People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

No idea, you seem to have more working knowledge of Marxist websites than me.
I see, you just repeat the trickle down talk then. I'll put my money on trickle down economics instead of trickle up.

Show us where trickle down worked since Reagan babbled that in 1980 and then opened the doors for job outsourcing overseas. By 2004 only 5% of the clothes we wear were being made in the U.S.A., for starters.

You know, the lack of hard references for theories on here is outrageous. Just what the GOP ordered, though. They like ya' dumb.
people that vote for power and money hungry people only out for themselves are the problem. time for a true vote as referendums on everything. fingerprint phone technology or just in the street yas and nays
No idea, you seem to have more working knowledge of Marxist websites than me.
I see, you just repeat the trickle down talk then. I'll put my money on trickle down economics instead of trickle up.


Was the economy better 500 years ago when trickle down was the main stay of European society or better now when trickle up is far more prevalent?
trickle down is so funny but it hurts so when we laugh.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

I can't agree with you more.

Add to that all the schemes the gop has put in place to prevent and discourage certain people from voting.

If all the people in America voted we would have a very different world and nation.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

I can't agree with you more.

Add to that all the schemes the gop has put in place to prevent and discourage certain people from voting.

If all the people in America voted we would have a very different world and nation.
ditto on the agree. do you see the power lust in the politicians eyes? they don't want to save us but enslave us and they are doing a fine job as we enslave each other.
Isn't it kind of racist to assume that (lazy?) Black people are responsible for the republican victory in the mid-term elections?

The blacks that voted for Obama didn't show up. The under 30 crowd didn't show up either. Stupid fucks.

The two demographics which are the most ignorant about politics and how the world works didn't show up. Boo hoo. How, exactly, are matters improved when the ignorant vote? Right, they vote Democratic and stick us with the Communisty Organizer.

I have been laughing and telling all my friends the last few days how you guys are loving it that less people vote and you honestly think their votes would be ignorant / uninformed votes when clearly that's what every poor and middle class voter voting gop is doing.
Your contempt for those that excerises their right to vote is telling.
liberals are such deranged losers. GOP tactics. love it. They "intimidated" people from voting.

Their salty tears are so tasty. Hey, use another analogy. Trickle up? Isn't that physically impossible? Things that trickle up are called eruptions , or geisers.

Fucking liberal losers.
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If you really think either party as our best interest at heart then you are living in fantasy world. The two party system has brought us nothing but crushing debt, endless wars, rampant corruption, and crony capitalism. So yes, one can understand why more folks aren't rushing off to the polls.
Yes because Europe's multi-party system is so much better. :rolleyes-41:

That isn't what I am claiming. What we need is a viable third party filled with level headed centrists that actually want smaller government and fiscal sanity. Let the blind partisans have their Democratic and Republican parties. Two peas in a horrible horrible pod.
Even that doesn't work because those that want smaller government never seem to want to cut the programs that they like, they just want to cut programs that other people like and in the end there is no program which the majority is willing to cut.

Until people abandon the notion of "what government can do for me" and willingly step forward to take a hit on their own favored government spending, the system is on auto-pilot at best and steered by politicians divorced from the people at worst.

What we really need is a dictator to impose cuts on nation, someone immune from the wailing and hair pulling which will result as spending junkies are denied their fix of government spending. A regular politician is not immune from such angst and so he does what is expedient for HIS SURVIVAL and not what is in the best long term interests of the entire nation.

It isn't going to be easy. Nothing worth fighting for ever is though. Their should be no sacred cows when trimming our budget, all areas must be cut. The problem is petty partisan politics. When the GOP suggests cuts for the social safety net they get accused of hating the poor, when the Democrats suggest cuts to the defense budget they get accused of gutting military. It's nonsense and therefore nothing gets done. Frustrating to say the least.

There is also adding revenue.

When Nancy Peolosi was Speaker of the House, she got many bills that would repeal tax cuts for big business, wall street and the rich.

When they got to the Senate, the republicans filibustered them and killed the bills.

One bill that would have helped workers was a repeal of tax breaks for companies who ship our jobs overseas. Something that most Americans agree with and wanted. When it got to the Senate the republicans promptly filibustered it. Another bill removed the subsidies to oil companies. The republicans filibustered it when it got to the Senate.

