People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

Isn't it kind of racist to assume that (lazy?) Black people are responsible for the republican victory in the mid-term elections?

The blacks that voted for Obama didn't show up. The under 30 crowd didn't show up either. Stupid fucks.

The two demographics which are the most ignorant about politics and how the world works didn't show up. Boo hoo. How, exactly, are matters improved when the ignorant vote? Right, they vote Democratic and stick us with the Communisty Organizer.

I have been laughing and telling all my friends the last few days how you guys are loving it that less people vote and you honestly think their votes would be ignorant / uninformed votes when clearly that's what every poor and middle class voter voting gop is doing.

OK Einstein, tell us why these intelligent and informed voters didn't vote. You can't have it both ways, or do you really imagine that intelligent and informed voters who care about the issues don't care to express themselves via voting.

Parsimony suggests that those voters who can't be bothered to vote are the uninformed and less intelligent.

They aren't any more or less intelligent than you. You rightys are amazingly arrogant. Suggesting that it's ok they don't vote because they don't know what they are doing anyways. I guess you think that of us lefties too, right? So basically only YOU have it right?

And most of you aren't even rich enough to benefit from being GOP, but you WANT to be one of them. Maybe on some social issues you're one of them and maybe your father has money, but you are a middle class idiot voting against your own financial well being voting GOP. You just don't know it.

So I'm ok with people showing up and going with their gut. Or flipping a coin. Look at you. You get to vote even though you vote wrong. And when I say wrong I mean for you financially. If you were rich that would be different.

And if you are rich, we understand why you don't want the poor voting, or why you think "they get it wrong", because they get it wrong FOR YOU! There are more of them/us than you. When they don't vote, we/I lose and you win. Only realize when I say you I don't mean YOU I mean your side because you are basically a happy house slave.
People don't vote for a variety of reasons.

They don't know anything about the candidates or issues and don't want to know.
They are angry at their party. They won't vote for the opposition and won't vote for their own to punish them.
They are drunk or drugged out and forgot.
They don't care who is in charge.
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.
Isn't it kind of racist to assume that (lazy?) Black people are responsible for the republican victory in the mid-term elections?

The blacks that voted for Obama didn't show up. The under 30 crowd didn't show up either. Stupid fucks.

The two demographics which are the most ignorant about politics and how the world works didn't show up. Boo hoo. How, exactly, are matters improved when the ignorant vote? Right, they vote Democratic and stick us with the Communisty Organizer.

I have been laughing and telling all my friends the last few days how you guys are loving it that less people vote and you honestly think their votes would be ignorant / uninformed votes when clearly that's what every poor and middle class voter voting gop is doing.

OK Einstein, tell us why these intelligent and informed voters didn't vote. You can't have it both ways, or do you really imagine that intelligent and informed voters who care about the issues don't care to express themselves via voting.

Parsimony suggests that those voters who can't be bothered to vote are the uninformed and less intelligent.

Yes Independent Swing Voters Are Real. And May Decide Who Wins Elections - The Daily Beast
So I'm ok with people showing up and going with their gut. Or flipping a coin. Look at you. You get to vote even though you vote wrong. And when I say wrong I mean for you financially. If you were rich that would be different.

And if you are rich, we understand why you don't want the poor voting, or why you think "they get it wrong", because they get it wrong FOR YOU! There are more of them/us than you. When they don't vote, we/I lose and you win. Only realize when I say you I don't mean YOU I mean your side because you are basically a happy house slave.
...because voting Dummycrat has worked wonders for the economy? You are clueless on steroids.
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want
So I'm ok with people showing up and going with their gut. Or flipping a coin. Look at you. You get to vote even though you vote wrong. And when I say wrong I mean for you financially. If you were rich that would be different.

And if you are rich, we understand why you don't want the poor voting, or why you think "they get it wrong", because they get it wrong FOR YOU! There are more of them/us than you. When they don't vote, we/I lose and you win. Only realize when I say you I don't mean YOU I mean your side because you are basically a happy house slave.
...because voting Dummycrat has worked wonders for the economy? You are clueless on steroids.

No, you have a horrible memory. Just remember what Bush and the Tom Delay Government gave us. The fucking 2007 Great Recession. In fact we were in a recession long before 2007. But you have to go 4 months of losses to be in an official recession so anytime Bush was going to be in that situation, he sent us all $300 and it saved his ass for the time being. But remember that was just a loan from China. He was just giving us a loan, putting it on the debt and shifting the tax burden from the rich and more onto us.

By the way, what has been so bad with the Democrats in power? Have you checked the economy? Obama has COMPLETELY gotten us out of Bush's mess. Thank you Obama.

Why didn't 60% of the poor and middle class voters show up? They aren't feeling the recovery.

If you are complaining maybe you need to go back to school, get a different job or start a company.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

Don't expect the "Liberal" media to point this hypocrisy out.
You guys protect us from evil commies though. We want to be Canada to you. You fight evil and we just have a great country with free healthcare and a small army.
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.
To be honest, I would love to split up the country and go our separate ways too.
The libs have been working hard to split it up. Rich against poor, black against white, woman against man, religious against atheist, gay against straight, whatever they think will give them more power.
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
No, not rich but in good company. In this economy about 70% are making 50k or less. Is it still Bush's fault?
Sure is. Oh and you should know when we say Bush we actually mean the GOP because there isn't a lick a bit of difference between McCain, Romney, Jeb, Palin, Cain, Bachman, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Christy or Bobbi Jindal.
LOL. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you couldn't cut it in a tech field.
It's actually up to your boys to prove me wrong. They have two years. So far they have acted appropriately as far as I can tell. They are meeting/talking with the president, giving him what he needs to fight ISIS. Lets see what the House does next. Are they going to start impeachment hearings? Then fuck you all. See you in 2016 Hillary baby! She'll beat anyone you got.

I hope they try to ban abortion.
Hillary can't beat Bill's dick. Congress absolutely needs to start corruption hearings though, impeachment won't do squat, no need to go there.

Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

progressives REGRESSING AGAIN as usual. you on the left/progressives/dems, have NOTHING but hate in your blood
To be honest, I would love to split up the country and go our separate ways too.
The libs have been working hard to split it up. Rich against poor, black against white, woman against man, religious against atheist, gay against straight, whatever they think will give them more power.

It is the GOP that uses these wedge issues to divide the masses stupid. This is how the rich con poor and middle class people into going along with their financial policies that only benefit the rich. They use god, gays and guns.

Us Liberals would much rather focus on the economy and stop talking about abortion.

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