People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

Yet you keep complaining.

Not to worry - I know my little attempts to shame people like you are not going to work 99.9% of the time. You're far too full of yourselves. But hey, that 0.1% is enough for me.

I'll just assume you'll whine whenever I point out the dishonesty of partisans and the damage it is causing. Okay.
You're the one complaining about partisanship, not me. But thanks for finally admitting your real purpose. You are trying to shame people for siding with an party and you think I'm full of myself? You must have gone to school in the short bus.
.It always cracks me up when partisans work themselves into a lather about the lie of this politician or the misdeed of that politician.

Most of the populace doesn't give a flying fuck, because they know that the political class and its flocks are, by and large, full of shit.

So you are nonpartisan if you fling poo in every direction? Good thinking.

The non-partisans piss me off too. They constantly have this condescension in their posts, as though not picking a side is the cool thing.

I hear you. I can understand how it seems like a cop out. But, as much as you see a difference between Democrats and Republicans, on the issues that matter most to me, they're carbon copies. The only thing they really disagree on is who should be in charge.

We get that all politicians lie, however there is a distinct difference between republicans and democrats. Especially if we are talking about the ideology of obama compared to Ted Cruz. Not one republican voted in favor of obamacare. Not one.

Perfect case point. Sure, none of them voted for it - they were pissed that Dems shut them out of the lobbying gravy train. But you watch what they do now that the have control of Congress. Watch how fast their enthusiasm for undoing ACA diminishes as they become its benefactors. And as that unfolds, remember why people like me don't give one rat's ass whether the crook in charge has a R or a D after his name.

I am sick and tired of these people that brag about being on the fence and act as though that is noble. Pick a fucking side, and defend that side. Then again, tell us how all politicians lie is something they thing we do not know for some reason.

I have picked my side. The Republicans and the Democrats aren't on my side.
Yet you keep complaining.

Not to worry - I know my little attempts to shame people like you are not going to work 99.9% of the time. You're far too full of yourselves. But hey, that 0.1% is enough for me.

I'll just assume you'll whine whenever I point out the dishonesty of partisans and the damage it is causing. Okay.
You're the one complaining about partisanship, not me. But thanks for finally admitting your real purpose. You are trying to shame people for siding with an party and you think I'm full of myself? You must have gone to school in the short bus.

Yes, the standard personal insults of partisan ideologues. Gosh, I'm in great pain now.

You folks (both ends, ouch) think that you have all the answers, that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong/stupid.

You talk yourselves into this lie and live it every day.

Then you get pissy when someone points it out, because you HATE being compared to/equated with those you so loathe.

Not my problem. Please put me on ignore before you have a freaking stroke.

Unless they hire Mexican electricians for $1.00 an hour

Ha! How out of touch can you get? It's not safe hiring non-state licensed electricians, granted, in fact it's illegal, but the Mexicans who come up around my neck of the woods are commercial electricians from the cities who know their stuff, who still command $160-$200 a day plus parts. $1 an hour? I'm laughing as I type this.
Yet you keep complaining.

Not to worry - I know my little attempts to shame people like you are not going to work 99.9% of the time. You're far too full of yourselves. But hey, that 0.1% is enough for me.

I'll just assume you'll whine whenever I point out the dishonesty of partisans and the damage it is causing. Okay.
You're the one complaining about partisanship, not me. But thanks for finally admitting your real purpose. You are trying to shame people for siding with an party and you think I'm full of myself? You must have gone to school in the short bus.

Yes, the standard personal insults of partisan ideologues. Gosh, I'm in great pain now.

You folks (both ends, ouch) think that you have all the answers, that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong/stupid.

You talk yourselves into this lie and live it every day.

Then you get pissy when someone points it out, because you HATE being compared to/equated with those you so loathe.

Not my problem. Please put me on ignore before you have a freaking stroke.


Jesus H Christ, stop patting yourself on your back for pointing out that all politicians lie and acting like that is some original thought. Now, you keep on thinking Ted cruz and Pelosi share the same ideology.

That way you can keep on thinking how above all of the political fray you are. Not sure why come on a political board.

That is one of those little thorns that you need to perhaps deal with. Why, do you post of political boards if it is all bullshit?

Why do you think those votes would automatically go the GOP? The Libertarian Party is made up of disgruntled voters from both parties. If you want my vote then you have to earn it. The GOP and the Democrats have failed to do so. This what happens when they continually ignore our concerns, we take our votes elsewhere. If your candidate was good they would win regardless of a 3rd party candidate.
You live in a bubble. many races are won by a slim margin. I never once heard of Libertarians spoiling it for a Democrat so they must be closer to Republicans. The Green party screwed the pooch years ago and they learned a lesson, better to influence a winning party from within rather than standing out in the cold looking in.

I agree with many Libertarian principles but their leaders are typically whack jobs like Ron Paul. But at least he smartened up and went Republican knowing he had no chance at all 3rd party.