If loopholes were closed so that big business, wall street and the rich paid their share, or in come cases any taxes, we could balanced the budget without cutting the social safety net or military. There's a very long list of businesses that didn't pay one penny in taxes. Some not only didn't pay anything but even got huge rebates in the millions. While the rest of us paid our fair share.

Agribusiness doesn't need any money. The oil companies don't need money. There's a long list of companies that get big tax cuts or subsidies that don't need the money. Those who make their money off investments should be paying at least the same rates everyone else does if not higher. Work should be valued more than investment. As a result people like paris hilton get to party all the time and just walk to the mailbox for their statement pay only a small fraction while the rest of us pay much higher portion of our wages. Wages we actually went to work for. There's something wrong when a rich person like mitt romney only pays 14% in taxes while the rest of us pay anywhere from 20% and up.
One bill that would have helped workers was a repeal of tax breaks for companies who ship our jobs overseas.
Which tax breaks are those? never heard of it.
There's a very long list of businesses that didn't pay one penny in taxes. Some not only didn't pay anything but even got huge rebates in the millions. While the rest of us paid our fair share..
You mean like GE, big time supporter and friend to obama.
Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

progressives REGRESSING AGAIN as usual. you on the left/progressives/dems, have NOTHING but hate in your blood

We only hate the extreme right.

read and weep you LOSERS cult members of the Democrat party:

WaPo factchecks Obama on ObamaCare, election message in post-midterm presser
posted at 6:41 pm on November 7, 2014 by Ed Morrissey
This hasn’t exactly been a banner week for Democrats, but especially so for Barack Obama. The Washington Post corrected him twice this week on claims made by the President’s denial of reality in his post-election press conference, the first time in a formal fact-check from Glenn Kessler. Obama tried arguing that the election results didn’t really reflect on ObamaCare despite the success of Republicans in defeating Democrats who supported it — or even those who refused to answer the question — because ObamaCare has reduced the costs of health care in every year since its passage. That assumes facts not in evidence in terms of causal relationship, Kessler notes, and isn’t true on the facts anyway:
In fact, despite the president’s claim of a decrease of every year, the White House’s own chart shows that the 2013 estimate represents a slight uptick from 2012, when adjusted for inflation and population. As the White House report puts it, “the three years since 2010 will have recorded the three slowest health-care spending growth rates since record keeping began in 1960.” That is impressive, but it is not the same as health costs going down “every single year” since the law was passed in 2010. …
There is no dispute that health care spending is growing at its lowest level since the 1960s, but the impact of the Affordable Care Act is still uncertain. The White House has issued reports making its case, which have beendisputed by others. There are certainly some cost-controls contained in the law, but it remains unclear whether those measures have really had that much impact, especially because the Great Recession clearly had affected health-care inflation even before the law was implemented. Just as growth in health-care costs have slowed because the 2009 economic crisis, so has economic growth and general price inflation overall.
When making a claim like this, the president needs to get his statistics right. He is trying to say that Obamacare is responsible for the slowdown in health-care costs, without directly saying so. But he should acknowledge that although the overall trend is positive, the impact of his health-care law remains unclear. Uttering this claim without any caveats is going too far, even when making allowances for the fact he is speaking extemporaneously. The president earns Three Pinocchios.
It’s not the first Pinocchios Obama has earned from ObamaCare. He got saddled with the Lie of the Year in 2013 from Politifact, after the rollout of the program demonstrated that millions of people could not in fact keep their plans if they liked them. Kessler has handed them out repeatedly to Obama and Democrats on this issue. These are just since the rollout last October:

ALL of it here:
WaPo factchecks Obama on ObamaCare election message in post-midterm presser Hot Air

What's funny is that although Democrats aren't popular rig
What possible reason would we have to want to divide the poor with wedge issues like abortion, guns and racism? It is the rich that con you suckers into voting against your own financial interests over these issues. Without them, why would you vote for the party that only seems to care about the rich?

Trickle down never worked.
Trickle down always works. Rich people buy shit. Same with medium rich, mildly rich, well off, doing OK, could be doing better, I'm scraping all goes somewhere and people need to provide the goods and services.

Well of course trickle down works that way stupid. However, it doesn't work the way the GOP implement it where they give the rich all the money and expect it's going to trickle down ENOUGH that the economy works.

