinking that you are saying something original makes it worse.

When in the world have I ever insinuated that Pelosi & Cruz share the same ideology? They share the same behaviors, and I assume you know the difference. Right? Just as right wing partisan ideologues share the same behaviors as left wing partisan ideologues, and when I point that out, they all get VERY angry, because they hate being equated with those they loathe. Oh well.

And of course politicians lie, but it goes far beyond that. Politicians lie, partisans lie and pundits lie. All about issues that are critical to this country. They're a big part of the problem, because they control the conversation. If you're satisfied being part of the problem, if you have somehow convinced yourself that "your" ideology will one day "win", that's your call.


Ahhhh, they share different ideologies, but they share the same behavior?

Ok, Peyton Manning play for two different teams, but they share the same behavior.

Really, sort of a pointless statement. They are both in politics, so of course their "behavior" will be similar. However, it is not Ted Cruz that pushes the race card in order to extrapolate votes from the larger voting block. No, if he was going to do that, he would have the same rhetoric as Pelosi.

So, why don't you tell us your idea of a utopia. If you could blink your eyes, and have a perfect situation, what would that be?

Is there a such thing as a utopia out there? Is there a situation or a government that will be fair FOR EVERYONE? What is that?

So you don't see the distinction between ideology and behavior. Okay, I'll try again.

Pelosi is a liberal. Liberals have a fairly uniform and recognizable set of stands on issues. Cruz is a conservative. Conservatives have a fairly uniform and recognizable set of stands on issues. Those two sets are different right down the line for the most part. D-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t.

So far so good? I can provide examples if you require further clarification.

Regarding the behaviors of partisan ideologues - the way they act and the things they do as they promote and defend their ideologies - they are very similar. Partisan ideologues regularly utilize spin, deflection, distortion, hyperbole, straw men and denial as they promote and defend their ideologies. Now, I'm going to guess that you're going to deny that conservatives do that, but that's how the game is played, I know. Denial, see above.

So there is ideology and there is behavior. Two different things.

My perfect situation, my utopia? Hmm. I'll go with this: That partisan ideologues from both ends of the spectrum woke up one day realizing that the best, most effective and longest-lasting solutions can come from humble, honest, mature, sincere cooperation and collaboration; that the pundits on the teevee and radio are more interested in ratings than results, and that they get those ratings by keeping their flocks angry; that their ego is not as important as the country; and that perhaps it's time to act like reasonable adults for a change.

Will my utopia happen? Nope! But perhaps those of us trying to move the needle a notch or two in that direction will be successful to some degree.


Holy shit.
Isn't it kind of racist to assume that (lazy?) Black people are responsible for the republican victory in the mid-term elections?

The blacks that voted for Obama didn't show up. The under 30 crowd didn't show up either. Stupid fucks.

The two demographics which are the most ignorant about politics and how the world works didn't show up. Boo hoo. How, exactly, are matters improved when the ignorant vote? Right, they vote Democratic and stick us with the Communisty Organizer.

I have been laughing and telling all my friends the last few days how you guys are loving it that less people vote and you honestly think their votes would be ignorant / uninformed votes when clearly that's what every poor and middle class voter voting gop is doing.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.
Only 40% show up because they've watched Dumbocrats rig elections and engage in voter fraud for about 100 years now. What's the point of taking time out of your day to vote only to have a liberal-rigged machine switch your vote from Republican to Democrat?

The only two elections that seemed stolen were 2000 and 2004. Jeb Bush stole Florida in 2000 for GW and Ken Blackwell stole Ohio in 2004, dumbass.
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.

It is not understandable.

I can tell this is probably coming from a rich person who likes it that the masses don't vote. That's their narrative. "Oh why bother voting, their all the same" Meanwhile they're voting every 2 years because they know it matters.

How else can I tell you are rich? Who starts a sentence with "One hardly blame people...." You sound like Thurston Howell 3rd. Lovie, one knows not to mix the chardonee with the grey popoun and cavier.

Lets see the next midterm if the Republicans just sit it out because "it doesn't matter who wins". Bullshit! They know better.