No actually most elections are not decided by very slim margins. Gross gerrymandering as made most districts far too safe for one party or the other. Only 40 House races were competitive this time around. That's absurd. Again, those votes do belong to the GOP. They have to be earned.

Gerrymandering only affects one of three elected entities and it was completely irrelevant in the GOP taking the Senate this year.

Nice try.
Isn't it hilarious to hear a lib whine about losing the Senate because of Republican gerrymandering!!!!
Yet you keep complaining.

Not to worry - I know my little attempts to shame people like you are not going to work 99.9% of the time. You're far too full of yourselves. But hey, that 0.1% is enough for me.

I'll just assume you'll whine whenever I point out the dishonesty of partisans and the damage it is causing. Okay.
You're the one complaining about partisanship, not me. But thanks for finally admitting your real purpose. You are trying to shame people for siding with an party and you think I'm full of myself? You must have gone to school in the short bus.

Yes, the standard personal insults of partisan ideologues. Gosh, I'm in great pain now.

You folks (both ends, ouch) think that you have all the answers, that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong/stupid.

You talk yourselves into this lie and live it every day.

Then you get pissy when someone points it out, because you HATE being compared to/equated with those you so loathe.

Not my problem. Please put me on ignore before you have a freaking stroke.


Jesus H Christ, stop patting yourself on your back for pointing out that all politicians lie and acting like that is some original thought. Now, you keep on thinking Ted cruz and Pelosi share the same ideology.

That way you can keep on thinking how above all of the political fray you are. Not sure why come on a political board.

That is one of those little thorns that you need to perhaps deal with. Why, do you post of political boards if it is all bullshit?


Because I choose to.

If you want to treat politics like professional wrestling, by all means, run with it.

Yet you keep complaining.

Not to worry - I know my little attempts to shame people like you are not going to work 99.9% of the time. You're far too full of yourselves. But hey, that 0.1% is enough for me.

I'll just assume you'll whine whenever I point out the dishonesty of partisans and the damage it is causing. Okay.
You're the one complaining about partisanship, not me. But thanks for finally admitting your real purpose. You are trying to shame people for siding with an party and you think I'm full of myself? You must have gone to school in the short bus.

Yes, the standard personal insults of partisan ideologues. Gosh, I'm in great pain now.

You folks (both ends, ouch) think that you have all the answers, that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong/stupid.

You talk yourselves into this lie and live it every day.

Then you get pissy when someone points it out, because you HATE being compared to/equated with those you so loathe.

Not my problem. Please put me on ignore before you have a freaking stroke.


Jesus H Christ, stop patting yourself on your back for pointing out that all politicians lie and acting like that is some original thought. Now, you keep on thinking Ted cruz and Pelosi share the same ideology.

That way you can keep on thinking how above all of the political fray you are. Not sure why come on a political board.

That is one of those little thorns that you need to perhaps deal with. Why, do you post of political boards if it is all bullshit?


Because I choose to.

If you want to treat politics like professional wrestling, by all means, run with it.


Because choose to do what? Come on here and continuously insinuate that Pelosi and Ted cruz share the same ideology? Tell us that all politicians lie?

One of those things you would be wrong about and the other is something we all know.

I mean say something that is enlightening. It is not always noble to point out how you do not pick a side and you simply sit on the fence. In fact that is rarely noble.

Then to brag about it and brow beat us on top of thinking that you are saying something original makes it worse.
Yet you keep complaining.

Not to worry - I know my little attempts to shame people like you are not going to work 99.9% of the time. You're far too full of yourselves. But hey, that 0.1% is enough for me.

I'll just assume you'll whine whenever I point out the dishonesty of partisans and the damage it is causing. Okay.
You're the one complaining about partisanship, not me. But thanks for finally admitting your real purpose. You are trying to shame people for siding with an party and you think I'm full of myself? You must have gone to school in the short bus.

Yes, the standard personal insults of partisan ideologues. Gosh, I'm in great pain now.

You folks (both ends, ouch) think that you have all the answers, that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong/stupid.

You talk yourselves into this lie and live it every day.

Then you get pissy when someone points it out, because you HATE being compared to/equated with those you so loathe.

Not my problem. Please put me on ignore before you have a freaking stroke.

iceweasel has been a partisan hack fucktard for as long as he's been here unless I have him confused w/ someone else such as Theowl32 :thup: .

As to the OP, voting Dem or Repub makes you a willing accomplice.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

The government you turds keep voting for handed "the rich" the controls. To make matters look even worse for you ignorant Plebs, the "rich" are the very fucks you keep voting into office.

Congrats on being fuckin' morons.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

The government you turds keep voting for handed "the rich" the controls. To make matters look even worse for you ignorant Plebs, the "rich" are the very fucks you keep voting into office.

Congrats on being fuckin' morons.
^ that

Theres been a corporate coup d'état right under your noses people & you helped facilitate it :thup: Its over, :up: they've (groups like J.P.Morgan) won.
The government is the one who coup d'etat. They did so against the people and it happened decades ago. I'd say as far back as 1860.
But tell me more how people who wont vote in this circus of deceit and lies are the problem.