For awhile BMW sales were up, Yacht sales were up, mansion sales were up, but eventually the rich stop buying and they just sit on their money.

Middle first works. Give the middle class enough money and that not only trickles down but also up. Because when we have money, that means the rich business owners are making sales and profits and so they hire more staff to keep up with the demand.

You need the masses to have money. If we don't have enough $ then the economy drags.

The rich aren't going to make this holiday season a success, we are. If we don't spend, xmas sales will not be good.
Thankfully the MAJORITY of the people woke up to the Obama and his party of comrades who wanted to Transform us into something else.

They voted TO PUT A STOP this

bravo for the people:clap2:

No they didn't stupid. The MAJORIY DIDN'T even vote. Only 40% voted. So you are either a liar or stupid or a stupid liar.

So don't act like the people showed up to vote for the GOP way. Republican voters all showed up sure. We know what they/you want. But don't act like you have a mandate because you don't. And we have the veto pen so eat a dick.
Booboo is throwing a tantrum this morning. Must have sobered up.

I heard withdrawal is hell.

I'm not 1/10th as mad as I was when Bush stole the 2000 and 2004 elections. At least we control the White House. That's HUGE! and you guys know it.
When you see this,you know your dealing with an idiot party hack,still stuck on stupid.
The Dems had their collective ass's handed once again to them,yet still ??!!!

Just like we did in 2010 because people don't vote in midterms. But what happened to your side in 2008 and 2012 when people showed up to vote? Exactly. No wonder you guys want less people voting not more.
No idea, you seem to have more working knowledge of Marxist websites than me.
I see, you just repeat the trickle down talk then. I'll put my money on trickle down economics instead of trickle up.

Then you would lose your money. The 90's were a perfect example of trickle up. Unemployment was low, wages were up, profits were up and the economy was booming.

Bush tried trickle down and it didn't work. Remember his 2007 Great Recession? Don't forget if he didn't send us those $300 checks to help spin the economy, Bush would have been in a 8 year recession. Those tax breaks to the rich that were supposed to be temporary never worked.

In fact you can't show us one time in world history where trickle down has worked. Why? Because it has never worked.

Trickle-Down Economics Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn t Work United for a Fair Economy
Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.
Perfect example of the right reaching across the isle trying to 'work with" us Democrats. God I hate you people.

get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

progressives REGRESSING AGAIN as usual. you on the left/progressives/dems, have NOTHING but hate in your blood

We only hate the extreme right.

You hate everyone who doesn't BOW to your fascism and cant' stand the fact YOU JUST LOST CONTROL OF your POWER.

You have black hearts and souls if you even have a soul

You sound very evil and angry. I would guess it is your soul that is very angry and mean and selfish and ignorant.

Also, learn the definition of Fascism stupid. Your party is a fascist party.

Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
get a CLUE. we aren't going to WORK with you or your elected asses. You aren't in position to DEMAND anything. but cry about it all you want

I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

progressives REGRESSING AGAIN as usual. you on the left/progressives/dems, have NOTHING but hate in your blood

We only hate the extreme right.

You hate everyone who doesn't BOW to your fascism and cant' stand the fact YOU JUST LOST CONTROL OF your POWER.

You have black hearts and souls if you even have a soul

You sound very evil and angry. I would guess it is your soul that is very angry and mean and selfish and ignorant.

Also, learn the definition of Fascism stupid. Your party is a fascist party.

Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

I can't agree with you more.

Add to that all the schemes the gop has put in place to prevent and discourage certain people from voting.

If all the people in America voted we would have a very different world and nation.

Schemes? What schemes?
What possible reason would we have to want to divide the poor with wedge issues like abortion, guns and racism? It is the rich that con you suckers into voting against your own financial interests over these issues. Without them, why would you vote for the party that only seems to care about the rich?

Trickle down never worked.
Trickle down always works. Rich people buy shit. Same with medium rich, mildly rich, well off, doing OK, could be doing better, I'm scraping all goes somewhere and people need to provide the goods and services.

the poor Sealyboob is a compete brainwashed sheep/tool of the Democrat party. Regurgitates nothing but the DNC party talking points and finds no shame in doing it.

sad and pathetic

Stephanie is a compete brainwashed sheep/tool of the GOP. Regurgitates nothing but the GOP party talking points and finds no shame in doing it.

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