You work in IT and you aren't rich?

Maybe you should figure out why.

First of all, I don't work in IT. Secondly, I know lots of IT guys who went from making $90K to now they make $50K. Is that rich?
Isn't it kind of racist to assume that (lazy?) Black people are responsible for the republican victory in the mid-term elections?

The blacks that voted for Obama didn't show up. The under 30 crowd didn't show up either. Stupid fucks.

The two demographics which are the most ignorant about politics and how the world works didn't show up. Boo hoo. How, exactly, are matters improved when the ignorant vote? Right, they vote Democratic and stick us with the Communisty Organizer.

I have been laughing and telling all my friends the last few days how you guys are loving it that less people vote and you honestly think their votes would be ignorant / uninformed votes when clearly that's what every poor and middle class voter voting gop is doing.

yeah sure you have. my gawd why are you here you think everyone is a nut job.
I doubt you have friends if you're as annoying to them as you are here
Isn't it kind of racist to assume that (lazy?) Black people are responsible for the republican victory in the mid-term elections?

The blacks that voted for Obama didn't show up. The under 30 crowd didn't show up either. Stupid fucks.

The two demographics which are the most ignorant about politics and how the world works didn't show up. Boo hoo. How, exactly, are matters improved when the ignorant vote? Right, they vote Democratic and stick us with the Communisty Organizer.

I have been laughing and telling all my friends the last few days how you guys are loving it that less people vote and you honestly think their votes would be ignorant / uninformed votes when clearly that's what every poor and middle class voter voting gop is doing.

OK Einstein, tell us why these intelligent and informed voters didn't vote. You can't have it both ways, or do you really imagine that intelligent and informed voters who care about the issues don't care to express themselves via voting.

Parsimony suggests that those voters who can't be bothered to vote are the uninformed and less intelligent.
Isn't it kind of racist to assume that (lazy?) Black people are responsible for the republican victory in the mid-term elections?

The blacks that voted for Obama didn't show up. The under 30 crowd didn't show up either. Stupid fucks.

The two demographics which are the most ignorant about politics and how the world works didn't show up. Boo hoo. How, exactly, are matters improved when the ignorant vote? Right, they vote Democratic and stick us with the Communisty Organizer.

I have been laughing and telling all my friends the last few days how you guys are loving it that less people vote and you honestly think their votes would be ignorant / uninformed votes when clearly that's what every poor and middle class voter voting gop is doing.

yeah sure you have. my gawd why are you here you think everyone is a nut job.
I doubt you have friends if you're as annoying to them as you are here

Well my Republican friends and Independent friends know not to get me started. Oh, and you seem like you'd be a big prude in the sack.
First of all, I don't work in IT. Secondly, I know lots of IT guys who went from making $90K to now they make $50K. Is that rich?
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?

Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.

It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
One hardly blame people for not wanting to vote considering both parties are absolute jokes. Their apathy is understandable when all you do is chase the devil out with Beelzebub.
If the parties were the same the libs wouldn't be so outraged all the time.
Which party stands against immigration reform. I mean, there are two positions to most issues, right - pro and con. The Democrats are very pro immigration reform. How about the Republican? Not the Republican voters, but the politicians, are they anti immigration reform?

Where is the party which favors mass deportations of illegal infiltrators?

Will you stop being a lemming? They got you chasing your tail fool. This is just like the drug war. The USA goes after the users but not the pushers. Who's the pusher in this situation? The business owners/companies/corporations that hire illegals. If they stopped hiring all the illegals would go home tomorrow. They use to go home every year after the migrant work was over. Now they stay. What changed? Their doing more than migrant work now. Dishwashers, cooks, maids, construction, landscaping, EVERYWHERE.

You ask which party is to blame? This all started on Reagans watch. And remember McCain said they were only doing "jobs Americans don't want"? Did you forget those days?

Who was in power before 2000? Clinton. Who was in power after 2000? Bush? Then explain this:

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

- See more at: Thom Hartmann - News info from the 1 progressive radio show News. Opinion. Debate
America has two signs on the border. A little one that reads stay out and a big one that says HELP WANTED!

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