Plebs. They come by the barrel load. Like monkeys.
Yes, the standard personal insults of partisan ideologues. Gosh, I'm in great pain now.

You folks (both ends, ouch) think that you have all the answers, that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong/stupid.

You talk yourselves into this lie and live it every day.

Then you get pissy when someone points it out, because you HATE being compared to/equated with those you so loathe.

Not my problem. Please put me on ignore before you have a freaking stroke.
You have no power to make me mad, loathe, pissy, etc. I'm making fun of you because you're a hypocritical know nothing whiner.
I'm sorry, but I can't believe the OP is an adult of legal age to vote. At least I hope NOT

Who’s the Party of One-Percenters?
November 7, 2014 By Steve Berman Leave a Comment

Democrats love to dog-whistle how the Republicans are the party of the one-percenters. Projection of your own agenda onto others is the hallmark of an insecure soul; the false bravado, nervous laughter and deflecting conversation—“this is just a normal midterm swing”—marks the Democrats stunned awakening to truth. Yeah, a midterm swing. Democrats, just keep on saying that, and maybe even you’ll believe it.
The one-percenter accusation applies all right, but not to the Republicans. It’s the Democrats who have been co-opted by the far-Left fringe promoting the one-percent. Look at all the battles we conservatives have been fighting for years: abortion, the wicked stepchild of feminism and eugenics, whose real father is racism, benefits maybe 30,000* people who work in the baby-killing industry. That’s .007% of the U.S., about the population of Fairbanks, Alaska. Gays and Lesbians—LGBT—are 1.7%; throw in bisexuals and it’s still under 4%, or the population of Colorado plus Minnesota.
The poor, misunderstood Muslim population (didn’t you know that “Islam has always been a part of America’s story” as President Obama claimed?) is about the population of Nebraska, and all of America’s Atheists would fill up Alabama. What a blessed irony there. Atheists make up the core of the Democrats. Remember who booed reinstating God into the Democrats’ platform? That was 5,600 delegates to the Democratic National Convention in 2012; the party faithful are a pretty faithless bunch.
The true one-percenters, the rich, have such a distorted image, but liberals raise plenty of money from them, for hating them so much** (Ultra-rich liberals outspend conservatives 5 to 1). In any case, all the millionaires and super rich ($5 million+) would fill up North Carolina and New Hampshire, respectively. We’ll throw them in. And the true one-percenters make up about the population of Nevada. They can play too. The truly ultra rich would populate Guam, which I didn’t include on the map, since Guam went Republican last Tuesday.
Here’s the map.

ALL of it here:
Who s the Party of One-Percenters - Charting Course
"Rich people"? You mean the '1%'?
So 1% of the population turned out to vote BECAUSE THEY FUCKING INTELLIGENT! and it was 'the rich' who caused the repudiation of everything BOBO and his merry band of socialists stand for?
Some of you need to get your heads out of BOBO's ass finally.
Had BOBO's policies been popular his 'base' would have turned out to ensure the policies stayed in place.
Not even his biggest voting block, the negroes could be bothered to vote.
If BOBO tries to ram through his illegal immigration bill he will be impeached. He will spend the last two years of his abysmal presidency taking daily meetings with his team of lawyers attempting not to be impeached.
Meanwhile the country has the same problem: No one at the helm.
No actually most elections are not decided by very slim margins. Gross gerrymandering as made most districts far too safe for one party or the other. Only 40 House races were competitive this time around. That's absurd. Again, those votes do belong to the GOP. They have to be earned.
I didn't say most elections are decided by slim margins. You can't read. There was a big shift and you think it happened because the Democrats in power redrew the lines to favor Republicans. That's a special kind of stupid.

You'll notice that I haven't once thrown any snark at you when I've have addressed your posts and it would nice if you extended me the same courtesy. And yes, you did say races are decided by slim margins and I pointed out that due to gerrymandering that only a small handful of House races are competitive. In 2010 there was a windfall of Republicans elected at the state level and they redrew the districts to give the party many safe districts. My state was one of them in fact. F or ages now I have been gassing on about the grossly partisan redistricting done by both parties. Pretending that gerrymandering doesn't make House races less competitive and only buttresses incumbency is just silly.
You'll notice that I haven't once thrown any snark at you when I've have addressed your posts and it would nice if you extended me the same courtesy. And yes, you did say races are decided by slim margins and I pointed out that due to gerrymandering that only a small handful of House races are competitive. In 2010 there was a windfall of Republicans elected at the state level and they redrew the districts to give the party many safe districts. My state was one of them in fact. F or ages now I have been gassing on about the grossly partisan redistricting done by both parties. Pretending that gerrymandering doesn't make House races less competitive and only buttresses incumbency is just silly.
You misrepresented what I said, that's an insult. I said some races are decided by slim margins and 3rd party candidates can make the difference. That's a fact. Redistricting can't explain the election results, it's impossible. But it sounds like the conspiracy crap we get from 3rd party types.

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